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normies are all pussies (+chadcel vent)



May 21, 2020
When it comes to dating and women. This is something I have been noticing, especially among my friends

sure, they aren't the best looking guys out there but not like they are exactly incels, one of them even constantly have some (possibly ugly but whatever) girls hooking up with him, but every time they have to do something or take some action irl when it comes to girls they shit their pants and give up.

these guys will insist with me to go out with them to clubs and bars to get girls but when shit gets real they pussy out. Funny that I, who is supposed to be the high inhib, borderline autistic guy, am the one with the balls to go there and make shit happen.

Idk if that's because I'm kinda used to rejections, but ofc when I say "okay let's go talk to them" they freak out and starts to make excuses to avoid doing it, one time this friend of mine called me to this nightlife hotspot nearby and when I said that he literally said "no man im too scared, I'd rather stick with instagram"

not a brag thread (not like I got a girl or anything) but that shit happened yesterday again and I get pissed with this, why even go out with this intent and even call me if you're going to be a pussy anyways?

So that's it, nowadays most normies, especially zoomers are huge pussies who only meet people through social media and can't fathom talking to women irl so based incel has to shamefully school them :chad::banhammer:
chad aint shy
op coping so hard
muh talk to women bro,lol
you have to try with girls, I've tried a lot but always been rejected, but you have to try sometimes, because if you don't try you are a volcel
If you aren't bothered by rejection, there's something wrong with you. It's a useful malfunction in your brain, but a malfunction none the less.
There is a strong element of cringe in approaching foids IRL, though. When you know that you aren't attractive, when you know that you have not received sexual invitation signals ("IOIs"), going up to a foid and chatting her up at random, without any real justification other than that you are hitting on her, feels awkward and uncomfortable. You can still do it like the curries with zero self-awareness who at 5'2" and balding approach 9/10 Stacies and ask them to reveal their bob and vagene, but since you aren't actually lacking in self-awareness, since you know the outcome beforehand, why even bother? For foids to respond positively to you, you need to be attractive, and as you already know that you aren't, all you'll inevitably end up with is greater heartache than before approaching.

Now, if a girl is already giving you IOIs, that is something else, and you really should not pussy out, because that would be missing a chance to ascend. Maybe I should go to some club (with my imaginary friends) and see if I get any IOIs from any foid.
you have to try with girls, I've tried a lot but always been rejected, but you have to try sometimes, because if you don't try you are a volcel
yeah I'm always trying but it boggles my mind how people who are technically normal (average to above average looking, no autism, low inhib) can be such pussies when it comes to the things they should be doing if they want girls so badly.
There is a strong element of cringe in approaching foids IRL, though. When you know that you aren't attractive, when you know that you have not received sexual invitation signals ("IOIs"), going up to a foid and chatting her up at random, without any real justification other than that you are hitting on her, feels awkward and uncomfortable. You can still do it like the curries with zero self-awareness who at 5'2" and balding approach 9/10 Stacies and ask them to reveal their bob and vagene, but since you aren't actually lacking in self-awareness, since you know the outcome beforehand, why even bother? For foids to respond positively to you, you need to be attractive, and as you already know that you aren't, all you'll inevitably end up with is greater heartache than before approaching.

Now, if a girl is already giving you IOIs, that is something else, and you really should not pussy out, because that would be missing a chance to ascend. Maybe I should go to some club (with my imaginary friends) and see if I get any IOIs from any foid.
wtf is an ioi it is not somethign i have experienced with, but really am so blackpilled i think if i did i wouldnt believe it.
If you aren't bothered by rejection, there's something wrong with you. It's a useful malfunction in your brain, but a malfunction none the less.
I'm definitely bothered but come on, some stranger girl saying "no thanks" or "I have a boyfriend" or giving some fake number is barely a rejection, I'm used to these ones.

There is a strong element of cringe in approaching foids IRL, though. When you know that you aren't attractive, when you know that you have not received sexual invitation signals ("IOIs"), going up to a foid and chatting her up at random, without any real justification other than that you are hitting on her, feels awkward and uncomfortable. You can still do it like the curries with zero self-awareness who at 5'2" and balding approach 9/10 Stacies and ask them to reveal their bob and vagene, but since you aren't actually lacking in self-awareness, since you know the outcome beforehand, why even bother? For foids to respond positively to you, you need to be attractive, and as you already know that you aren't, all you'll inevitably end up with is greater heartache than before approaching.

Now, if a girl is already giving you IOIs, that is something else, and you really should not pussy out, because that would be missing a chance to ascend. Maybe I should go to some club (with my imaginary friends) and see if I get any IOIs from any foid.
I feel like they pussy out even more when they are getting the IOIs lol

I mean, in clubs and places like that where is socially "acceptable" to hit on girls they should just go for it. And that's valid for us as well, or some of us.

This guy I mentioned he told me he will text hundreds of girls on instagram to see if one will go out with him, which in my book seems even creepier (the times I tried that I not only got ignored and felt like shit but sometimes I'd even get cussed at by some cunt which is worse) irl I never really got this kind of rejections, you know women (literally) don't have the balls to say these things irl)
wtf is an ioi it is not somethign i have experienced with, but really am so blackpilled i think if i did i wouldnt believe it.
An "indicator of interest," e.g. when a girl is about to leave the room you are sitting in and go to another room, and just before doing that, she lingers while looking at you and smiling at you, coyly revealing some suppressed sexual desire.

Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait, you've never experienced that?

What are you, some kind of incel? GTFO from chads.is, man. This is not the place for you; we 6'5"ers all get a minimum of 800 IOIs per day.
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Most men are afraid of asking out women tbh even chads are.
An "indicator of interest," e.g. when a girl is about to leave the room you are sitting in and go to another room, and just before doing that, she lingers while looking at you and smiling at you, coyly revealing some suppressed sexual desire.

Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait, you've never experienced that?

What are you, some kind of incel? GTFO from chads.is, man. This is not the place for you; we 6'5"ers all get a minimum of 800 IOIs per day.
Am very glad I have conserved my energy time and effort and not exerted it on futile activities that provide no benefit whatsoever.
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When it comes to dating and women. This is something I have been noticing, especially among my friends

sure, they aren't the best looking guys out there but not like they are exactly incels, one of them even constantly have some (possibly ugly but whatever) girls hooking up with him, but every time they have to do something or take some action irl when it comes to girls they shit their pants and give up.

these guys will insist with me to go out with them to clubs and bars to get girls but when shit gets real they pussy out. Funny that I, who is supposed to be the high inhib, borderline autistic guy, am the one with the balls to go there and make shit happen.

Idk if that's because I'm kinda used to rejections, but ofc when I say "okay let's go talk to them" they freak out and starts to make excuses to avoid doing it, one time this friend of mine called me to this nightlife hotspot nearby and when I said that he literally said "no man im too scared, I'd rather stick with instagram"

not a brag thread (not like I got a girl or anything) but that shit happened yesterday again and I get pissed with this, why even go out with this intent and even call me if you're going to be a pussy anyways?

So that's it, nowadays most normies, especially zoomers are huge pussies who only meet people through social media and can't fathom talking to women irl so based incel has to shamefully school them :chad::banhammer:
I have to agree 100%. Whenever I'm hanging out with NT's. I'm always the low inhib one because I have nothing to lose. These guys desperately try to protect their social status and reputation by not doing anything stupid. So they can't enjoy life without taking into account how people see them.

It's always me and the chad of the group that do batcrazy low inhib shit.

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