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Normies admit that not being able to date stunts emotional growth



Living girl repellent
Nov 8, 2017

"This. I will never understand fathers who try to prevent their daughters from dating and eventually having sex. It's a part of life. Denying this stunts emotional growth and hinders the ability to spot red-flags in potential partners."

If your dad not allowing you to date and have sex as a teen is SUCH an awful thing that made you unable to mature, how the fuck do you think we feel?
What have you to say about this, fucktears? One one hand you say that this is important (mostly when it applies to females it seems) yet it's "no big deal and people don't date in high school" as far as we're concerned.

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They are full of contradictions.
They are full of contradictions.
Exactly, they constantly change their viewpoint.
In one thread, they even admitted that the halo effect is real and that's it's easier to be a charismatic person when people like you in the first place.
Brutal blackpill, just goes to show how empty normie platitudes and copes really are.
This has been confirmed by clinical psychologists for a long time.
But it's not cucktears saying that, it's askreddit

I know you hate them, but making shit up about them is just dumb
But it's not cucktears saying that, it's askreddit

I know you hate them, but making shit up about them is just dumb
Normies generally say things like that, cucktears included.
This has been confirmed by clinical psychologists for a long time.
Exactly, it's been proven that a lack of relationships causes you to DIE earlier and that things such as holding hands with your SO increase your physical health.
"B-but being incel won't kill you!!"
Exactly, it's been proven that a lack of relationships causes you to DIE earlier and that things such as holding hands with your SO increase your physical health.
"B-but being incel won't kill you!!"

This is known science. There's no good reason for other groups to deny this.
Society which shuns us have blood on their hands.
dont be naive, askreddit normies would agree with 99% of the material in inceltears. OP has a point, Normies would always go "women and relationships arent even a big deal, if you cant get women no biggie" to incels. but NO sex having normie could ever go years solo. and that reddit post is very true. Being incel DOES stunt ur emotional growth.

That's why I hate being ugly much much more than being "virgin truecel" at age 27. You can't compeletely grow to ur fullest potential if you never got any validation, couldn't grow emotionally.

I am not the man I could be because of my looks.
In my experience IT normies have stopped denying importance of dating/sex and would agree with growth stunt etc. but say if you don't get to experience it then just tough shit

they actually can be fucking heartless

in many ways actually they are more blackpilled than we are
piss off, you dont even know what blackpill is. being a cunt isnt blackpill. IT is bluepilled to bone. thats why all they have to say is "my ugly friend had a gf, incel personlity suck thats why they are incel xDDDDD"

You need to go back to inceltears.


yeh ok. You keep being narrow minded, see how that works out for ya

yeh ok. You keep being narrow minded, see how that works out for ya

Well if you're going to make a bold claim like "In some ways they can be more blackpilled than us" you should probably go into detail about what ways those are.

You can't just leave that type of proposition out there without any support.
Well if you're going to make a bold claim like "In some ways they can be more blackpilled than us" you should probably go into detail about what ways those are.

You can't just leave that type of proposition out there without any support.
I pretty much did in my post
In my experience IT normies have stopped denying importance of dating/sex and would agree with growth stunt etc. but say if you don't get to experience it then just tough shit

they actually can be fucking heartless

in many ways actually they are more blackpilled than we are
Anyway tbh I think this pill shit is kinda stupid and outdated anyway

I made a thread a while ago about how pretty much everyone is red/blackpilled in 2018

the red/blackpill went mainstream a good couple of years ago
Society which shuns us have blood on their hands.
No they dont, its called natural selection. We are trash that is meant to be destroyed so our genes arent passed on to future human generations.
They are full of contradictions.

They contradict themselves constantly, even in the same paragraph and lack the ability to recognize it. Extremely hypocritical, lack thinking ability. They always shift the goalposts.
I feel like it's mostly just an excuse for the girl (being general) to wait for "mr.right" or whoever the fuck that she sees as her "prince charming". I've had rejections in the way of "I'm not ready to be with anyone yet. It's not you, it's me.." type of bullshit. All of a sudden it seems like the bitch found her "mr.right" the next week. Fucking lol
Reading stuff like this make me want to beat women.
this forum has just been non stop brutal blackpills time and time again.

thing is, i can tell we're not even trying. just open up the internet and observe where the normies are, you'll see some fucked up blackpills based on discrimination and oppression being totally normalized.

death to this culture.
Exactly, they constantly change their viewpoint.
In one thread, they even admitted that the halo effect is real and that's it's easier to be a charismatic person when people like you in the first place.

They change their viewpoint based on who the subject is.
Reading stuff like this make me want to beat women.

Raping them would be preferable because it kills two birds with one stone. It has the same damaging effect on them while fulfilling your sexual needs.
Raping them would be preferable because it kills two birds with one stone. It has the same damaging effect on them while fulfilling your sexual needs.
only if the Shura council made a religious fatwa specifying its permissibility would i begin to consider this. otherwise, i shant for Allah forbade us to do such by default,.
only if the Shura council made a religious fatwa specifying its permissibility would i begin to consider this. otherwise, i shant for Allah forbade us to do such by default,.

I would gladly welcome Sharia Law in our society if such a fatwa were made.
That's why I hate being ugly much much more than being "virgin truecel" at age 27. You can't compeletely grow to ur fullest potential if you never got any validation, couldn't grow emotionally.

I am not the man I could be because of my looks.

I feel exactly the same, im not myself but a failed and uncomplete version of what could i could have been. Just a bit of validation and i could be, idk, a college professor, a writer or a translator of ancient texts. But here i fuckimg am, rotting alone... Same age btw :(
And its not even my fucking fault
That's retarded. Emotional growth has no correlation with dating, even if retarded normies says so.
we weren't prevented by parents tho, just incredibly ugly and unrealistic standards from females.
>27 yo, translator of ancient texts

are you that r9ker who graduated from history but couldnt find a job and looking for a job desperately ?

Nope. I have a degree in philosophy... but im looking for a job desperately anyway.
When a male cannot date "You don't need girls to be happy bro, I didn't lose my virginity til I turned 42 bro and now I am raising another man's child and getting (used up) poon on the regular, it gets better bro, just b urself XDD."

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