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Serious Normie logic



May 16, 2021
Normies claim that nobody cares if someone is ugly or short, yet they laugh at memes mocking ugly and short men—or even do so in real life.

My opinion is simple: the NPC meme is eternal. Normies are inconsistent because they never think critically about their behavior. They don’t analyze their actions or make self-aware decisions. Instead, they react instinctively, like robots or animals. When they see an ugly or short man, their instinct drives them to laugh, perceiving him as an anomaly. When that same man speaks about experiencing bullying or romantic rejection, they gaslight him because their instinct prevents them from feeling sympathy for him.

However, in a way, this behavior is actually consistent—it all stems from a lack of empathy.

@wereq @WorthlessSlavicShit @Stupid Clown @Destroyed lonely
This is why Chatgpt has so many filters and cant speak about certain topics. Because any machine that works with logic and all that can tell that shit makes no sense
Exactly. watch what they do, not what they say
Normies have a lack of empathy since they merely wish to exert their sociopathic nature & "one-up everyone" in a way.
They say looks don't matter until it can be used as an attack vector for somebody they don't like, which confirms that they had such a thought about them in the first place. Hence the insults Napoleon Complex and small dick energy
When they see an ugly or short man, their instinct drives them to laugh, perceiving him as an anomaly. When that same man speaks about experiencing bullying or romantic rejection, they gaslight him because their instinct prevents them from feeling sympathy for him.

However, in a way, this behavior is actually consistent—it all stems from a lack of empathy.
Yes:yes::yes:. NEVER pay attention to their words, only what they are doing and trying to get you to do. Are they telling you how much they respect you, want to help you and want the best for you, but what they are telling you to do (trying to "socialize" as a sub-5 manlet) is certain to get you laughed at and make your day-to-day existence worse? THAT's what they intend, all the sweet talk they wrap it in is just meaningless noise and we must understand this fact.
Philosophy is for high iq autistic schizo chads and is inaccessible to normies by default. Normies can only use surface level philosophy of stoics. And with philosophy you’ll discern truth and untangle the knots and contradictions. God bless
Philosophy is for high iq autistic schizo chads and is inaccessible to normies by default. Normies can only use surface level philosophy of stoics. And with philosophy you’ll discern truth and untangle the knots and contradictions. God bless
they dont even get the stoics. I actually read majority of stoic works in my teens, its not many
- letters from a stoic by seneca
- mediations by marcus aurelious
- discoures, epictetus lectures recorded by students of his
- enchiidion - handbook also by epictetus I think

normies only use stocisism to justify gynocentrism and hyper-male agency and other shit.
They dont realize or acknowldge that stoics were hypocrites and lived lavish, orgy filled lifes and shit, and the stoicism thing was just reddit tier fedora larp.

They also dont mention that epictetus literally tells trannies to kill themselves in the "discourses" + that stoics constantly say that killing yourself is legitimate way of ending your own suffering. In fact, stoics were notorious for committing suicide out of protest.

I liked stoicism initially after reading gregory hays translaiton of marcus aurelious meditations - but only because I was misinterpreting it and applying his fucking barnum-effect tier horroscope statements that literally everyone and hteir mom can relate to as somehow relating to my life specifically. It was not too long after this that I realized that reading things and cherry picking and doing exegesis based on your pre-existing biases is just a massive form of confirmation bias. What people call "profound" or "deep" is just shit they already agreed with from the beginning, so its useless.
They also dont mention that epictetus literally tells trannies to kill themselves in the "discourses" + that stoics constantly say that killing yourself is legitimate way of ending your own suffering. In fact, stoics were notorious for committing suicide out of protest.
Redditors are in denial about stoicism’s pro suicide stance :lul: It’s amusing to watch. Epictetus regularly told people to hang themselves lol. Redditors online cope by saying oh it’s meant only for muh old people with dementia or some bullshit.

It was not too long after this that I realized that reading things and cherry picking and doing exegesis based on your pre-existing biases is just a massive form of confirmation bias
Correct. Most wisdom can be circle jerking bullshit and is limited. I call it pseudo wisdom it looks wise but it’s actually retarded. You only learn from exploring what you don’t know. The ideas and thoughts that make you afraid.
What people call "profound" or "deep" is just shit they already agreed with from the beginning, so its useless.
I think true wisdom absolutely shatters everything you thought you knew tbh. For example one would think women are these angelic beings that can’t possibly do no harm but then you’re shown the realities of their manipulative twisted behaviour.
Conventional wisdom = thinking too boxed in
Unconventional schizo wisdom = seeing far outside the box (truth)
They dont realize or acknowldge that stoics were hypocrites and lived lavish, orgy filled lifes and shit, and the stoicism thing was just reddit tier fedora larp
Marcus aurelius also got cucked :lul:
I think true wisdom absolutely shatters everything you thought you knew tbh. For example one would think women are these angelic beings that can’t possibly do no harm but then you’re shown the realities of their manipulative twisted behaviour.
Agreed. It comes as a massive revelation that makes previous, often faulty, belief system completely obsolete. The BP did exactly that for me. Another thing is also that evaluation of a belief can only occur if you have access or acknowledge the existence of contrasting beliefs. Most people do not even allow themselves to do this, or they simply cant.

Just an example, if you believe women are inherently good, why not entertain the hypothetical scenario where they are inherently evil? Only by contrasting beliefs can we begin to decipher which one is true or not. Just like in the basic scientific method, the only way forward is to have competing experiments and hypotheses.

Or another example, what if Hitler was right? Put yourself in his shoes, try to mentally method act yourself into his life and his position. If he truly thought he was justified in his actions, could you blame him? How do you blame someone who thinks they are right? Can you even take an action without thinking you are right? As it turns out no, every choice humans make is right in their own eyes. It is impossible to act against your own will.

So really, what makes Hitler different from the rest of us? Nothing. Everyone is preaching, everything is dogmatic and trying to convert others to their views. Everyone is an extremist as bad as thew worst Islamic fundamentalist. One of the biggest normie retardations I encounter all the time is that they think they are unique while literally just being a human copy machine for slogans and ideas they absorbed without questioning.

- "my body my choice," "extremism bad" (an extreme position itself kek), "dont generalize" (a massive generalization LOL)
- every single value judgement they have (they cant be justified rationally so they are just adopted through emotional experiences)
- political stances (why be political at all? for most of history we lived in monarchies - why only pick from pre-defined choices?)
- assuming their subjective experience is not shared by millions of people at same time

i.e. they see an ugly person, project they must be evil, and when some other normie says the same thing, THEY TAKE THAT AS EVIDENCE FOR THEIR OWN BELIEF, NOT AS EVIDENCE FOR COLLECTIVE BIAS - they think their belief is unique and other person came to their belief independently.

One example I have is how I got treated so fucking horrible since childhood, I learned to just take the L and be apathetic, show zero emotions and shit. Yet people I have to talk to like social workers, who obviously fucking hate me on a level but have to hide it, still ask me all exasperated "you show no emotions!" - they dont mentally conceptualize that just like themselves, everyone in society has been hostile and hating on me since childhood and thats why I am the way I am. They think their hate is unique and only they can see what they see.

Another side effect of this that normies collectively designate victims, then label them as aggressors, while ignoring the actual aggressors that are right next to them. I wrote about this in my thread here:

Conventional wisdom = thinking too boxed in
Unconventional schizo wisdom = seeing far outside the box (truth)
reminded of this at timestamp 2:43
"If you look at the breakthroughs in science, almost always they dont come from the center of that profession. They come from the fringe."

View: https://youtu.be/RoSCQ-n8fUc?t=162
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Or another example, what if Hitler was right? Put yourself in his shoes, try to mentally method act yourself into his life and his position. If he truly thought he was justified in his actions, could you blame him? How do you blame someone who thinks they are right? Can you even take an action without thinking you are right? As it turns out no, every choice humans make is right in their own eyes. It is impossible to act against your own will.

So really, what makes Hitler different from the rest of us? Nothing. Everyone is preaching, everything is dogmatic and trying to convert others to their views. Everyone is an extremist as bad as thew worst Islamic fundamentalist. One of the biggest normie retardations I encounter all the time is that they think they are unique while literally just being a human copy machine for slogans and ideas they absorbed without questioning.
Here’s the kicker, the very same people who vehemently condemn hitler today would’ve supported him if they were alive in that time period. Who gave Hitler power? Everyone around him and everyone who agreed with him. How did hitler get so much support? He tapped into that lizard part of the brain that moralises and constantly says this thing good this thing bad with no flexibility. That part of people is severely limited and exploitable. He gave everyone an enemy and they went along with it. We have the privilege of hindsight so it’s easy for us to say hitler was wrong. In today’s era a new hitler type could appear and niggas would still support, not learning from history.

The same niggas that vehemently deny hitler without trying to understand him are the same niggas to support a new hitler type.

Normies are typically absolutists and don’t fathom relativity. Hitler and many others just did what he felt was right relative to what was happening during that time period. The collective ignorance of a nation is what enables hitler types but people don’t wanna assume self responsibility it always has to be someone else.
So really, what makes Hitler different from the rest of us? Nothing

One example I have is how I got treated so fucking horrible since childhood, I learned to just take the L and be apathetic, show zero emotions and shit.
Being an abused dog punching bag is brutal brocel I know better than most. Sorry mang
Yet people I have to talk to like social workers, who obviously fucking hate me on a level but have to hide it, still ask me all exasperated "you show no emotions!" - they dont mentally conceptualize that just like themselves, everyone in society has been hostile and hating on me since childhood and thats why I am the way I am. They think their hate is unique and only they can see what they see.
i fucking hate welfare checks i want them to fuck off and i just want my neetbux. And yes the way people act is the result of the best survival strategy that works. If i showed emotion and acted “confident” i swear to God I would be hit harder 10x more. Everything is just a survival strategy in real life and people don’t understand. Im not allowed to be expressive and show confidence because it’s like shooting myself in the foot. It’s like running into 10 tigers waiting to tear me limb from limb it’s pure retardation. The real world is just a giant stage play everyone has to act their roles and I have to act my role as a sub5 punching bag and can’t switch castes because it’s hardcoded.
reminded of this at timestamp 2:43
"If you look at the breakthroughs in science, almost always they dont come from the center of that profession. They come from the fringe."
Based :bigbrain:
@GeckoBus the entire social matrix is based on the observer effect. If there’s an observer i.e people watching you then you’ll always have to change your behaviour to suit their likes and dislikes because it’s a matter of survival. This applies to nearly every area of life. Science, intellectual stuff in general, art, dating etc. being normal is most of the times a requirement. This also applies to looks too. If you look sub5 ugly relative to other people around you it’s already over.

If you don’t fit the observed pattern, it’s over. Being sub NT theres already no coming back from that because whatever you do you won’t fit the observed pattern. Brutal stuff
i fucking hate welfare checks i want them to fuck off and i just want my neetbux. And yes the way people act is the result of the best survival strategy that works. If i showed emotion and acted “confident” i swear to God I would be hit harder 10x more. Everything is just a survival strategy in real life and people don’t understand. Im not allowed to be expressive and show confidence because it’s like shooting myself in the foot. It’s like running into 10 tigers waiting to tear me limb from limb it’s pure retardation. The real world is just a giant stage play everyone has to act their roles and I have to act my role as a sub5 punching bag and can’t switch castes because it’s hardcoded.
Same, wish they would leave me alone but I need to play the game and collect more diagnoses. Germany is going right wing, and by the time the trad-larp party comes into power and reduces the welfare state, I need to be legally bed-ridden and on life support :feelshaha: :feelshaha: :feelshaha:
I already have these cards: Autism diagnosis, CPTSD diagnosis, random anxiety diagnoses, kyphosis + scoliosis and maybe more coming up kek.

Also, 100%, acting confident and such will get you punched in the face even harder, exactly my experience. No amount of fashion and or style will change peoples judgement of you. This can have massive advantages in the right context though. Example: If you are ugly but you manage to make normies associate your ugliness with victimhood, you are steelmanning them into virtue signalling at you. They can not do anything else, or they would be evil in their own eyes.

It's like, if someone makes fun of you being bald, just say, "I have cancer" :lul::lul::lul:
Watch as they do a fucking 180 and apologize furiously. That's what I mean.
Normies in HS treated me like complete shit for years until some dumb rumor a bully spread backfired, and they started viewing me as child-abuse victim. Within weeks, everyone of these NPC monsters did a 180° and treated me differently.

The only disadvantage is that, just like when they think you are evil and ugly 24/7, they never change their opinion ever. So, once you are seen as disabled by social workers and doctors, they connect your disability with your looks in their mind etc - you can never disprove them and claim you are "healed" or something.
Everything you fucking do will be seen as evidence that you are disabled :feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha:

Example - last time social workers came here two days ago, my doorbell rang in middle of session. I rushed down to catch the mailman, as I usually do. When I came back up, the foids said that my behavior was from CPTSD and childhood trauma - I WAS JUST TRYING TO CATCH THE FUCKING MAILMAN

Captain America Lol GIF by mtv

But because I am ugly and have physical health issues, my body only moves really clunky, which looks aggressive but is just from shit neurology etc. So they interpret everything I say or do as confirmation for me being abused dog, its fucking hilarious.
A normie might say, this is just in my head or something, but no. This is a historical, observed phenomenon with mental health services, as far back as 1970s.

For example, the Rosenhan experiments.
TLDR - Rosenhan sent actors to mental health services with the mission to larp as schizophrenic and such. They were immediately diagnosed and interned in mental hospital. Then they would stay there for a week before suddenly dropping the larp and asking to be discharged since they had healed - THE STAFF WOULD GASLIGHT THEM AND JUST SAY NO ON YOU ARE ACTUALLY SICK AND SHIT TRUST ME :lul::lul::lul:

When Rosenhan published this, mental health staff was seething! So they challenged him to send more actors. They wanted to prove that they could tell apart fakers from real cases and shit. Rosenhan agreed. Few weeks went by, they made big announcement - AHA! WE FILTERED ALL THE FAKERS, ROSENHAN DEBOONKED! :soy::soy::soy:

Problem: Rosenhan didnt send anyone this time

Monday Night Raw Lol GIF by WWE

Like you say, its all hardcoded. The social welfare system + social workers now treat me equally as patronizing and shitty as they would have without diagnoses, just inverted if you get me. Being patronized as mentally ill freak who needs welfare checks 6 times a month is just flip side of the bullying coin. It's equally as dehumanizing. The only perk of the humiliation is that you dont have to wageslave.

@GeckoBus the entire social matrix is based on the observer effect. If there’s an observer i.e people watching you then you’ll always have to change your behaviour to suit their likes and dislikes because it’s a matter of survival. This applies to nearly every area of life. Science, intellectual stuff in general, art, dating etc. being normal is most of the times a requirement. This also applies to looks too. If you look sub5 ugly relative to other people around you it’s already over.

If you don’t fit the observed pattern, it’s over. Being sub NT theres already no coming back from that because whatever you do you won’t fit the observed pattern. Brutal stuff
Exactly, this goes perfectly with what I already wrote. Once they put you in a certain box, you can not escape it anymore. Everything you say will be interpreted as confirming the box. Worldviews and associated value judgements ARE SELF-REINFORCING. They are the filter through which experience is interpreted, so by definition they will only produce self-confirmatory data. All data that does not fit the presuppositions of the worldview will be dismissed, ignored or forcibly fitted to work with the worldview. It is bonkers. The deeper I dive into this topic, the more I feel like I am interacting with robots that operate on a basic set of "if-then" statements rather than actual humans with critical thinking.

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Read this quote I pulled from old website: Nigga literally says, it doesnt matter if the patient is lying or we misinterpret whats going on ITS ALL JUST STORIES MAYNE :soy: :soy: :soy:

View attachment systems-06-00027-g001.png
Wow this is most of philosophy in one image

I already have these cards: Autism diagnosis, CPTSD diagnosis, random anxiety diagnoses, kyphosis + scoliosis and maybe more coming up kek.
Brutal asf. u diagnosis mog me I only have one depression diagnosis and tism. When i was young i was diagnosed with pdd nos. it’s basically autism but doesn’t meet the diagnostic criteria.

But because I am ugly and have physical health issues, my body only moves really clunky, which looks aggressive but is just from shit neurology etc
I relate brocel for most of my life people have said I move around too stiffly like a robot and called out my neck stiffness. Sometimes I jerk and make sudden movements i can’t control and it makes people uncomfortable.
For example, the Rosenthan experiments.
Shakes the entire foundations of muh psychiatry :lul: Heard about this experiment before

Being patronized as mentally ill freak
Happened ever since i attempted suicide I wish I never did it because of trauma i experienced in psych wards

Read this quote I pulled from old website: Nigga literally says, it doesnt matter if the patient is lying or we misinterpret whats going on ITS ALL JUST STORIES MAYNE :soy: :soy: :soy:

Reading rn

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