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Blackpill Normie lies and gaslighting about sex BTFO - IncelExit aren't there to help incels either, they exist to keep you stuck in a cycle of misery

The Enforcer

The Enforcer

Not fit to survive
Jul 25, 2021
To the point. Normies always say shit like "nothing will change, you wont feel better, its not important". Yet there's plenty of example of this being utter bullshit

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/IncelExit/comments/1f8q1c8/i_lost_my_virginity_and_i_feel_like_i_was_lied_to/

As for IncelExit (link below of another user demonstrating their bullshit), they don't exist to help anyone. They exist to patronize, gaslight and keep rejects stuck in a cycle of rejection and misery. Their success rates are borderline non-existent for a reason. More users of this site have managed to find partners than have on IE and they have a bigger userbase.

You will be banned on there for not violating any rule, and stating simple facts, such is the case with IT (both subs are the same side of the same coin tbh). They exist to lure men into the bluepill and to chastise them for questioning their circumstances. If you question being banned, they will again, just patronise you, be condescending and not address a thing.

A prime example. They have a mod there, /u/library_wench whose post history speaks for itself. Her only reason for existing there is to be hostile to people. To patronise them. To bring them down. To mock them and tell them they're basically just shit people for feeling bad about their circumstances. The amount of gaslighting she does is incredible. Feel free to look for yourself.

In all that sub is just IT trying to put on a mask of virtue, but failing miserably.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/malementalhealth/comments/18wq9m5/my_issues_with_rincelexit/
Of course it is all "you should save yourself for the right foid" bullshit
I am a misogynist who is entitled to foids. And I will continue to be until the day I die or live in an Islamic caliphate where you can buy foids with the fruits of your labor.

Women are given freedom and then men wonder why they are discriminated against simply for breathing or existing: It is the logical consequence of the majority hating or despising the majority of men.

The blackpill must continue to be extended.
Even fucking prostitutes a few times changes your perspective.
Now someone having sex with you because they find you attractive - its like 100 times bigger change.

Women want ugly men to be castrated cucks, because cucks wont annoy them by showing women how shitty personalities average foid has.
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Incelexit is not about ascending? I thought theyre were helping each other escaping inceldom.

its brainwashing program to not blame anyone. Reddit gonna Reddit.

This isn't gaslighting it's straight up lying kek.
IncelExit exists so mentally ill landwhale troons can feel superior to someone for once in their pathetic disgusting lives
Search for "lookism" "looks" on incelexit the gaslighting they do is insane
Acc to them only your personality matters and if you were bullied for your looks it was actually because youre a shit person
Every fucking prostitutes few timds changes your perspective.
Now someone having sex with you because they find you attractive - its like 100 times bigger change.

Women want ugly men to be castrated cucks, because cucks wont annoy them by showing women how shitty personalities average foid has.
The levels people will go to, to talk utter bullshit is astounding
Incelexit is not about ascending? I thought theyre were helping each other escaping inceldom.

its brainwashing program to not blame anyone. Reddit gonna Reddit.
No thats a lie. A farce. That's how they present themselves. But their success rates speak for themselves. Jake Davison, the plymouth "incel killer" was one of their users. Even though his act was ruled to have nothing to do with inceldom, but rather an argument and him not taking his meds, it's funny to entertain the idea that the way they gaslight people, including him, probably played a part. They keep people stuck and confused, knowingly so, to maximise their suffering
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This isn't gaslighting it's straight up lying kek.
Expecting redditors to be good faith. Shes a perfect example tbh. By the own subs rules, she should be banned for that reason alone. But because she's an active contributor of keeping rejected men down, she gets modded instead. Because she "helps the cause" so to speak. Which is to talk down towards rejects
Search for "lookism" "looks" on incelexit the gaslighting they do is insane
Acc to them only your personality matters and if you were bullied for your looks it was actually because youre a shit person
Literally all the sub exists for. It's a complete fucking farce. Their old discord server was the only good version of IE. The sub just gets worse and worse
Likewise, normies will call you a pussy if you say that you would never enter a committed relationship with a promiscuous woman. They even know that she'll cheat and lie but they'll manipulate your emotions like psychopaths (literally what happened to this alcoholic cuck named Caleb), and then they'll project and call you a psychopath when you call them out on it. I was an 18-year-old kid and these "mature" adults were playing mind games and callously bullying me—fake pieces of garbage. Imagine someone calling you "brother" while face-fucking your girlfriend of several years. What a joke love in the West is.

Why the fuck would I want to have anything to do with Bayley (or girls like her) after everything she's done to fuck with my life? She should be a good portapotty and keep quiet. None of the conservative types that her cop-daddy would want her to be in a relationship with would seriously "date" her. Get over it. I just had to get that off my chest.
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I remember reading a post there where they said that most incels weren't ugly and the subreddit was only meant to help those that weren't ugly. :waitwhat:

According to them if you're an ugly guy and unhappy about being single it means you feel entitled to women and thus are a mysognisist. Massive cesspool of a lookist subreddit dominated by less than healthy foids and low value men desperate to put others men down.
If you're not a high-value man, nobody wants to help you. Nobody cares about you. The system is against you. You are on your own, every step of the way.
Incel tears/exit users (and society in general) will repeatedly insult and belittle guys and then accuse guys of being bad people when they respond to the abuse.
Yep. It's their cycle of abuse tbh
Likewise, normies will call you a pussy if you say that you would never enter a committed relationship with a promiscuous woman. They even know that she'll cheat and lie but they'll manipulate your emotions like psychopaths (literally what happened to this alcoholic cuck named Caleb), and then they'll project and call you a psychopath when you call them out on it. I was an 18-year-old kid and these "mature" adults were playing mind games and callously bullying me—fake pieces of garbage. Imagine someone calling you "brother" while face-fucking your girlfriend of several years. What a joke love in the West is.

Why the fuck would I want to have anything to do with Bayley (or girls like her) after everything she's done to fuck with my life? She should be a good portapotty and keep quiet. None of the conservative types that her cop-daddy would want her to be in a relationship with would seriously "date" her. Get over it. I just had to get that off my chest.
Its over for many in the west
I remember reading a post there where they said that most incels weren't ugly and the subreddit was only meant to help those that weren't ugly. :waitwhat:
So they're there to "help" normies ahaha. Fucking laughable
According to them if you're an ugly guy and unhappy about being single it means you feel entitled to women and thus are a mysognisist. Massive cesspool of a lookist subreddit dominated by less than healthy foids and low value men desperate to put others men down.
Yep. They must gaslight at every opportunity and minimize as often as possible
The responses are so, SO psychotic if you mentally switch OP's post for a hypothetical one of a suicidal person detailing how they feel better after a random stranger was kind to them. Anyone else remember the advice of how to help someone suicidal, that you never know who's life you might save with a simple act of kindness? Showing them that there truly are good people out there and not everyone is out to get them? that you never know of someone you meet on the street feels, and whether or not a cruel word or a nasty action might be the last step they need to do the final act?

I remember once seeing suicidal depression being described as a wall of bricks, where every act of bullying, every act of abuse, every sneer, every moment someone and their struggle is ignored, is stacked on top of another, until the person is completely walled off from the world, BUT, a single kind act can break through that wall and save that person by utterly changing their perception of the world and that there is a place for them here.

Now compare that to this. This guy, like so many of us, has constantly been told, either directly or indirectly, that he's worthless and could never be wanted as a person and a human being. One by one, the bricks of rejection, bullying, mockery and self-important 500lb autists on Reddit telling him that he's the cause of all of his problems and everyone insulting him is right have been layed on top of each other, threatening to completely destroy his psyche. And then, a person came by who not only broke through that wall, but completely demolished it with a single act, showing him that he truly can be appreciated and cherished on the most basic human level, showing that absolutely everything that was weighing down on his soul was, well, bullshit. Doesn't matter how many bullies called him unlovable, doesn't matter how many time she was mocked for his looks or nastily rejected, doesn't matter how much of a social outcast he otherwise is, he now has undeniable proof that, even if this was just a one-off, he can be loved by someone and can receive intimacy and affection from another human being.

And those ghouls' reactions? "It's just a temporary high,", "You'll be back soon," "That good feeling will dissipate soon", "You say that you feel better, but here you are lashing out at people, hmmmm:soy::soy::foidSoy::foidSoy:."

Fucking imagine those being the responses in that hypothetical suicide scenario where somebody was pouring their heart out about how a random stranger just helped them, I dunno, carry their bags or something and that alone changed their life because it was the first act of kindness they've received in months and they now see the entire world differently thanks to that.

Would it make you feel the same way if you had to pay a sexworker? If you had to coerce an unwilling person? If not then it wasn't about the sex. It was about feeling wanted, accepted and desired.

So, if you learned that she just slept with you out of a bet or it being a prank, so you still think you‘d feel better? If you knew she doesn‘t like you but just did it to laugh about you behind your back?
Gotta love those infinite retards discovering why escortmaxxing isn't considered ascension here:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:.

Also, what the fuck is this demented retard even saying:

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/IncelExit/comments/1f8q1c8/comment/llgrjjx/
And those ghouls' reactions? "It's just a temporary high,", "You'll be back soon," "That good feeling will dissipate soon", "You say that you feel better, but here you are lashing out at people, hmmmm:soy::soy::foidSoy::foidSoy:."
This here. So much for being supportive. And they say we're "crabs in a bucket"... The moment someone finds success, they get angry and say shit like this to demoralise them and gaslight them. They are disgusted that a reject succeeded and therefore decide to try to take that high away from him. Which is ultimately the whole point of the sub. To maintain rejects' status as rejects.
Fucking imagine those being the responses in that hypothetical suicide scenario where somebody was pouring their heart out about how a random stranger just helped them, I dunno, carry their bags or something and that alone changed their life because it was the first act of kindness they've received in months and they now see the entire world differently thanks to that.

Gotta love those infinite retards discovering why escortmaxxing isn't considered ascension here:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:.

Also, what the fuck is this demented retard even saying:

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/IncelExit/comments/1f8q1c8/comment/llgrjjx/

These people don't know what inceldom is. They don't even know what the word incel means. They're clueless fucks trying to rewrite what things mean with their demented narratives. Obviously to fit in line with their narratives and objectives.
The responses are so, SO psychotic if you mentally switch OP's post for a hypothetical one of a suicidal person detailing how they feel better after a random stranger was kind to them. Anyone else remember the advice of how to help someone suicidal, that you never know who's life you might save with a simple act of kindness? Showing them that there truly are good people out there and not everyone is out to get them? that you never know of someone you meet on the street feels, and whether or not a cruel word or a nasty action might be the last step they need to do the final act?

I remember once seeing suicidal depression being described as a wall of bricks, where every act of bullying, every act of abuse, every sneer, every moment someone and their struggle is ignored, is stacked on top of another, until the person is completely walled off from the world, BUT, a single kind act can break through that wall and save that person by utterly changing their perception of the world and that there is a place for them here.

Now compare that to this. This guy, like so many of us, has constantly been told, either directly or indirectly, that he's worthless and could never be wanted as a person and a human being. One by one, the bricks of rejection, bullying, mockery and self-important 500lb autists on Reddit telling him that he's the cause of all of his problems and everyone insulting him is right have been layed on top of each other, threatening to completely destroy his psyche. And then, a person came by who not only broke through that wall, but completely demolished it with a single act, showing him that he truly can be appreciated and cherished on the most basic human level, showing that absolutely everything that was weighing down on his soul was, well, bullshit. Doesn't matter how many bullies called him unlovable, doesn't matter how many time she was mocked for his looks or nastily rejected, doesn't matter how much of a social outcast he otherwise is, he now has undeniable proof that, even if this was just a one-off, he can be loved by someone and can receive intimacy and affection from another human being.

And those ghouls' reactions? "It's just a temporary high,", "You'll be back soon," "That good feeling will dissipate soon", "You say that you feel better, but here you are lashing out at people, hmmmm:soy::soy::foidSoy::foidSoy:."

Fucking imagine those being the responses in that hypothetical suicide scenario where somebody was pouring their heart out about how a random stranger just helped them, I dunno, carry their bags or something and that alone changed their life because it was the first act of kindness they've received in months and they now see the entire world differently thanks to that.

Gotta love those infinite retards discovering why escortmaxxing isn't considered ascension here:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:.

Also, what the fuck is this demented retard even saying:

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/IncelExit/comments/1f8q1c8/comment/llgrjjx/

I should add, great response btw

surprised the DI mods didn't delete this thread too jfl
Also, what the fuck is this demented retard even saying:
It's like a chatGPT style AI was instructed to put together philosophical/political quote.
Just cram in as much smart sounding words as you can and overcomplicate your sentence while having no clue yourself what are you even trying to communicate by it theory :feelskek: I noticed that redditors do this a lot and I suspect that it stems from insecurities about their own inteligence.
That "science" article written by some redditor is great example of this:
This here. So much for being supportive. And they say we're "crabs in a bucket"... The moment someone finds success, they get angry and say shit like this to demoralise them and gaslight them. They are disgusted that a reject succeeded and therefore decide to try to take that high away from him. Which is ultimately the whole point of the sub. To maintain rejects' status as rejects.

I should add, great response btw

It's like a chatGPT style AI was instructed to put together philosophical/political quote.
Just cram in as much smart sounding words as you can and overcomplicate your sentence while having no clue yourself what are you even trying to communicate by it theory :feelskek:

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