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RageFuel Normalfags are ruining modern day gaming



Let’s All Riot
Mar 14, 2019
Fuck Normalfags! I miss the old single player games back in 2008 and 2009. Most of the games I play range from 2006 to 2013. Video games nowadays are being ruined by normalfaggots. They only like the same type of games which are usually always multiplayer shooting games. Fucking hell the most popular games of today are fortnite, pubg, call of duty ( black ops ), and battlefield, etc ( I could literally name around 10 more ) All those games I mentioned are the same type of shit. Battle royal, first person shooter, and team death match. Like why the hell do normalfags like those games so much? Doesn’t that get old to them?

Tbh I’m not a fan of online multiplayer games because...
  1. People always hack
  2. There’s always someone calling you a faggot or a nigger ( mainly 13 year olds )
  3. Lag issues
  4. If your naturally bad at multiplayer games your going to get your ass beat and since it’s online there’s no difficulty setting
  5. You HAVE to interact with the normies which I don’t like doing
  6. There’s no pause button
This is something I just had to get off my chest. It’s really pissing me off tbhngl. So fuck EA and fuck normalfags for their shit taste in video games.
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Only online multiplayer games I play are RTS like Age of Mythology.

Less normies and much better experience. Only things you have to worry about are:
  1. Lag issues
  2. There’s no pause button

I found the ranking/leauge system a lot better, you tend to get put with people of your skill level. You wouldn't get obliterated nor will you steamroll them. Easier to learn and progress that way.
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I find it really annoying. I can’t stand being cursed at over an online game
Oh I usually am the one doing that so I find it funny
The only online games that I like are Team Fortress 2 and Minecraft with a few friends on a private server. I just play singleplayer games, which should solve this issue.
The only online games that I like are Team Fortress 2 and Minecraft with a few friends on a private server. I just play singleplayer games, which should solve this issue.
HEH I remember when those were the AUTISTIC games in school.
HEH I remember when those were the AUTISTIC games in school.
You're not wrong. Its because of this post that I just remembered something from middle school. I remember when I mentioned Team Fortress 2 to my classmates at the time, they were confused that they never heard of such a game. I may make a post about this in more detail though.
The only online games that I like are Team Fortress 2 and Minecraft with a few friends on a private server. I just play singleplayer games, which should solve this issue.
Yeah I used to play Minecraft all the time. That’s a great game. The only online games I play are mordhau and scum
There’s always someone calling you a faggot or a nigger ( mainly 13 year olds )
Just mute all.
You HAVE to interact with the normies which I don’t like doing
You dont really have too unless you play some super competitive game.

Moderning gaming sucks but, I wouldn't say this is the main reason that makes them suck. Most now games are made for the speedy zoomer gen that wants a quick fix of excitement, and no real investment into the game. Probably so normies can get back to "life" quickly as possible, which we don't get to experience.
Moderning gaming sucks but, I wouldn't say this is the main reason that makes them suck. Most now games are made for the speedy zoomer gen that wants a quick fix of excitement, and no real investment into the game. Probably so normies can get back to "life" quickly as possible, which we don't get to experience.
High IQ post. Big Cooperations like EA ruined gaming for me.
These corporate gaming leagues and people drawn to the sport ones basically begging to be boned by Tyrones and Chads... I think that was really what ended it.
I don't play anything anymore.

But This is why I didn't like multiplyer games. I stick to old school fps like f.e.a.r or condemned. I'm like a caveman when it comes to games. But it's not like I'm missing much tbh.
The whole online multiplayer gaming fad has certainly gotten out of hand but I would be lying if I said I don’t enjoy a well made shooting game
The whole online multiplayer gaming fad has certainly gotten out of hand but I would be lying if I said I don’t enjoy a well made shooting game
Yeah I hope this changes soon
The problem with normalfags is their willingness to get financially raped by publishers.
I try to explain these exact reasons why I don't like/play multiplayer yet normscum still spout absurd claims at me for MY FUCKING PREFERENCE like saying I'm "lonely" for only playing single player games. No you idiotic faggots, I just know how to enjoy things that actually have substance like a coherent story and not just typical mindless shit multiplayer shooting garbage.
I try to explain these exact reasons why I don't like/play multiplayer yet normscum still spout absurd claims at me for MY FUCKING PREFERENCE like saying I'm "lonely" for only playing single player games. No you idiotic faggots, I just know how to enjoy things that actually have substance like a coherent story and not just typical mindless shit multiplayer shooting garbage.
I hate them so fucking much. Fuck normalfaggots
Yea singleplayer is fucking great cause you can enjoy so much alone and grind for items that you want and in the end it all feels worth it. That and you dont have annoying squeakers shouting at you.
I mean I don't mind multiplayer games, but I don't find much of them fun, I really only play CS:GO tbh. Other than that, most of the games I play are old computer games from ~1997-2000 on average. I've played some way older ones and some way newer ones, but that year range is just average.

I agree with all of them except #2. I like when people call each other faggots or niggers in-game, I think it's fucking hilarious. Players insulting each other has always been a thing in multiplayer gaming, and it's fun to witness it happening. I don't like it when it goes to such an extent to where someone eventually gets doxed/DDoSed, though.
I only play single player games, the new Star Wars singleplayer game looks like it might be good. The last game I really enjoyed and put 100’s of hours into was Fallout: New Vegas.

I pretty much just play EU4 when ever I have time.

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