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Blackpill Nofap was created by (((them))) to make incels content with our untouchable status



May 20, 2018
They want us to think sex and cumming are overrated

They want an asexual working class who is no threat to normies getting women OR any fear we might get sexually frusterated.

They want all incels asexual

Nofap is a normie psy-op to brainwash us.

Stay smart boys. Don't fall for (((their))) tricks and traps
Join the libidomaxxing gang.
I can't go without fapping for at least 2 times a day.
I don't know if I should agree with you.
Any nofap tards want to explain to me how masturbating is different from having sex?
"I dont like this here. Surely this was created by a Jew and is part of his master plan to make me sad" :soy::soy::soy::soy:
JFL at thinking that some superpowerful jew in Israel cares about incels like us and how often we masturbate. Seriously. JFL.
I think NoFap started out as a high school prank tbh.

“Hey dude let’s trick everyone in school into getting blue balls and tell them it’s actually a good thing.”
“Haha that sounds hilarious dude”

The rest is history.
Nofappers are retarded Copers I’ll give you that But sex is probably better than masterbation.

Of course sex is better than masturbation. I mean in terms of "benefits" you get from nofapping. If one claims there are benefits from nofap, then I don't see how they also wouldn't be "nosex" since it does the same thing.
I tried nofap once. But finally I realized that if I fap, my ejaculation number per week=number of times chad nuts inside a foid per week. A nut is a nut, basically the same. But chad got it far better of course
No man nofap is there because fapping makes us to weak effeminate cucks and makes us lazy, brain fog and shit like that. Fapping and porn is a way the goverment controls us and makes us weak.

No man nofap is there because fapping makes us to weak effeminate cucks and makes us lazy, brain fog and shit like that. Fapping and porn is a way the goverment controls us and makes us weak.

Jews actually want us to fap tbh. (((They))) control the porn industry.

nah dude, you gotta be a good little goy, you gotta give up on cumming bro, youre ugly bro, ugly ppl don't deserve to cum bro. bro youll never get a women to cum in bro, so youre just wasting your time cumming into napkin bro. you need to be a good goy, you need to never feel any sexual lust, you need to never fap, never fantasize about getting off. you need to go to work 40+ hours a week, grind out your tax dollars, consume whatever they say to buy, and be a good little incel
Nofap is only for people who abuse fapping and want to stop fapping so many times. The only legit thing about Nofpa i can find.
Most times you've ever fapped in a day, ready? Go!

> Falling for NoFap cope

I accidentally no fap when I get depressed sometimes and it doesn't help shit. NoFap is realistically a cope tbh tbh. There's no evidence that it works. Its the incel version of gluten-free moms who think eating lavender will cure cancer or autism.
Is there anything that the Jews are not to blame for after you guys ?

Seriously, the Jews have nothing to do with our problems. We are Sub 8 Subhumans, and not because of the Jews, but because of our genes.
"I dont like this here. Surely this was created by a Jew and is part of his master plan to make me sad" :soy::soy::soy::soy:
JFL at thinking that some superpowerful jew in Israel cares about incels like us and how often we masturbate. Seriously. JFL.
Why is there an issue with seeking contentment? Being a pissed off incel is exhausting, mentally and physically.
Why is there an issue with seeking contentment? Being a pissed off incel is exhausting, mentally and physically.
Is there anything that the Jews are not to blame for after you guys ?

Seriously, the Jews have nothing to do with our problems. We are Sub 8 Subhumans, and not because of the Jews, but because of our genes.

The jews are responsible. They have the most money and influence, and thus are responsible for engineering western society in a way that makes it impossible for sub 8 men to get sex without rape. It doesn't need to be this way.

Keep in mind that if men could have their biological fantasies fulfilled, we'd all have harems with countless varieties of women. But we can't have everything we want, can we? That's part of what it means to live in a society.

But women, well they do have their biological fantasies fulfilled right now. They have full endless access to Chads and they have the sub-8 men's MONEY BEING STOLEN TO PAY FOR THEIR AND CHADS' OFFSPRING.

I gap only on weekends and once a week. That’s the optimal amount
Well jews actually broadcasted porn through the palestine media once they invaded the zones in order to make the people numb and defenseless
Jews actually want us to fap tbh. (((They))) control the porn industry.
you do realize there is other types of porn then bbc shit, right? not to mention the plethora of amateur shit on the market, and small studios etc, The only thing I have against porn, is sometimes I cant get over the intrustive thoughts of that's never going to be me, look at chad and stacy have fun while I rot, etc, so yea porn in general is a self-cucking thing, but sometimes my sex drive is so high that I can do mental gymnastics to get over that and then imagine im there or idk what exactly is done mentally, but I know I can trick myself good enough with it to bust a nut and have atleast 30 minutes of peace.

if you do nofap you are either extremely low t low sex drive, or you are an extreme masochist. if you're not one of these things, you eventually realize that yes porn is shit for your mind, but living every single moment of every day with your head filled with lust is not possible. no, it does not "go away" after a while, if you become asexual from doing no fap you are a low t soy goy
I accidentally no fap when I get depressed sometimes and it doesn't help shit. NoFap is realistically a cope tbh tbh. There's no evidence that it works. Its the incel version of gluten-free moms who think eating lavender will cure cancer or autism.
it's called losing the penis sensitivity and wait till it recovers
Leibniz iq post
Ive done no cap for a whole week and tbh it made no effect. The only difference is I feel more pleasure. Fapping in my opinion is bad if you abuse it. From my experience your dick will hit and start to get sore so try doing it once a day. Also nofapndoesn’t increase Your chance of getting girls. Chads in my HS have stroked their cock at least 10 times a week and they still slay. In conclusion nofap is a scam.
it's only a message from (((them))) if all the media suddenly backs it with a wave of universally positive coverage.. nofap is a niche subreddit. I really doubt it's from (((them))), but I think (((they))) aren't upset by it either. Homosexuality is preferable to asexuality for (((them)))
Jews actually want us to fap tbh. (((They))) control the porn industry.

high iq

Plus, people that fap excessively tend to become sexual deviants, with vile fetishes, perfect for (((them)))

LessFap is ultra high giga iq tbh
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Tbh I feel the opposite, that porn and fapping is made and encouraged to keep the sexless masses in control. You are not going to kill your libido or desire for romance with nofap, it only increases. You'll eventually get rid of the porn addiction but you will only want real foids more.
((They)) want u on NoFap, so u are so fucking horny that u would be content with a 1/10 landwhale single mother while u looksmax and moneymax
((They)) want u on NoFap, so u are so fucking horny that u would be content with a 1/10 landwhale single mother while u looksmax and moneymax
Youre not wrong
No shit, either that or we get rounded up in FEMA camps and castrated
nah dude, you gotta be a good little goy, you gotta give up on cumming bro, youre ugly bro, ugly ppl don't deserve to cum bro. bro youll never get a women to cum in bro, so youre just wasting your time cumming into napkin bro. you need to be a good goy, you need to never feel any sexual lust, you need to never fap, never fantasize about getting off. you need to go to work 40+ hours a week, grind out your tax dollars, consume whatever they say to buy, and be a good little incel
This tbh
were not hurting anybody by fapping, we are already hated and disgusted so why the fuck would you deprise yourself from that? fuck dude just embrace at least the little enjoy you can out of life before you die
0 3

nofappers say that i should pursue the first option no thx
I have stated it before, masturabting is good for your health in moderation.
major cope

arguing with fapcucks is like shouting at a brick wall. im at the point where i dont even bother trying to reason with them anymore. if they want to justify their sad cope instead of improving their QoL, its their loss. i wont intervene. you can lead a horse to water but you cant force it to drink.
arguing with fapcucks is like shouting at a brick wall. im at the point where i dont even bother trying to reason with them anymore. if they want to justify their sad cope instead of improving their QoL, its their loss. i wont intervene. you can lead a horse to water but you cant force it to drink.
Binaural beats bro
NoFap sounds like it works. At the very least it makes you more disciplined. Haven't tried it for longer than a week so idk.

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