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SuicideFuel Nofap success story

what a bunch of coping madmen
Longest I've gone is 11 days.
Busted the fattest nut of my life and felt noticeably stronger in the gym, but didn't cure my inceldom.
but it can work for mentalcels and gets rid of acne/clears skin. its a stepping stone.

I am on nofap and I do just feel more of a presence of adrenaline in my day to day life.
the main thing that excessive fapping does to me is cause brainfog and loss of motivation.

cant stand either
the main thing that excessive fapping does to me is cause brainfog and loss of motivation.

cant stand either
Then just do it in moderation if you do it too often.
> High School

The guy probably spent all day every day jerking it.
NoFap meme needs to die.
Even after one day on NoFap every girl looks 10x better for me. I guess after 10 days I would legit bang a 1/10.
see what i mean boyos?
Kill yourself, this nofap placebo BS belongs in the trash

I like how you idiots keeping saying - "I feel so much energy" when masturbation only requires you TO USE ONE HAND but I don't hear normie or chad males that fuck women everyday (AN ACTION THAT REQUIRES FULL BODY MOTION) complain about a "lack of energy". Are you getting the point, its a cope, a placebo, normal males are having sex basically everyday, as much as we masturbate, and they don't care about a "lack of energy" so why the fuck should anyone see that as a benefit, its like you guys are grasping for straws trying to find something good about it so you don't get an existential crisis.

>inb4 - "I fap like 6 times a day, normies and chads don't have that much sex"

No shit retard, you could literally just idk...... stop fapping 6 fucking times a day and accomplish the a "energy boost" while still being able to enjoy the pleasure of fapping, did that ever cross your mind?
God dam that is some dedication. I can't even go more than 8 hours with out rubbing one out
Kill yourself, this nofap placebo BS belongs in the trash

I like how you idiots keeping saying - "I feel so much energy" when masturbation only requires you TO USE ONE HAND but I don't hear normie or chad males that fuck women everyday (AN ACTION THAT REQUIRES FULL BODY MOTION) complain about a "lack of energy". Are you getting the point, its a cope, a placebo, normal males are having sex basically everyday, as much as we masturbate, and they don't care about a "lack of energy" so why the fuck should anyone see that as a benefit, its like you guys are grasping for straws trying to find something good about it so you don't get an existential crisis.

>inb4 - "I fap like 6 times a day, normies and chads don't have that much sex"

No shit retard, you could literally just idk...... stop fapping 6 fucking times a day and accomplish the a "energy boost" while still being able to enjoy the pleasure of fapping, did that ever cross your mind?

if the placebo works then why does it matter you low IQ numbskull?
if the placebo works then why does it matter you low IQ numbskull?
Because the that means you don't to deny yourself pleasure in order to achieve the same effect you low IQ numbskull, I thought that was obvious. If you realize that a placebo is a placebo, then why not just do away with the placebo and simply just IDK actually gain the effect without the sacrifice.

Again I refer to my 6 times a day masturbation example, a retard like yourself convinces themselves that their new found energy must be from NOT FAPPING AT ALL, when they could literally just FAP ONCE A DAY and accomplish the same energy gain, they are so fucking stupid that it never dawns upon them that they "drain" they feel comes from MULTIPLE SUCCESSIVE EJACULATIONS (common sense would let you know that would be physically draining).

I only fap once per day, I feel no energy gain or loss, in fact when I don't fap I get depressed more often so ironically "yesfap" keeps me from feeling suicidal, because I'm not horny 24/7. Maybe you don't have to work, but I work in a place where the majority of my co-workers are female and a lot of them are attractive, going to work every fucking day getting hornier and hornier by resisting a natural urge is retarded, it isn't logical, its too much self imposed suffering, fapping allows me to treat them as co-workers and not baby them and do their work for them and shit, it allows me to treat them like men, I stop fapping for 5 days and I'd probably start fapping at work, you should see some of these bitches, they look like fucking pornstars with they way they're shaped, are you kidding, you're just some Low T fuck or some guy that doesn't have to spend much time around attractive women.

No fap is just pointless self torture and your literally just admitted that you are such a retard that you don't care if its a placebo as long as you can fool yourself into thinking it works and yield the IMAGINARY BENEFITS, lol what?

Just fap once a day, I just solved your life problems, once a day, damn this isn't rocket science.
why people regret after fapping? i feel relieved
Are you guys stupid, it does work.

After setting the difficulty to INSANE mode and passing the 90s day I was able to manipulate gravity and also alter time momentarily
NoFap is cope. I did for 3 months and got shit. Attraction is predermined
autism success story
this guy is still in school, hes not a fucking incel. just a normie who had a porn addiction.
Wish I saw that before I jacked of today
Sounds a bit like a troll. If not than his life exploded during 90 days.

Everyone who hates on nofap: just try it. You don't need to attain phat streaks. One or two weeks of abstinence every once in a while will make you feel so good.
Remember that pro athletes don't fap. Just google Mike Tyson celibacy.
Just google Mike Tyson celibacy.
JFL at you. Did you read what he said when they asked him why he did this? He said BECAUSE HE WAS STUPID AND BELIEVED EVERYTHING PEOPLE ADVICED HIM BECAUSE WANTED GLORY.
JFL at you. Did you read what he said when they asked him why he did this? He said BECAUSE HE WAS STUPID AND BELIEVED EVERYTHING PEOPLE ADVICED HIM BECAUSE WANTED GLORY.
Yet he did it. Maybe his career wouldn't have been as great if he had fapped. We will never know.
im on day 3 of no fap, im starting to look at children

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