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NoFap science + Nietzsche + MMA Chads doing NoFap before fighting



Nov 21, 2017
Nietzsche "The reabsorption of semen by the blood is the strongest nourishment and, perhaps more than any other factor, it prompts the stimulus of power, the unrest of all forces toward the overcoming of resistances, the thirst for contradiction and resistance. The feeling of power has so far mounted highest in abstinent priests and hermits (for example, amoung the Brahmans)."

Testosterone increases with abstinence, testosterone plays part in mood and energy levels for men




These data demonstrate that acute abstinence does not change the neuroendocrine response to orgasm but does produce elevated levels of testosterone in males.

Athletes also do NoFap Semen retention before fighting to accumulate energy


GSP also talked about being able to have sex before fights or night before fights without issues but he's been thought to use Steroids or TRT to increase testosterone artificially ....Rampage Jackson another MMA fighter talked about being extremely horny and not gaining weight when going on TRT
ive done like 180 days/360 this year of pure nofap, it didnt change anything. its only worth doing if ure already a chad cause it can help u get out of ur "shell" or w/e
Athletes have sex. No need to fap. Also, extra semen fills your prostates whcih presses your stomach and causes stomachecs
incelkingkong said:
ive done like 180 days/360 this year of pure nofap, it didnt change anything. its only worth doing if ure already a chad cause it can help u get out of ur "shell" or w/e

You didn't ejaculate at all in that time while using the internet? If true, impressive....

From my own experience my anxiety started to kick around the time in highschool I fapped daily or twice daily.....i'd always be tired and I started isolating myself from others and confidence was down in the dumps.

I did try self improving last year and longest nofap i did was 3 months...i went on my first date in my life around the 2 month mark, got my full drivers license, and started attending family dinners again... After the girl cheated on me with another guy around 2 weeks mark i got down and started fapping again and been in dumps since....
microDongCityUSA said:
You didn't ejaculate at all in that time while using the internet? If true, impressive....

From my own experience my anxiety started to kick around the time in highschool I fapped daily or twice daily.....i'd always be tired and I started isolating myself from others and confidence was down in the dumps.  

I did try self improving last year and longest nofap i did was 3 months...i went on my first date in my life around the 2 month mark, got my full drivers license, and started attending family dinners again... After the girl cheated on me with another guy around 2 weeks mark i got down and started fapping again and been in dumps since....

well anxiety does kick in but it doesnt matter whether u have anxiety or not when u're fucking ugly, cause the endgame is still the same.
Study from China shows that semen retention increases testosterone levels by 45.7% after 7 days. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1631%2Fjzus.2003.0236

Some less scientific material about semen loss and diminishing physical and mental strength, I've noticed it myself, the older i get the more i keep doing it the more sore i feel, tired i feel and I want to leave the house even less than i already do.

Many Taoist practitioners link the loss of ejaculatory fluids to the loss of vital life force: where excessive fluid loss results in premature aging, disease, and general fatigue. While some Taoists contend that one should never ejaculate, others provide a specific formula to determine the maximum amount of regular ejaculations in order to maintain health.[3] The general idea is to limit the loss of fluids as much as possible to the level of your desired practice. As these sexual practices were passed down over the centuries, some practitioners have given less importance to the limiting of ejaculation. Nevertheless, the "retention of the semen" is one of the foundational tenets of Taoist sexual practice.[4]

uncompensated loss of Yang semen-essence. While healthy males between the ages of 16 and 21 are veritable 'fountains of semen' for whom masturbation is relatively harmless, by the time they reach 25 or so, all the old shibboleths regarding males masturbation come true: weakness in thighs and knees, numbness in lumbar region, loss of vitality, depression, etc. 

By the time they reach 30, men should entirely give up this self-defeating habit and start conserving semen exclusively for intercourse with women. Men who continue masturbating habitually into their 30's, 40's and 50's rob themselves of the very essence and energy that fuels their lives and protects their health.

This guy is supposed to be 90 years old but moves like someone 60 years younger, probably because he doesn't ejaculate, sticks to ancient energy cultivation

Epic of Gilgamesh is among the world's oldest surviving texts, commonly dated to the seventeenth to eighteenth century BC, a story of a powerful man who lived in nature without other people gets weakened when a femoid has sex with him


The whore was not ashamed to take him, she made herself naked and welcomed his eagerness; as he lay on her murmuring love she taught him the woman's art. For six days and seven nights they lay together, for Enkidu had forgotten his home in the hills; but when he was satisfied he went back to the wild beasts. Then, when the gazelle saw him, they bolted away; when the wild creatures saw him they fled. Enkidu would have followed, but his body was bound as though with a cord, his knees gave way when he started to run, his swiftness was gone. And now the wild creatures had all fled away; Enkidu was grown weak, for wisdom was in him, and the thoughts of a man were in his heart.
I can't live without porn and fapping. It's the only way to. kill my sex drive
Facade said:
I can't live without porn and fapping. It's the only way to. kill my sex drive

i hear ya, keep trying, just because i made this thread doesn't mean i've nofapped for 2 year or even 2 weeks, i just know its not super healthy if i do it so much and i suffer from it
microDongCityUSA said:
i hear ya, keep trying, just because i made this thread doesn't mean i've nofapped for 2 year or even 2 weeks, i just know its not super healthy if i do it so much and i suffer from it

It's easy when I'm at home all day but I'm in school and I see hot girls every single day. It makes me less depressed if I fap daily
Facade said:
microDongCityUSA said:
i hear ya, keep trying, just because i made this thread doesn't mean i've nofapped for 2 year or even 2 weeks, i just know its not super healthy if i do it so much and i suffer from it
It's easy when I'm at home all day but I'm in school and I see hot girls every single day. It makes me less depressed if I fap daily

ya schools need to ban yoga pants, wouldn't actually mind a dress code like they do in Europe or asian countries, we're there to learn not to show off vagina outlines in yoga pants
microDongCityUSA said:
ya schools need to ban yoga pants, wouldn't actually mind a dress code like they do in Europe or asian countries, we're there to learn not to show off vagina outlines in yoga pants

I've seen so much tight yogapants it's insane. I'm in Europe and we don't have dress codes
Interestingly enough, female MMA fighters work the opposite way. Many of them actually benefit from having sex before battles.
idkwattodowithlife said:
Interestingly enough, female MMA fighters work the opposite way. Many of them actually benefit from having sex before battles.

energy vampires
More non science exploration into NoFAP, i agree about the lower back pain, numb feeling when root chakra is out of place...if anyone else is a fap addict and you have lower back pain try nofap

bumping, 3 hours of nofap science

high iq mike tyson didnt release his semen for 5 years thats why he was such a beast

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