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NoFap, Fasting, Work(Out)-Period starting December 1

Red Shambhala

Red Shambhala

Death to America
Nov 10, 2017
December 1 I will start a new nofap, fasting, work (out) period of ... not sure for how long. This thread is partially to motivate myself to do it and partially because maybe some of you might want to join in then. It's still a week until December 1, so until then you'd have a week to, I don't know, eat chocolate and NOT work out, NOT meditate etc. 

Then we start on December 1 and rise to glory!
It's too early for failed New Year's resolutions.
Solitarian_Walker said:
It's too early for failed New Year's resolutions.

Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. - Samuel Beckett

You just try again and again and again until you finally die. (This is how I stopped smoking cigarettes, btw. Tried dozens of times and then, finally, I made it and am now smokefree for more than a year.)
I am doing nofap.
good luck, longest nofap i did was 3 months and actually saw improvements in the time and looked my best but ended back on faptrain like some junky and now back to a blob

i heard fasting is really good for stopping porn addiction, clears the mind

microDongCityUSA said:
good luck, longest nofap i did was 3 months and actually saw improvements in the time and looked my best  but ended back on faptrain like some junky and now back to a blob

i heard fasting is really good for stopping porn addiction, clears the mind


The longest nofap I did so far was just one week or six days; on day 7 I woke up in hte middle of the night after some sex scene dream and I felt so shitty and anxious and intense that I immediately fapped to calm down. I felt that if you're mental health is in a shit state, it's better to NOT add the additional stress of nofap. But I want to give it another try again. Like, I don't know, at least two weeks or so FFS, this must be possible, simply for self-control reasons.
You should try standshitting too. I've heard it helps with low T.
microDongCityUSA said:
good luck, longest nofap i did was 3 months and actually saw improvements in the time and looked my best but ended back on faptrain like some junky and now back to a blob
i heard fasting is really good for stopping porn addiction, clears the mind

I never understood this "I did nofap for 3 weeks and I went from 5'2 pygmy to 6/10 6'1 chadlite" stuff.
CamelBlueFilters said:
You should try standshitting too. I've heard it helps with low T.

All this testosterone BS is TRP coping, ROK, et al. I don't give a fuck about this. Fuck women and their bullshit, fuck Roosh and Paul Joseph Watson asking the waitress if there's soy in the sauce because that would fuck up their T level. I want to clear my mind and get back into shape, mentally and physically.
Whats your workout goal?

Build muscles?
Gain strength?
Lose weight?
Good resolution OP.

I am already myself on nofap: 7 days. I intend to continue.
Best of luck, I think I'm going to retreat entirely in to myself and stop visiting the internet until I'm attractive enough that I see changes I can't ignore. I'm going to keep a video diary for myself, maybe that will help you talking to yourself. Single minded, hopefully months will fly away, and I can come back with wisdom and pussy. :)
idkwattodowithlife said:
Whats your workout goal?

Build muscles?
Gain strength?
Lose weight?

Lose weight first. I mean, I'm not really fat but I do have a bit of a pot belly. Once that's gone, I would like to work more on upper arm muscles.
you will fail. no offense

everyone who starts something new in during nov-feb is not committed.
incel said:
you will fail. no offense

everyone who starts something new in during nov-feb is not committed.

Then I'll fail and eventually start again. As I quoted above: "Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail better." (Samuel Beckett)

With this attitude I managed to stop smoking eventually after the fourth attempt or so. Now I'm smokefree for more than a year already.
incel said:
you will fail. no offense
everyone who starts something new in during nov-feb is not committed.

For which reason?
Red Shambhala said:
Then I'll fail and eventually start again. As I quoted above: "Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail better." (Samuel Beckett)

With this attitude I managed to stop smoking eventually after the fourth attempt or so. Now I'm smokefree for more than a year already.

hopefully my comment made your blood boil so you can work harder to succeed.

prove everyone wrong. don't half ass it go 100%

Fontaine said:
For which reason?

not pulling this out of my ass. most people who start something new around the holiday and new years season aren't committed.
incel said:
not pulling this out of my ass. most people who start something new around the holiday and new years season aren't committed.

Most people don't have enough willpower for anything, generally speaking. That's why there are superiors who yell at you all the time in the military. If they weren't after your skin all the time, you would probably become lazy.

The key is trying to be in the minority who follows through. This minority exists, though out of shame with our own failure, we like to deny it.

I've found that using an app for tracking your behavior helps. I would recommend the Android app "Habits". It is important not to lie to yourself and have accountability.

Whether you begin at the end of a year, in the middle or the beginning, in my experience, doesn't have any rational importance.

The reason why "new year resolutions" have acquired such a poor reputation is simply because most people want to change at the end of the year, and most people have poor self-control/intelligence so they end up failing. It's not because the New Year is an unlucky period.

Often, people also fail because their goals were unrealistic. You should start small. Not fapping, for instance, is a goal that can be realistically achieved by a low-energy incel.
Red Shambhala said:
All this testosterone BS is TRP coping, ROK, et al. I don't give a fuck about this. Fuck women and their bullshit, fuck Roosh and Paul Joseph Watson asking the waitress if there's soy in the sauce because that would fuck up their T level. I want to clear my mind and get back into shape, mentally and physically.

PJW wants the extra soy because he aspires to be an estrogenic homosexual.
Fontaine said:
You should start small. Not fapping, for instance, is a goal that can be realistically achieved by a low-energy incel.

Yes, I think this is very important. And make long-term goals. You can't lose that much weight in a short time anyway. Aim more like for a period of months. Same with meditating, btw: it's better to do it short but everyday instead of just making it something you only do once a week but then as something "special" and for a very long period of time.

incel said:
hopefully my comment made your blood boil so you can work harder to succeed.

prove everyone wrong. don't half ass it go 100%

This is just more redpill / MILO bullshit. If anger and negativity would actually help people, all of us here would be in a much better shape. And people who say that they are only assholes because they want to motivate others are lying. "I'm playing the asshole only to help you" is just as fake as dudes going on with "You know, I'm not a racist but let me play devil's advocate here for a moment..."

I mean, I'm not meaning you specifically, because with new years resolutions etc. this obviously IS a legitimate argument where most people fail, but generally speaking.
FACEandLMS said:
microDongCityUSA said:
good luck, longest nofap i did was 3 months and actually saw improvements in the time and looked my best but ended back on faptrain like some junky and now back to a blob
i heard fasting is really good for stopping porn addiction, clears the mind
I never understood this "I did nofap for 3 weeks and I went from 5'2 pygmy to 6/10 6'1 chadlite" stuff.

i'm a fatcel atm but the 3 months of nofap did increase my energy levels which enabled me to work out so i lost a ton of weight and looked much better, anxiety also seemed to decrease quite a bit, after fapping i seem to get very self conscious and want to hide for a day or two. Self control was better in that period so i felt better about myself, when i give into fapping or eating poorly it spirals into more self hatred because of not being able to control myself.
FACEandLMS said:
I never understood this "I did nofap for 3 weeks and I went from 5'2 pygmy to 6/10 6'1 chadlite" stuff.

Yeah it's pseudoscience for sure. I hate how this shit gets aggressively spammed on everywhere. Reddit subs, forums, chan boards etc. There's always threads about this shit. All logic and science has proven this to be bulshit. While it's true you do get a mild, temporary boost in testosterone after the first week (not enough to have a significant effect on anything) but your testosterone levels quickly revert back to their default level. It's truly broscience that appeals to the lowest common denominator.

I have to wonder what the mindset of people who spam this stuff are. Why are they so hellbent on promoting this broscience? They remind me of the 9/11 truthers from the 2000s in their sheer aggressiveness in spamming and denial of any evidence that disproves them. The only difference is, I can understand the motive of 9/11 truthers. They wanted to get enough of the "sheeple" to "wake up" and start a "revolution". But what motivates the nofap spammers? What do they gain from people joining their broscience cult?
Ryo Hazuki said:
Yeah it's pseudoscience for sure.  I hate how this shit gets aggressively spammed on everywhere.  Reddit subs, forums, chan boards etc.  There's always threads about this shit.  All logic and science has proven this to be bulshit.  While it's true you do get a mild, temporary boost in testosterone after the first week (not enough to have a significant effect on anything) your testosterone levels quickly drop back down to what they were from day 1.  It's truly broscience that appeals to the lowest common denominator.  

I have to wonder what the mindset of people who spam this stuff are.  Why are they so hellbent on promoting this broscience?  They remind me of the 9/11 truthers from the 2000s in their sheer aggressiveness in spamming and denial of any evidence that disproves them.  The only difference is, I can understand the motive of 9/11 truthers.  They wanted to get enough of the "sheeple" to "wake up" and start a "revolution".  But what motivates the nofap spammers?  What do they can from people joining their broscience cult?

Personally, I hope to achieve a certain level of non-attachment and being more able to deal with unpleasant emotions. I mean I have fasted with food, the longst being 75 days with a very austere diet - and after a while food really gets less important to you, you feel less enslaved by your desire to increase pleasure with yummy foods, you're not so driven by it, you're less attached to it. My experience with nofap so far were bad, like adding MORE stress, more mental tension - so obviously bad for people with a shaky mental health. But I still wanna give it a try for a bit. Otherwise I actually agree with being opposed to his testosterone/red pill/stone age etc diet shit.
Testerone increases with abstinence, testosterone plays part in mood and energy levels for men




These data demonstrate that acute abstinence does not change the neuroendocrine response to orgasm but does produce elevated levels of testosterone in males.

theory - could be why many males these days are looking more and acting more feminine

Just remember that nofap is meant to make sex better with your wife, what's the point when we won't ever get girls?

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