Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Blackpill Nobody is a member of "incel"

Ricecel X

Ricecel X

6’1” ogre
Nov 6, 2019
Since the normies and the media control the narrative, they control the language as well. Oftentimes we are referred to as members of some organization known as "incel", implying that it is a voluntary association. Or some morons will claim they have "left" incel, or fell down the "path" of inceldom, or joined the incel "movement". None of these are true. No one posting on this forum is a member of "incel".

The point is that incel is a classification that defies voluntary self-association, ironically "involuntary" is even part of the definition. You can't cure cancer by self-identifying as a healthy person, can't get a Ferrari by self-identifying as a rich man, nor can you get sex by identifying as a "voluntary" celibate.

People who publicly self-identify as incel have already been outed as fakecel, but the truth is irrelevant when you're trying to spin a narrative. They are strawmen who the normies can pick apart by blaming their personalities, hygiene, and everything other than their looks, simply by not being atrociously ugly but also not attractive enough to get no-strings-attached sex.

Involuntary celibacy is simply a social phenomenon arising from the new globalized, homogenized, hypercapitalist society we live in. The problem is everyone wants to blame someone else for their problems, including other incels in denial, it is just human nature. The demonization of inceldom is caused by normies not getting laid or struggling to do so. For every blackpilled incel, there are ten incels in denial, trying to put others down to elevate themselves. They will brag that they got a cold-hearted peck on the cheek or reluctant pity sex, and then claim they aren't incel.

There's truly nothing we did to deserve inceldom, other than being born with unaesthetic facial bones. Even if it were true that personality matters (it doesn't), who is to say that it isn't a product of life circumstances out of our control? After all, nobody chooses to be incel, as it was never a choice to begin with.
There is nothing I can add to this, you already said everything that needs to be said. Good post.
I am the leader of incel. Fellow members go beat some women today
Wait, you guys aren’t card carrying members?

srs tho I can’t wait for someone to post that “The Man from I.N.C.E.L.” Meme. I need to recapture that one for the collection.
I'm a member of incels.co
Just stop bullshiting and be a proud member of I.N.C.E.L. god damn it

Why yes I'm a proud member of Incel! How could you tell?
I agree, normies trying to say that this is some type of structured organisation are fucking retarded. If it was some type of organisation then there would be a leader or at least some sort of hierarchy and there isn't anything remotely like that on this forum. There isn't even an accepted ideology other than the core philosophy of the blackpill. Most of the posts on this forum are people arguing about height vs face, sub-8 law etc.
If forum, and the entire incel community was some structured organisation I would assume that everyone would believe the same thing.
Why do you feel the need to placate normies by advertising to them that we are ultimately harmless?

We constitute a budding beta rebellion, and since we are not the cardboard cut-outs that foids and Chads represent, we naturally have varying personalities and viewpoints which come into conflict with each other, and which we debate/triangulate, thus sharpening our reasoning skills and confidence in the truth of our cause.
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Great explanation. It's not something you join, it's something you are.
they try and debate that its muh personality but never give an explanation of how incels succeed when using Chad pictures on dating apps, umm sweaty, could that possibly be because only looks matter to females?
we naturally have varying personalities and viewpoints which come into conflict with each other, and which we debate/triangulate, thus sharpening our reasoning skills and confidence in the truth of our cause.
Dialectics at work. Thesis, antithesis, synthesis.
Why do you feel the need to placate normies by advertising to them that we are ultimately harmless?

We constitute a budding beta rebellion, and since we are not the cardboard cut-outs that foids and Chads represent, we naturally have varying personalities and viewpoints which come into conflict with each other, and which we debate/triangulate, thus sharpening our reasoning skills and confidence in the truth of our cause.
I'm not saying incels are harmless. civilization has an incel problem that may reach some critical point where a plurality of normies are basically incels in denial and everyone is hypocritically calling each other incel. it's already gotten to the point that incels are not only losers in the sexual market, but the economic market as well due to job discrimination.

somehow i think the copes will just evolve rather than any sort of uprising. it will soon just be normal to give money to foids, even for the privilege of talking to them. if you think cucks are bad now, the level of cuckoldry has only begun to escalate. every low status male will be a slave to the foid gender, directly or indirectly. the system is unbeatable and the only way to win is to not participate in this fucked up society.

Dialectics at work. Thesis, antithesis, synthesis.
it's ogre for Hegeliancels
"But what about incelexit" :soy:
They are trying to redefine it as a movement in order to keep bluepilled incels unaware of their situation.
Since the normies and the media control the narrative, they control the language as well. Oftentimes we are referred to as members of some organization known as "incel", implying that it is a voluntary association. Or some morons will claim they have "left" incel, or fell down the "path" of inceldom, or joined the incel "movement". None of these are true. No one posting on this forum is a member of "incel".
Sounds very funny, it's like being in a fiction novel where "The Incel Liberation Front" is the enemy of the protagonists.
I bet you if a truecel tried to come out about his inceldom, no media companies would even give him any attention, especially if he was blackpilled
Cope check my description. I'm a card-carrying member.
Quite Frankly, they want to be able to lock us all up for thought crime,
so they must convince the public we're like ISIS to gain consent...
The world fucking hates us, everyone wants to see us suffer...
They don't give a damn about the truth... No one really does.....
If you want sex and aren't having it, you're incel
I bet you if a truecel tried to come out about his inceldom, no media companies would even give him any attention, especially if he was blackpilled
This guy is completely unknown outside of MRA circles

If this guy was a chadlite you would be seeing videos of him in news interviews

What he did took alot of guts though
that is true tbh. they dont want truecels speaking out about injustice
Im low IQ someone come up with an acronym for I.N.C.E.L
Sounds very funny, it's like being in a fiction novel where "The Incel Liberation Front" is the enemy of the protagonists.
The Cucks love a good Capeshit. Where they can LARP irl as the "good guys".
This, incel is not a movement or ideology, MRA and similar things are, but inceldom is a state of being.
This, incel is not a movement or ideology, MRA and similar things are, but inceldom is a state of being.

Hey, normie faggots, pay attention to what this brocel is saying. Read it. Now read it again. Go eat, take a shit, go for a walk, jerk off, whatever the fuck it is that you're gonna do, then come back and read it once more. Go to sleep, dream of pinatas or whatever the fuck goes through your NPC heads, wake up, then read it again one last time.

The discussion ends right here with this post.

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