The entire discourse is always about men men men, never holding foids accountable. Nobody ever tells women to stop fapping for example.
Like yesterday I saw this guy ask this grifter on stream how to stop fapping. And I just imagined a foid saying that to another foid, how retarded it sounds - "oh sister, please, how do I stop lusting after thick meaty cocks? sister, i cant stop shlicking my cunt to fat cocks! I cant go more than 2 days without shlicking to cock!"
its so fucking dumb. Just invert any accusation against men so men = foids. It sounds stupid. Like there is literally porn of stinky women, there is entire porn/erotica genres about foids with bad personalities bullying guys. There is almost nothing for guys literally bullying foids. I dont mean like bdsm shit, cuz that still gives the foid pleasure. I mean like, a guy stepping on the foids face and shit. It exists but you hardly ever see it.
Men hate men and worship women.
Women worship women and hate men.
That is the basic dynamic, which is even proved in studies. In this reply I gave sources for what I am talking about. Women have a massively higher in-group preference for their own gender than men, and men basically have no in-group pref for their own gender. But men have an out-group pref for women. So yeah.
video View: PDF from video is attached here: TLDR - women know their privileges and power. Voting rights for women seemed to take that power from them, and make them equal to men...
Explains pretty much every single behavior in society:
- why both male and female teachers give girls better treatment
- why fathers are more hostile towards sons than daughters
- why everything is always blamed on men but not women
- why advertisements for men show men getting foids, but advertisements for women only show women (women dont give a fuck about men, only other women)
- why women are more homosexual than men, all of them talk about having had "girl crushes" whereas for men there is no equivalent to this, aka a "boy crush."
- why people ignore blatant female lesbian behavior and don't call it degenerate - foids kissing or making out, foid going to toilet together, foids holding hands in public etc. If men did any of this shit, they would be called gay instantly
- why literally everyone hates homosexual men but not lesbians
- why people only shit on MtF trannies, but hardl yon FtM trannies
- why people treat you better if you are with a foid (gf, wife, mom, sister etc)
- why women control 85% of all customer purchases on average and 40-50% of the money they spend comes from men (men extract resources from other men through violence, oppression and competition and then give the resources to women)
- why men die earlier than women (constant life-long competition kills you earlier duh - this also leads to wealth transfer since male wealth is inherited by foids, who live longer. So all the grandmas are sitting on the male-gold like smaug in LotR)
- why gender roles are what they are in general. Every popular gender stereotype benefits women, because, surprise surprise, women enforce gender roles more than men - male behavior is downstream from foid behavior because of inherent foid worship -
see this article as example
You can basically explain everything going on in terms of basic logical train of thought.
1. humans are designed to produce and protect offspring
2. human offspring has certain looks, these looks are called child-like or "neotenous" looks
3. humans treat ANYTHING that looks neotenous with biased, privliged behavior - anime girls, puppies, otters, kittens, babies, women, even objects that look more "cute" are treated better. This happens irrespective of the behavior of the animal in question. Otters rape and murder to reproduce, so do dolphins. Animals that are mostly harmless but ugly are regularly tortured and abused and nobody cares.
4. Women, being self-aware creatures (maybe) realize this effect intuitively but are also trained since childhood by older women to utilize their looks and gender neoteny to get what they want. Older girls do their makeup, hair etc, tell them they have to look cute bla bla bla.
This is why women accuse men of being pedo - women are constantly trying to look like children by shaving their legs, removing wrinkles etc.
It is projection.
This is also why cartoon characters made by foids look like actual children (short stumpy arms and legs for example), wheras cartoon characters made my ben resememble fully developed women moreso than children (breasts, long slender legs, ass).
That's all it is, its all just looks.
Thats why taylor swift can openly date a 17 year old boy, but dr disrespect gets cancled for texting a 17 year old girl.
If you looked 16 (more neotenous) but you happened to be a 500 year old archmage who uses magic to look young, then normies would be fine with you fucking a 14 year old. It is that simple.