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JFL No one wants a daughter



Mar 23, 2019
How many onlychilds you know who are female? I know not a single one. And if they have a brother he is the younger one most of the time.

Because no man wants a daughter.

They get children and if it is a girl they get an other one but they stop at two because most people cant afford 3 children. But if its a boy they have a onlychild.

But its just a theory based on my experience i have no statistical proove for this.
I would like to have a daughter.

Only so I could incestmaxxx.
I saw a lot of adorable kids at the book store. Made me wish I had a daughter. I just looked at them with wonder and longing. I'd love to have a daughter to spend time with and to love.
It's better that there are more women than men
At least having a daughter you know she will not suffer in life
Boy or an abortion

IIRC though, with artificial insemination , you can pick the sex
I can't imagine having a daughter. You know there's a 99% chance that she'll grow up to be chads cock puppet. The bad examples and influences are everywhere.
A daughter is basically a fairly sure way of passing on one's genes.
At least they can't turn out incel.
I know one female only child, but she’s 3.
Because no man wants a daughter.

I think you´re more than correct, if I could reproduce through some technology, the first thing I would choose would a male 100% serious. Daughters deserve no inheritance, they get enough with future betabuxing and female privilege ded srs tbh.

I would like to have a daughter.

Only so I could incestmaxxx.

I think almost everyone has thought this once in his life, even if only speculatively. But, wouldn´t it be a waste, in a sense?
If you have a daughter you need to run Fritzl game or you will get cucked.
At least having a daughter you know she will not suffer in life

whores should suffer.
Most normies want to pass on their surnames as well. Never understood that shit though.
Having a daughter> having a incel son
Onlychildcel here. Yeah its weird. I notice most other onlychildcels are guys. youre more self aware than me.
Females only cause trouble. No one wants them.
Based observation
If I did have a daughter I would push her to get a high school sweetheart and marry him at 18.

Lol at those cucks who try to preserve their little princess as long as possible, always backfires, she fucks 100 different chads then marries a betabuxx at 30.
I can't imagine having a daughter. You know there's a 99% chance that she'll grow up to be chads cock puppet. The bad examples and influences are everywhere.

TBH that would be the only perk of having a daughter

Get the fuck out you moralfag

Moral fag no moral fag is when you do something that has no victim but then you go onto to bat people on the head for doing the exact same thing a Hippocrate if you like your's does have a victim and it does have long term consequences i mean Jesus Christ dude you need help i am genuinely convinced half the incel community is filled with pedophiles your the fucker's who give us a bad name your the reason why cuck tear's bemoan's on and on like seriously how do we expect our problem's to go mainstream if we have people like you swallowing our name like i'm being honest here.
your the fucker's who give us a bad name

JFL at this cope - "if we just come off as nicer guys, society will listen and help us"

Here's the truth that "pleadcels" like yourself need to get through their thick fucking pathetic skulls.

Normies aren't fucking idiots, they are quite aware of our plight and they simply don't care, guess what normies expect us to do...... wait for it...... its really obvious and simple............... DO WITHOUT

This isn't rocket science, this is literally what normies expect - "You've never experienced sex...... oh well too bad, we can't force people to choose you, so you just DO WITHOUT"

If you seriously think normies are just misinformed or need an emotional appeal to understand and want to help us you are an idiot.

So lets finalize this thing with the two primary reasons why pleadcels are naive blue pilled idiots wasting their time:


1.1 - Schadenfreude - They get off on our suffering and feeling better than us

1.2 - Ego Boost - Just knowing that they can get sex and there's a group of people denied that pleasure makes them rate themselves higher, and everyone else too with do the same

1.3 - Better By Comparison - This is a benefit to males, the men who mog us look even better by comparison when were virgins who can't get laid

1.4 - Less Competition - Again one for above average males and normie males, they can "fuck down" every now and then with women that would under legitimate circumstances be dating us since they're our looks matches

1.5 - Beta Filter - This is the benefit to women, we've been relegated to an underclass of males that women no longer have to deal with, society has basically done part of their job and filtered us out so they don't even have to bother rejecting us, we live an existence of perpetual rejection and fear of rejection so we even stop trying

1.6 - BetaBux - This benefits women for obvious reasons, we become their last ditch meal ticket after they've thoroughly enjoyed riding the cock carousel

1.7 Wagecuck/Drone - Men who are sexually starved are more motivated to try and "work hard", to counteract this though incels created "neetdom" as an alternative but its a shitty alternative and the majority of males who struggle to or can't get laid at all still end up becoming a drone for society, which benefits society as a whole since they have a wage slave to be just another cog in the wheel and keep the gynocracy chugging along.



This one is pretty straight forward, no explanation necessary, its obvious this is what they think, they literally keep saying it, this is why I think pleadcels are not only annoying, and make us look even more pathetic, but they are complete fucking idiots to not see whats right in front of them.

Going into fetal position (trying to appear "non-threatening") doesn't work with normies, they are worse than animals, take for example a bear, if you go into fetal position against a grizzly bear and "play dead", it will stop seeing you as a threat and leave you alone after tossing you around a bit. Normies however won't let up, they enjoy seeing you at your weakest, on top of being a pathetic loser now you're even begging, get out the popcorn its time for some quality schadenfreude lol. They hate when we celebrate their deaths in mass killings because it is a reversal of the usual power dynamic, now it is them pleading, now it is them begging for understanding, now it is them in fear of their current state of life, it pops the bubble of their comfy worry free lives.

To them WERE BEING UNREASONABLE. You trying to plead with them to help us get laid or get relationships, is viewed by them as a random guy walking up to them and asking to borrow their car for a year, we might as well ask for that as far as they're concerned, were that unreasonable to them, because to them its like "just do without bro, sex isn't everything, no biggie".

your the reason why cuck tear's bemoan's on and on like seriously how do we expect our problem's to go mainstream if we have people like you swallowing our name like i'm being honest here.

If you seriously believe our problems "going mainstream" is going to ever make a difference, then you are seriously one blue pilled fucking idiot, society will never care about men to that extent, we are the work drones, we are the disposable resource, it will never go against its nature to prioritize the lives of women and children over men, and in a world where incels are happy, women will be unhappy, because women are hypergamous and selfish, so guess who society is going to pick, guess who society is going to ask to "take one for the team"

Idiots like you have deluded yourself into thinking that "if only we weren't viewed in X way society would magically make women date within their league", nope, that's a violation of human rights you fucking retard, at the end of the day its a war, get that through your fucking head, only one side will be happy at the end of it, because only one side can get what it wants, because our wants are DIAMETRICALLY OPPOSED.

Most normies want to pass on their surnames as well. Never understood that shit though.
It only makes sense if they have a surname that's really rare or something, and even then it doesn't seem important. What I don't get is when you see people with a last name like Smith or some other normie last name want to pass it on.
JFL at this cope - "if we just come off as nicer guys, society will listen and help us"

First point i don't think normies will listen to us we invade we give them soft black pill's over time we will change shit subversion from within as the kgb put's it the best tool of subversion is to make sure the enemy think's he is making the right decision.

Here's the truth that "pleadcels" like yourself need to get through their thick fucking pathetic skulls.

Normies aren't fucking idiots, they are quite aware of our plight and they simply don't care, guess what normies expect us to do...... wait for it...... its really obvious and simple............... DO WITHOUT

Your correct offcourse they don't care i'm not trying to convince them but your providing canon fodder for our group from going political seriously all these bastard's have to do is take cherry picked screenshots and our group is finished we need to use the same method's they use.


1.1 - Schadenfreude - They get off on our suffering and feeling better than us

1.2 - Ego Boost - Just knowing that they can get sex and there's a group of people denied that pleasure makes them rate themselves higher, and everyone else too with do the same

1.3 - Better By Comparison - This is a benefit to males, the men who mog us look even better by comparison when were virgins who can't get laid ''

Again i'm not saying appeal to normies i'm saying don't provide canon fodder cause this is war and how do expect to win if we have fucking degenerates infiltrating our community the point is to introduce dog whistles soft black pill's to start and slowly but gradally over time we will have black pilled all men this is just canon fodder for cuck tear's and big gov and you know it.

1.5 - Beta Filter - This is the benefit to women, we've been relegated to an underclass of males that women no longer have to deal with, society has basically done part of their job and filtered us out so they don't even have to bother rejecting us, we live an existence of perpetual rejection and fear of rejection so we even stop trying

Again the solution is soft black pill's over time degenarcy like fucking our own daughter's is not gonna help us cause i would never touch a fucking child i may be an incel however i ain't a degenerate better incel than the latter.

This benefits women for obvious reasons, we become their last ditch meal ticket after they've thoroughly enjoyed riding the cock carousel

Yes i'm not a trad cuck either i'm not for this i'm not for appealing to normies i'm saying don't provide cannon fodder though be assertive that's good but providing canon fodder destroy's our group's motives.

Wagecuck/Drone - Men who are sexually starved are more motivated to try and "work hard", to counteract this though incels created "neetdom" as an alternative but its a shitty alternative and the majority of males who struggle to or can't get laid at all still end up becoming a drone for society, which benefits society as a whole since they have a wage slave to be just another cog in the wheel and keep the gynocracy chugging along.

The reality is exact opposite it is not a wage cuck to want to increase your standard of living don't do it for foid's do it for you for foid's just give you know from life that it's no point and neetdom is cancer all it does is increase the problem as it increases daddy goverment to step in neet's are mainly infiltrators their not pro men their pro female's it is not manly to only focus on female's it is very feminine.


This one is pretty straight forward, no explanation necessary, its obvious this is what they think, they literally keep saying it, this is why I think pleadcels are not only annoying, and make us look even more pathetic, but they are complete fucking idiots to not see whats right in front of them.

This issue we can see eye to eye i have spent hour's showing evidence proving the black pill with studies they never listen i realized the slow solution is add soft lies and feed it to their children the process is slow but it is possible you think i don't know this shit i've tried it won't work a full on strike will never fully work to subvert is to create change.

Going into fetal position (trying to appear "non-threatening") doesn't work with normies, they are worse than animals, take for example a bear, if you go into fetal position against a grizzly bear and "play dead", it will stop seeing you as a threat and leave you alone after tossing you around a bit. Normies however won't let up, they enjoy seeing you at your weakest, on top of being a pathetic loser now you're even begging, get out the popcorn its time for some quality schadenfreude lol.

Yes you and i meet eye to eye on so many issues it's just this fucking extremist shit that turn's me off and yes the whole take away right's to vote stuff that i can agree with but out right degeneracy fuck no i'm not trying to appeal to these bastard's i'm trying to subvert like cuck tear's does to us.

hey hate when we celebrate their deaths in mass killings because it is a reversal of the usual power dynamic, now it is them pleading, now it is them begging for understanding, now it is them in fear of their current state of life, it pops the bubble of their comfy worry free lives.

In all fairness the whole worshipping a serial killer thing is obviously a joke but calm down on the soft dog whistles i have mainly found on these forum's like jb or incest max bro.

To them WERE BEING UNREASONABLE. You trying to plead with them to help us get laid or get relationships, is viewed by them as a random guy walking up to them and asking to borrow their car for a year, we might as well ask for that as far as they're concerned, were that unreasonable to them, because to them its like "just do without bro, sex isn't everything, no biggie".

Yeah i'm not trying to appeal i just want their trust for a little bit long enough to infect their children that is how it spread's and once nihilism get's released it cannot be cointained.

If you seriously believe our problems "going mainstream" is going to ever make a difference, then you are seriously one blue pilled fucking idiot, society will never care about men to that extent, we are the work drones, we are the disposable resource, it will never go against its nature to prioritize the lives of women and children over men, and in a world where incels are happy, women will be unhappy, because women are hypergamous and selfish, so guess who society is going to pick, guess who society is going to ask to "take one for the team"

Offcourse it will change shit did banning slavery not change shit i mean seriously look at the long term repercussions the point here is to subvert then change.

Idiots like you have deluded yourself into thinking that "if only we weren't viewed in X way society would magically make women date within their league", nope, that's a violation of human rights you fucking retard, at the end of the day its a war, get that through your fucking head, only one side will be happy at the end of it, because only one side can get what it wants, because our wants are DIAMETRICALLY OPPOSED.

I agree but to win war's you must know your enemies and subvert their own moves and i agree keep preaching the black pill cool it on the canon fodder material that shit will ruin us remeber we have an image to maintain it's cause of this our sites get shut down cause they know were right
I know one female only child, but she’s 3.
She’ll have a little brother soon, unless mom has blue hair and/or dad is a soy stepdad
I saw a lot of adorable kids at the book store. Made me wish I had a daughter. I just looked at them with wonder and longing. I'd love to have a daughter to spend time with and to love.
Same. The whole incest type shit i'm not sure if i'd take part in, but i'd definitely like to cuddle her and raise her to not be a degenerate whore

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