I doubt most of us would survive in prehistoric times as those abnormal would have died out. Either from rejection of the tribe or because their body wasn't up to the task of hunting.
Or from injury. Ever broken a bone? I have, and without surgery I wouldn't be able to walk. No hunter/gatherer is going to keep bringing food to a crippled young male.
Though the environment isn't natural, they are still fulfilling their natural mating strategy.
I want to push back on this point a little - on the use of the word "fulfilling." They're
trying to follow their strategy, but thanks to birth control most of them are failing. And the evidence that they're actually failing is (the same evidence I point to with incels) they are intensely unhappy.
Prior to birth control, a woman could chase a chad and, if she "got him" (he fucked her) she'd get pregnant. In hunter/gatherer societies, if you knock a girl up, they will force you to take care of her - yes they will! Even chad has to follow the rules. Although, I'm sure some cheating happened too.
The point is, among our ancestors the "chasing chad" phase couldn't have lasted more than a couple of years. Some girl would "catch" him, and then the number 2 guy in the tribe would become the most desirable man.
What's happening today is that women are perpetually chasing, perpetually getting pumped/dumped, and never actually "catching" any chads. It appears that very few of them are actually happy with this situation. When they get older and settle, they can't pair bond.
I think that among our ancestors, a young girl might have a crush on the top chad - but when she offered her body to him (which she definitely would) there would be strings attached. She would know it, and he would know it. One or both of them would put the brakes on. Chad would go back a hotter girl (the hottest one in the tribe) and she'd get over it. She'd be capable of getting over it, because he never actually fucked her. Men would get taken off the market and eventually, her looksmatch would be the most attractive guy left. When they fucked, she would actually pair bond with him. She would have a child. She would know love. She'd be happy.
To be clear, the same instinct - hypergamy - is driving this. But I don't think women today are fulfilling that instinct.