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No more driving in Germany in year 2030



Nov 2, 2018
People here called me out for being retarded or that I am just seeing things but here you have it. Even the official media in Germany confirms it. For all Germancels:
"Privaten Autobesitz wird es 2030 nicht mehr geben"

...Als Gründe nannte Greiner die Umweltbelastung sowie den Mangel an Stellplätzen. Der dann verfügbare Platz würde für Roller, Scooter und Fahrräder genutzt werden. „In den großen Megacitys funktioniert es sonst einfach nicht.“ Für Fahrzeugbesitzer werde der Paradigmenwechsel nicht leicht. „Selbst fahren ist für ältere Menschen, vor allem Männer, ganz wichtig, weil da fühlen sie sich geistig und körperlich fit.“...''

I will translate it: ''Because of the general pollution, as well because of the lack of space, driving will not be a thing anymore. The general space will be used for scouters or bicycles, specially when it comes to larger cities. For drivers, this change will be hard since driving is an important part in life, specialy for men because only then they will feel good about themselves.''

Despite the fact it is official, some people here completely refused to acknowledge it. I say, that they want to take cars away from men, yet people here dismiss it and they think that I am joking around. I even said that bicycles are there in order to emasculate men and it is happening. They use ''e-bikes'' in order to achieve their goal. And if you look around, you will only see men on their ''e-bikes''. Also keep in mind that ''e-bikes'' are extremly expensive and that you could buy a somewhat decent car for that money. This is all a fucking scam and yet most people are unable to see it. It is happening in front of our eyes and no, I am not joking and I am also not memeing. This is reality and I cannot stand this any longer.

I also had a conversation with someone in the so called ''rightwing scene'' and I can tell you, if you think that I am retarded just wait until you meet someone else form the ''rightwing scene''.
He is a grown up man who also cannot drive and he said, that he even hates cars. I guess, he just coping because he simply cannot drive. He said, that he uses an ''e-bike'' and that this is enough for him... Can you imagine a grown up man on an ''e-bike'' who also paid a lot of money for this only in order to ride a bicycle?

And do not say that this is a good thing for me because it is not. I completely missed out on the unique experience to drive a car, to own a car for my own and to buy my first car which has to be one of the best experiences out there.
I have to watch other people driving around and the most crushing part is, that females can do it without any effort at all while I am watching them like a little toddler.

@Joelossus I will tag you here but thsi is not the thread. I will post the thread later on and I will put it in Inceldom Discussion, since the conversation I had really shows how pepope think within the so called ''rightwing scene'' and I can tell you, most people there are actually bluepilled.
germany is so gay and cucked
start a bike production company or invest in em while its time
You can always drive illegally
How would they enforce that

They are already doing it with their ''climate change agenda''. They are also demonising cars and it is working. A good handful of men cannot or do not want to drive anymore. Instead they waste 3000 Euro for an ''e-bike''.
I never got carcoping tbh

Does driving a car make you feel strong or masculine or some other shit?

You're just pathetically insecure at this point

If you want to feel like a man go kill someone (in Forza Horizon)
I never got carcoping tbh

Does driving a car make you feel strong or masculine or some other shit?

It is not a cope. I nfact, you are the one who is actually coping.
Yes, driving a car is a masculine trait. Driving is also absolutely necessary and therefore it cannot be a cope. Stop being in denial.

You're just pathetically insecure at this point

If you want to feel like a man go kill someone (in Forza Horizon)

To be honest, this part with ''being insecure'' sounds utterly bluepilled. I also had this conversation before and once again, I also agreed to it. Yes, I am indeed insecure about it but that does not disprove anything what I have said. Instead of making assumptions how about you just acknowledge the thread?
You're not retarded, you're just ahead of the curve.
you are the one who is actually coping
It would be coping if I actually wanted to drive but couldn't—but I dislike driving and cars in general

Too many retards on this planet think just because they own a personal fartmobile they're somehow hugely superior to those who don't
driving a car is a masculine trait
(((masculine trait)))

driving is also absolutely necessary and therefore it cannot be a cope
Necessary for what? Survival?

Humans have been around for millions of years without driving and somehow lived through that

The only thing it's necessary for is boosting car owner self-confidence
about you just acknowledge the thread
I am acknowledging by responding

The benefits of people moving away from driving vehicles outweigh the detriments

It will cause some truckers and taxi drivers to lose jobs, sure, but the end result is good for the majority
that does not disprove anything what I have said
Indeed it does not, as most of what you have stated are facts or first-hand experience

The thing that you're missing is that "masculine" is just a label that has been applied to many (sometimes opposing) things

For example, blue and pink colors in the 19th century actually had their sex associations opposite to what they are now—blue was considered feminine and pink masculine

But, as you can see, that has changed

Just like the "masculinity" of driving a car will

The masses will crave what they are told to

"Masculinity" is not inherent to activities or things

You don't think that driving a car makes you more of a man because it actually does

You think it makes you more of a man because you've been programmed to think so by media and society
I will translate it: ''Because of the general pollution, as well because of the lack of space, driving will not be a thing anymore. The general space will be used for scouters or bicycles, specially when it comes to larger cities. For drivers, this change will be hard since driving is an important part in life, specialy for men because only then they will feel good about themselves.''

Can you even read tbh? He didn't say driving will not be a thing anymore, he said private car ownership will not be a thing anymore (instead people rent and drive cars). Also who cares what some assholes in a podium discussion think! Don't take these statements literal, this is irritating rhetoric tool the left uses again and again: Claim that what you want to happen is inevitable and going to happen anyway, even if it's not even that likely. (Also, beeing the leftist that he is, he later tries to psychoanalyse the opponents of his goals and humiliate them). Don't fall for this bullshit!
Don't care. Won't be enforced in the rural areas anyway.
Corporations and private jets are responsible for 71% of the air pollution,capitalism is the virus not us.
It would be coping if I actually wanted to drive but couldn't—but I dislike driving and cars in general

And I say that you are coping here.

Too many retards on this planet think just because they own a personal fartmobile they're somehow hugely superior to those who don't

They are superior though. There is no need to be in denial about that.
And by the way, you know that I cannot drive yet I simply acknowledge this fact.

(((masculine trait)))

That does not make any sense at all. In fact, they want to take cars away from men.

Necessary for what? Survival?

Actually, yes. You need to know how to drive in order to survive in this era and life. If you do not have a driver licence, you will have a much harder time living this life. This is just another simple fact that you need to accept. You will also have troubles to find a job since having a driver licence is required almost everywhere now.

The benefits of people moving away from driving vehicles outweigh the detriments

It will cause some truckers and taxi drivers to lose jobs, sure, but the end result is good for the majority

Like I said, it is not good at all. There are simply no benefits at all of not driving a car, in fact there are only drawbacks.

The thing that you're missing is that "masculine" is just a label that has been applied to many (sometimes opposing) things

I did not miss anyhting, in fact it seems that you do not get it. It is not a ''label''. You are either masculine or not. And would not you agree that being independent is indeed a masculine trait?

For example, blue and pink colors in the 19th century actually had their sex associations opposite to what they are now—blue was considered feminine and pink masculine

But, as you can see, that has changed

Just like the "masculinity" of driving a car will

First of, this is colour theory and secondly nothing changed at all as far as I know since...
Cold colours = Men
Warm colours = female
But regardless of this...
If something has been changed, it is due to the impact of society and media itself. But this has nothing to do with colour theory.

What I am trying to say is - and what you simply do not understand, that driving should be exclusive only for men. Females should not drive at all, therefore driving is indeed a masculine trait and always has been a masculine trait.

Being able to drive is a symbol of being independent and as I have mentioned before, would not you agree that being independent is indeed a masculine trait?

You don't think that driving a car makes you more of a man because it actually does

You think it makes you more of a man because you've been programmed to think so by media and society

Sorry, but this is just another cope. In fact, society and media did not have much of an influence on me in any kind of way. I can tell you, that I am way more in touch with such topics than you are. And I am not saying this in order to put you down since I have basically wasted my whole life with such topics. What I dislike are people who want to act that they know something despite the fact they do not know what they are talking about and yet they accusse me of being manipulated. This is called Dunning-Kruger Effect.

Also, you really sounds like someone who has been manipulated into thinking like this.
In fact, society has programmed people in order to tolerate female driving and other stuff as well. For example, there are even cars which are only associated with females now. Is not it weird?

Can you even read tbh? He didn't say driving will not be a thing anymore

This is just the beginning.

he said private car ownership will not be a thing anymore (instead people rent and drive cars).

Yes which means that driving will not be a thing anymore, at one point. Yo uare not allowed to own a car for your own anymore. This is just the beginning.

(Also, beeing the leftist that he is, he later tries to psychoanalyse the opponents of his goals and humiliate them). Don't fall for this bullshit!

I do not fall for that bullshit, stop being that gullible. I am just observing what is happening and this is the current trend.
As you can see, it is slowly happening regardless if he is a leftist or not, in fact most rightwing people here in Germany are absolute cucks. I will make a thread about this topic later on.

The German car industry is under attack. Daimler for example will enforce reduced working hours, then we are also exposed to the ''climate change agenda'' as well. I am just combining all of those factors and in fact, it does not look good at all. There is really no need to be in denial about this anymore. Actually, people need to understand this but even here people refuse to acknowledge it for some reason.
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That does not make any sense at all. In fact, they want to take cars away from men
Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away
If you do not have a driver licence, you will have a much harder time living this life
My personal experience is the opposite, actually
You will also have troubles to find a job since having a driver licence is required almost everywhere now
It's estimated that 1 billion people in the world know how to drive a car (don't necessarily have a license)

Global unemployment rate is at 5%

You can do the math yourself
It is not a ''label''. You are either masculine or not
Things you consider masculine are labeled "masculine". Therefore, it is a label

And would not you agree that being independent is indeed a masculine trait?
There's only one behavioral trait that boys exhibit since birth (and not as a result of societal programming) that I would consider calling inherently masculine: competitiveness
this is colour theory
That one went right over your head, huh

It has nothing to do with color theory. I'm talking about how the society perceives colors and what associations we have with them

For example, wearing a pink t-shirt would make people think you're feminine. But a hundred years ago that would've made people think you were masculine

Pink was labeled masculine, and then it was relabeled as feminine

And so driving a car was labeled as masculine, even when the act of driving a vehicle has no inherent connection to masculinity. The only reason it was initially labeled masculine is because primarily men drove them. Should the opposite have happened (if for some reason primarily women operated vehicles), then the act of driving would have been labeled feminine

So, again, driving a car is not an inherently masculine activity, it is only perceived as such due to how the history shaped. It may or may not stop being considered masculine in the future

The fact you're so troubled by the German government 's efforts to reduce pollution by having less cars driving around makes me think you consider this a direct attack on your (and other men, but primarily your) masculinity. Which is funny, because then IT and some sociologists who keep saying we incels have a problem with "fragile masculinity" have a point
society and media did not have much of an influence on me in any kind of way
If you were to grow up without societal influence, you would be incapable of posting on this website
General Patton was right, the US fought for the wrong side in WW2.
Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away


It's estimated that 1 billion people in the world know how to drive a car (don't necessarily have a license)

Global unemployment rate is at 5%

You can do the math yourself

You missed the point here because it is about the whole world. Of course people in Africa for example are unemployed. You cannot compare a place like Namibia to Germany. I also think you are actually aware of it, so please do not do that to me. I am actually tired of it and this is really turning into a typical YouTube debate which I do not have any energy for.

But in order to prove my point:
Unemployed rate Namibia: 33,4%
Unemployed rate Germany: 3,2%
So, Namibia has 10 times the rate than compared to Germany.

My personal experience is the opposite, actually

Which is anecdotal evidence. I do not mind it though. if you can at least bring up a valid point and/or some examples.

Things you consider masculine are labeled "masculine". Therefore, it is a label

I have to interfere here, since you most likely used the word label in another context and I called you out for that. This is why I also put the word label in ''. It is either masculine or not.

''a classifying phrase or name applied to a person or thing, especially one that is inaccurate or restrictive.''

That one went right over your head, huh

It has nothing to do with color theory.

This topic belongs to colour theory though, this is why I mentioned this topic in the first place.

Pink was labeled masculine, and then it was relabeled as feminine

We just agreed on that part that it is indeed influenced by society and it has nothing to do with science, for example colour theory. This is why I came up with this topic in the first place because I look to what science says to it first.

By the way, this is why I know that it is not the colour pink though, it is actually red or a colour close to it. This colour has been associated with Mars for example.

And so driving a car was labeled as masculine, even when the act of driving a vehicle has no inherent connection to masculinity.

Being independent is indeed a masculine trait or at least belongs to it or can be associated with it. I actually do not know why you are arguing that point.

The only reason it was initially labeled masculine is because primarily men drove them.

Also, keep in mind that men invented it in the first place since men have the capability for it.

Should the opposite have happened (if for some reason primarily women operated vehicles)

Which is not the case at all but if this would be the case, everything would be upside down which is by the way currently happening.

There's only one behavioral trait that boys exhibit since birth (and not as a result of societal programming) that I would consider calling inherently masculine: competitiveness

Do not you think that being independent is also a part of that?

not influenced or controlled by others in matters of opinion, conduct, etc.; thinking or acting for oneself:an independent thinker.
not subject to another's authority or jurisdiction; autonomous; free:an independent businessman.
not influenced by the thought or action of others:independent research.
not dependent; not depending or contingent upon something else for existence, operation, etc.

Both competitiveness and independence are masculine themes. In order to be competitive in the first place, you need to be independent. In today's world a driver licence for example is a symbol for it. It is a symbol for being independent in order to compete in the first place. Do you at least agree on that part?

The fact you're so troubled by the German government 's efforts to reduce pollution by having less cars driving around makes me think you consider this a direct attack on your (and other men, but primarily your) masculinity. Which is funny, because then IT and some sociologists who keep saying we incels have a problem with "fragile masculinity" have a point

Now you brought up IT despite the fact you really sounds like someone from this spectrum. I want to be honest with you, even though this might be you true opinion on this topic, I cannot stand your weak attitude one bit.

If you were to grow up without societal influence, you would be incapable of posting on this website

Please read it once again: ''do not have much influence''.
Fuck, it's really over for men in germany. The worst thing is, that so many men, seem to be in favor of those changes. They just accept, getting emasculated by their own gouverment.
germany is so gay and cucked
You know a country is cucked, when it's trying to become like sweden.
If motorcycles are still allowed, you should try to get a motorcycle license then. They're cheaper than cars and much faster.
Fuck, it's really over for men in germany. The worst thing is, that so many men, seem to be in favor of those changes. They just accept, getting emasculated by their own gouverment.

You know a country is cucked, when it's trying to become like sweden.
My father always said that there are no good european men after 1945. All the good men died in WWII or left for America before it. I've never agreed more. Europe is a sad state.
Good thing is that we have another 10 years of driving. I will kill myself way before anyway.
Hello citizen, any private transportation capable of outpacing a police vehicle is now banned. Please use public transport, a bike, scooter, or a skateboard. Any dissent will be treated as a hate crime
drivers license pill strikes again
I guess I'm moving to Germany in 10 years. Fuck cars. Better beer too
If motorcycles are still allowed, you should try to get a motorcycle license then. They're cheaper than cars and much faster.


Driving is cucked anyways


My father always said that there are no good european men after 1945. All the good men died in WWII or left for America before it. I've never agreed more. Europe is a sad state.

I only can agree here. Even people i nthe so caleld rightwing scene are absolute weak and even cucks. I will make a thread about this topic today @Joelossus
Oh shit. I can't wait see how the rest of Europe follows suit...
(((They))) are using the present Covid-19 situation as a test run for this.

Either cycle to work if you live in a major town or city, get the tube or work from home.
So wait, trucks, scooters, and bicycles on the same road without cars?
Can we push the road death toll to the limit?

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