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Serious No, being raped is not worse than being an ugly man

Stupid Clown

Stupid Clown

The only good women are the dead ones
Nov 29, 2022
Let's assume rape is traumatic and horrible. (It's not:feelsjuice:) If you get raped whilst bad the rape will eventually end. Sure, you might have bad memories of the rape. However the rape isn't going to make everyone magically disgusted by you and avoid interacting with you. The rape isn't going to lower your chances at getting a job or being promoted.

If you're ugly your entire life sucks. It's just not a few shitty moments. It's all of it. People are going to always treat you worse. You're always going to get insults from random strangers. You'll never get a romantic partner who's truly attracted to you. You'll always be a freak.

Worse yet, you won't be able to properly cope because you'll be discriminated against (largely by women) in terms of getting hired. https://www.livescience.com/9038-attractive-women-hired.html

So is it better to have a few shit moments that you get emotional support from others for? Or is it better to be a hideous outcast your whole life who gets 0 support from people or society and if anything faces discrimination from them¿ You decide.
The approach that is generally misunderstood or misunderstood when it comes to understanding rape is that rape is sietne as disgusting because women's sex is expensive, and cucks will defend this expensive price because so many men had to acquire expensive pussy from a roastfeed with airplane flaps.

The emphasis among cucks and foids on why they are upset about this is not because they are raped, because they are penetrated for a while and cum inside them, but because they did not pay the toll to access that pussy.
Greetings and salutations IT
One rape experience is far less severe of suffering in general than a lifetime of being treated like shit and/ or ignored. Most women who were raped lived perfectly good lives before it and go on to live perfectly good lives afterwards. They have no troubles finding men that would genuinely love them and be into them. We don’t have that luxury and are doomed to true forced loneliness our entire lives. They would never understand how much pain that causes.
I'd go as far to say getting blown to smithereens on the battlefield is better than being a ugly short incel.
I’m close to having another internal meltdown because of my life
The approach that is generally misunderstood or misunderstood when it comes to understanding rape is that rape is sietne as disgusting because women's sex is expensive, and cucks will defend this expensive price because so many men had to acquire expensive pussy from a roastfeed with airplane flaps.

The emphasis among cucks and foids on why they are upset about this is not because they are raped, because they are penetrated for a while and cum inside them, but because they did not pay the toll to access that pussy.
This is definitely true to an extent. Soycucks take pride in "earning" their betabux soggy holes. Look at how angry they get at passport bros taking the easy route to getting pussy. "omg they only like u for your money :feels: " yet they have no problem taking roasties out to expensive dinners here. Hmmmmm.

One rape experience is far less severe of suffering in general than a lifetime of being treated like shit and/ or ignored. Most women who were raped lived perfectly good lives before it and go on to live perfectly good lives afterwards. They have no troubles finding men that would genuinely love them and be into them. We don’t have that luxury and are doomed to true forced loneliness our entire lives. They would never understand how much pain that causes.
Exactly. They're incapable of understanding what it's like to be a complete lonely reject. They wouldn't last a day in our shoes.
I’m close to having another internal meltdown because of my life
Being incel is having an internal meltdown 24/7.

I'd go as far to say getting blown to smithereens on the battlefield is better than being a ugly short incel.
Because at least you die having something to live for.
Exactly. They're incapable of understanding what it's like to be a complete lonely reject. They wouldn't last a day in our shoes.
Yep. I’m certainly not condoning rape, but they don’t realize that rotting in loneliness your whole life is far greater pain that’s one traumatic experience. Most women genuinely cannot fathom what true loneliness and lack of love feels like since they get social interaction and romantic love so easy they can’t imagine not having it in abundance. It’s just like witty air. We just breathe air and take it for granted, like they take being loved for granted, because there is so much of it around it is not scarce. That’s why they can’t understand us when we are basically suffocating in loneliness from lack of love, and even lack of friends.
Yep. I’m certainly not condoning rape, but they don’t realize that rotting in loneliness your whole life is far greater pain that’s one traumatic experience. Most women genuinely cannot fathom what true loneliness and lack of love feels like since they get social interaction and romantic love so easy they can’t imagine not having it in abundance. It’s just like witty air. We just breathe air and take it for granted, like they take being loved for granted, because there is so much of it around it is not scarce. That’s why they can’t understand us when we are basically suffocating in loneliness from lack of love, and even lack of friends.
They'll never understand. Women are utterly selfish. They only ever think of themselves and don't take into consideration what guys like us feel unless the media tells them to. If they do understand them they take joy knowing we'll die alone. Don't assume women would feel sympathy for us if they had empathy. They wouldn't. Women view unattractive men as subhuman.
why do they have rape fantasy or like rough sex if it is traumatic ?

The emphasis among cucks and foids on why they are upset about this is not because they are raped, because they are penetrated for a while and cum inside them, but because they did not pay the toll to access that pussy.
Yep. I’m certainly not condoning rape, but they don’t realize that rotting in loneliness your whole life is far greater pain that’s one traumatic experience. Most women genuinely cannot fathom what true loneliness and lack of love feels like since they get social interaction and romantic love so easy they can’t imagine not having it in abundance. It’s just like witty air. We just breathe air and take it for granted, like they take being loved for granted, because there is so much of it around it is not scarce. That’s why they can’t understand us when we are basically suffocating in loneliness from lack of love, and even lack of friends.
Outcastpill is almost bad as inceldom. Being desperate for comradeship and then being treated like you're invisible is suicide fuel.
why do they have rape fantasy or like rough sex if it is traumatic ?

They're not traumatized by it. It's just something they milk for attention
They'll never understand. Women are utterly selfish. They only ever think of themselves and don't take into consideration what guys like us feel unless the media tells them to. If they do understand them they take joy knowing we'll die alone. Don't assume women would feel sympathy for us if they had empathy. They wouldn't. Women view unattractive men as subhuman.
This is true, unfortunately. What also is ridiculous is that ugly, Sub4 women will consider 5/10 average dudes as subhumans! Just crazy that all these women think they deserve a man so much better looking than them
This is true, unfortunately. What also is ridiculous is that ugly, Sub4 women will consider 5/10 average dudes as subhumans! Just crazy that all these women think they deserve a man so much better looking than them
They're insecure so they overcompensate by demanding Chad.
Outcastpill is almost bad as inceldom.
They are pretty much the same thing. Being outcasted creates incels. I used to be pretty bad looking as an early teen, and got bullied every day for it usually. After puberty, my looks improved to a 4.5-5/10, and I gained 55 pounds (was super skinny before), so the bullying stopped, but my social skills were far too stunted to ever recover
Being desperate for comradeship and then being treated like you're invisible is suicide fuel.
Happens to me all the time. I have a muscle car and try to make friend in the car hobby, but am too non NT to make friends there. It’s not my looks in this case holding me back, because there are dudes far uglier than me with car guy friends. NTpill is brutal
They're insecure so they overcompensate by demanding Chad.
:yes: :yes: :yes: Yep. Imagine how much inceldom could be easily solved if women weren’t so entitled and would date their looksmatch. I would gladly have a loving long term relationship with a looksmatched female
They are pretty much the same thing. Being outcasted creates incels. I used to be pretty bad looking as an early teen, and got bullied every day for it usually. After puberty, my looks improved to a 4.5-5/10, and I gained 55 pounds (was super skinny before), so the bullying stopped, but my social skills were far too stunted to ever recover

Happens to me all the time. I have a muscle car and try to make friend in the car hobby, but am too non NT to make friends there. It’s not my looks in this case holding me back, because there are dudes far uglier than me with car guy friends. NTpill is brutal
Being bullied destroys your mental development. A lot of guys here underestimate how much you'll get bullied for being ugly.
:yes: :yes: :yes: Yep. Imagine how much inceldom could be easily solved if women weren’t so entitled and would date their looksmatch. I would gladly have a loving long term relationship with a looksmatched female
Being bullied destroys your mental development. A lot of guys here underestimate how much you'll get bullied for being ugly.
And for being skinny. I was skinny af and always seen as an easy target
Imagine being targeted for simply being healthy. Normies are brutes
Actually, I was really skinny. Sickly level skinny because of my intestinal condition which was terrible back them before I was medicated. Actually have to take high amounts of laxatives every day for the rest of my life to stay alive because my intestines don’t work right on their own. Was only 78 pounds in 8th grade and 98 pounds in 9th grade. I’m currently 155 now which is a healthy weight. I do see why the normies thought I looked bad back them, but the fuckers didn’t need to be so cruel about it
Nooooooo you can't use my used up hole without my permission that violates my personal rights or something.
Foids forfeit any and all rights to bodily sanctity the moment they lose their virginity.
If rape was so horrible, why are the nr 1 fantasies of femoids rape fantasies?

These whores love rape, but pretend they don't.
One rape experience is far less severe of suffering in general than a lifetime of being treated like shit and/ or ignored. Most women who were raped lived perfectly good lives before it and go on to live perfectly good lives afterwards. They have no troubles finding men that would genuinely love them and be into them. We don’t have that luxury and are doomed to true forced loneliness our entire lives. They would never understand how much pain that causes.

Reminder that according to an official EU study on violence against women, 38% of women report not feeling any fear when they were raped or otherwise subjected to sexual violence by a stranger, and 36% report having felt no fear when they were subjected to those things by a partner, and at least 30% report mere "annoyance" in all those cases:


Now let's look at the mental health states of guys who were ugly their whole lives:feelsjuice:.
foids overly exaggerate rape too, i once heard from another user here, that a foid would still complain if she was raped while completely asleep/unconscious, no injuries caused or anything else that would be physically harmful.
being ugly is a transcendental pain, it was always hurting in all the past and all the future, there is nothing in this world worse than being an ugly man
It would only be traumatic for me if it was a guy raping me.

Reminder that according to an official EU study on violence against women, 38% of women report not feeling any fear when they were raped or otherwise subjected to sexual violence by a stranger, and 36% report having felt no fear when they were subjected to those things by a partner, and at least 30% report mere "annoyance" in all those cases:
Which is actually laughable. How can these circumstances even be considered rape? “Rape” to these modern women is just consensual sex they regretted afterwards, likely because they were drunk when they agreed to it. Also ridiculous that a husband fucking his wife can even be considered rape at all. He’s your damn husband bitch, you felt comfortable enough to marry him and stay with him. In no way shape or form should that be considered rape. Sex between married people is as normal as eating
Yep. These guys are doomed. Also, even Normie looking guys are fucked if they have autism. Whereas autism doesn’t even affect women at all in dating
Being raped once is like being beaten up once. It's probably not even that bad typically but let's say it is. This doesn't ruin someone's entire life like being hideously ugly and unattractive does. At least most of these rape victims have a wide network of support to comfort them. I have next to nobody
Let's assume rape is traumatic and horrible. (It's not:feelsjuice:) If you get raped whilst bad the rape will eventually end. Sure, you might have bad memories of the rape. However the rape isn't going to make everyone magically disgusted by you and avoid interacting with you. The rape isn't going to lower your chances at getting a job or being promoted.

If you're ugly your entire life sucks. It's just not a few shitty moments. It's all of it. People are going to always treat you worse. You're always going to get insults from random strangers. You'll never get a romantic partner who's truly attracted to you. You'll always be a freak.

Worse yet, you won't be able to properly cope because you'll be discriminated against (largely by women) in terms of getting hired. https://www.livescience.com/9038-attractive-women-hired.html

So is it better to have a few shit moments that you get emotional support from others for? Or is it better to be a hideous outcast your whole life who gets 0 support from people or society and if anything faces discrimination from them¿ You decide.
Lol is heterosexual rape even real? Seriously i don't mean faggot rape. I mean straight male/female female/male rape. How can this be even considered a thing when they bomb us with stupidity every day about men and women being equal?

Heterosexual rape= made up concept. Not a thing. Not real.
i would take being gangbanged violently for a month straight if it meant I got to be an average looking woman instead of an incel.
Lol is heterosexual rape even real? Seriously i don't mean faggot rape. I mean straight male/female female/male rape. How can this be even considered a thing when they bomb us with stupidity every day about men and women being equal?

Heterosexual rape= made up concept. Not a thing. Not real.
Rape is just natural sex tbh. You're right
i would take being gangbanged violently for a month straight if it meant I got to be an average looking woman instead of an incel.
gay confirmed :feelswhat:

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