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Blackpill "Nice Guys" is a cope for women



Nov 8, 2017
Foids know that theoretically the nice type of guy is the one that they should be dating, but they can't get over the fact that the plain nice guy doesn't give them tingles, so they go for the attractive bad boy. Usually the nice guy has resorted to being nice/whiteknighting because he subconsciously knows that his SMV is so low that this is his only chance, the bad boy is attractive and doesn't give a fuck about how he treats women because he knows he will get laid anyway.

Foids then reconcile this by painting a broad brush on every nice guy. When the nice guy becomes frustrated and backs out of being an emotional tampon for a woman who won't even commit to being in a real relationship with them, they'll then say "oh he only wanted sex" (as opposed to the bad boy that doesn't want it??). They'll justify dating the bad boy by claiming that he's more "genuine", then when they get played, abused, dumped, etc (as they always do) will act like they didn't know the kind of person he was (of course their "women's intuition" and ability to detect mis ah guh nee is always mysteriously absent for all of these incidents).

I find it very funny and very telling that these "nice guys" get more negative attention from foids than the actual degenerate men of society. You know, the ones actually physically abusing them, leaving them single mothers, using them, etc. Really shows you where their priorities lie. The femoid creature is truly amazing.
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The fact that the phrase "Nice Guy" has become an insult is a testament that we live in a feminized society
it always amazes me to see 27 year old woman that are single. i mean you have to be stupid in order to be this indecisive. there is only so much time on this planet
feminism made it so that chivarly and protective instincts are a bad thing
The fact that the phrase "Nice Guy" has become an insult is a testament that we live in a feminized society

This is how low we've sunken. Thinking that being nice to a woman is a good way to court her is a logical thought process, but you can't even do that without being demonized. It's truly over.
This should be tagged a [BlackPill]

But yes, indeed, you are correct on all points.
Wow. Spot on. My thoughts exactly.
it always amazes me to see 27 year old woman that are single. i mean you have to be stupid in order to be this indecisive. there is only so much time on this planet

I'm not a 27 year old woman, but that part, there is only so much time on this planet, this is what has been fucking with me. I'm 32, still single, I did not want to be, and haven't gotten out of this. I thought I'd be married by now. I wouldn't say I've been indecisive, course, I haven't tried in a while, but yeah, I am getting older and this is still a problem.
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The fact that the phrase "Nice Guy" has become an insult is a testament that we live in a feminized society
this is yet another piece of evidence that only looks matter: if you're ugly, you can act good or you can act bad - doesn't matter, your intentions are predetermined by your looks
this is yet another piece of evidence that only looks matter: if you're ugly, you can act good or you can act bad - doesn't matter, your intentions are predetermined by your looks
nice guy = white night/betabux/cuck
Femoids won't consider you as a provider if you're ugly
it always amazes me to see 27 year old woman that are single. i mean you have to be stupid in order to be this indecisive. there is only so much time on this planet
The stubborn pickiness of single women in their later years is definitely due to society’s influences. Telling women never to settle.
Bump for afternooncels.
Nice guy is a code word for ugly guy
The thing I really don't understand is how all Women are aware that they go for bad boys until they get older and "wiser". they say it's something all young Women go through. If all these Women know they are gonna get screwed over by Bad boys you would think they would have the smarts to not go with him and go with a nice guy.
The thing I really don't understand is how all Women are aware that they go for bad boys until they get older and "wiser". they say it's something all young Women go through. If all these Women know they are gonna get screwed over by Bad boys you would think they would have the smarts to not go with him and go with a nice guy.

They want to go through that phase when they're young so that when they're older they can blame it on being "young and stupid" it's massive cope.
They want to go through that phase when they're young so that when they're older they can blame it on being "young and stupid" it's massive cope.
every girl is encouraged to have a "slut phase" in todays society
Ah, yes, the "nice guy". God, gasping His dying breath, has dragged all of His pantheon with him down into the grave. Which means that the Devil finds himself buried as alongside his eternal Adversary. But both Nature and Myth abhor a vacuum, and so the "nice guy" has been conscripted to serve as the Grand Deceiver, the Father of Lies, the latter-day serpent slithering in what should be every woman's unsullied and innocent Paradise. She only wants a friend and the "nice guy" pretends to be simply that. He promises to lend both financial and emotional support, he'll ferry her to wherever she needs to go, serve as her confessor and, if he's particularly bright, may even act as a tutor. Well, the Serpent's most tantalizing gift to Eve was the possibility of knowledge, wasn't it? And so our gentle Eve reaches out and takes a bite of the fruit in all innocence.

Much to Eve's surprise, the Serpent wasn't some angel but the cleverest of all beasts. He was one of Nature's children and, as such, acted in accordance with his vicious Mother's laws. Giving implies receiving, doesn't it? Parents raise their children knowing, on some level, said children have some obligation to return the favor when the parents in question are too old and feeble to support themselves. Every man who bleeds for society does so in order to sign an unspoken contract, assured that his sanguine signature guarantees him that, when the time comes, society will be willing to sacrifice for him. Infinite selflessness is a luxury reserved for the angels, beacons of light that can shine forever because they have no fear of their unlimited radiance ever guttering out. Well, though the Christians later conflated the Serpent in the Garden with the Captain of the Fallen Angels, the Hebrews understood the Serpent's nature far better. Though the subtlest of all of God's creatures, he was still a creature all the same.

The tragedy of the "nice guy" is that though he may be condemned as wicked Deceiver, he was himself deceived, wasn't he? Wasn't he raised to believe that a woman cares infinitely more for a man's soul than his body, that she can look past the dark imperfections of the flesh and perceive the shining virtues of his spirit? He was told that looks eventually fade and that, in their wisdom, women understand this. So they value a man who can provide, they are attracted to the sensitive fellow who is willing to listen, to support. After all, what woman would prefer strong hands to the gentle fingers with the skill and patience to wipe away her every tear? Repulsive thing that he is, our "nice guy" attempts to do everything to prove his soul is lovely. Yes, because he wants a romantic relationship, because he wants to love and be loved. But what of it? After all, this is what every man desires and he's been taught, for all of his physical faults, that his willingness to sacrifice himself is sufficient to absolve him of the curse Nature placed upon him. Wasn't he promised, listening to fairy tales as a child, that it was possible for a Beauty to adore a Beast?

Well, our monster eventually learns, all too late, that fairy tales wither and die the moment they stray from nursery. The "nice guy" finds himself lied to. He opened a vein and signed the contract with his life-blood, only to be told that he committed himself to a farce. So yes, he becomes angry, acting no differently than any other person who suffers betrayal.

Now, let me be perfectly clear. The apparent nastiness of women when they learn of the "nice guy's" purportedly sinister ulterior motives springs from the very same naivete. Eve was foolish enough to believe the Serpent was really an angel in disguise, fallen though he may have been, because Father God had lied to her. The Serpent assumed Eve was clever enough to recognize that fact he was no less an animal than she was because Mother Nature lied to him.

What a terrible comedy it is! Or viewed from a slightly different perspective, what a hilarious tragedy! However, the daughters of Eve can take some small solace knowing that though the Serpent and we incels, his disgusting, slithering offspring, will occasionally nip at their heels, their handsome husbands and sons will ultimately crush our heads...

Just as both God and Nature intended.
High IQ post. Pin this shit
every girl is encouraged to have a "slut phase" in todays society
When tutorial mode is too hard for these vermin, so they need a guide how to play that game.
I find it very funny and very telling that these "nice guys" get more negative attention from foids than the actual degenerate men of society. You know, the ones actually physically abusing them, leaving them single mothers, using them, etc. Really shows you where their priorities lie. The femoid creature is truly amazing.

This right here. Good ugly guys are villainized for the "crime" of even wanting a relationship. And what happens to good-looking sociopaths? Well, just look at all the famous rockstars, rappers, Jeremy Meeks, et al. to get your answer. Women just don't want to admit that their standards are through the roof is the problem. And it's all lot easier to villainize than to admit this.
Women don't need to cope, imbecile, blocked
Nice guy is a code word for ugly guy
This right here. Good ugly guys are villainized for the "crime" of even wanting a relationship. And what happens to good-looking sociopaths? Well, just look at all the famous rockstars, rappers, Jeremy Meeks, et al. to get your answer. Women just don't want to admit that their standards are through the roof is the problem. And it's all lot easier to villainize than to admit this.
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