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Discussion New robot “influencer” named Miquela, has 2 million followers on instagram. WTF?



卐 卍࿕࿖࿗࿘ꖦ
Oct 12, 2018
So from what I can gather, Snapchat or Instagram created a robot who will for the first time recreate the average “influencer”

Unlike most bots like the chat bots, “she” is “real” in the sense that it’s an actual doll and the videos “she” creates are entirely realistic CGI by “her” creators
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https://www.instagram.com/reel/CHwHMrlHuro/?igshid=1o14pnu8odkyd “She” looks real either because modern women wear so much makeup or “her” Silicon Valley jew investors just did a good job.

anyway, “she’s” your typical libwhore and supports all the niggercattle NWO nonsense I.e Black Lives Matter and abortion rights. Even on her Instagram is semilewd photos of “her”. It’s insane how accurate they’re pushing this.

What’s the thoughts on this? Maybe a future NWO jew plan will be to institute robot women to fuck so that we don’t get angry at them destroying the world. What if the entire next generation of “influencer voices” are androids and bots who look realistic enough to fool everyone? It’s very very possible. At least the 13 year old foids being raped by Hollywood are real. With androids there’d theoretically be no breaking point so they can push more radical ideas easier.

now on the NWO agenda we have fap to blacked, pay your taxes, drink your bug milk, AND now watch android bot on the screens. Crazy shit man.
Good, at least some indian programmers will make some money instead of real whores
It’s some deranged Silicon Valley trannies who are making a more radical next generation of “influencer”.

If I asked a 14 year old influencer to get on her knees and drink bug milk while normalizing shitting on the floor she wouldn’t do so (maybe) because there will inevitably be a breaking point to atleast somebody. With an android there is no breaking point
If I asked a 14 year old influencer to get on her knees and drink bug milk while normalizing shitting on the floor she wouldn’t do so (maybe) because there will inevitably be a breaking point to atleast somebody. With an android there is no breaking point
But it's good because technology eventually goes open source.
Eventually everyone will be able to run their own doll and "influencers" crashing the market.

The day deepnude was released, the watermark was partly cracked by me in < 1 hr, and some russian guys on chans completely broke it in 12 hrs.
Tech being used is highly good, because it's not just (((them))) who have the know how.
She” looks real either because modern women wear so much makeup
Pretty much. The repuslive plastered makeup, lip injections, paint on eyebrows that every fucking modern woman has that look disgusting and tranny like is how this bot looks.

I'm not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing. On one hand men are so depraved and desperate that they're literally following a robot by the millions, on the other hand this does show that women can be replaceable eventually
But it's good because technology eventually goes open source.
Eventually everyone will be able to run their own doll and "influencers" crashing the market.

The day deepnude was released, the watermark was partly cracked by me in < 1 hr, and some russian guys on chans completely broke it in 12 hrs.
Tech being used is highly good, because it's not just (((them))) who have the know how.
Yeah but if you cracked it you won't have the artificial booster to make them get on TV and shit.
The android part isn't the part I'm worried about, its the fact that you have an entity that will do whatever you want no matter how extreme and who's willing to push your most extreme agendas and because of your power they can do so on TV and on all major media platforms
Good thing, hopefully irl foods are completely displaced by these bots.
Good thing, hopefully irl foods are completely displaced by these bots.
It would be worse. They're both under the same owner, just under real foids they'd have to be atleast a tiny bit sneaky about it and not push the most extreme agendas.

You're looking at the symptoms and not the cause. Android waifus aren't epic if they're under the same people who fucked everyone over
Yeah but if you cracked it you won't have the artificial booster to make them get on TV and shit.
The android part isn't the part I'm worried about, its the fact that you have an entity that will do whatever you want no matter how extreme and who's willing to push your most extreme agendas and because of your power they can do so on TV and on all major media platforms
Haven't they been brainwashing the masses with movies and series for decades? What's the difference now?
Haven't they been brainwashing the masses with movies and series for decades? What's the difference now?
because there's a chance the people in the movies and series won't do the most extreme shit and AI would stop all whistleblowing (Which is basically why we know alot of the crazy hollywood shit). This solidifies control 100%.
because there's a chance the people in the movies and series won't do the most extreme shit and AI would stop all whistleblowing (Which is basically why we know alot of the crazy hollywood shit). This solidifies control 100%.
Honestly, I have given up.
The jews have won, my thirld world country that was literally founded by (((new christians))) is done
I just want my peepee on the veevee ngl
Honestly, I have given up.
The jews have won, my thirld world country that was literally founded by (((new christians))) is done
I just want my peepee on the veevee ngl
and good copes
She is not new. She has been around for some while. It's a PR-trick
Android waifus aren't epic if they're under the same people who fucked everyone over
They will be cracked
Dying media
all major media platforms
social media is not centralized, bot generated accounts will just flood everything and botmaxxers will crash the likes/follows economy.
they need to act fast to silence it.
They already have complete control over most media
It’s some deranged Silicon Valley trannies who are making a more radical next generation of “influencer”.

If I asked a 14 year old influencer to get on her knees and drink bug milk while normalizing shitting on the floor she wouldn’t do so (maybe) because there will inevitably be a breaking point to atleast somebody. With an android there is no breaking point
Dubai portapotties prove this wrong. Every foid has a price and will do grotesque shit if the price is right.
They will be cracked
Maybe if you're high IQ then. It would be like cracking twitter today though
Dying media
I use TV as a catch all for every screen
social media is not centralized, bot generated accounts will just flood everything and botmaxxers will crash the likes/follows economy.
>Social media is not centralized
It absolutely is. Instagram and facebook are owned by the same people (mack zuckerberg, who guess what ethnicity he is) tiktok (USA) is owned by the person who owns oracle corp (larry ellison). Who is guess who...

The only major social media not owned directly by ((())) is Twitter, who's owned by Jack Dorsey. However Jack Dorsey donated 10 million dollars to "antiracism". This is all on wikipedia BTW, so god knows what else is happening behind the curtains. WIkipedia is part of the global monopoly too so there's for sure information not known.

They already have complete control over most media
But if they don't have all of it then there's still a chance it could crumble down. They need all of it to push the true NWO.
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>Social media is not centralized
It absolutely is. Instagram and facebook are owned by the same people (mack zuckerberg, who guess what ethnicity he is) tiktok (USA) is owned by the person who owns oracle corp (larry ellison). Who is guess who...

The only major social media not owned directly by ((())) is Twitter, who's owned by Jack Dorsey. However Jack Dorsey donated 10 million dollars to "antiracism". This is all on wikipedia BTW, so god knows what else is happening behind the curtains. WIkipedia is part of the global monopoly too so there's for sure information not known.
I'm talking about how there isn't a limited number of "channels" and there's no central studio/company from which the content comes from.
I'm talking about how there isn't a limited number of "channels" and there's no central studio/company from which the content comes from.
There kind of is but I think I get what you're saying. I mean if you get too much traction and you're too based they just ban you from the platform. Like while there's not direct programming like "channels" it's heavily coerced because they pick what you see on the trending tab and if someone tries being based they just permaban him
Not human = legal to rape. :feelsLightsaber:
Let me put it briefly. Any tech that siphons away male attention, effort, and money from women is good. Tech is neutral, in that anybody with skill and about $100k in capital can start a project like this. Foids are almost all defenders of the status quo because it benefits them. Foids willing bought into jewish hyperconsumerism and cultural marxism. So androids being used to push the same makes no difference.

Even if theres a 1% chance she wouldn't or she would whistleblow about it later then that's the reason these bots will come into existance. Take no chances. When they do and someone whistleblows like this documentary, they need to act fast to silence it.
Whistleblowing means nothing if there is no action taken from it. We know jewlywood is filled with pedos. How many have been killed in retaliation?
Let me put it briefly. Any tech that siphons away male attention, effort, and money from women is good. Tech is neutral, in that anybody with skill and about $100k in capital can start a project like this. Foids are almost all defenders of the status quo because it benefits them. Foids willing bought into jewish hyperconsumerism and cultural marxism. So androids being used to push the same makes no difference.
Tech isn’t neutral at all. Name a social tech on the app store not part of the cultural Marxist shithole. Better yet, push anything that’s not neoconservative controlled opposition garble on Twitter, tiktok, Instagram or anything else and see how fast they’ll ban you from all of it.
Whistleblowing means nothing if there is no action taken from it. We know jewlywood is filled with pedos. How many have been killed in retaliation?
If enough people find the whistleblowers information then there will be enough people to do something about it.
Tech isn’t neutral at all. Name a social tech on the app store not part of the cultural Marxist shithole. Better yet, push anything that’s not neoconservative controlled opposition garble on Twitter, tiktok, Instagram or anything else and see how fast they’ll ban you from all of it.
Incels.co and /pol/ aren't apps but they are tech. Both are decidedly anti cultural marxist. Tech isn't just apps.

As for bans and such, just go around them or make new platforms. .co is almost as influential as reddit when it comes to blackpills and /pol/ is more relevant than most other platforms outside of the boomernet. So many aspects of our culture is now prevalent on tiktok and social media.

If enough people find the whistleblowers information then there will be enough people to do something about it.
Pedowood is near common knowledge now. Where are the assassinations?
Incels.co and /pol/ aren't apps but they are tech. Both are decidedly anti cultural marxist. Tech isn't just apps.
Yeah but we have maximum 1,500 people on at a single time (And probably 25% of that are people who actually agree and not just watchdogs or bots). /pol/ would be maybe 10,000. Now compare that to tiktok or instagram or youtube where it's literally 10 million every day. More than that even.
As for bans and such, just go around them or make new platforms. .co is almost as influential as reddit when it comes to blackpills and /pol/ is more relevant than most other platforms outside of the boomernet. So many aspects of our culture is now prevalent on tiktok and social media.
Yeah but reddit has millions of people on it who disagree and the mods actively hinder us there. If our culture is prevalent on tiktok and social media why is the agenda pushing on?
Pedowood is near common knowledge now. Where are the assassinations?
Common knowledge to autists on the internet sure. Not common to 99.5% of the normal population.
I made a thread about this kind of stuff, but I think we need a hashtag.

I suggest #CGFI, for "Computer-Generated Female Imagery".
There kind of is but I think I get what you're saying. I mean if you get too much traction and you're too based they just ban you from the platform. Like while there's not direct programming like "channels" it's heavily coerced because they pick what you see on the trending tab and if someone tries being based they just permaban him
The only option is to go just go and stay as close to the edge as possible atleast for now.
Yeah but reddit has millions of people on it who disagree and the mods actively hinder us there. If our culture is prevalent on tiktok and social media why is the agenda pushing on?
The (((mods))) on reddit, and even 4chan are basically a part of a single large network of discords. Probably the same for all social media in general. When you try to find a member on an online forum who are willing to work for nothing other than some power trips, inevitably the worst and most retarded people with no life will become mods.

The low barrier to entry on reddit makes this even harder. Earlier you didn't need this scale of moderation, because the barrier to entry is high and you only interact with a community if you really want to put in effort of making an account on a specific forum. On reddit, with one account, anybody can post anything on anywhere, and this shitty behavior is encouraged with the upvote system.
The only option is to go just go and stay as close to the edge as possible atleast for now.
Yeah but then that wont reach nearly as much as the ones favored by the system.
The (((mods))) on reddit, and even 4chan are basically a part of a single large network of discords. Probably the same for all social media in general. When you try to find a member on an online forum who are willing to work for nothing other than some power trips, inevitably the worst and most retarded people with no life will become mods.
Yeah and those people are all connected with the major social medias, i.e they're all connected in silencing non agenda pushing content.
The low barrier to entry on reddit makes this even harder. Earlier you didn't need this scale of moderation, because the barrier to entry is high and you only interact with a community if you really want to put in effort of making an account on a specific forum. On reddit, with one account, anybody can post anything on anywhere, and this shitty behavior is encouraged with the upvote system.
And if its pro agenda it gets featured, if its not it gets banned by mods.
Yeah but we have maximum 1,500 people on at a single time (And probably 25% of that are people who actually agree and not just watchdogs or bots). /pol/ would be maybe 10,000. Now compare that to tiktok or instagram or youtube where it's literally 10 million every day. More than that even.
Raw numbers mean absolutely nothing. /pol/ has a million or so active hits a day and essentially got Trump elected in 2016. .co has ~150 active users on it yet we have "watchdog" subreddits with 100k members looking at us, with millions being exposed to our messaging via indirect methods.

Society is shaped by dedicated minority radicals, not the lazy majority.

If our culture is prevalent on tiktok and social media why is the agenda pushing on?
Because bankers and international finance determine the direction and application of the cultural apparatus. It doesn't matter what the masses believe, want or think. See the forced decline of cinema and vidya with shoehorned troons and diversity. Radicals are of course not bound by any of this, so we are the enemies of tptb.

Common knowledge to autists on the internet sure. Not common to 99.5% of the normal population
That's still enough people to cause damage. Why hasn't it been done?

James Mason and WLP were right about the masses being lemmings. Right now, (((bankers))) control the machinery due to money power. But you don't need the support of the masses to cause change. Just a majority of young fighting age males.

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