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Soy New IT strawman post

This is how the average woman looked back then, today they carry their lard in their high waist jeans
waist looks big enough to fit organs

They're one of those fat retards that think if you're too thin there's not enough space for your organs :feelskek:.Even funnier considering they're that guy's looksmatches
I mean I think people do strongly under rate foids tbh it always seems like cope to me
I mean I think people do strongly under rate foids tbh it always seems like cope to me
She's attractive ngl but she's not model tier attractive.

Facially she's a 4.5
that's probably how these roasties see themselves JFL

can't accept the reality that they're pretty much overvaluated genetic trash and start coping like that when confronted with their actual looksmatch. This is how they actually look:

of course the guy has to be ugly to de-legitimize his opinions, as if the blatant sarcasm wasn't enough

btw looks don't matter guise, just take a few showers and stop being misogynists teehee xD
When you go there and try to tell them that you just want your looksmatch and don't have any absurd standards they just ban you lol. It is just a mindless anti-incel circlejerk at this point.
Still SMVmogs this entire forum JFL.
They're slowly being blackpilled, so instead of critiquing our actual arguments, they resort to low quality strawmen.
Cope. They actually believe this shit. They're retards.
gigantic fucking strawman
I doubt a single person here would reject her.
Never let classics like "lower your standards" die out.
Reverse the genders and you will have modern couples
I like how they included a selfie of Brazilian Smegma

That said, stop paying attention to these useless cunts and retarded cucks
I like how they included a selfie of Brazilian Smegma
:feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: he finally makes an appearance on his favorite sub

That said, stop paying attention to these useless cunts and retarded cucks

Nah its honestly lifefuel to know so many people care about my opinion.
She's attractive ngl but she's not model tier attractive.

Facially she's a 4.5
Wtf?? Overall package she's a 9 straight up. If she gained weight she's not gonna go below 8.

Trust me gaining weight for a foid has NEGLIGIBLE impact in her SMV, until she becomes a landwhale, it basically until it affects her form. And those kind of foids u only really see in USA. All the fat foids incels talk about hating, are basically only 0.5-1 lower because of being fat, and if they're not midgets, it can often make them 0.5+ by being a little thicker.

Trust me being fat does no harm to a girl, but, ANYTHING other than MCU superhero shape for a guy and women want him dead
ANYTHING other than MCU superhero shape for a guy and women want him dead
tbh shape can be fixed with roids and gymmaxxing. There is no cure for an ugly face though.
Lmao @ ITcels
Every girl is a super model to them wtf
She's attractive ngl but she's not model tier attractive.

Facially she's a 4.5
Considering she has a nice body she would be a 6-7
This is how the average woman looked back then, today they carry their lard in their high waist jeans
Tbh she looks stupid with her mouth open but I would give her a 7/10, her fit body brings it up to 8
Ridiculous they think we all want 10/10 stacies and settle for nothing less when a lot of us like myself have been rejected by 3/10 landwhales
juggernaut pill, the foid in my post is more likely to fuck you then the fat one
juggernaut law is brutal
juggernaut law is brutal
its really the worst because its either you lose or you lose - ask 3/10 misshapen face overweight foid, get rejected. ask 9/10 big milker roastie, get rejected.

She wouldn't acknowledge us if we held the door for her.
juggernaut law is brutal
its really the worst because its either you lose or you lose - ask 3/10 misshapen face overweight foid, get rejected. ask 9/10 big milker roastie, get rejected.
juggernaut law is brutal
its really the worst because its either you lose or you lose - ask 3/10 misshapen face overweight foid, get rejected. ask 9/10 big milker roastie, get rejected.
implying this guy would have chance with any woman whatsoever in the first place, if only he lowered his standards
I mean I think people do strongly under rate foids tbh it always seems like cope to me

It is. Some here underrate foids as a way to get revenge or something. "You cant fire me I quit" type of shitty and delusional cope.

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