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LifeFuel New catfish video uploaded: just go for older women bro!



Nov 9, 2017

Lol even 40 year old women are entitled to guys that are top tier

@Grotesque seriously is his looks match, but would reject him.

Btw this will my last video im taking a break, will resume im september.

JFL "kungfu" " white meat"
lol good job. stupid fucking roastie.
That old asian bitch wasn't even mad, I felt like she was actually shamed for being caught. Maybe the old ones know their place by then. Asians always have the best reactions, I wonder how indian girls will act.
That old asian bitch wasn't even mad, I felt like she was actually shamed for being caught. Maybe the old ones know their place by then. Asians always have the best reactions, I wonder how indian girls will act.
actually she was mad, she was trying to follow me in her car and i left right away in another building. I forgot to record what she was trying to do
A saint in the making
To whores mentality he is breaking
actually she was mad, she was trying to follow me in her car and i left right away in another building. I forgot to record what she was trying to do
Lol, that stupid bitch. I guess she felt so bad she wanted revenge.
Lol, that stupid bitch. I guess she felt so bad she wanted revenge.
why didnt you think i did not want to approach her, she said she was going to hit me.
why didnt you think i did not want to approach her, she said she was going to hit me.
That's terrible, all because you took a video of her being a whore. I hope her future simp husband sees your video of her. Make sure to be careful of them hitting you with their car, because some cucked judges might consider it "self defense" if they say they were in fear for their life, so keep recording until they leave entirely.
I will miss the uploads :)
Anyone who likes these videos will not get a (long-term) girlfriend.

I'd fuck her hard. Of course, she would have me arrested for being within 1000 feet of her.
Anyone who likes these videos will not get a (long-term) girlfriend.

she was fairly YOUNG looking for a 41 year old. not fat neither
in europe, 25yos look like her
NOOOOO No catfishes for a couple months!!! Jk, take it easy brother you're a saint
she was fairly YOUNG looking for a 41 year old. not fat neither
in europe, 25yos look like her


But the guys here who have the mentality: "Yeah, you sure showed that roastie by showing up as a bloated middle-aged manual labourer instead of as a Chad!!" their minds are so fucked that they will be posting here forever. Yes, it's funny to troll women, but there are actually some guys here who see this as "payback".

Fans of these videos give incels a bad name. These videos achieve nothing. It's not as if CFM sits down with these women for intellectual debate. It's childish insults until the woman leaves. When this Asian woman drove off and CFM was lolling with satisfaction, you could literally feel the upper limits of his IQ. This woman will move onto the next chad while CFM faps in his basement to that jailbait "female incel" that he tried to doxx and get her to send him nudes.

I mean, who is really winning here? There is video of CFM drinking his own piss online. Is CFM winning???
I could say the samething about your videos

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But the guys here who have the mentality: "Yeah, you sure showed that roastie by showing up as a bloated middle-aged manual labourer instead of as a Chad!!" their minds are so fucked that they will be posting here forever. Yes, it's funny to troll women, but there are actually some guys here who see this as "payback".

Fans of these videos give incels a bad name. These videos achieve nothing. It's not as if CFM sits down with these women for intellectual debate. It's childish insults until the woman leaves. When this Asian woman drove off and CFM was lolling with satisfaction, you could literally feel the upper limits of his IQ. This woman will move onto the next chad while CFM faps in his basement to that jailbait "female incel" that he tried to doxx and get her to send him nudes.

I mean, who is really winning here? There is video of CFM drinking his own piss online. Is CFM winning???

Lol these woman don't want an intellectual debate.
He tried that once and the woman legitimately thought she deserved a Chad. There is no way do dissuade them.

But the guys here who have the mentality: "Yeah, you sure showed that roastie by showing up as a bloated middle-aged manual labourer instead of as a Chad!!" their minds are so fucked that they will be posting here forever. Yes, it's funny to troll women, but there are actually some guys here who see this as "payback".

Fans of these videos give incels a bad name. These videos achieve nothing. It's not as if CFM sits down with these women for intellectual debate. It's childish insults until the woman leaves. When this Asian woman drove off and CFM was lolling with satisfaction, you could literally feel the upper limits of his IQ. This woman will move onto the next chad while CFM faps in his basement to that jailbait "female incel" that he tried to doxx and get her to send him nudes.

I mean, who is really winning here? There is video of CFM drinking his own piss online. Is CFM winning???

Why? You know how insecure men will be based off your videos? Literally any person who watches ur videos will overthink how their lives will be regarding women. There is no substance revolving anything about female nature or the blackpill. Your content is "just looks"

Jesus christ you sound like a jealous person.

I even told a few people about your videos they just didnt buy it.
Anyone who likes these videos will not get a (long-term) girlfriend.


Oh boy, don't "Just have a good personality bro!" me. I respect you and all Face, but this kind of rhetoric is ridiculous.
Hating women or liking CFM's videos aren't going to be what prevents incels from getting GFs. Our lack of looks, money, or status is what will prevent us from getting laid. I don't have any hope that i'll ever get laid let alone have a GF, and it's not due to hating women, you should know that, you have a whole video series on this shit.


But the guys here who have the mentality: "Yeah, you sure showed that roastie by showing up as a bloated middle-aged manual labourer instead of as a Chad!!" their minds are so fucked that they will be posting here forever. Yes, it's funny to troll women, but there are actually some guys here who see this as "payback".

Fans of these videos give incels a bad name. These videos achieve nothing. It's not as if CFM sits down with these women for intellectual debate. It's childish insults until the woman leaves./QUOTE]

Who gives a fuck about "Incels having a bad image". We're men complaining about dating, we're always going to have a bad image, it doesn't fucking matter. Discussion of all inceldom related topics is well outside of the Overton window, your videos exist just as far out of the Overton window as CFM's, keep that in mind. When you discuss LMS normies hate you and will attack you just as aggressively as they attack CFM because you're considered a misogynist all the same.

I'll embrace my hatred of foids and the rest of society because that's the only thing that will give me catharsis after years of rejection and isolation. And if you're a truecel hating women isn't going to be the difference between ascending and not ascending. What part of "It's Over" is not being understood here?
Oh boy, don't "Just have a good personality bro!" me. I respect you and all Face, but this kind of rhetoric is ridiculous.
Hating women or liking CFM's videos aren't going to be what prevents incels from getting GFs. Our lack of looks, money, or status is what will prevent us from getting laid. I don't have any hope that i'll ever get laid let alone have a GF, and it's not due to hating women, you should know that, you have a whole video series on this shit.

Who gives a fuck about "Incels having a bad image". We're men complaining about dating, we're always going to have a bad image, it doesn't fucking matter. Discussion of all inceldom related topics is well outside of the Overton window, your videos exist just as far out of the Overton window as CFM's, keep that in mind. When you discuss LMS normies hate you and will attack you just as aggressively as they attack CFM because you're considered a misogynist all the same.

I'll embrace my hatred of foids and the rest of society because that's the only thing that will give me catharsis after years of rejection and isolation. And if you're a truecel hating women isn't going to be the difference between ascending and not ascending. What part of "It's Over" is not being understood here?
Yea face is sounding like a bluepilled cuck rn.

But the guys here who have the mentality: "Yeah, you sure showed that roastie by showing up as a bloated middle-aged manual labourer instead of as a Chad!!" their minds are so fucked that they will be posting here forever. Yes, it's funny to troll women, but there are actually some guys here who see this as "payback".

Fans of these videos give incels a bad name. These videos achieve nothing. It's not as if CFM sits down with these women for intellectual debate. It's childish insults until the woman leaves. When this Asian woman drove off and CFM was lolling with satisfaction, you could literally feel the upper limits of his IQ. This woman will move onto the next chad while CFM faps in his basement to that jailbait "female incel" that he tried to doxx and get her to send him nudes.

I mean, who is really winning here? There is video of CFM drinking his own piss online. Is CFM winning???

we are winning, we are having lols. It's funny to see cfm use same lines every single video and foids give that initial disappointment face. where they realize they got catfished.

but in the end
it doesnt achieve anything indeed

But the guys here who have the mentality: "Yeah, you sure showed that roastie by showing up as a bloated middle-aged manual labourer instead of as a Chad!!" their minds are so fucked that they will be posting here forever. Yes, it's funny to troll women, but there are actually some guys here who see this as "payback".

Fans of these videos give incels a bad name. These videos achieve nothing. It's not as if CFM sits down with these women for intellectual debate. It's childish insults until the woman leaves. When this Asian woman drove off and CFM was lolling with satisfaction, you could literally feel the upper limits of his IQ. This woman will move onto the next chad while CFM faps in his basement to that jailbait "female incel" that he tried to doxx and get her to send him nudes.

I mean, who is really winning here? There is video of CFM drinking his own piss online. Is CFM winning???

3350 posts and still should get the banhammer and gtfo and back to reddit
But the guys here who have the mentality: "Yeah, you sure showed that roastie by showing up as a bloated middle-aged manual labourer instead of as a Chad!!" their minds are so fucked that they will be posting here forever. Yes, it's funny to troll women, but there are actually some guys here who see this as "payback".
It's good when he makes rosties with high expectations feel bad, and broadcasts it for everyone to see. That's pretty nice payback for hypergamous whores if you ask me. If you know something more effective you can try it.
These videos achieve nothing. It's not as if CFM sits down with these women for intellectual debate. It's childish insults until the woman leaves. When this Asian woman drove off and CFM was lolling with satisfaction
These are the kinds of videos that bring the most attention. Whatever gets people finding out about the blackpill is good. They're pretty entertaining too.
@FACEandLMS is a tranny lover
Didn't OP like bang 30+ foids?
Sorry but I have to agree with FaceLMS guy. The video was kinda cringeworthy, only because it could have been done better. If this was a first attempt I applaud it, but much can be learned from it.

For one catfishman: SPEAK SLOWER! I understand you were nervous doing this, its ok. I would have been a little nervous too. But take a few deep breaths and RELAX. You can sense the fear and uncertainty in your voice. And instead of just going "HAHA, You got catfished" which doesn't really hurt, instead try to insult her shallow behavior. Call her out for being superficial and immature. THAT is key. Make the woman feel like she is a child and that will hurt her ego MUCH more than jokes and snide remarks.
Didn't OP like bang 30+ foids?
Who cares tbh, anyone can fuck a plethora of landwhales but there is nothing to write home about.
Sorry but I have to agree with FaceLMS guy. The video was kinda cringeworthy, only because it could have been done better. If this was a first attempt I applaud it, but much can be learned from it.

For one catfishman: SPEAK SLOWER! I understand you were nervous doing this, its ok. I would have been a little nervous too. But take a few deep breaths and RELAX. You can sense the fear and uncertainty in your voice. And instead of just going "HAHA, You got catfished" which doesn't really hurt, instead try to insult her shallow behavior. Call her out for being superficial and immature. THAT is key. Make the woman feel like she is a child and that will hurt her ego MUCH more than jokes and snide remarks.
Obvious cuck tear poster. If you watched the video correctly and paid attention you would of know i didnt want to approach because she said she woud physically assault me.
Why would i risk getting assaulted.

Who cares tbh, anyone can fuck a plethora of landwhales but there is nothing to write home about.
I am only asking because he seems very autistic (no offense to him). And if you think fucking landwhales is easy these days then you are not incel at all.
Sorry but I have to agree with FaceLMS guy. The video was kinda cringeworthy, only because it could have been done better. If this was a first attempt I applaud it, but much can be learned from it.

For one catfishman: SPEAK SLOWER! I understand you were nervous doing this, its ok. I would have been a little nervous too. But take a few deep breaths and RELAX. You can sense the fear and uncertainty in your voice. And instead of just going "HAHA, You got catfished" which doesn't really hurt, instead try to insult her shallow behavior. Call her out for being superficial and immature. THAT is key. Make the woman feel like she is a child and that will hurt her ego MUCH more than jokes and snide remarks.
He has done this alot. The way he is talking is not from having high inhibition. He talks like that even alone talking to the mic.
I am only asking because he seems very autistic (no offense to him). And if you think fucking landwhales is easy these days then you are not incel at all.

He has done this alot. The way he is talking is not from having high inhibition. He talks like that even alone talking to the mic.
Ive pointed out that i cant get anything because of female standards, ive said this time and time AGAIN. Shows you cant pay attention.
She’s hot tbh
That's terrible, all because you took a video of her being a whore. I hope her future simp husband sees your video of her. Make sure to be careful of them hitting you with their car, because some cucked judges might consider it "self defense" if they say they were in fear for their life, so keep recording until they leave entirely.
She looks middle aged already how much longer do u think she has left. She looks like a extra from the “ walking dead “
She looks middle aged already how much longer do u think she has left. She looks like a extra from the “ walking dead “
She's already run out of time for finding a husband, that's why she's on panic mode.
3350 posts and still should get the banhammer and gtfo and back to reddit

You can ban me any time you want by putting me on ignore. I will remind of this post next month when I am still not on your ignore list.
How can this disgusting Gook think she deserve Sean O Pry??
You were cat fishing as Sean o'pry and they still take the bait?

People are dumb
Catfishing is full-time job. How do you do it cfm? I tried to do it for a week and it is very exhausting. You start to develop mentally illnesses from catfishing because you are basically living thru the fake profile you created
i wish you'd upload it somewhere i can download them, or give me the file so i can download them i havent been able to download them since you stopped using sendvid and youtube @catfishman23

But the guys here who have the mentality: "Yeah, you sure showed that roastie by showing up as a bloated middle-aged manual labourer instead of as a Chad!!" their minds are so fucked that they will be posting here forever. Yes, it's funny to troll women, but there are actually some guys here who see this as "payback".

Fans of these videos give incels a bad name. These videos achieve nothing. It's not as if CFM sits down with these women for intellectual debate. It's childish insults until the woman leaves. When this Asian woman drove off and CFM was lolling with satisfaction, you could literally feel the upper limits of his IQ. This woman will move onto the next chad while CFM faps in his basement to that jailbait "female incel" that he tried to doxx and get her to send him nudes.

I mean, who is really winning here? There is video of CFM drinking his own piss online. Is CFM winning???


bro, incels could save babies from a burning building and still have a bad image

lmao, non-good looking men will never get respect. it's completely impossible.
As autistic as always :D What do you even prove with your videos? That girls want to date male models? What a revelation! Someone would actually meet up on a date thinking they're going to meet someone really good looking? They should know their place! ... Of course they're going to want a shot at someone as good looking like that.

If you seriously thought you had a chance with Stacy, you'd cut off your left hand in order to make it happen.
How can this disgusting Gook think she deserve Sean O Pry??
I'd fuck her :what: But she'd reject me :rolleyes:
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Of course they're going to want a shot at someone as good looking like that.
If I had unlimited options I'd go with my looksmatch who will stay with me, not a giga stacy who will just pump and dump me. CFM is doing the right thing embaressing hypergamous whores, now they will always be on the lookout and will be scared to be whores with chads online.

If you seriously thought you had a chance with Stacy, you'd cut off your left hand in order to make it happen.
I would be as happy to be with a 7/10 as I would a stacy, the ugly whores are just being spoiled cunts only going after chads, and they must be exposed for making their looksmatches suffer.
The more i watch these catfish videos the more i think maybe i am the only one here who isnt a autist.
See how he starts screaming "aHaHa i catfished you" louder when shes in the car? its like your scared to shout in her face.
Why? You know how insecure men will be based off your videos? Literally any person who watches ur videos will overthink how their lives will be regarding women. There is no substance revolving anything about female nature or the blackpill. Your content is "just looks"

Jesus christ you sound like a jealous person.

I even told a few people about your videos they just didnt buy it.
imma have to defend face on this.
Honestly, your videos are complete cope.

Ive made threads about you before saying how you might laugh in their faces and say hahahaha i catfished you! when all they are going to do is call up that chadlite they have on their phone because the first best option didnt show up.

at the end of the day the foid stays happy as she is still getting fucked by a chadlite which is way above her looksmatch.

Your videos are not life fuel, if anything they are shotgunfuel as while you are still crying yourself to sleep at night, that foid is getting fucked by a chadlite.

Face's videos are useful as they spread the blackpill, yours are not.
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Lol stupid noodlewhore. The amount of white cock she must have had is insane.

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