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Blackpill (New Australian study) Most sexual abuse of children is now peer-perpetrated instead of being done by adults

  • Thread starter WorthlessSlavicShit
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There are no happy endings in Eastern Europe.
Oct 30, 2022
Well who could have guessed that:waitwhat::feelsahh:? Not the agecucks:feelskek::feelskek:.

Some time ago I posted this 2012 chart from Canada of the age distribution of people accused of sexual offences against children and adolescents, which showed that it peaks at 13 and then falls down.


This and a few other things were how I learned that "peer-perpetrated" child sexual abuse is a thing that's actually being studied. So, I seached for the term a week ago or so, and found this interesting publication from last year:feelsPop:.

Australian CSA prevalence was 28.5%, with the following prevalence by perpetrator classes: other known adolescents (non-romantic): 10.0%; parents/caregivers in the home: 7.8%; other known adults: 7.5%; unknown adults: 4.9%; adolescents (current/former romantic partners): 2.5%; institutional caregivers: 2.0%; siblings: 1.6%; unknown adolescents: 1.4%. Women experienced more CSA by all perpetrator classes except institutional caregivers. Age group comparison showed significant declines in CSA by parents/caregivers, and other known adults; and increases in CSA by adolescents (current/former romantic partners).

Apparently, according to at least what the older people they were asking in the survey remembered, 30+ years ago there was about twice as much CSA done by adults as by peers, but for the current young people, it's flipped:shock:.



And even from the adult categories, unknown adults were less common perpetrators than both parents and other known adults:feelshaha:. And that's including all adults the child/adolescent didn't know, so I wonder how tiny of a subset the scary strange male online predators we need to keep an eye on:feelstastyman: even are of that category, compared to say guys those girls met at nightclubs while partying and so on.
Seriously, how can anyone have any respect for the "pedo hunters" when looking at statistics like this:feelskek::rolleyes:? Them ignoring all female pedos by default barely even deserves a mention. Two-thirds of child sexual abuse is done by other children and teens, and they ignore it, because you can't be a pedo hunter protecting kids if you are the one beating up kids and filming it:feelsthink::feelshaha: (not to mention how violent teens are and how risky attacking them could be). Of the CSA done by adults, two-thirds is done by parents and other adults known to the child, yet those pedo hunters are never breaking into homes of those NT and probably married normies to stop them from abusing their daughters, nieces, stepdaughters and whatnot, because you can't be a hero beating up pedos if you look like a crazy home invader to people, and if you get overpowered or shot and killed while doing so the guys who killed you would be celebrated for "protecting their families". Of the unknown adult perpetrators, who knows how many aren't autistic or ugly and are normal sex-having normies just raiding nightclubs for fresh pussy, who can handle a fight, probably have friends to back them up and might be taller and stronger than you or own guns and carry them with them, so of course the strong pedo hunters ignore those guys, as they do anyone who could end up laying their bodies on the pavement and stomping on their heads:feelsugh:.

But a lonely, ugly and probably autistic guy with no friends to back him up, whose face won't arouse empathy in normies just like it never did in his life, whom you can bait to come into an ambush you set up for him after he thought you were his friend? Oh, that's when the strong and fearless pedo hunters go into action:soy::soy::feelsjuice:.
Don't most sexual abuse comes from people you're close to? Kids are closer to their peers than to their parents so it would make sense
Don't most sexual abuse comes from people you're close to? Kids are closer to their peers than to their parents so it would make sense
Yes, it would, kind of like a gradient going from peers to adults you know to adults you don't know.
Brutal abusepill
You're telling me that le innocent angels can be as cruel and lustful as adults? (because it's not like conscience of 90% of people peaks at 14 and never moves up from there) NO, IT CAN'T BE, obviously they do not know sin until they get branded by the goverment at 18 with magic seal telling that now they do :feelskek:
We should raise age of adulthood to 25 so that able bodied fully cognizant people can enjoy total immunity from law poor little kids can stay innocent for longer:soy::foidSoy:
Seriously, how can anyone have any respect for the "pedo hunters" when looking at statistics like this:feelskek::rolleyes:? Them ignoring all female pedos by default barely even deserves a mention. Two-thirds of child sexual abuse is done by other children and teens, and they ignore it, because you can't be a pedo hunter protecting kids if you are the one beating up kids and filming it:feelsthink::feelshaha: (not to mention how violent teens are and how risky attacking them could be). Of the CSA done by adults, two-thirds is done by parents and other adults known to the child, yet those pedo hunters are never breaking into homes of those NT and probably married normies to stop them from abusing their daughters, nieces, stepdaughters and whatnot, because you can't be a hero beating up pedos if you look like a crazy home invader to people, and if you get overpowered or shot and killed while doing so the guys who killed you would be celebrated for "protecting their families". Of the unknown adult perpetrators, who knows how many aren't autistic or ugly and are normal sex-having normies just raiding nightclubs for fresh pussy, who can handle a fight, probably have friends to back them up and might be taller and stronger than you or own guns and carry them with them, so of course the strong pedo hunters ignore those guys, as they do anyone who could end up laying their bodies on the pavement and stomping on their heads:feelsugh:.

But a lonely, ugly and probably autistic guy with no friends to back him up, whose face won't arouse empathy in normies just like it never did in his life, whom you can bait to come into an ambush you set up for him after he thought you were his friend? Oh, that's when the strong and fearless pedo hunters go into action:soy::soy::feelsjuice:.
What made me ultimately lose any respect for "pedo hunters" was polish branch called ECPU:
-you think 'murican ones were show-offs (I still remember that one nigga who had a cheat sheet with "cool/badass" things to say :feelskek:)? Polish ones make circus show out of the thing, they dress up like terrorists from Counter Strike, they livestream the thing, they keep posturing and saying shit how they'd tear guys head off and whatnot etc.

-complete retards, they got in the face of some random nigga who just happened to stand near the place where they set up pedo to show up because le investigators couldn't even be arsed to check how their target looks like. IT HAPPENED TWICE :lul:
-every, EVERY single guy that I saw being caught by them was a) mentally retarded, as in medical definition b) poor c) old and ugly as shit
Entire thing is baiting barely cognizant village idiots who would otherwise continue their existence unmolested with pictures of adult women while claiming to be 14 years old (AOC in poland is 15).
Meanwhile, there are prolific cases of prosecutors/policemen/city politicians having their own pedo rings, nothing ever came out of it. Similar thing with polish celebs having their own version of epsteins island in some club in big city. Again, nothing ever came out of it. Also, I hear the stories from my town all the time, copypasting my older comment:
Yep, 13 years old foids fucking with guys decade older is commonplace where I live, sometimes with guys in their 30's aswell. Especially for drugs.
Quietly prostituting for rich guys in their 40's, 50's for regular cash (sugar dady basically) also happens sometimes, although just selling nudes and dirty underwear seems to be more common. And no, most of these aren't girls from pathological or poor homes as media likes to portray it.

Meanwhile I got accused of being a pedo and making shit up by normies and tradcucks multiple times for just sharing what I heard/saw these teenage """kids""" doing :lul:
Killed the agecuck in me and good chunk of my moralfaggotry for foids and so-called "sexual decency" for good, ngl.
(I still remember that one nigga who had a cheat sheet with "cool/badass" things to say :feelskek:)?

Polish ones make circus show out of the thing, they dress up like terrorists from Counter Strike, they livestream the thing, they keep posturing and saying shit how they'd tear guys head off and whatnot etc.
View attachment 1385602
Holy fuck the tryhardness:feelskek:.

-complete retards, they got in the face of some random nigga who just happened to stand near the place where they set up pedo to show up because le investigators couldn't even be arsed to check how their target looks like. IT HAPPENED TWICE :lul:

-every, EVERY single guy that I saw being caught by them was a) mentally retarded, as in medical definition b) poor c) old and ugly as shit
Par for the course:feelsugh:.

Entire thing is baiting barely cognizant village idiots who would otherwise continue their existence unmolested with pictures of adult women while claiming to be 14 years old (AOC in poland is 15).
Jfl, this doesn't surprise me that they aren't even using photos of real kids:feelshaha:.

Meanwhile, there are prolific cases of prosecutors/policemen/city politicians having their own pedo rings, nothing ever came out of it. Similar thing with polish celebs having their own version of epsteins island in some club in big city. Again, nothing ever came out of it. Also, I hear the stories from my town all the time, copypasting my older comment:
Yup. That was another thing I actually wanted to include but forgot, there's so much stuff, not conspiracies but "conspiracies" that everyone knows are just real about rich fucks doing this sort of thing almost semi-openly, and funnily enough, those tough guy wanna-bes are never around for that and to bash those pedos, or even speaking out about it:rolleyes:.

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