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RageFuel NEETS are a burden

Garbage Life

Garbage Life

Things don't get better
Aug 24, 2018
I hate unemployed people and neets so much. People who actually have jobs are working through all this bullshit with recent events with little to no appreciation from their employer who treats us like shit while unemployed people are out here doing absolutely nothing, living a life of luxury and sitting on government checks. Neets are lazy and selfish and use anything and everything as an excuse not to get a job.
>"muh disability"
like shut the fuck up, I've seen people with missing limbs, downs syndrome, and people who are just simply downright retarded working at basic jobs.
cope i wish i was neet
lifes a bitch, nigga, u kinda jelly that smart people can leech off a goverment so u call it neet, but smart ppl just call it a side hustle
JFL@ "selfish", if that were actually true then I wouldn't even be alive.

Thing is, most jobs in the USA don't even fucking produce anything, so I wouldn't be doing anything better as a wageslave. Don't give me your faux morality when you would be NEET if you could. If you're envious of NEETs, I get it though.
LMAO what a fucking bitch, you're proud of being a cog and working in a society that hates you to contrinube to civilization that oppresses you?

Neets who mooch off the govermant are fucking based.
you hate free people out of jealousy
be honest
I've been hated by better men than you lol!

And worse men too, tbh....

I'm hated by many men, man!
I feel sad for NEET’s

No neet will lie on their deathbed and be like “my life was good”
If you find a job you’re interested in, save and retire early, you would be like “i made the best of my situation”
lifes a bitch, nigga, u kinda jelly that smart people can leech off a goverment so u call it neet, but smart ppl just call it a side hustle
I've been hated by better men than you lol!

And worse men too, tbh....

I'm hated by many men, man!
you hate free people out of jealousy
be honest
Coming up to 6 years on disability NEETbux :cool: In my Alcoholiccel days, I used to enjoy pissing off all the hard-working folk who would come in the pub at 4-5pm after like doing 8-10 hours of concreting, power-floating or building, merely by my very presence. As they all knew I done jack shit all day every day, except wait for the pub to open at 11am and drink until 8-9pm when I'd stagger out of the pub bollocksed drunk and repeat the cycle again and again etc.... They literally paid their taxes for me to party all day lol, and they knew it :feelskek: When they'd come in they'd be like:

"Ah, first of the day. I need this!"

and my reply would always simply be:

"Waaaay ahead of ya!" :feelskek::dab:

View: https://youtu.be/F35ai1UnK6A

View: https://youtu.be/yabNA92i4Ok

The good old Alcoholiccel days, sat in the exclusively Oldcel/Forever Aloner's pub. All of us NEETbuxxing while the wage-slavers funded our lifestyle, and the only foids you'd ever see in there were the haggard old Barmaids. An Incel Sanctuary :dab: The guy I'm winding up in the second video has since died, a couple more of them haven't got long left either with terminal illness. Indeed I'm only just hanging on myself lol :feelsgah::lul: Also yes they are all either Incel or "Forever Alone", as in were married but divorced 30+ years ago and haven't even smelt a woman since then.
Coming up to 6 years on disability NEETbux :cool: In my Alcoholiccel days, I used to enjoy pissing off all the hard-working folk who would come in the pub at 4-5pm after like doing 8-10 hours of concreting, power-floating or building, merely by my very presence. As they all knew I done jack shit all day every day, except wait for the pub to open at 11am and drink until 8-9pm when I'd stagger out of the pub bollocksed drunk and repeat the cycle again and again etc.... They literally paid their taxes for me to party all day lol, and they knew it :feelskek: When they'd come in they'd be like:

"Ah, first of the day. I need this!"

and my reply would always simply be:

"Waaaay ahead of ya!" :feelskek::dab:

View: https://youtu.be/F35ai1UnK6A

View: https://youtu.be/yabNA92i4Ok

The good old Alcoholiccel days, sat in the exclusively Oldcel/Forever Aloner's pub. All of us NEETbuxxing while the wage-slavers funded our lifestyle, and the only foids you'd ever see in there were the haggard old Barmaids. An Incel Sanctuary :dab: The guy I'm winding up in the second video has since died, a couple more of them haven't got long left either with terminal illness. Indeed I'm only just hanging on myself lol :feelsgah::lul: Also yes they are all either Incel or "Forever Alone", as in were married but divorced 30+ years ago and haven't even smelt a woman since then.

Lol. Mogs me because can afford pub!

I've been neet longer than many cel's have been alive! I don't really know how long, but more than 25 years! Arthritis pinched nerves first. Now other stuff.too. incurable stuff.

Thing is, each year i got worse. I wish i chose a better place to be old at. Nearer to town. Oh well. At least i have a dog.
Lol. Mogs me because can afford pub!

I've been neet longer than many cel's have been alive! I don't really know how long, but more than 25 years! Arthritis pinched nerves first. Now other stuff.too. incurable stuff.

Thing is, each year i got worse. I wish i chose a better place to be old at. Nearer to town. Oh well. At least i have a dog.
When along with being an Alcoholiccel you're also a Homelesscel, you can afford it as no rent/mortgage, bills etc... Literally 90-95% of my fornightly NEETbux (as well as the money my mum topped me up with fortnightly) all went on booze, be it pub or cans and bottles when I'd get towards day 10 and start getting skint. I'd keep about £20 aside for food and easily make it last two weeks as I hardly ate, just drank 24/7 on an empty stomach for 20 years. Hence why I have all the serious health problems I do now, so I completely emphasise with you with regards to your own health struggles Bro.

Dogs are cool btw :cool:
When along with being an Alcoholiccel you're also a Homelesscel, you can afford it as no rent/mortgage, bills etc... Literally 90-95% of my fornightly NEETbux (as well as the money my mum topped me up with fortnightly) all went on booze, be it pub or cans and bottles when I'd get towards day 10 and start getting skint. I'd keep about £20 aside for food and easily make it last two weeks as I hardly ate, just drank 24/7 on an empty stomach for 20 years. Hence why I have all the serious health problems I do now, so I completely emphasise with you with regards to your own health struggles Bro.

Dogs are cool btw :cool:
Thanks bro.

Yeah. I drank alot in the woods but not too often. Because travel and booze weight. Paying rent really messed with my drinking.
lifes a bitch, nigga, u kinda jelly that smart people can leech off a goverment so u call it neet, but smart ppl just call it a side hustle
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go back to work goy: the thread
When you aren't required to have a masters degree in physics to collect garbage for a living let me know, the system is utterly broken and needs to redesigned from the ground up.
Don't hate the player hate the game.
And I hate people who hate on us and don't have the guts to do anything about it.

If you have a problem with the unemployed then go out and kill us, I won't stop you. Until then I will take your tax money.
NEETs are pretty based tbh. Why would you slave for a society that hates you. I get being kind of jealous but that’s it. I would definitely NEET if I could
I know I have to work. It just sucks too badly.
I don't hate them, but if I hear one of them whine about females "getting money for existing", I will definitely point out the hypocrisy.
Fuck off greycel.

Its not our fault you're too stupid to either become an entrepeneur (and be your own boss) or find a way to get on NEETbux yourself.

So don't put the blame on us, put the blame on the Jews who created the welfare state and the rat race that you hate so much to begin with.

Seriously the missplaced anger I see all over this forum on various subjects is vast and vastly retarded at that.

In almost ALL cases your hatred ie everyone here's hatred actually belongs with the Jew and not any other person, concept or thing that you THINK is causing your problems/your hatreds, etc, etc.

Foids aren't truly the "problem" either ie their shitty modern day behavior is simply a result of generations of Jewish promotion of feminism and racemixing garbage as well Jews promoting a culture of hedonism and narcissism which only creates a rotten female and a rotten society in general.
JFL@ "selfish", if that were actually true then I wouldn't even be alive.

Thing is, most jobs in the USA don't even fucking produce anything, so I wouldn't be doing anything better as a wageslave. Don't give me your faux morality when you would be NEET if you could. If you're envious of NEETs, I get it though.
because ur a slave doesnt make u better because society says so fuck society
t. Brainwashed bluepilled kike
I hate unemployed people and neets so much. People who actually have jobs are working through all this bullshit with recent events with little to no appreciation from their employer who treats us like shit while unemployed people are out here doing absolutely nothing, living a life of luxury and sitting on government checks. Neets are lazy and selfish and use anything and everything as an excuse not to get a job.
>"muh disability"
like shut the fuck up, I've seen people with missing limbs, downs syndrome, and people who are just simply downright retarded working at basic jobs.
@LonelySquid will you take solace in knowing that they'll most likely die lonely and miserable?.

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