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Venting NEED COPES ASAP I'm reaching my limit and going insane this is it



Apr 17, 2018
My drug cope is still being planned but in the mean time I need fucking copes. Seriously every day, I go further and further down the rabbit hole. My mind is deteriorating and nothing is working at this point. I stared at myself in the mirror for 13 mins yesterday without even realizing it. I just feel numb and i'm becoming more retarded by the second. Seriously at this moment this site is my only cope. I've tried increasing my post count to distract me. But the urges and anger never fades. I'm getting real sick and tired of this world. I went the past 5 days without verbally speaking.I went the past fucking 5 days without even opening my mouth and I just came off a week and a half isolation.

My mouth is chapped and jaw hurts, my whole body is sore and I haven't felt stimulation in at least two weeks. At this point i'm basically living in my head. In my head I live in a fantasy world fighting monsters and living an exciting life. Of course in these fantasies I have a woman that I love and she loves me. It's gotten so bad i just sit for hours on end living out my fantasies in my head, knowing damn well even basic things most people achieve is out of my grasp. My whole life revolves around violence and sex. Fuck this gay universe and this shit earth. I have done as much as I can. My back is against the wall and this is it. There's nothing waiting for me anywhere. Even if I get a gf it would just be a burden. I'd have to do as much as I can just to keep someone who statistically has experienced "better" and more appealing men in her life. What is waiting for me when I wake up? Some job that I am forced to work so I can pay fucking taxes so laquisha and her 6 kids can get a welfare check? go to school to do Some schoolwork I don't give a fuck about so I can get a higher paying job and paying even more taxes to these fucking jews and so women can get their birth control pills to fuck chad without consequences??? The normie hordes and women looking at me in pure disgust just for existing, before I even open my mouth I get dirty looks. If you approach the women the second you start talking to her you can see the disgust on her face. I just stopped giving a fuck and cold approached at least 5 women yesterday. I made sure all of them were below average in looks and some were just plain ugly and fat as fuck. Not even one replied with a neutral "hello" all of them either ignored me or made it VERY clear that they were not interested.

What did I do to deserve this fate? I am not a fucking manlet, I am not a fucking framlet. I don't act rude to anyone unless they disrespect me first. I'll play to peoples emotions and base how I speak to them in how I think they will like it. All my life I have been playing to inferior dogs emotions. I have been living for other people and being as kind as helping as I can be. I volunteered when I could in many different places. So what's my reward for being as kind as I can be? Nothing I lose because I wasn't attractive. Seriously I don't know how incels like manlets and currycels don't go ER. As I imagine you people must have lived even worse lives than me.

I use to not be fazed by this shit, but it's not fucking funny anymore. The blackpill has consumed me and there's no laughter anymore, everything is fake and played out the curtain must be closed and set. I can't even edge post because the feds are probably on my fucking dick waiting to bash my door down and beat up while I'm jerking off to hentai. I am watching you fucking rats like a hawk just remember that. I've been pushed so long i'm so ready. I've tried living a bluepilled life, but I nearly jumped off a cliff from the failure. I've tried living a redpilled life and ended up hanging myself but my rope snapped. (My neck was too thick and I had to much muscle which made me too heavy, I also used a thin ass rope) GENETICS RULES EVERYTHING. If you are born into a non-black family your chance of success in ALL area of life increases (excluding curries and some asians) If you are unattractive and ethnic like me you lost. My unrivaled power and will mean nothing in a world ruled by looks and status. I can't even describe how fucked I am. I know there are fucking normalfaggots reading this ready to circlejerk and call me crazy. But remember all of the things you take for granted is something I will never experience. Think of all the good memories in your life and all of the people who you've met and connected with. I've never felt any of that. I can't even cry, I am so emotionally drained and disappointed I haven't cried in my past 3 years despite going through so much hardship. Nothing matters anymore, and i've seen the truth. Enjoy your life friends. Seriously i've vented so much times the past month on this forum it's just getting silly and pathetic. All I hope is that no incels ever walk my path and end up like me. All I hope is that you find something that makes you happy and live on for me and all of the other fallen incels. There's no redemption or salvation for me. I'm going to crash my trainwreck of life in a fiery explosion. I honestly hope if hell exists I go there. Because then at least i'd feel at home. Going to heaven with the goody normie bois makes no sense to me, the positive feelings and happiness would feel too foreign.

porn cope- done, my dick doesn't even work anymore
fighting cope-done (probably going to jail for this one)
video game cope- beaten to death
bluepill cope - done
nature cope- done
nightwalk cope- done
hobby cope- done
gymcelling cope- everyday
distraction cope- everyday
music cope- everyday
Fantasy cope- done everyday
isolation cope- done, nearly died of starvation
self improvement cope - tried to this everyday for past 3 years
personality cope- despite being able to adapt to whom i'm speaking with I still failed. appearence, appeal , status > personality
redpill cope- done
ldar cope- done
cold approach cope-done
make friends and get into a social circle cope-done
try to become friends with women cope- done and tried
porn cope- done, my dick doesn't even work anymore
fighting cope-done (probably going to jail for this one)
video game cope- beaten to death
bluepill cope - done
nature cope- done
nightwalk cope- done
hobby cope- done
gymcelling cope- everyday
distraction cope- everyday
music cope- everyday
Fantasy cope- done everyday
isolation cope- done, nearly died of starvation
self improvement cope - tried to this everyday for past 3 years
personality cope- despite being able to adapt to whom i'm speaking with I still failed. appearence, appeal , status > personality
redpill cope- done
ldar cope- done
cold approach cope-done

What else is there?
your only cope is to look for copes
Join the military in an infantry position and use justified-murder as your hottest new cope. Killing third world terrorists sounds pretty fun tbh.
thief/thug cope isn't checked off as done. being evil is so much fun. just get some parachute track pants, a windbreaker, shades and a cap or bandana and you're good to go.

stealing shit from backyards is so damn easy. don't even have to enter the house.

stealing drinks/food from outdoor eateries is also really fun.

also, you could try going up to sub 5'4 college stacies and say: "hey I need to use your phone." and if they say yeah, just fucking run off with it after pretending to dial in a number. thats what a lot of russian thugs do.
Join the military in an infantry position and use justified-murder as your hottest new cope. Killing third world terrorists sounds pretty fun tbh.
this, it sounds like the only solution is uproot your life and start devoting yourself to some project or cause. there's already people in the military who are just in it for the COD role play. also escortcelling if you haven't tried it, just get some ED medication if your body's not up to it
im not reading all that shit but booze


You're in a tough spot ngl
The last cope is rope.
Push me to the edge all my friends are dead
like others said, try escortceling along with drugceling and thugceling. become totally unhinged tbh. this sounds like the best option for you so you can actually feel something, being able to really live your life. who knows, maybe you will become a huge drug dealer and get to fuck as many stacys and sniff as much cocaine off their asses as possible. good luck boyo. sorry im high

Get drunk listen to this trust me
My drug cope is still being planned but in the mean time I need fucking copes. Seriously every day, I go further and further down the rabbit hole. My mind is deteriorating and nothing is working at this point. I stared at myself in the mirror for 13 mins yesterday without even realizing it. I just feel numb and i'm becoming more retarded by the second. Seriously at this moment this site is my only cope. I've tried increasing my post count to distract me. But the urges and anger never fades. I'm getting real sick and tired of this world. I went the past 5 days without verbally speaking.I went the past fucking 5 days without even opening my mouth and I just came off a week and a half isolation.

My mouth is chapped and jaw hurts, my whole body is sore and I haven't felt stimulation in at least two weeks. At this point i'm basically living in my head. In my head I live in a fantasy world fighting monsters and living an exciting life. Of course in these fantasies I have a woman that I love and she loves me. It's gotten so bad i just sit for hours on end living out my fantasies in my head, knowing damn well even basic things most people achieve is out of my grasp. My whole life revolves around violence and sex. Fuck this gay universe and this shit earth. I have done as much as I can. My back is against the wall and this is it. There's nothing waiting for me anywhere. Even if I get a gf it would just be a burden. I'd have to do as much as I can just to keep someone who statistically has experienced "better" and more appealing men in her life. What is waiting for me when I wake up? Some job that I am forced to work so I can pay fucking taxes so laquisha and her 6 kids can get a welfare check? go to school to do Some schoolwork I don't give a fuck about so I can get a higher paying job and paying even more taxes to these fucking jews and so women can get their birth control pills to fuck chad without consequences??? The normie hordes and women looking at me in pure disgust just for existing, before I even open my mouth I get dirty looks. If you approach the women the second you start talking to her you can see the disgust on her face. I just stopped giving a fuck and cold approached at least 5 women yesterday. I made sure all of them were below average in looks and some were just plain ugly and fat as fuck. Not even one replied with a neutral "hello" all of them either ignored me or made it VERY clear that they were not interested.

What did I do to deserve this fate? I am not a fucking manlet, I am not a fucking framlet. I don't act rude to anyone unless they disrespect me first. I'll play to peoples emotions and base how I speak to them in how I think they will like it. All my life I have been playing to inferior dogs emotions. I have been living for other people and being as kind as helping as I can be. I volunteered when I could in many different places. So what's my reward for being as kind as I can be? Nothing I lose because I wasn't attractive. Seriously I don't know how incels like manlets and currycels don't go ER. As I imagine you people must have lived even worse lives than me.

I use to not be fazed by this shit, but it's not fucking funny anymore. The blackpill has consumed me and there's no laughter anymore, everything is fake and played out the curtain must be closed and set. I can't even edge post because the feds are probably on my fucking dick waiting to bash my door down and beat up while I'm jerking off to hentai. I am watching you fucking rats like a hawk just remember that. I've been pushed so long i'm so ready. I've tried living a bluepilled life, but I nearly jumped off a cliff from the failure. I've tried living a redpilled life and ended up hanging myself but my rope snapped. (My neck was too thick and I had to much muscle which made me too heavy, I also used a thin ass rope) GENETICS RULES EVERYTHING. If you are born into a non-black family your chance of success in ALL area of life increases (excluding curries and some asians) If you are unattractive and ethnic like me you lost. My unrivaled power and will mean nothing in a world ruled by looks and status. I can't even describe how fucked I am. I know there are fucking normalfaggots reading this ready to circlejerk and call me crazy. But remember all of the things you take for granted is something I will never experience. Think of all the good memories in your life and all of the people who you've met and connected with. I've never felt any of that. I can't even cry, I am so emotionally drained and disappointed I haven't cried in my past 3 years despite going through so much hardship. Nothing matters anymore, and i've seen the truth. Enjoy your life friends. Seriously i've vented so much times the past month on this forum it's just getting silly and pathetic. All I hope is that no incels ever walk my path and end up like me. All I hope is that you find something that makes you happy and live on for me and all of the other fallen incels. There's no redemption or salvation for me. I'm going to crash my trainwreck of life in a fiery explosion. I honestly hope if hell exists I go there. Because then at least i'd feel at home. Going to heaven with the goody normie bois makes no sense to me, the positive feelings and happiness would feel too foreign.

porn cope- done, my dick doesn't even work anymore
fighting cope-done (probably going to jail for this one)
video game cope- beaten to death
bluepill cope - done
nature cope- done
nightwalk cope- done
hobby cope- done
gymcelling cope- everyday
distraction cope- everyday
music cope- everyday
Fantasy cope- done everyday
isolation cope- done, nearly died of starvation
self improvement cope - tried to this everyday for past 3 years
personality cope- despite being able to adapt to whom i'm speaking with I still failed. appearence, appeal , status > personality
redpill cope- done
ldar cope- done
cold approach cope-done
make friends and get into a social circle cope-done
try to become friends with women cope- done and tried

Have you tried praying to God? Worked the best for me. And I was formerly suicidal and literally everything you just said was my mindstate about 10 years ago...
Think about some far out shit that you'd want to do, you can go to Cuba to study and become a doctor, Join the military and then go for mercenary work, get involved in super high illegal shit.
Only cope one could come up for this situation is the obvious yet impossible act of simply trying to occupy time with a taken up cause you seem worthy of your time.
However, at this point your only cope is to completely block out negative influences such as forms of media involving unrealistic relationships and plain ignorance towards the Chads with stamps all over them to the point you don't acknowledge their existence.
Women that look at you with disgust are truly the ones which should hold the dishonor of being humiliated, yet females seem to be in a perpetual state of immunity from established rules which only take effect on us.
you know the saying cope till the rope? well the copes are finished.
stop fapping for a while man it really fucks you up if you do it everyday
if you work take a day off and escortcell when high
stop fapping for a while man it really fucks you up if you do it everyday
if you work take a day off and escortcell when high
money cope
hackercel cope
dontcare cope
vandalism cope
shoplifting cope

and finally
gaycope :feelsmega:
I AM not sure what else thERe is to try.
In my head I live in a fantasy world fighting monsters and living an exciting life. Of course in these fantasies I have a woman that I love and she loves me. It's gotten so bad i just sit for hours on end living out my fantasies in my head, knowing damn well even basic things most people achieve is out of my grasp.
Normie. The fantasies I have are about an ultra-Chad because I have lost all hope for myself. Plus the way it is I can possibly make money out of it someday if I manage to make a nekketsu comic.
My friend, you've named every cope possible except weed. If you are over 21 and are in a legal state I gauruntee that you will find it's the best cope. If you aren't in a legal state or are under 21 just find the thuggest black dude you can and say "Hey you know where I can cop some loud?" (Loud being high quality weed, no one has mids or reggie anymore, and you dont want weak weed anyway if you wanna cope)
You can become a Godcel.

Maybe all this suffering is meant to make you give up on finding happiness in the world and look for something higher.
Just worship a sadist theory

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