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Need a workout plan for at home



thermostat iq
Apr 9, 2020
I'm too scared and poor to get a gym subscription. How do I get fit at home? What exercises should I do every day?
Eat food that is good for you

What’s the point
how many, just until I can't feel my arms? I can only do like...8

Do push ups until you want to cry and puke. Go out and lift some females and use them as your personal barrbell.
Without any equipment/stuff you find in every household you can do:

Dibs. They are the best thing you can do at home. Proven dozens of times by autistic gymcels. Google how to do them at home. Use a chair or something to lift up your legs.

Pushups. You can do them in various versions. Wide arms if for chest, narrow arms is for triceps. You also train your shoulder a bit with it. You can google for the various versions of pushups, what muscle they train and how to do them right. For behinnders its important to know how much you can repeat without failing. 3 x 15 would be a good start. If you can only do 5 do 3 x 5 or 5 x 5

Faggy imo, especially situps suck. You can try leg raises, crunches and criss-cross (or however its called)

Just do squats and calf raises with a book under your feet, additionally put something with weight in your hands too.

Feel free to ask me further stuff. :feelsokman: Always remember to eat a meal with lots of protein after gymcelling so your muscles can use it to repair and grow. Also get 7-8 hours of sleep that night. Muscles only grow during rest phase.
Without any equipment/stuff you find in every household you can do:

Dibs. They are the best thing you can do at home. Proven dozens of times by autistic gymcels. Google how to do them at home. Use a chair or something to lift up your legs.

Pushups. You can do them in various versions. Wide arms if for chest, narrow arms is for triceps. You also train your shoulder a bit with it. You can google for the various versions of pushups, what muscle they train and how to do them right. For behinnders its important to know how much you can repeat without failing. 3 x 15 would be a good start. If you can only do 5 do 3 x 5 or 5 x 5

Faggy imo, especially situps suck. You can try leg raises, crunches and criss-cross (or however its called)

Just do squats and calf raises with a book under your feet, additionally put something with weight in your hands too.

Feel free to ask me further stuff. :feelsokman: Always remember to eat a meal with lots of protein after gymcelling so your muscles can use it to repair and grow. Also get 7-8 hours of sleep that night. Muscles only grow during rest phase.

As addition, if you have barbells and shit, do squats, overhead presses, and deadlifts. Squats in particular are some of the best exercises you can do.
o-okay everyday push ups until im dying

brutal and how did this happen

eheh I don't eat at all I'm too poor...
I weigh 100kg and I got lanket double jointed arms.
As addition, if you have barbells and shit, do squats, overhead presses, and deadlifts. Squats in particular are some of the best exercises you can do.
This. With barbells you can workout your back and biceps, and also shoulders, which are all kinds hard when you have no equipment.

A good alternative would be a pull-up bar, but I guess its the same expensive as dumbbells and you can use the dumbbells for way more.
Without any equipment/stuff you find in every household you can do:

Dibs. They are the best thing you can do at home. Proven dozens of times by autistic gymcels. Google how to do them at home. Use a chair or something to lift up your legs.

Pushups. You can do them in various versions. Wide arms if for chest, narrow arms is for triceps. You also train your shoulder a bit with it. You can google for the various versions of pushups, what muscle they train and how to do them right. For behinnders its important to know how much you can repeat without failing. 3 x 15 would be a good start. If you can only do 5 do 3 x 5 or 5 x 5

Faggy imo, especially situps suck. You can try leg raises, crunches and criss-cross (or however its called)

Just do squats and calf raises with a book under your feet, additionally put something with weight in your hands too.

Feel free to ask me further stuff. :feelsokman: Always remember to eat a meal with lots of protein after gymcelling so your muscles can use it to repair and grow. Also get 7-8 hours of sleep that night. Muscles only grow during rest phase.
based this is what I was looking for, thank you for this advice. Saved in my notes.
I weigh 100kg and I got lanket double jointed arms.
220lbs is good though, that means you can transition to muscle faster right? Double jointed is brutal though
based this is what I was looking for, thank you for this advice. Saved in my notes.
You can do all of this at one day as a beginner. If you have muscle aches, wait until they are gone (can take 1-3 days). It is not worth to overwork your muscle if you want to gain strength or mass. To start is hard, but every single person I know that started with lifting starts to love it after a few weeks and they can't wait for the next gym session.

Also just look up basic body building guides. Much of this sounds complex, but most websites just want to tell you hocus pocus which isnt relevant for beginners and you will get into this naturally over time.

1) Train hard, an overworked muscle feels exhausted, but not in (sharp) pain. You will get a feeling for it.
2) Get enough calories (more than 2000 a day, for starters) and protein (1g/kg bodyweight. Some say 2 or 2,5 but thats hella lot and imo not needed, especially for beginners)
3) Best is to get a lot of proteins 30-60 minutes after training. Thats called the anabolic window where your body demands proteins. If you leave this out, your get into the catabolic state where your body uses up muscle mass to repair what you just tore in your training. not good.
4) Really get your sleep. 6 hours at least

BONUS: Look into neckmaxxing. No joke, the neck muscle is small, so it grows and regenerates way faster than the others.
You can make siginificant results in 4-8 weeks by training 3 times a week for 5-10 minutes. All you need is a full water bottle or a 2kg/5lbs dumbbell.

Have fun and post results
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i got a cheap set of dumbbells and a bench on amazon
htf am i supposed to do a squat without a squat rack?
I got a benchpress.
Try Jeff "I deadlift 500" Cavalier's videos

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