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Venting Nazis and Inceltears are two sides of the same coin, hate filled incels who larp about getting laid via personality

  • Thread starter Deleted member 2047
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Deleted member 2047

Deleted member 2047

Dec 8, 2017
Honestly, I want to go ER on nazis and alt-righters more than I want to ER women (in eurotruck simulator). Life as a subhuman looking jew is hard enough, getting told I'm some sort of string pulling nation wrecker while I sit crying in my bed is just as infuriating. But you know what I've noticed? Both IT and Nazis are very similar.

Nazis (which basically only exist on the interet) are all pasty soft-jawed white losers on image boards. They look like your prototypical incel. And yet, they all claim that they are absolute slayers with women because "they exert masculine power" and "women don't respect leftists because they're soy" or something. All these people talk about how much they're into self improvement, when their self improving is gymcelling + cope bullshit like abstaining from soy and cold showers. lol just look at any picture from charlotesville, they all look like any random nerd you pull from JROTC, incels trying their damndest to look "hard". Masculinity == face/height/frame.

IT is basically the same from the other side. Every single one of them is constantly like "yeah I respect women and habve had 134582147392 girlfriends and 3842197329481 one night stands. JFL like you're fooling anyone. Literally not a single actual sex haver uses reddit. Regular, well functioning people barebly even know how to use the internet apart from youtube, wikipedia, and facebook. If you're not spending literally every night partying and drinking with other slayers, you're probably incel in 2020. I always like to look for pics in their post history, and they look EXACTLY like the nazi losers with their doughy faces, long midfaces, and soft looking eyes.
Yes, I understand you as an immigrant in my case. I also seem to be a monster destroyer of countries. I've got bored of trying to fit in the alt-right if I'm honest.
You're a [Redacted] take your [Redacted] Subversion elsewhere you [Redacted]. Hail. :dab::dab::dab:
Literally not a single actual sex haver uses reddit.
Someone said it. Someone finally said it.
Most people who genuinely care about polishits are incels.

Why do you think they chose it as a hobby? No one with better things to do would choose to ramble all day on the internet about which economic system is better :feelshaha:
Honestly, I want to go ER on nazis and alt-righters more than I want to ER women (in eurotruck simulator).
The alt-right is a very broad concept, are you sure you necessarily disagree with every single aspect of it?

"Nazi" was a slang term originating from racists who hated Germans
The 24th edition of Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache (2002) says the word Nazi was favored in southern Germany (supposedly from c. 1924) among opponents of National Socialism because the nickname Nazi, Naczi (from the masc. proper name Ignatz, German form of Ignatius) was used colloquially to mean "a foolish person, clumsy or awkward person." Ignatz was a popular name in Catholic Austria, and according to one source in World War I Nazi was a generic name in the German Empire for the soldiers of Austria-Hungary.​

Do you oppose national socialism in general, or just the policies you think NSDAP had?

Life as a subhuman looking jew is hard enough, getting told I'm some sort of string pulling nation wrecker while I sit crying in my bed is just as infuriating.
If you are born into this villainous species, consider it your moral obligation to explain how a mohel victimized you as a baby by slicing open your dick and putting your baby dick into his mouth and sucking the blood out of it.

If you go and do that, I think many people critical of Jewish people in general will offer you forgiveness and maybe even designate you an Honorary Aryan.

But you know what I've noticed? Both IT and Nazis are very similar.

Nazis (which basically only exist on the interet)
are all pasty soft-jawed white losers on image boards.
They look like your prototypical incel.
You sound like you are overcompensating bro.
You call guys in a group soft-jawed, but I bet this foid on the right has thicker arms than you.

they all claim that they are absolute slayers with women because "they exert masculine power"
"All" is untrue. You'll find some who talk that way about themselves, sure, but I don't think it's all of them, or even necessarily most.

these people talk about how much they're into self improvement,
when their self improving is gymcelling + cope bullshit like abstaining from soy and cold showers
What's wrong with using these means to self-improve?

just look at any picture from charlotesville,
they all look like any random nerd you pull from JROTC,
incels trying their damndest to look "hard".
Feel free to post your own pic and show how much you mog these guys.

They're not all chad, and there are some thin guys, but why exactly are you shaming them?
When's the last time you decided to oppose leftist debauchery?

Literally not a single actual sex haver uses reddit.
Easily disproven by porn stars doing AMAs for years. Examples:

the "nazis" wanted/want a better society and future, soys on reddit don't care about anything aside from social acceptance and farming karma on reddit. At least national socialists believe in something
Nazis were aryan German chads. Meanwhile IT is represnted by some autisitc Brazilian huehuehue
America isn't a natural state by any means, you don't have any right being offended by other groups that don't want to associate with you. Go to Israel and be with your people you'll be a lot happier.
Nazis were aryan German chads.
Hitler was 5'9" and probably a significant deal of the NSDAP supporters were shortcels just like he was.

Hitler would have token tall guys as his photogenic supermen for propaganda purposes to get the foid population to cooperate with the war effort, but that did not by any means represent the men of the population as a whole.
Jews are bolsheviks by nature because it's the limitless well of opportunity to claim victimhood for the sake of humanitarianism. Always easier to impose a power claim move when you are doing it in response to being persecuted.
If anyone thinks the jews are the most persecuted in history KEEP IN MIND they have newspaper companies for them, media control in almost all countries, etc. exaggeration.
Hitler was 5'9" and probably a significant deal of the NSDAP supporters were shortcels just like he was.

Hitler would have token tall guys as his photogenic supermen for propaganda purposes to get the foid population to cooperate with the war effort, but that did not by any means represent the men of the population as a whole.
5'9 was above average back then and he was 5'8
Most nazis are just eugenicists who fail to realize women do not care about anything but RELATIVE power, and giving other people the genetic edge makes things worse for you.
So why is my name eugenicist? Because I am a cultivator for my own clan. Much like how genghis khan might have been, bill gates or anyone who wants to further their own power.
In fact the jews are eugenicists for cultivating hollywood, getting good genes, hijacking into alpha status. That's what jews did in the ancient roman age as well. Get the best aesthetic the roman legions left behind.
From raids, and invasions.
tbh alt righters and SJWs both are retarded.

We need Incel Based Socialism

Weed need Iranian troops dropping in parachutes onto the roofs of our homes to set us free and secure our free facial surgeries.

Please Iran, America needs a surgerymaxxing Red Dawn.
Pretty sure CuckTears is worse than being a nazi
5'9 was above average back then and he was 5'8
What do you think the average is now?

Also... average height = shortcel since women prefer the top 40% in height.

Most nazis are just eugenicists who fail to realize women do not care about anything but RELATIVE power, and giving other people the genetic edge makes things worse for you.
Please specify National Socialism or NSDAP.

Calling people "Nazis" is racism promoted by dirty Jews, we don't tolerate racism here.

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