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Nazicels are the biggest losers and braindead people



Just Love and Peace man
May 12, 2024
I support antisemitsm and racism in some instances but supporting hitler is as smart as supporting hamas as a Arab


Because both are fake enemies installed by the Jews.
I had a argument on here before with 3 users because i questioned the NSDAP for being financially supported by American-Jewish donors before their take over.

They called me a idiot and a crackhead but stopped responding once I pulled out the proof.

One faggot in particular had the audacity to cowardly delete half of our convo and stopped responding once he realized that he had been verbally destroyed.

This is all i could save unfortunately

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For the ones interested in Hitlers affair with his Rich Jew sugardaddys here is the thread:

Post in thread 'BOTH the democrat and Republican party believe the same shit. We need a white nationalist party like they have in European nations' https://incels.is/threads/both-the-...have-in-european-nations.632980/post-14721548

Post in thread 'BOTH the democrat and Republican party believe the same shit. We need a white nationalist party like they have in European nations' https://incels.is/threads/both-the-...have-in-european-nations.632980/post-14712351
Yea I agree
Nazism is a normalfag invention anyway, inkies need their own cause :feelsjuice:
I support antisemitsm and racism in some instances but supporting hitler is as smart as supporting hamas as a Arab


Because both are fake enemies installed by the Jews.
I had a argument on here before with 3 users because i questioned the NSDAP for being financially supported by American-Jewish donors before their take over.

They called me a idiot and a crackhead but stopped responding once I pulled out the proof.

One faggot in particular had the audacity to cowardly delete half of our convo and stopped responding once he realized that he had been verbally destroyed.

This is all i could save unfortunately

View attachment 1207855View attachment 1207856

For the ones interested in Hitlers affair with his Rich Jew sugardaddys here is the thread:

Post in thread 'BOTH the democrat and Republican party believe the same shit. We need a white nationalist party like they have in European nations' https://incels.is/threads/both-the-...have-in-european-nations.632980/post-14721548

Post in thread 'BOTH the democrat and Republican party believe the same shit. We need a white nationalist party like they have in European nations' https://incels.is/threads/both-the-...have-in-european-nations.632980/post-14712351

It may have been a psyop to discredit nationalism. Just imagine if there was no holocaust guilt, no shitskin mass migrations allowed.
So to sum it up, I triggered you so hard by defending my political views you had to make this thread jfl

And don't lie, I didn't delete anything.
> using ''loser'' as an insult on an incel forum

> joined 2024
It may have been a psyop to discredit nationalism. Just imagine if there was no holocaust guilt, no shitskin mass migrations allowed.
The sole purpose of the holocaust and ww2 was to push the jews there to go to Israel
If hitler won and conquered the world there probably wouldnt be other than white people around.

Maybe also japanese but i doubt that one too
So to sum it up, I triggered you so hard by defending my political views you had to make this thread jfl

And don't lie, I didn't delete anything.
No i'm pretty sure that you deleted all our stuff and disprove my arguments first before claiming me being triggered
If hitler won and conquered the world there probably wouldnt be other than white people around.

Maybe also japanese but i doubt that one too
He was mever supposed to win
Inb4 he’s given a warning for “incel shaming” or whatever.
Stop stalking my profile and acknowledge the truth Inkwell

No i'm pretty sure that you deleted all our stuff and disprove my arguments first before claiming me being triggered
Didn't delete anything jfl

You were the one who came back to this argument days after you shared your schizo-tier info, which I provided counter-evidence for, and now are making a thread & using "loser" as an insult on an incel forum.
Didn't delete anything jfl

You were the one who came back to this argument days after you shared your schizo-tier info, which I provided counter-evidence for, and now are making a thread & using "loser" as an insult on an incel forum.
You didn't provide anything but a random E-Book with a unknown author, you're obsession with a simple insult instead of focusing on my arguments shows again that you have no idea how to counter me

your peanut brain couldn't comprehend them and your mount everest ego couldn't acknowledge your wrong doing.
You didn't provide anything but a random E-Book with a unknown author,
If you read the arguments shitskin, you would see how it disproves many claims

Among the National Socialists in Germany, opposition to international capital figured prominently from the start. The National Socialists, even prior to adopting that name, within the small group, the German Workers’ Party, saw capital as intrinsically anti-national. The earliest party program, in 1919, stated that the party was fighting “against usury… against all those who make high profits without any mental or physical work,” the “drones” who “control and rule us with their money.” It is notable that even then the party did not advocate “ socialization” of industry but profit-sharing and unity among all classes other than “drones.”...
Henry Ford – an Early Nazi Party Sponsor?

If there was any wealthy American who should or could have funded Hitler it was Henry Ford Sr. Indeed, Ford features prominently in allegations that Hitler received financial backing from wealthy elites. But Ford was not part of the financial elite. He was an industrialist who challenged Wall Street. If he had backed Hitler that would have been an example of a conflict between “industrial capital” and “financial capital” that Ford had himself recognized, and that Hitler had alluded to in Mein Kampf. Not only did his newspaper the Dearborn Independent, under the editorship of W. J. Cameron, run a series of ninety-one articles on the “Jewish question,” but that series was issued as a compendium called The International Jew, which was translated into German. Such was the pressure from Jewish Wall Street interests on the Ford Motor Company that Ford recanted, and falsely claimed that he had not authorized the series in his company newspaper.[16] Yet Ford never funded the Hitlerites, despite several direct, personal appeals for aid on the basis of “international solidarity” against Jewish influence.

Sutton did an admirable job of tracing direct and definitive links between Wall Street and the Bolsheviks. However, perhaps in his eagerness to show the common factor of “socialism” between National Socialists and Bolsheviks, and the way Wall Street backed opposing movements as part of a Hegelian dialectical strategy,[17] Sutton seems to have grasped at straws in trying to show a link between plutocrats and Nazis. Sutton repeats the myth of Ford backing of the Hitlerite party that had been in circulation since the 1920s. As early as 1922 The New York Times reported that Ford was funding the embryonic National Socialist party, and the Berliner Tageblatt called on the U.S. ambassador to investigate Ford’s supposed interference in German affairs.[18] The article in its entirety turns out to be nothing but the vaguest of rumor-mongering, of making something out of nothing at all, but it is still found to be useful by those perpetrating the myth of big-money backing for Hitler.[19] Dr. Sutton quotes the vice president of the Bavarian Diet, Auer, testifying at the trial of Hitler after the Munich Putsch in February 1923, that the Diet long had had information that Hitler was being financed by Ford. Auer alluded to a Ford agent seeking to sell tractors having been in contact with Dietrich Eckart in 1922, and that shortly after Ford money began going to Munich.[20] Having provided no evidence whatsoever, Sutton states that “these Ford funds were used by Hitler to foment the Bavarian rebellion.”[21]

Some Wall Street luminaries who are supposed to have been “pro-Nazi” on the basis of business affiliations in Germany were among those agitating for war against Germany. Foreign business holdings were held in trust throughout the war by Germany in accordance with international law. The one individual who had convincing links with international capital, Hjalmar Schacht, was relieved of all positions by 1939 and ended up in a concentration camp. Those German businessmen who did provide funds to the Nazi party did so at a comparatively late date, and were of nationalistic sentiments in a German tradition that was alien to that of the self-interest of the English free-trade school. Even those foreign businessmen who might reasonably have been expected to fund the NSDAP on ideological grounds, primarily Henry Ford, did not do so, persistent allegations to the contrary.

The Third Reich was a command economy, and corporate executives became “trustees” of their firms, subject to state supervision. The NSDAP premise: “the common interest before self-interest” was upheld throughout the regime. Dividends and profits were limited to a large extent. While it is a widespread assumption that Hitler reneged on the “socialist” principles of the NSDAP program, what the regime did carry out was extensive in terms of bilateral trade, and the use of unorthodox methods of finance. The machinations of international capital, including those who were supposedly pro-German, were for war, especially if Germany could not be persuaded to return to orthodox methods of trade and finance. War came the same year as Schacht was dismissed from office.

you're obsession with a simple insult instead of focusing on my arguments shows again that you have no idea how to counter me
I wasn't obsessing over an "insult" I just pointed out how you were still going on about this days after we had the "argument:
Not a infiltrator, just someone hungry for beef
So you admit to wanting to cause shit & derail the forum? Yup, sounds like some zoomerfaggot
So you're just rage baiting darkstar then?
Seems like it, all I can say is rent-free
No it's not bait, i'm actually serious about my opinion but I just want to humiliate these niggers for insulting me
Never insulted you jfl
So you admit to wanting to cause shit & derail the forum? Yup, sounds like some zoomerfaggot
So many niggers here want to see me banned :feelshaha: :feelshaha: :feelshaha: :feelshaha:

Spam your Chatgpt irrelevant ass texts all you want, they aren't even in relation to my arguments
This forum has become so repetitive Jew this Jew that
Even IF hitler was controlled opposition (which i doubt), that doesnt change the fact that he destroyed the degeneracy from the weimar era, instilled traditional values into the population, and kicked out the jews from positions of power. Therefore i still support his leadership 100%.

Even IF - and thats a big if - even if he was bankrolled by jews, he was still a better leader than 99.9% of leaders in history. He took a trash society and in only a few years transformed it into a place that is still revered by millions today.
The fuhrer predicted that the victory of his enemies would lead to human extinction.
Which we're now on the road to.
Even if you think the NSDAP was extreme they were still correct about most things.

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