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JFL Nazi Germany was hell for incels



Oct 7, 2018

"One of the first acts by Adolf Hitler after the Reichstag Fire Decree and the Enabling Act of 1933 gave him de facto legal dictatorship over the German state was to pass the Law for the Prevention of Hereditarily Diseased Offspring (Gesetz zur Verhütung erbkranken Nachwuchses) in July 1933.[42][43] The law was signed by Hitler himself, and over 200 eugenic courts were created specifically as a result of this law. Under it, all doctors in the Third Reich were required to report any patients of theirs who were deemed intellectually disabled, characterized mentally ill (including schizophrenia and manic depression), epileptic, blind, deaf, or physically deformed, and a steep monetary penalty was imposed for any patients who were not properly reported. Individuals suffering from alcoholism or Huntington's Disease could also be sterilized. The individual's case was then presented in front of a court of Nazi officials and public health officers who would review their medical records, take testimony from friends and colleagues, and eventually decide whether or not to order a sterilization operation performed on the individual, using force if necessary. Though not explicitly covered by the law, 400 mixed-race "Rhineland Bastards" were also sterilized beginning in 1937.[44][45] The sterilization program went on until the war started, with about 600,000 people sterilized.[46]

By the end of World War II, over 400,000 individuals were sterilised under the German law and its revisions, most within its first four years of being enacted. When the issue of compulsory sterilisation was brought up at the Nuremberg trials after the war, many Nazis defended their actions on the matter by indicating that it was the United States itself from whom they had taken inspiration. The Nazis had many other eugenics-inspired racial policies, including their "euthanasia" programme in which around 70,000 people institutionalised or suffering from birth defects were killed.[47]"
The nazis were merciful enough to save us from the misery of existance. Incels were sterilized so no more incels could be made.
It's over for NatSoc-cels
eh, what's the real difference between being sterilized and being forced to live a life in loneliness? I would honestly prefer sterilization if it meant having the opportunity to live in Germany during the 1930s over this dull meaningless existence
Uh, you weren't sterilized in nazy germany just for being ugly. You had to be deformed or mentally ill. Or at least suffer from some serious hereditary disorder.

Half the nazi elite were incels. Gobbels was as incel as it got, as he was both short, ugly, deformed and romantically unsuccessful until he got famous.
Nazis loved chads. Had they won, it would have been a foid paradise. No more ugly white men or any ethnic men at all, just jacked 6'5 Aryan Chads walking around.

Foids are now fighting worldwide to make Hitler's dream come true. Guess that's the world all these leftist soyboys want when they attack incels for being muhsoggykneeist.
eh, what's the real difference between being sterilized and being forced to live a life in loneliness? I would honestly prefer sterilization if it meant having the opportunity to live in Germany during the 1930s over this dull meaningless existence
Idk. It's hard to compare. Being sterilized at that time would be just as shameful as being a lonely incel today if not more. And if we lived in Nazi Germany we would have to live under high collective pressure, have fewer things to cope with, no possibility to NEET, and probably die in one or another bombardement. It's hard to say which life would be better.
Nazis loved chads. Had they won, it would have been a foid paradise. No more ugly white men or any ethnic men at all, just jacked 6'5 Aryan Chads walking around.

Foids are now fighting worldwide to make Hitler's dream come true. Guess that's the world all these leftist soyboys want when they attack incels for being muhsoggykneeist.
Not true. Nationalsocialist Germany is the closest thing to a meritocratic society, that is a society where the individual is given all the opportunity to compete with others on an even playing field, that the world has ever seen. Traditionalism and monogamy was promoted. You didn't even have to be a Chad to enter the SS. The Germans certainly admired beauty, but there's so much more to it than the picture you're attempting to portray
Still better than the Zionist hellhole we live in today.
Uh, you weren't sterilized in nazy germany just for being ugly. You had to be deformed or mentally ill. Or at least suffer from some serious hereditary disorder.

Half the nazi elite were incels. Gobbels was as incel as it got, as he was both short, ugly, deformed and romantically unsuccessful until he got famous.
A lot of incels are physically deformed or have mental issues though. Elite can trump looks with their power and status anyway. Hitler himself didn't even look like his ideal Aryan race.
The nazis were merciful enough to save us from the misery of existance. Incels were sterilized so no more incels could be made.

Yes I would agree but sterilization should really only be forced upon people with inheritable disease. Thwm giving life to another being that will suffer through life is the most selfish shit anyone can do.
Idk. It's hard to compare. Being sterilized at that time would be just as shameful as being a lonely incel today if not more. And if we lived in Nazi Germany we would have to live under high collective pressure, have fewer things to cope with, no possibility to NEET, and probably die in one or another bombardement. It's hard to say which life would be better.
Well, even if you were sterilized, you would still have the opportunity to find yourself a partner. A thing which I think your post is ignoring is the fact that monogamy was the norm in "nazi" Germany, unlike in today's society where thottery runs rampant. I'm not suggesting that it'd be an ideal time and place for the incel to exist, but then again, what time would be?
A lot of incels are physically deformed or have mental issues though. Elite can trump looks with their power and status anyway. Hitler himself didn't even look like his ideal Aryan race.
Not all incels are deformed. I have a perfectly healthy body but im just ugly asf lol. I was a cute lil baby!
Not true. Nationalsocialist Germany is the closest thing to a meritocratic society, that is a society where the individual is given all the opportunity to compete with others on an even playing field, that the world has ever seen. Traditionalism and monogamy was promoted. You didn't even have to be a Chad to enter the SS. The Germans certainly admired beauty, but there's so much more to it than the picture you're attempting to portray

Tell me more I'd love to hear it
A lot of incels are physically deformed or have mental issues though.

But most aren't. Most people who are incel are incel merely because of looks.
Well, even if you were sterilized, you would still have the opportunity to find yourself a partner. A thing which I think your post is ignoring is the fact that monogamy was the norm in "nazi" Germany, unlike in today's society where thottery runs rampant. I'm not suggesting that it'd be an ideal time and place for the incel to exist, but then again, what time would be?
I guess monogamy was the norm in almost every country at the time? Hypergamy wasn't even a thing after the sexual revolution until online dating became popular. If you're white then I think America in the 50s would be the best time for you to live if you are ugly.
Tell me more I'd love to hear it
Well, for starters you could read Mein Kampf. Nationalsocialism meant the promotion and alleviation of the individual so that he can be a proud and contributing member of society. That's what Hitler's socialism entailed. He didn't believe in the marxist concept of 'class struggle' but rather sought to unite all classes and men of society so that they could work to create a stronger Germany together, as racial brethrens. It was very anti elitist in nature, possibly one of the most anti elitist ideologies the world has ever seen, even going so far as forcing the elite classes' youth to do manual labor for a few years before they were able to pursue careers in their respective fields. The purpose of this was so that they wouldn't think themselves superior to and gain some respect for the German working man.
Not true. Nationalsocialist Germany is the closest thing to a meritocratic society, that is a society where the individual is given all the opportunity to compete with others on an even playing field, that the world has ever seen. Traditionalism and monogamy was promoted. You didn't even have to be a Chad to enter the SS. The Germans certainly admired beauty, but there's so much more to it than the picture you're attempting to portray

I don't know bro, I used to sympathize with National Socialism, and hated the Allies for destroying it, but it's become clear to me it's quite a lookist ideology. For example the SS Leibstandarte was only open for tall men, the SS Lebensborn program sought to allow men with good facial features to reproduce more, Natsoc ideology promoted blue eyes and blonde hair, with Himmler deigning that the Scandinavian population was even more pure than the German one for this, likewise when selecting racially suitable Slavs to integrate, good-looking Slavs with blonde hair and blue eyes were spared while uglier, darker-haired Slavs were liquidated, and people who were "anti-social" (e.g, not holding down a job) were sent to concentration camps. And of course, having even minor mental or physical defects disqualified you from these SS programs.

For leadership, Reinhard Heydrich was promoted for not only his skills but also his good looks, Goering was a lady's man during the earlier days of the Nazi party and even used his good looks to attract rich foids for backing the party, Hitler himself didn't publicly marry in order to keep his allure of the chaste hero alive to German women. NatSoc ideology cared far too much over lookism and what foids thought. Even as late as Stalingrad December 1942, when German soldiers of the Sixth Army were dying by the thousands per day for their people, German foids didn't want to give up their makeup. Eva Braun bitched at Hitler so much that he couldn't ban makeup like how he banned other luxury goods, he had to quietly phase it out of production when Germany shifted into total war mode in February 1943.

Just look at examples of what the NatSocs thought was the ideal man. Chads with chiselled jawlines and great facial features. There are other disturbing things, like how the NatSoc ideology permitted public nudism in beaches, which is degenerate imo. Don't get me wrong, I still think what happened to Germany and Japan at the hands of the West and the Communists was wrong, these were patriarchal nations destroyed for the sake of spreading degeneracy, just like how the last patriarchal states and movements in the Middle East are being attacked by the West today. But personally as an incel, NatSoc ideology is not something I can fully support.

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I guess monogamy was the norm in almost every country at the time? Hypergamy wasn't even a thing after the sexual revolution until online dating became popular. If you're white then I think America in the 50s would be the best time for you to live if you are ugly.
The issue with that is that 1950s America wasn't a sustainable model, as the country had been thoroughly Jewed as early as the 1920s. It was inevitable that it'd head down the cultural decline it did
I don't know bro, I used to sympathize with National Socialism, and hated the Allies for destroying it, but it's become clear to me it's quite a lookist ideology. For example the SS Leibstandarte was only open for tall men, the SS Lebensborn program sought to allow men with good facial features to reproduce more, Natsoc ideology promoted blue eyes and blonde hair, with Himmler deigning that the Scandinavian population was even more pure than the German one for this, likewise when selecting racially suitable Slavs to integrate, good-looking Slavs with blonde hair and blue eyes were spared while uglier, darker-haired Slavs were liquidated, and people who were "anti-social" (e.g, not holding down a job) were sent to concentration camps. And of course, having even minor mental or physical defects disqualified you from these SS programs.

For leadership, Reinhard Heydrich was promoted for not only his skills but also his good looks, Goering was a lady's man during the earlier days of the Nazi party and even used his good looks to attract rich foids for backing the party, Hitler himself didn't publicly marry in order to keep his allure of the chaste hero alive to German women. NatSoc ideology cared far too much over lookism and what foids thought. Even as late as Stalingrad December 1942, when German soldiers of the Sixth Army were dying by the thousands per day for their people, German foids didn't want to give up their makeup. Eva Braun bitched at Hitler so much that he couldn't ban makeup like how he banned other luxury goods, he had to quietly phase it out of production when Germany shifted into total war mode in February 1943.

Just look at examples of what the NatSocs thought was the ideal man. Chads with chiselled jawlines and great facial features. There are other disturbing things, like how the NatSoc ideology permitted public nudism in beaches, which is degenerate imo. Don't get me wrong, I still think what happened to Germany and Japan at the hands of the West and the Communists was wrong, these were patriarchal nations destroyed for the sake of spreading degeneracy, just like how the last patriarchal states and movements in the Middle East are being attacked by the West today. But personally as an incel, NatSoc ideology is not something I can fully support.

I largely agree with all of what you said, which is why I'm not worshipful of Nationalsocialist Germany. I believe it got a few things right and a few things wrong, although more things right than wrong, unlike today's society. Let's put it this way, it was easier being ugly in Nationalsocialist Germany, despite its appraisal of the Aryan, hyperborean Übermensch, than it is in today's society, where only the best looking of men are able to secure life long devotion from foids. Also, you didn't have to be that tall to enter the SS. Most guys on this forum would be able to join, going by height alone.
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The issue with that is that 1950s America wasn't a sustainable model, as the country had been thoroughly Jewed as early as the 1920s. It was inevitable that it'd head down the cultural decline it did

I largely agree with all of what you said, which is why I'm not worshipful of Nationalsocialist Germany. I believe it got a few things right and a few things wrong, although more things right than wrong, unlike today's society. Let's put it this way, it was easier being ugly in Nationalsocialist Germany, despite its appraisal of the Aryan, hyperborean Übermensch, than it is in today's society, where only the best looking of men are able to secure life long devotion from foids. Also, you didn't have to be that tall to enter the SS. Most guys on this forum would be able to join, going by height alone.

Yes, agreed, NatSoc Germany is still 1000x better than the modern West today, which is a degenerated, irredeemable civilization to its very core, corrupted in every way.
western foids are all nazis. there is no difference between the nazi idelogy and hypergamy

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