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Discussion Nationalism may be a good cope for some of you



Jul 3, 2022
Given how many nationalistcels are on this forum, I'd argue that being a nationalist or political gives us some meaning to our lives. Like religion, it allows us to be part of something bigger which is why we don't rope.
Nationalism would solve most peoples problems, relying on a community naturally makes dating easier because people trust each other more. Having drug dealing beaners and rapist pajeets all in a country and endlessly thirsting over women online just makes everything worse
I think in general it's good to have interests and values.
politics just piss me off more
Having a sense of pride in your country is very important to finding fulfillment. When in doubt join the military.
Having a sense of pride in your country is very important to finding fulfillment. When in doubt join the military.
:feelsseriously: No. Absolutely not.

politics just piss me off more
this. Politics were once my cope, but I’ve opted out. Too fucking tired. And besides. I’d still be an incel. No matter the politics. (Unless I get a free Waifu. Thank you)
I was a nationalist but it is not a good cope anymore. I can't be in this way anymore, now I feel like a loser who can't do anything to change myself.
Goverment is all for mena fucking all out women leaving incels in the dust, Its over anyway.
Nationalism is one of the most cucked worldviews out there. Imagine not only being ok with the government using you as tissue paper, but also liking it.
Given how many nationalistcels are on this forum, I'd argue that being a nationalist or political gives us some meaning to our lives. Like religion, it allows us to be part of something bigger which is why we don't rope.
I wouldn't fight for my cuntry while foids are enjoying in another cuntry.
Nationalism is one of the most cucked worldviews out there. Imagine not only being ok with the government using you as tissue paper, but also liking it.
I belong to no nation
If there was an incel political party or movement then i'd care about it. Other than that, there's no point in being nationalistic
Nationalism is Chad worshiping ideology. They don't care about Incels.
Given how many nationalistcels are on this forum, I'd argue that being a nationalist or political gives us some meaning to our lives. Like religion, it allows us to be part of something bigger which is why we don't rope.
Long live Texas! I desire a return to 1836 where Texas was independent from the Degenerate States of America
Having a sense of pride in your country is very important to finding fulfillment. When in doubt join the military.
just die of israel theory.
nationalism in america seems like jew worship.
it also is in the netherlands, where the elected nationalist prime minister is a wall kissing(he literally went there and kissed the jewish wall) jew worshipper
is it the rest in other country's too?
I'm a "nationalist" for the fact I recognize inherent differences between races & ethnicities & don't want to face the symptoms demographic replacement brings. I do agree, it is kinda stupid to be "nationalistic" over achievements you added nothing to.
nationalism in america seems like jew worship.
it also is in the netherlands, where the elected nationalist prime minister is a wall kissing(he literally went there and kissed the jewish wall) jew worshipper
is it the rest in other country's too?
These are what we call "controlled opposition"
Nationalism is one of the most cucked worldviews out there. Imagine not only being ok with the government using you as tissue paper, but also liking it.
you'll just serve as cannon fodder
I'm a "nationalist" for the fact I recognize inherent differences between races & ethnicities & don't want to face the symptoms demographic replacement brings. I do agree, it is kinda stupid to be "nationalistic" over achievements you added nothing to.
No, nationalism isn’t about personal achievements. We must protect our culture and values, even if we didn't directly contribute to every aspect of our nation’s past.
Nationalism is one of the most cucked worldviews out there. Imagine not only being ok with the government using you as tissue paper, but also liking it.
nationalism reminds me of highschool, too much Chad worship inherent in nationalism philisophically
Being part of something greater than oneself only works when that something is worth fighting for.
Given how many nationalistcels are on this forum, I'd argue that being a nationalist or political gives us some meaning to our lives. Like religion, it allows us to be part of something bigger which is why we don't rope.
Very good point
I was a nationalist but it is not a good cope anymore. I can't be in this way anymore, now I feel like a loser who can't do anything to change myself.
same boat, so much wasted time just to end up a worthless larp, horrific cope.
Having a sense of pride in your country is very important to finding fulfillment. When in doubt join the military.
Nationalism is dumb unless you're a politician or in the military
Having a sense of pride in your country is very important to finding fulfillment. When in doubt join the military.
die fighting in a foreign shithole for a government that doesn't hold any mutual interests and a country that hates you because of your face.
no thanks.
Akin to the rise of the Austrian painter's party much the same but not really since it's not organized but from a civil unrest standpoint slowly we are already seeing revolutionary changes ripple effects not as bad for foids but it was the rise of blackpillism and the incellious behind it which has made men overall think twice or even thrice before marrying a becky 7 years ago a high body count generally meant you had offed/drilled x number of ppl now it generally and is focal about how slutty women and how many times their vag has been fuckt we cyrrently are in this age further declining the pool for even foids especially ones with kids etc so the macro affect of the adoption of blackpill and incels being recignized in mainstream culture is akin to us rising like a nationalist party though without leadership or organization if we were all unified and not completely autistic we could in THEORY stage a coup in the next 10-20 years if this timeline remained stable unlikely however but we're causing ripples in the macro sense spreading our doctrine to the non believers they cannot deny black-pill
I wouldn't fight for my cuntry while foids are enjoying in another cuntry.
Luchar por esta pocilga llamada España con políticos de mierda y gentuza por todas partes es realmente absurdo
Luchar por esta pocilga llamada España con políticos de mierda y gentuza por todas partes es realmente absurdo
Imagina luchar por los "valores occidentales", que no son otros que el feminismo, la culpa blanca y la puta mierda LGBT.
Imagina luchar por los "valores occidentales", que no son otros que el feminismo, la culpa blanca y la puta mierda LGBT.
A primeras me cambio de bando o me escondo por ahí y no me van a ver ni en pintura

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