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News Nathan Larson is posting again online



Jun 17, 2018
No joke. Nathan Larson is back online and posting about his life in jail in another forum.
He is in a pedo pod and complaining about the other guys there who deny that they are pedophile criminals.
He says he is the only one there who is a proud advocate of child rape.

Old news

He's in MDC Los Angeles, he was transferred a month ago for a psych eval
didn't know they had pedo sections.
didn't know they had pedo sections.
the feds have facilities that hold a disproportionate number of sex offenders as to reduce inmate violence

For example FCI Petersburg is where the r/IncelTears pedo, Dr Pizza, is staying.
i aint clicking his shit nigga, can someone post his diary entries here?
i aint clicking his shit nigga, can someone post his diary entries here?
FBI are monitoring that site hard
That wouldn't surprise me in some third world shithole, but how did he manage to do that in the US?

That man is truly unstoppable in his fierce fight for his beliefs and for his right of having prime pussy. You can't help but to admire at least his conviction.
Screencap that page post here. I ain't clicking that shit.
Incels and pedos are on the same team
I don't appreciate the idea of actually thrusting cock into the tender orifices of prepubescents, but I'll be the last man in the world to throw a rock onto someone just because he feels attracted to kids or even tried to get a young gf like Nathan did. Especially if this someone is a fellow incel or even failed normie.

If you want to be worked up about something, think about the people who get flayed alive by narco gangs in Mexico, or maybe the millions of unborn babies foids have dismembered alive inside their wombs every year just because they don't want to deal with the consequences of their irresponsible actions. Why would an INCEL, of all people, focus his outrage on the defense of some young foid so specifically and fiercely?
Last edited:
First post:

12 jun 2021
P.S please send me a 1st class international mail rake sheet from the US postal service website

hey fukurou

my sis says you asked what's the end game, i.e
what am I trying to accomplish by putting my
court documents out ther, given that most ppl
are aware the justice sys is curropt.

First of allour #1 target audience is
the potential disobedient, the next ER AM,
NC, etc.

With all of this men, there was undoubtedly
a process that led to their actions, a mental
evolution where piece by piece everything was
put in play to enabletheir behavior that led
to their fame.

They had to overcome their fear of the
unknown which held them back. even now, part
part of what makes you reluctant to use pacer is
your disinclination to try something you haven't
used before. ppl prefer to stick to what they
know, since there is mental effort, and risk, involved
in going outside that.

What makes it easyer is if you at least have,
training to prepare you. E.g. B4 entering a
war zone, a soldier will practice with a weapon
on a firing range, and carry a heavy rucksack
over a long distance, etc. till he has gotten used
to the idea of what awaits him, at least somewhat,
and gained confidence in his ability to face it.

The court documents will give people a better
Idea of the specifics of what awaits a disobedient.
the specifics are valuable intel about the enemy,
the legal "terrain" etc. kind of like having access
to a map of enemy dispositions and a manual
of their tactics.

It's not just about some vague notion if the justice
system's being curropt. the details are important,
because anyone who deals with the justice system
will need to deal with the details.

What are the ways in which it's curropt ? It's for example,
curropt in how it deals with covid. The judge will
deny opportunities to enter a virtual breakout room
with one's lawyers, for instance, while in person one could
always pass a note to one's lawyer, which makes it not
an equivalent experience.

If you were reading the court documents and
the statutes cited, you'd know too, competency issues
can be used to get arround the requirement that
a defendant be found guilty beyond a reasonable
doubt before being confined. Perhapse AM had
similar problems as what I'm dealing with, in as much
as his counsel perhapse is likewise pushing for defense
based on mental health issues, I wonder what his
thoughts on that are.

You ask about the endgame. sometimes it's about
the postgame. "larson goes on about how ppl can learn from him (the garnd master as he says)
using the pacer documents"

I want a web forum that will have a thread for
each PACER document.

It may just be that you don't wanna do any work,
and this sounds too much like work. well, yeah
activism involves work sometimes.

I haven't known you to really wanna actually do
stuff as opposed to theorizing or doing tutorials or
setting up a framework with demonstrations of how
one might possibly do stuff if one wanted to develop
some more useful implementations.

Oh well. Most ppl are not very dynamic, and it's hard to assemble a team of ppl
interested in the same projects, especially if it's obscure

//2 pages o' larson glorifying himself and comparing himself to adolf hitler

Now for my personal endgame - there are a
few possibilities but what I had in mind was
serving time till I am decrapit and released into some place
where I can dehydrate , but meanwhile my writings live on and inspire ppl.

//some rambling about inclupedia IDEK

well I say, better MGTOP (prison) than

// larson says his lawyer made a motion to dim him psycho against his will
// and he needs the PACER document of his lawyers motion

IDK man, does anyone care to use this case to it's full potential to change the world ?

I don't really fit in anywhere, I have no group of ppl
who see things the way I do and want to form a team.
look up PACER case 1:21-c1-00022-NONE-SKO, //his H could be a K
from the US district court for the eastern district
of california.

and if you or FIC don't post it than I guess I'm fucked (shrugs)

I'm not looking forward to the time I will spend at the facility where
they will be doing the evaluation. I probably won't have what to read
and the social environment may very well suck.

Here it is so-so. there are no open pedo-rapists yet
everyone knows this is a pod (i.e 75 man living area)
full of pedo rapists. we're justnot allowed by
social convention to aknowkledge it.

Everyone claims to be innocent or just doesn't talk about theire case,
and they complain about being surrounded by perverts.

It's because they want to avoid a certain label
lest it becomes their whole identity. I, on the other hand,
don't really mind if that happens; it's a badge of pride and
I don't mind devoting myself to the cause.


Second post:

hey fuki

I wrote you 14 pages about the importance of PACER,
which turned into a rant at the end and then instead
of sending it, I wrote 14 pages to my sister
on the same topic and why I'm not sure you"ll be
(very) helpful to my cause. It boils down to, you
believe in sexbots rather than politics (including civil
disobedience); plus you cant get along with woman (such
as her), which will be a problem if your presence is
needed any place where woman's presence is also needed.

my sister is welcome to share with you that letter
and I can go into more detail and probably write
a much lengthier PACER manifesto if needed be, but
I'm not in a mood to write stuff you probably
aren't interested in, wont want to hear, and might not
even read. I'd rather write it to someone who would
be open minded or sympathetic enough to my POV
that it wouldn't be just an exercise in frustration
and demoralization by means of banging my head into a
brick wall.

Maybe by writing about something else, I
can engage with another side of you that's more pleasant
to deal with.

PACER is a very emotional topic for all involved
because of what it symbolizes. for me, it symbolizes
bringing others into my world, where currently I'm all
alone fighting against adversaries (including my
own lawyer). it also symbolizes leaving a legacy
behind, since PACER documents stay on record forever.

I'm not sure any of the people I'm currently
in touch with believe in my mission that I'm pursuing
right now. Nor do any of you seem interested in the law
or the legal system, which I could explain my theories about
civil disobedience and even write a book on that topic,
chapter-by-chapter, covering how it influences politics
and what's needed to make it a successful and effective
methode for changing the world, but I'm not sure any
of you would really give enough of a shit to
read it, so I guess instead of talking furthere about

that right now, I'll switch topics. probably if I
wrote 14 pages civil disobedience or directed your
attention to some previous writings of mine on that topic
(some of which made it into PACER, although I think they only
address it cursorily), you'd justshim it for 5 seconds and write
a one-sentence dismissal like "none of that stuff will ever
work, because sitting in jail accomplishes nothing; we need
sexbots" and then you'd ball it all up and throw it in the
trash, and I would have wasted my whole afternoon and
several pencils (15 cents each and can only be sharpened
a few times) and pieces of paper (30 cents for 7 sheets) and
three stamps, and on an envelope (7 cents each), and my budget is small.

I need help with PACER documents to be able to
know about and read court documents my lawyer
doesn't tell me are being filled, or give me copies of, and
that aren't served on me because I'm represented by
councel rather than represent myself.

So anyway, it's 2:07 pm right now. I woke up at
about 12:30 pm, after eating breakfast at arround 4:45 am,
after staying up all night. this place actually allows us to
hang out in the day room during the wee hours of the morning
which is a nice perk.

I'll just tell you the story of my time here, Iarrived in february, having
taken a plane with 3
fresno detectives, who brought a sack of my property
(essays, letters, etc,) including an endorced check for
200$ in commissary, from the denver jail. All that
property mysteriously disappeared on my arrival at fresno
jail, leaving me with nothing; I hear this happens to a
lot of people, and is probably the fault of the jail
officers involved with property.

my violent mentally disturbed cellmate johnny mcCaslin (google him) who shut up
a dollar general had multiple whoses putting
money on his books and fighting jealously over him.

he and I had a mutual friend charles ramone, AKA
Big C, an OG gangster of the gallant knights

Anyway, right after I got here in february, I
was put in quarantine, and my case was meanwhile
being covered on the TV news, so when I got off
quarantine they put me in a cell with one
of the worst cellmates I;ve ever had, Afif Jamil Boukhdoud.

like most muslim cellmates, he viewed himself as superior and
wanted to dominate everything, and set a bunch of rules. He's
also the only cellmate I've ever had who just openly raided
my locker for food without asking. A little violence probably
would've gone a long way in curbing his bad behavior but
instead I went on hunger strike till the guards finally
tool my complaints seriously enough to separate us.

The worst was his constant yelling at me over
every trifling detail of cell life. e.g the place had to be
spotlessly clean, I wasn't allowed to drink coffee while taking
a shit because that offends Allah, I couldn't rattle a
newspaper before 8am bacause it disturbed his sleep,
or fill up a cup of water from the sink after the
evening count because the sound of the faucet annoyed
him, etc.

just rule after rule, and constantly yelling for petty violations of his standards.

Anyway, I went to administrative segregation (a one-man cell) for a weekor two, then
ended up in this "open pod" of sex offenders who pretend tonot be
sex offenders

your property is out in the open for everyone to see. a dorm style environment.

this is basically how a minimum security prison is set up.
but we lack amenities like a library.

yeah some girl did write but I am not sure I remember her from anywhere
but she seems vaguely familier.

I am leaving for a month or 2 to a federal facility than returning here.

page 8 :
@Göring had little understanding of
Inclupedia, which was why his critiques and
pessimism were so annoying. He needs to edit wikis and
learn about wikipedia's processes, maybe administer a wiki ortwo
and play with the code a bit, to have the
neccessary background to give an informed opinion on
such subjects. And I would have led him into that
world so he could obtain the background, but he
didn't want to. But he still wanted to put forth ignorant
opinions, so I shut it down, and I have no regrets
for doing so because the conversation can't be productive
when people think they're in a position to refute your
whole business idea when actually they can't even understand
when you correct their mistaken assumptions.

I don't mind him being skeptical, but he keeps a closed mind.
but he sees that as unpaid labor, just like my sister sees looking
stuff up in PACER as unpaid labor.

this case is about creating a better world. if you F over your relatives i.g your niece
you F over your own genetics legacy.
you have some relatives with offsprings so you are still sort-of invested in this sense
and heck, you could still unexpectedly end up fathering kids at some point
First post:

12 jun 2021
P.S please send me a 1st class international mail rake sheet from the US postal service website

hey fukurou

my sis says you asked what's the end game, i.e
what am I trying to accomplish by putting my
court documents out ther, given that most ppl
are aware the justice sys is curropt.

First of allour #1 target audience is
the potential disobedient, the next ER AM,
NC, etc.

With all of this men, there was undoubtedly
a process that led to their actions, a mental
evolution where piece by piece everything was
put in play to enabletheir behavior that led
to their fame.

They had to overcome their fear of the
unknown which held them back. even now, part
part of what makes you reluctant to use pacer is
your disinclination to try something you haven't
used before. ppl prefer to stick to what they
know, since there is mental effort, and risk, involved
in going outside that.

What makes it easyer is if you at least have,
training to prepare you. E.g. B4 entering a
war zone, a soldier will practice with a weapon
on a firing range, and carry a heavy rucksack
over a long distance, etc. till he has gotten used
to the idea of what awaits him, at least somewhat,
and gained confidence in his ability to face it.

The court documents will give people a better
Idea of the specifics of what awaits a disobedient.
the specifics are valuable intel about the enemy,
the legal "terrain" etc. kind of like having access
to a map of enemy dispositions and a manual
of their tactics.

It's not just about some vague notion if the justice
system's being curropt. the details are important,
because anyone who deals with the justice system
will need to deal with the details.

What are the ways in which it's curropt ? It's for example,
curropt in how it deals with covid. The judge will
deny opportunities to enter a virtual breakout room
with one's lawyers, for instance, while in person one could
always pass a note to one's lawyer, which makes it not
an equivalent experience.

If you were reading the court documents and
the statutes cited, you'd know too, competency issues
can be used to get arround the requirement that
a defendant be found guilty beyond a reasonable
doubt before being confined. Perhapse AM had
similar problems as what I'm dealing with, in as much
as his counsel perhapse is likewise pushing for defense
based on mental health issues, I wonder what his
thoughts on that are.

You ask about the endgame. sometimes it's about
the postgame. "larson goes on about how ppl can learn from him (the garnd master as he says)
using the pacer documents"

I want a web forum that will have a thread for
each PACER document.

It may just be that you don't wanna do any work,
and this sounds too much like work. well, yeah
activism involves work sometimes.

I haven't known you to really wanna actually do
stuff as opposed to theorizing or doing tutorials or
setting up a framework with demonstrations of how
one might possibly do stuff if one wanted to develop
some more useful implementations.

Oh well. Most ppl are not very dynamic, and it's hard to assemble a team of ppl
interested in the same projects, especially if it's obscure

//2 pages o' larson glorifying himself and comparing himself to adolf hitler

Now for my personal endgame - there are a
few possibilities but what I had in mind was
serving time till I am decrapit and released into some place
where I can dehydrate , but meanwhile my writings live on and inspire ppl.

//some rambling about inclupedia IDEK

well I say, better MGTOP (prison) than

// larson says his lawyer made a motion to dim him psycho against his will
// and he needs the PACER document of his lawyers motion

IDK man, does anyone care to use this case to it's full potential to change the world ?

I don't really fit in anywhere, I have no group of ppl
who see things the way I do and want to form a team.
look up PACER case 1:21-c1-00022-NONE-SKO, //his H could be a K
from the US district court for the eastern district
of california.

and if you or FIC don't post it than I guess I'm fucked (shrugs)

I'm not looking forward to the time I will spend at the facility where
they will be doing the evaluation. I probably won't have what to read
and the social environment may very well suck.

Here it is so-so. there are no open pedo-rapists yet
everyone knows this is a pod (i.e 75 man living area)
full of pedo rapists. we're justnot allowed by
social convention to aknowkledge it.

Everyone claims to be innocent or just doesn't talk about theire case,
and they complain about being surrounded by perverts.

It's because they want to avoid a certain label
lest it becomes their whole identity. I, on the other hand,
don't really mind if that happens; it's a badge of pride and
I don't mind devoting myself to the cause.


Second post:

hey fuki

I wrote you 14 pages about the importance of PACER,
which turned into a rant at the end and then instead
of sending it, I wrote 14 pages to my sister
on the same topic and why I'm not sure you"ll be
(very) helpful to my cause. It boils down to, you
believe in sexbots rather than politics (including civil
disobedience); plus you cant get along with woman (such
as her), which will be a problem if your presence is
needed any place where woman's presence is also needed.

my sister is welcome to share with you that letter
and I can go into more detail and probably write
a much lengthier PACER manifesto if needed be, but
I'm not in a mood to write stuff you probably
aren't interested in, wont want to hear, and might not
even read. I'd rather write it to someone who would
be open minded or sympathetic enough to my POV
that it wouldn't be just an exercise in frustration
and demoralization by means of banging my head into a
brick wall.

Maybe by writing about something else, I
can engage with another side of you that's more pleasant
to deal with.

PACER is a very emotional topic for all involved
because of what it symbolizes. for me, it symbolizes
bringing others into my world, where currently I'm all
alone fighting against adversaries (including my
own lawyer). it also symbolizes leaving a legacy
behind, since PACER documents stay on record forever.

I'm not sure any of the people I'm currently
in touch with believe in my mission that I'm pursuing
right now. Nor do any of you seem interested in the law
or the legal system, which I could explain my theories about
civil disobedience and even write a book on that topic,
chapter-by-chapter, covering how it influences politics
and what's needed to make it a successful and effective
methode for changing the world, but I'm not sure any
of you would really give enough of a shit to
read it, so I guess instead of talking furthere about

that right now, I'll switch topics. probably if I
wrote 14 pages civil disobedience or directed your
attention to some previous writings of mine on that topic
(some of which made it into PACER, although I think they only
address it cursorily), you'd justshim it for 5 seconds and write
a one-sentence dismissal like "none of that stuff will ever
work, because sitting in jail accomplishes nothing; we need
sexbots" and then you'd ball it all up and throw it in the
trash, and I would have wasted my whole afternoon and
several pencils (15 cents each and can only be sharpened
a few times) and pieces of paper (30 cents for 7 sheets) and
three stamps, and on an envelope (7 cents each), and my budget is small.

I need help with PACER documents to be able to
know about and read court documents my lawyer
doesn't tell me are being filled, or give me copies of, and
that aren't served on me because I'm represented by
councel rather than represent myself.

So anyway, it's 2:07 pm right now. I woke up at
about 12:30 pm, after eating breakfast at arround 4:45 am,
after staying up all night. this place actually allows us to
hang out in the day room during the wee hours of the morning
which is a nice perk.

I'll just tell you the story of my time here, Iarrived in february, having
taken a plane with 3
fresno detectives, who brought a sack of my property
(essays, letters, etc,) including an endorced check for
200$ in commissary, from the denver jail. All that
property mysteriously disappeared on my arrival at fresno
jail, leaving me with nothing; I hear this happens to a
lot of people, and is probably the fault of the jail
officers involved with property.

my violent mentally disturbed cellmate johnny mcCaslin (google him) who shut up
a dollar general had multiple whoses putting
money on his books and fighting jealously over him.

he and I had a mutual friend charles ramone, AKA
Big C, an OG gangster of the gallant knights

Anyway, right after I got here in february, I
was put in quarantine, and my case was meanwhile
being covered on the TV news, so when I got off
quarantine they put me in a cell with one
of the worst cellmates I;ve ever had, Afif Jamil Boukhdoud.

like most muslim cellmates, he viewed himself as superior and
wanted to dominate everything, and set a bunch of rules. He's
also the only cellmate I've ever had who just openly raided
my locker for food without asking. A little violence probably
would've gone a long way in curbing his bad behavior but
instead I went on hunger strike till the guards finally
tool my complaints seriously enough to separate us.

The worst was his constant yelling at me over
every trifling detail of cell life. e.g the place had to be
spotlessly clean, I wasn't allowed to drink coffee while taking
a shit because that offends Allah, I couldn't rattle a
newspaper before 8am bacause it disturbed his sleep,
or fill up a cup of water from the sink after the
evening count because the sound of the faucet annoyed
him, etc.

just rule after rule, and constantly yelling for petty violations of his standards.

Anyway, I went to administrative segregation (a one-man cell) for a weekor two, then
ended up in this "open pod" of sex offenders who pretend tonot be
sex offenders

your property is out in the open for everyone to see. a dorm style environment.

this is basically how a minimum security prison is set up.
but we lack amenities like a library.

yeah some girl did write but I am not sure I remember her from anywhere
but she seems vaguely familier.

I am leaving for a month or 2 to a federal facility than returning here.

page 8 :
@Göring had little understanding of
Inclupedia, which was why his critiques and
pessimism were so annoying. He needs to edit wikis and
learn about wikipedia's processes, maybe administer a wiki ortwo
and play with the code a bit, to have the
neccessary background to give an informed opinion on
such subjects. And I would have led him into that
world so he could obtain the background, but he
didn't want to. But he still wanted to put forth ignorant
opinions, so I shut it down, and I have no regrets
for doing so because the conversation can't be productive
when people think they're in a position to refute your
whole business idea when actually they can't even understand
when you correct their mistaken assumptions.

I don't mind him being skeptical, but he keeps a closed mind.
but he sees that as unpaid labor, just like my sister sees looking
stuff up in PACER as unpaid labor.

this case is about creating a better world. if you F over your relatives i.g your niece
you F over your own genetics legacy.
you have some relatives with offsprings so you are still sort-of invested in this sense
and heck, you could still unexpectedly end up fathering kids at some point
this is why us 2018 cels are brave doing what the other cels wouldn’t do
First post:

12 jun 2021
P.S please send me a 1st class international mail rake sheet from the US postal service website

hey fukurou

my sis says you asked what's the end game, i.e
what am I trying to accomplish by putting my
court documents out ther, given that most ppl
are aware the justice sys is curropt.

First of allour #1 target audience is
the potential disobedient, the next ER AM,
NC, etc.

With all of this men, there was undoubtedly
a process that led to their actions, a mental
evolution where piece by piece everything was
put in play to enabletheir behavior that led
to their fame.

They had to overcome their fear of the
unknown which held them back. even now, part
part of what makes you reluctant to use pacer is
your disinclination to try something you haven't
used before. ppl prefer to stick to what they
know, since there is mental effort, and risk, involved
in going outside that.

What makes it easyer is if you at least have,
training to prepare you. E.g. B4 entering a
war zone, a soldier will practice with a weapon
on a firing range, and carry a heavy rucksack
over a long distance, etc. till he has gotten used
to the idea of what awaits him, at least somewhat,
and gained confidence in his ability to face it.

The court documents will give people a better
Idea of the specifics of what awaits a disobedient.
the specifics are valuable intel about the enemy,
the legal "terrain" etc. kind of like having access
to a map of enemy dispositions and a manual
of their tactics.

It's not just about some vague notion if the justice
system's being curropt. the details are important,
because anyone who deals with the justice system
will need to deal with the details.

What are the ways in which it's curropt ? It's for example,
curropt in how it deals with covid. The judge will
deny opportunities to enter a virtual breakout room
with one's lawyers, for instance, while in person one could
always pass a note to one's lawyer, which makes it not
an equivalent experience.

If you were reading the court documents and
the statutes cited, you'd know too, competency issues
can be used to get arround the requirement that
a defendant be found guilty beyond a reasonable
doubt before being confined. Perhapse AM had
similar problems as what I'm dealing with, in as much
as his counsel perhapse is likewise pushing for defense
based on mental health issues, I wonder what his
thoughts on that are.

You ask about the endgame. sometimes it's about
the postgame. "larson goes on about how ppl can learn from him (the garnd master as he says)
using the pacer documents"

I want a web forum that will have a thread for
each PACER document.

It may just be that you don't wanna do any work,
and this sounds too much like work. well, yeah
activism involves work sometimes.

I haven't known you to really wanna actually do
stuff as opposed to theorizing or doing tutorials or
setting up a framework with demonstrations of how
one might possibly do stuff if one wanted to develop
some more useful implementations.

Oh well. Most ppl are not very dynamic, and it's hard to assemble a team of ppl
interested in the same projects, especially if it's obscure

//2 pages o' larson glorifying himself and comparing himself to adolf hitler

Now for my personal endgame - there are a
few possibilities but what I had in mind was
serving time till I am decrapit and released into some place
where I can dehydrate , but meanwhile my writings live on and inspire ppl.

//some rambling about inclupedia IDEK

well I say, better MGTOP (prison) than

// larson says his lawyer made a motion to dim him psycho against his will
// and he needs the PACER document of his lawyers motion

IDK man, does anyone care to use this case to it's full potential to change the world ?

I don't really fit in anywhere, I have no group of ppl
who see things the way I do and want to form a team.
look up PACER case 1:21-c1-00022-NONE-SKO, //his H could be a K
from the US district court for the eastern district
of california.

and if you or FIC don't post it than I guess I'm fucked (shrugs)

I'm not looking forward to the time I will spend at the facility where
they will be doing the evaluation. I probably won't have what to read
and the social environment may very well suck.

Here it is so-so. there are no open pedo-rapists yet
everyone knows this is a pod (i.e 75 man living area)
full of pedo rapists. we're justnot allowed by
social convention to aknowkledge it.

Everyone claims to be innocent or just doesn't talk about theire case,
and they complain about being surrounded by perverts.

It's because they want to avoid a certain label
lest it becomes their whole identity. I, on the other hand,
don't really mind if that happens; it's a badge of pride and
I don't mind devoting myself to the cause.


Second post:

hey fuki

I wrote you 14 pages about the importance of PACER,
which turned into a rant at the end and then instead
of sending it, I wrote 14 pages to my sister
on the same topic and why I'm not sure you"ll be
(very) helpful to my cause. It boils down to, you
believe in sexbots rather than politics (including civil
disobedience); plus you cant get along with woman (such
as her), which will be a problem if your presence is
needed any place where woman's presence is also needed.

my sister is welcome to share with you that letter
and I can go into more detail and probably write
a much lengthier PACER manifesto if needed be, but
I'm not in a mood to write stuff you probably
aren't interested in, wont want to hear, and might not
even read. I'd rather write it to someone who would
be open minded or sympathetic enough to my POV
that it wouldn't be just an exercise in frustration
and demoralization by means of banging my head into a
brick wall.

Maybe by writing about something else, I
can engage with another side of you that's more pleasant
to deal with.

PACER is a very emotional topic for all involved
because of what it symbolizes. for me, it symbolizes
bringing others into my world, where currently I'm all
alone fighting against adversaries (including my
own lawyer). it also symbolizes leaving a legacy
behind, since PACER documents stay on record forever.

I'm not sure any of the people I'm currently
in touch with believe in my mission that I'm pursuing
right now. Nor do any of you seem interested in the law
or the legal system, which I could explain my theories about
civil disobedience and even write a book on that topic,
chapter-by-chapter, covering how it influences politics
and what's needed to make it a successful and effective
methode for changing the world, but I'm not sure any
of you would really give enough of a shit to
read it, so I guess instead of talking furthere about

that right now, I'll switch topics. probably if I
wrote 14 pages civil disobedience or directed your
attention to some previous writings of mine on that topic
(some of which made it into PACER, although I think they only
address it cursorily), you'd justshim it for 5 seconds and write
a one-sentence dismissal like "none of that stuff will ever
work, because sitting in jail accomplishes nothing; we need
sexbots" and then you'd ball it all up and throw it in the
trash, and I would have wasted my whole afternoon and
several pencils (15 cents each and can only be sharpened
a few times) and pieces of paper (30 cents for 7 sheets) and
three stamps, and on an envelope (7 cents each), and my budget is small.

I need help with PACER documents to be able to
know about and read court documents my lawyer
doesn't tell me are being filled, or give me copies of, and
that aren't served on me because I'm represented by
councel rather than represent myself.

So anyway, it's 2:07 pm right now. I woke up at
about 12:30 pm, after eating breakfast at arround 4:45 am,
after staying up all night. this place actually allows us to
hang out in the day room during the wee hours of the morning
which is a nice perk.

I'll just tell you the story of my time here, Iarrived in february, having
taken a plane with 3
fresno detectives, who brought a sack of my property
(essays, letters, etc,) including an endorced check for
200$ in commissary, from the denver jail. All that
property mysteriously disappeared on my arrival at fresno
jail, leaving me with nothing; I hear this happens to a
lot of people, and is probably the fault of the jail
officers involved with property.

my violent mentally disturbed cellmate johnny mcCaslin (google him) who shut up
a dollar general had multiple whoses putting
money on his books and fighting jealously over him.

he and I had a mutual friend charles ramone, AKA
Big C, an OG gangster of the gallant knights

Anyway, right after I got here in february, I
was put in quarantine, and my case was meanwhile
being covered on the TV news, so when I got off
quarantine they put me in a cell with one
of the worst cellmates I;ve ever had, Afif Jamil Boukhdoud.

like most muslim cellmates, he viewed himself as superior and
wanted to dominate everything, and set a bunch of rules. He's
also the only cellmate I've ever had who just openly raided
my locker for food without asking. A little violence probably
would've gone a long way in curbing his bad behavior but
instead I went on hunger strike till the guards finally
tool my complaints seriously enough to separate us.

The worst was his constant yelling at me over
every trifling detail of cell life. e.g the place had to be
spotlessly clean, I wasn't allowed to drink coffee while taking
a shit because that offends Allah, I couldn't rattle a
newspaper before 8am bacause it disturbed his sleep,
or fill up a cup of water from the sink after the
evening count because the sound of the faucet annoyed
him, etc.

just rule after rule, and constantly yelling for petty violations of his standards.

Anyway, I went to administrative segregation (a one-man cell) for a weekor two, then
ended up in this "open pod" of sex offenders who pretend tonot be
sex offenders

your property is out in the open for everyone to see. a dorm style environment.

this is basically how a minimum security prison is set up.
but we lack amenities like a library.

yeah some girl did write but I am not sure I remember her from anywhere
but she seems vaguely familier.

I am leaving for a month or 2 to a federal facility than returning here.

page 8 :
@Göring had little understanding of
Inclupedia, which was why his critiques and
pessimism were so annoying. He needs to edit wikis and
learn about wikipedia's processes, maybe administer a wiki ortwo
and play with the code a bit, to have the
neccessary background to give an informed opinion on
such subjects. And I would have led him into that
world so he could obtain the background, but he
didn't want to. But he still wanted to put forth ignorant
opinions, so I shut it down, and I have no regrets
for doing so because the conversation can't be productive
when people think they're in a position to refute your
whole business idea when actually they can't even understand
when you correct their mistaken assumptions.

I don't mind him being skeptical, but he keeps a closed mind.
but he sees that as unpaid labor, just like my sister sees looking
stuff up in PACER as unpaid labor.

this case is about creating a better world. if you F over your relatives i.g your niece
you F over your own genetics legacy.
you have some relatives with offsprings so you are still sort-of invested in this sense
and heck, you could still unexpectedly end up fathering kids at some point
jfl he got cucked by a soldier of allah cellmate.
Nathan Larson and Peter Scully are my idols
who is this fukurou guy Larson was writing? sounds familiar but can't remember where I heard it

also does anyone have the PDF scans of his manifesto? I thought they were in one of the threads here but can't find it

wondering if any media outlets have published it for citation purposes
who is this fukurou guy Larson was writing? sounds familiar but can't remember where I heard it

also does anyone have the PDF scans of his manifesto? I thought they were in one of the threads here but can't find it

wondering if any media outlets have published it for citation purposes
His manifesto in audio format:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ea6hUq_F4fo

Also, if someone has that pic of Larson and Yui together without the written stuff on the corners, I'd like to have it for future purposes.
Thank you so much. I have big plans for it tbh, you should be able to see it soon.
were you planning on OCRing the scans into text? I kept telling Fukurou I'd do it and then falling short of my aspirations
were you planning on OCRing the scans into text? I kept telling Fukurou I'd do it and then falling short of my aspirations
No, that's beyond my field of expertise. I will do something that I can do :feelsokman:
No, that's beyond my field of expertise. I will do something that I can do :feelsokman:
i can't get AI to do it but I can read it and type it out it just seems tedious
Damned two years old thread getting necroposted. I really was expecting that his ghost came to life and logged back in on his accounts.

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