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Venting My thoughts on the US Presidential Election.



Nov 8, 2017
I am not an Americuck but I am following US Politics because it is very entertaining.

Joe Biden is leading in the polls by a large margin so it is very likely that he will win in my opinion. I do not like him at all, he seem like that he was a Chad in his younger years and beat up incels. He is also playing identity politics by insisting on choosing a black foid as a running mate. What happened to Martin Luther King Jr. saying that someone should only be judged by the content of their character? Anyways his policies are also terrible.

He is pro-affirmative action. I am a curry male who is heavily discriminated against and have never got affirmative action my whole life because I am not a protected class. I also think that it is a form of racism whether you look at it at the angle of the "bigotry of low expectations" or plain discrimination against those that don't meet the affirmative action criteria.

Law and order is a big talking point in this election. One thing I agree with Biden is being against capital punishment. I think that it is hypocritical that it is against the law to murder but the state is allowed to murder. I also support his stance on the war on drugs, it's mostly soys that smoke marijuana and I fucking hate soys. His position on supporting gun control is super cucked though.

Obviously I am vehemently against most of Joe Biden's social policies. Roe vs. Wade should be overturned because it is the foids own fault for fucking Chad and his policies towards females are the absolute worst, he is the cuck that drafted a domestic violence bill when he was a senator JFL.

Looking at his economic policies, he seems to have supported a few free trade policies including one with my own country. This might have helped me, I guess.

His foreign policy is absolutely terrible. He supports the State of Israel and I fucking hate Israel.

This is all without the fact that his side actively goes out of its way to bully incels. No fucking thank you. Joe Biden and the Democrats can go fuck themselves and I will be cheering against them.

Now, lets turn our attention to Donald Trump. He is the incumbent but he is lagging behind by a large margin in the polls. He is behind in the key swing states of Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Florida and Arizona. He is also very close to slipping behind in Texas of all places. I think it is over for him. I think seeing his tantrum when he loses will be very entertaining. In saying that his whole tenure has been entertaining, so we will lose that as well. He is good for the memes but I don't really like him either. However, I would prefer him over Joe Biden. Donald Trump's policy positions are also not that good but I would rate them marginally better than Joe Biden.

Donald Trump's environmental policy is absolutely based. I am not an idiot and I know that climate change is real but I don't want any action done on it. I hate this god forsaken society and I want it to burn. The earth would survive fine, there has been so many geologic time periods with a more extreme climate.

Donald Trump also wishes to abolish Obamacare. I support this in principle because the mantra of "No one is entitled to anything" has been drilled into me ironically by soys. However, a lot of incels may suffer and that is my only real concern to be honest. Either way, I live in Chadstralia where healthcare is free so this is not really that much of a concern for me.

I am not a fan of Donald Trump's immigration policy. He seems to be anti-immigration on the whole. I disagree with this fundamentally. My view is that borders should not exist at all and people should be able to go where they want (reminder, I do not regard foids as "people"). However, I do enjoy his "build the wall" memes. If he does build the wall, I will visit and take a picture next to it inshallah.

His economic policies seem to be a mixed bag. He instituted a massive tax cut which I think is good but he also instigated a trade war with China which may directly affect me. I live in Chadstralia, which is heavily economically dependent on China. A trade war with China effects me negatively due to the fact that I work in the banking and finance industry and my country pretty much runs on selling minerals to China.

With Donald Trump's foreign policy, he seems to have an affinity for other "political strongmen". He has a cozy relationship with Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister of India. Modi essentially wants to exterminate my kind (curry Muslims) so I am not a fan of their close relationship so that is significant negative marks from me. He is also more pro-Israel than even Joe Biden, he moved the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. This moving of the embassy is downright unacceptable in my opinion as it violates international law and is extremely unfair to those that are already suffering.

On the whole, I would say I dislike both Donald Trump and Joe Biden. It seems to come down to who is less worse. Although to be fair that is the case with most political contests. The people that go into politics are corrupt and beholden to various interest groups via donors, it really is a shit situation. In saying that, both candidates are not as bad as each other. In my view Donald Trump is less worse and if I was eligible to vote in the election I would vote for him. I'm not American and can't vote though, so who gives a fuck about what I think lol.
interesting thoughts
Joe Biden is leading in the polls by a large margin so it is very likely that he will win in my opinion.
Low IQ. Hillary was also leading in the polls and got crushed. Trump will win. No way around it.
Low IQ. Hillary was also leading in the polls and got crushed. Trump will win. No way around it.
idk if Trump will win
but the polls are useless
I hope Biden wins for the lolz :feelsclown:
None of them is the good one. And I honestly think Trump was the Chad that bullied incels, not Biden. Both of them suck.
trump is too low iq to be president
Politics is a never ending debate just never fraking ends just like religion
Biden didn’t commit to a black foid, but he did commit to a female VP. I do not think any political candidate should be chosen or not chosen based solely on physical characteristics. With all his gaffes, my biggest gripe with him is choosing a female VP tbh
If Trump doesn't win were fucked tbh
i hope kanye wins and destroys america
trump is too low iq to be president
I agree with this, he seems to be dumb as fuck. He also ran a smart campaign in 2016 so idk
Politicians in general are dumb af, they barely know jack shit about economics, they just know how to get crowds riled up. Although I guess Trump might know a little from his years in bussiness, but he is a zionist cuck.

Both are kike puppets
I hope Syria takes over Israel, and everyone involved in corruption is killed in America. Too bad it will never happen, America would protect Israel even if Israel worked with China.
Biden didn’t commit to a black foid, but he did commit to a female VP. I do not think any political candidate should be chosen or not chosen based solely on physical characteristics. With all his gaffes, my biggest gripe with him is choosing a female VP tbh

I think he committed to a foid of colour, which essentially means a black foid. He wouldn’t consider a noodlewhore or curry roast
Dont care who wins tbh. I voted during the last two elections since I turned 18 but I learned it's the same shit. Even Putin said hes seen three different U.S. presidents yet it's the same policies.
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Dont care who wins tbh. I voted during the last two elections since I turned 18 but I learned it's the same shit. Even Putin said hes seen three different U.S. presidents yet it's the same policies.
Yeah, voting is largely bread and circuses bullshit. I would say that it's the same as an autocracy except with the illusion of control, but actually I'd say it's worse. What we have now is a thinly veiled plutocracy where the only people with any say is the cabal of the rich and political elite who are essentially unaccountable. It's ironic that people call Russia corrupt when the USA largely has the exact same problems politically, only with more female favoritism, and without the same long lasting figurehead.

The problem with democratic systems is that humans naturally create hierarchy wherever and whenever it's temporarily absent.
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Biden wants to have a foid vp, that basically settles it for trump for me, having a foid anywhere near power is cucked.
Biden wants to have a foid vp, that basically settles it for trump for me, having a foid anywhere near power is cucked.

I have heard rumours that down the line he is planning on resigning and just handing it to the foid because he is old as fuck.

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