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My theory: Guys in the 4-6 looks range are most likely to be incel



Nov 11, 2017
4-6 is essentially average. I would fall into that range myself, unless you factor in my race in which case I'm easily sub 3. So would the small Turkish kid and honestly most people in the incel Discord.

We know all girls prefer Chad but girls in the 4-6 range are especially going to throw themselves at GL guys. The reason is simple: females are extremely insecure about their looks and will go out of their way to hide their ugliness. 5 and 6 females know they aren't the best looking so to make up for it, they find the best possible looking guys to "forget" where they stand. And they can get Chad by wearing tons of fake-up and acting extra slutty. 

Average/slightly attractive females HATE their looksmatch and below because they remind them that they're not all that. Really hot girls are not quite as picky because they are secure in their sense of attractiveness while really ugly females know there's no hope(although they too are increasingly dating up due to hypergamy). 

So all the 4-6 females are fucking Chad at once while the average looking guys are left high and dry. So can we please stop accusing people of being "fakecel" if they're not completely deformed? In 2017 you don't even need to be ugly to be incel.
I agree with the last part of your post but there's no way that someone like blackops2cel has better chances than a normie
Enigmatic93 said:
I agree with the last part of your post but there's no way that someone like blackops2cel has better chances than a normie

Well true but we're just talking in general. Obviously blackops2cel is an extreme outlier. The vast majority of even ugly people still mog him.
That's the range I fall into and I am pretty sure most of this forum does, too, no matter how much they like to proclaim their subhumanity. It's almost as if it's a competition to be as incel/ugly as possible, bonus points if you're below blackops2cel.
Im legit sub 2/10, people cant even stomach making eye contact with me
Girls that are below 4/10 tend to date WAY up the looks ladder. They're more hypergamous than average looking women, though part of it is due to the fact that a 2/10 woman has much more room to date up than a 6/10. I see women in the 2-4 range with chadlite boyfriends constantly. I'd say on average they date 3 to 4 points above their own looks.

Part of the problem is a lot of men are intentionally aiming as low as possible. They think a fat 3/10 girl will be less likely to reject them. Because of this, even women in the bottom 10 percent get lots and lots of male attention.

See: juggernaut law
I really don't think a 1/10 or 2/10 has a better shot. I guess it depends on how low of a standard the 4-6 rating guy allows himself to have and how desperate he is? A 6 should be able to get a 2/10 female eventually.
This is silly. Being better looking is better, always.
Because of the feminist Jewish media and motion pictures industry (Hollywood), all women (even ugly ones) are brainwashed to think that they are entitled to date 6 foot+, 9/10+ chads who should treat them "respectfully" like princesses in a Disney movie. It's ridiculous. Even land whales have been trying to change the narrative so society accepts them as normal.

I can only imagine women's standards increasing in the future. Even chadlites are gonna have a tough time.
Blackpill101 said:
Because of the feminist Jewish media and motion pictures industry (Hollywood), all women (even ugly ones) are brainwashed to think that they are entitled to date 6 foot+, 9/10+ chads who should treat them "respectfully" like princesses in a Disney movie. It's ridiculous. Even land whales have been trying to change the narrative so society accepts them as normal.

I can only imagine women's standards increasing in the future. Even chadlites are gonna have a tough time.

Don't even get me started on this. The media keeps telling them that it's their body, their choice, their life and no one can stop them from choosing the men they want. They also tell them that they don't need to change to get their prince charming-they deserve one just the way they are. On the other hand, men are constantly being told to lower their standards, WORK for what they want, and that they have to accept failure(or else they're entitled bigots). 

Honestly how the fuck can this not go wrong?
NegroKing said:
Don't even get me started on this. The media keeps telling them that it's their body, their choice, their life and no one can stop them from choosing the men they want. They also tell them that they don't need to change to get their prince charming-they deserve one just the way they are. On the other hand, men are constantly being told to lower their standards, WORK for what they want, and that they have to accept failure(or else they're entitled bigots). 

Honestly how the fuck can this not go wrong?

Judeo-feminism has screwed over the West. We need to fight to reclaim it back.
It seems that NegroKing's definition of incel is a guy that can't get his looksmatch, and he's saying okay-looking men can't get okay-looking women because Chad is fucking them.

The problem I see with this is that ugly men can't get their looksmatch either, because ugly women still fuck okay looking men.
Sneepysqar said:
It seems that NegroKing's definition of incel is a guy that can't get his looksmatch, and he's saying okay-looking men can't get okay-looking women because Chad is fucking them.

The problem I see with this is that ugly men can't get their looksmatch either, because ugly women still fuck okay looking men.

We're all fucked, basically.
Eh, a 5/10 guy could most likely get a gf if he tried to, if he could settle with a landwhale, a slut or some reptilian monster. Most 5/10 girls however go directly for Chad.
4-6 CANNOT get laid at will
incelman said:
4-6 CANNOT get laid at will

Your own looksrating - 4 = who you can have sex with. 

4 - 4 = 0, basically nobody.

5 - 4 = average guy can bang deformed 1/10.

6 - 4 = above average guy can bang 2/10 fattie

So basically anyone 4 and below = truecel.
Sparky said:
So 8/10 Chad can only bang 4s now :o

How would this system work if you’re non NT

It's only true for those below Chadlite level. 7 PSL is the hypergamy cutoff. 7 and up and you're sought after by every woman, even those above you.

The listed hypergamy rule also doesn't take into consideration beta bux relationships. Obviously a 5 can get into a relationship with a 5, but it won't be an equal attraction relationship, with sex no more than once a month after the first few weeks. For hookups, it's very much true.
CopingGymcel said:
Your own looksrating - 4 = who you can have sex with. 

4 - 4 = 0, basically nobody.

5 - 4 = average guy can bang deformed 1/10.

6 - 4 = above average guy can bang 2/10 fattie

So basically anyone 4 and below = truecel.

It's over
Being average looking is better than being truecel, for sure. But it's not much better. Truecels get bullied and made fun of more, so most of them end up being blackpilled. However if you are average looking, "tolerable" to women, then you are more likely to remain bluepilled and exploited by women for betabux and white knighting tasks. You are more likely to get cheated on behind your back, although most cucks don't find out about it. Women are still as likely to truly desire, respect or love you as they would be a truecel. Probably not even Chad is truly loved, just respected and extremely desired (lust, not love).
Sparky said:
Fair enough 

So what can a Chadlite (PSLI 7/10) get with compared to a Chad (PSLI)?

Also is there a different hypergamy cut off for non NT because I’ve been told I can looksmax to a 7/10 PSLI by every member who I PM’d my pic too but I’m also non-NT so I don’t think it’ll be enough.

Chadlites can get with anything, including the top tier women above him, because they will all find him attractive. 100% of women find Chadlites and Chads attractive. That's not to say that he won't have to put in some effort to get a 9/10, but he certainly can and she will find him attractive, so it won't be a beta power struggle relationship.

If you can looksmax to a 7, then that is enough, unless you have clinical autism of the highest degree, which you don't. And even then, you can't be incel, because Stacy social workers will rape you. 

Send me pic. I'd love to see how you look like and what potential you have.
Sparky said:
I actually have been diagnosed with autism- high functioning autism.

Literally worked my arse off NTmaxing and I can now make normie friends and am part of a few social circles. However despite this, I’m still incel. The autism still hinders me with eye contact (getting better though) and I have the fucking aspie stare which I have no idea what to do about.

I’ve actually came a long way thanks to very dedicated parents + a supportive primary school as when I was first diagnosed, they thought I’d end up in a special unit. If it weren’t for them I would probably had not stayed in mainstream school throughout my entire schooling (just finished the UK equivalent of HS senior year and am currently on a gap year to looksmax before I go uni)

You need to become a 7 then, a 6 won't do. 

I guess you could post some good pics at WrongPlanet (major blue pill autism forum) and hope some autistic femoid messages you.

How far off are you from a 7? What looksmaxing will have to be done to get you there?
The real tragedy of modern hypergamy is that 4-7 averagecels might as well be 1-3 for all the chances they have of getting an FHO. Had we been Boomers, we probably would have been laid and had families of our own. The internet generations of sub-8 men are doomed.
A guy who is a 4-6 either has to fuck 2-3 points below him or more because any girl who is remotely fuckable (6 or higher) is just on 9 or 10 Chad's cum dump list WHEN SHE WANTS TO FUCK. And yeah, women get urges to fuck, itches to get fucked. They don't want to fuck all the time, but when they do, they get a Chad off Tinder or a Chad they know in their circle. It's when they're ovulating or whatever. Once a month, she'll get super horny, she'll get slammed by Mr 9 or 10 Chad off Tinder or in her circle, she's satisfied, maybe he's her "FB", then for the rest of the month she has her betabux she tries to calculate how much affection and sex (if any sex at all) she has to give to maintain the flow of resources, social positioning, public image, etc.

I've seen this shit long enough, both in person, but REALLY you see it when you start catfishing with dating profiles. Tons of hot women, married women, women in relationships, who get on Tinder for a few days, deactivate their profile after they've been fucked and/or found a few new guys to add to their snapchat for fuck-calls (or insta for DM's), then they just go back to their regular BF/Husband.

Young teachers especially. We have one at the college I went to, she was 20-something, hot, married and she'd still come to school every day in total nightclub slut clothes like she was just begging for Chad dick to come to her office. You don't dress like a club slut unless you're looking to get fucked like a club slut.
Sparky said:
I don’t think 7s (Chad-Lites) are doomed unless they are non NT

Perhaps. We do speak of sub-8 men getting ignored by FHOs though. Shit, even 80/20 is more like 95/5 now, so even 8s will be finding it tougher to get laid by these Chad-chaser FHOs. Eventually, only 10s will get laid. I can't see how this modern hypergamy boom can be stopped, unless the internet ceased to exist.
BlackPill47 said:
The real tragedy of modern hypergamy is that 4-7 averagecels might as well be 1-3 for all the chances they have of getting an FHO. Had we been Boomers, we probably would have been laid and had families of our own. The internet generations of sub-8 men are doomed.

I have nothing but hate for the Boomer generation. These are the same assholes that when they look at us will tell us "KIDS THESE DAYS JUST NEED TO MAN UP AND STOP BEIN' PUSSIES". I have seen these assholes-old white guys who love to act tough when they don't even realize how difficult things have become because of their own mistakes.
Framecel222 said:
This is silly. Being better looking is better, always.

This lmao. Looks affect EVERY part of life and each looks point you go up, there is an exponential increase on your general quality of life.
NegroKing said:
Well true but we're just talking in general. Obviously blackops2cel is an extreme outlier. The vast majority of even ugly people still mog him.

Blackops2cel mogs me. The only thing I have over him is that my head is wider, lol.
My normie brother is an 6/10 and he have a girl dropping himself for him even when he hit her drunk in an party.

Can we pls stop pretending that normies have as worse at us because they are not chad? is desilusional.
Unbearable2woman said:
My normie brother is an 6/10 and he have a girl dropping himself for him even when he hit her drunk in an party.

Can we pls stop pretending that normies have as worse at us because they are not chad? is desilusional.

Delusional* just for future reference.

I agree that normies don't have it nearly as bad as "truecels," as many other posters have pointed out that looks affect everything, not just attraction of the opposite sex.

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