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JFL My Teen Is About to Fall Down the Male-Power Incel Rabbit Hole



Feb 19, 2022

My Teen Is About to Fall Down the Male-Power Incel Rabbit Hole​

How do I help him through this crisis of masculinity?​

MAY 03, 202111:39 AM
Teen boy looking frustrated nearby two teen girls.

Photo illustration by Slate. Photos by Valeriy_G/iStock/Getty Images Plus and DGLimages/iStock/Getty Images Plus.

Care and Feeding is Slate’s parenting advice column. Have a question for Care and Feeding? Submit it here

Dear Care and Feeding,
My son is 14, and he’s coping with identity issues that I could really use some advice about. Last night, he was complaining about English class.

“All we talk about is stuff like, I dunno. How women are so great and can defend themselves and shit.” Alarm bells, right? I probed a little, and he started getting upset. He talked about the girls in his class being aggressive towards the boys, accusing them of … he wasn’t sure what. Mumbled a few things about sexism, the patriarchy. “You know, this whole ‘kill all men’ thing.’” And with that, he burst into tears.

“I’m white—I’m male—and I’m probably straight!” he sobbed (at 14, he maintains that the jury is still out on that last one). “It’s like, I can’t say anything! And the girls, they can say anything they like!” Of course, we talked about those girls being out of line, but also about how real sexism is—that he can be proud of who he is and support feminism (and Black Lives Matter, and LGBTQ rights, etc.) at the same time. And ignore purposefully provocative stuff like #killallmen.

Still, I’m concerned. My feeling is that he’s pretty well inoculated against racist and homophobic propaganda. But clearly, he’s struggling with his masculinity.

I really worry that he might stumble across a few clever Jordan Peterson videos and end up falling down some nasty male-power incel rabbit hole … Do you have any advice as to how to deal with this? In particular, do you know of any good age-appropriate books or podcasts or shows or whatever that deal with these topics—especially the “crisis of masculinity”—in a sensitive way? A way that’s in sync with feminist values?
—Feminist Mom in Need of Advice!

Dear F.M.i.N.A.,

Mamas, don’t let your babies grow up to be red-pilled! I think you’re on the right track here, and while I’m not super worried about your son falling down an incel rabbit hole, I do understand and sympathize with your concerns. The girls in his English class are experimenting with an extreme version of their authentic selves, and that’s super normal at their age, if also super annoying. If your son does end up dabbling in the dark web, I think as long as he’s communicating with you this openly you don’t have to fear that he’ll be permanently radicalized.
yeah, your kid is going to fall in our rabbit hole and we're going to indocrinate him and make him the new futur ER,

CRY ABOUT IT :feelsdevil: :feelsdevil: :feelsdevil: :feelsdevil:
He should kill his whore mom if she's making articles about him for other foids to read
63% and rising

My Teen Is About to Fall Down the Male-Power Incel Rabbit Hole​

How do I help him through this crisis of masculinity?​

MAY 03, 202111:39 AM
Teen boy looking frustrated nearby two teen girls.

Photo illustration by Slate. Photos by Valeriy_G/iStock/Getty Images Plus and DGLimages/iStock/Getty Images Plus.

Care and Feeding is Slate’s parenting advice column. Have a question for Care and Feeding? Submit it here

Dear Care and Feeding,
My son is 14, and he’s coping with identity issues that I could really use some advice about. Last night, he was complaining about English class.

“All we talk about is stuff like, I dunno. How women are so great and can defend themselves and shit.” Alarm bells, right? I probed a little, and he started getting upset. He talked about the girls in his class being aggressive towards the boys, accusing them of … he wasn’t sure what. Mumbled a few things about sexism, the patriarchy. “You know, this whole ‘kill all men’ thing.’” And with that, he burst into tears.

“I’m white—I’m male—and I’m probably straight!” he sobbed (at 14, he maintains that the jury is still out on that last one). “It’s like, I can’t say anything! And the girls, they can say anything they like!” Of course, we talked about those girls being out of line, but also about how real sexism is—that he can be proud of who he is and support feminism (and Black Lives Matter, and LGBTQ rights, etc.) at the same time. And ignore purposefully provocative stuff like #killallmen.

Still, I’m concerned. My feeling is that he’s pretty well inoculated against racist and homophobic propaganda. But clearly, he’s struggling with his masculinity.

I really worry that he might stumble across a few clever Jordan Peterson videos and end up falling down some nasty male-power incel rabbit hole … Do you have any advice as to how to deal with this? In particular, do you know of any good age-appropriate books or podcasts or shows or whatever that deal with these topics—especially the “crisis of masculinity”—in a sensitive way? A way that’s in sync with feminist values?
—Feminist Mom in Need of Advice!

Dear F.M.i.N.A.,

Mamas, don’t let your babies grow up to be red-pilled! I think you’re on the right track here, and while I’m not super worried about your son falling down an incel rabbit hole, I do understand and sympathize with your concerns. The girls in his English class are experimenting with an extreme version of their authentic selves, and that’s super normal at their age, if also super annoying. If your son does end up dabbling in the dark web, I think as long as he’s communicating with you this openly you don’t have to fear that he’ll be permanently radicalized.
yeah, your kid is going to fall in our rabbit hole and we're going to indocrinate him and make him the new futur ER,

CRY ABOUT IT :feelsdevil: :feelsdevil: :feelsdevil: :feelsdevil:
They just need to know, they created this mess and could have fixed it:feelsjuice:.
We need another ER
Teach him the role of masuculinity

Make sure that he knows that it’s okay to be a man, despite what leftist media says.

Tell him to never back down, never apologize for something he believes in.

Don’t focus on girls, focus on money. Girls chase money.

Follow what you believe in, but you better have so much faith in what you believe that you better have a damn good reason to fight for it.

Teach him gun safety, self-defense, and how to survive.

And stop asking the internet for help easing your failure of a son.
JFL. Guarantee she's a single mom
“I’m white—I’m male—and I’m probably straight!” he sobbed (at 14, he maintains that the jury is still out on that last one).

That entire bloodline is already fucked. Wipe it out. :feelsjuice:
you chose to create an ugly male, so therefore u made ur bed now lie in it, theres no hope for ugly men
Get em blackpilled young lmao
Lmao. It's not worth arguing over, these people have already made up their minds.

The hatred for low status men in modern society never fails to amaze me

No matter what, You can live the most agonizing existence and they will still blame you on the sole reason you are a male.

All these woman would kill themselves if born a male, it's just facts
yeah, your kid is going to fall in our rabbit hole and we're going to indocrinate him and make him the new futur ER,

CRY ABOUT IT :feelsdevil: :feelsdevil: :feelsdevil: :feelsdevil:
only mentally ill retards turn into faggots and she is coping so hard that hes masculine
Another future blackpilled man will be posting here I called it
Hope every party in this story gets flayed and scalped alive
Hope every party in this story gets flayed and scalped alive

There are no heroes to aid us with it, so we'll do it ourselves.


Re: Why dont people that the English language is

Join Date: 2013-06-23
Post Count: 6332
#153578642Friday, January 09, 2015 12:03 PM CST
The difficulty in accurately utilizing the English language would be dependent on various factors involving the individual. Linguistical similarities of a similar language may allow the person to recognize sequential characteristics that can accelerate their degree of expertise with the language. Nevertheless, variation in cognitive perception and knowledge of any previous languages should be recognized as crucial to beneficial interpretation as it can be significantly difficult for an individual who spent most of their critical cognitive developmental years acquiring knowledge of languages with significant differences in symbolism to adapt to using English on a proficient basis.
Re: wow im getting..a lot of anon hate on tumblr..

Join Date: 2013-06-23
Post Count: 6332
#151854165Wednesday, December 17, 2014 12:26 AM CST
The opinion of an individual over an "Anonymous" interface cannot be blamed solely on the 'perpetrator', It is the decision of each individual to like or dislike another person via analysis of the other person's supposed characteristics. Do not become saddened at the consistent array of insults you may receive, those individuals cannot truly determine your self-worth outside of a screen, make viable and firm decisions as you cannot completely convince every individual to adapt your perception of the situation. It is futile to your efforts to retain cognitive positivity if you continue to allow the negative responses to influence your thinking excessively.
Re: [ Content Deleted ]

Join Date: 2013-06-23
Post Count: 6332
#152217810Monday, December 22, 2014 8:24 PM CST
Each individual afflicted with "Autism" is effective differently and function at varying levels. Although it's a cognitive disorder, Autism doesn't necessarily make the sufferer oblivious to the negativity of civilization.
If the son of that foid has any self-respect and is able to battle against his mother and his school's indoctrination, he will fall down the rabbit hole and take the blackpill to see foids for what they really are.

I hope for his sake that he doesn't succumb to their mind-numbing nonsense.
Dnr but her fault for not ensuring he has a father figure
When you have an entire society that hates men, hates white people, and hates straight people, then it does push people to the fringes.

Where is his dad? Maybe if his mom wasn't a feminist chadsexual and married some one on her level, instead of waiting in line for years to get railed and impregnated by chad, he might have had a positive male figure in his life.
He's viewing this thread rn.
Pussy ass bitch kid. Being a straight white male is life on Normal difficulty. Being deathnic is nightmare difficuly on Permadeath mode.
we talk about is stuff like, I dunno. How women are so great and can defend themselves and shit
He’s noticing lmao
whatever that deal with these topics—especially the “crisis of masculinity”—in a sensitive way
i hate these faggots so much. They literally don’t understand why there’s a crisis in the first place
Imagine having a parent who is a Redditor. Zoomers are so fucked.
If the son of that foid has any self-respect and is able to battle against his mother and his school's indoctrination, he will fall down the rabbit hole and take the blackpill to see foids for what they really are.

I hope for his sake that he doesn't succumb to their mind-numbing nonsense.
If he is able to resist the brainwashing, he will embody the black pill to the fullest after his escape from his mothers clutches.
yeah, your kid is going to fall in our rabbit hole and we're going to indocrinate him and make him the new futur ER,

CRY ABOUT IT :feelsdevil: :feelsdevil: :feelsdevil: :feelsdevil:
yeah, your kid is going to fall in our rabbit hole and we're going to indocrinate him and make him the new futur ER,

CRY ABOUT IT :feelsdevil: :feelsdevil: :feelsdevil: :feelsdevil:
I guess they prefer this kid to wear a dress and cut his pecker off
"The girls in his English class are experimenting with an extreme version of their authentic selves, and that’s super normal at their age"
Once we reach 80%, it is truly over for soyciety:feelshehe:.
It’s 63% and MSM is already crying about men not going to work and mass shootings every other day, imagine how chaotic it will be when it hits 80…

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