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Discussion My take on police brutality and civil liberties (IT won't touch this, as usual)



cope and seethe
Oct 1, 2018
I will try to keep this post as short and simple as I can.

I'd like to address what I see as troubling reactions from this community to the George Floyd protests. I've seen our members suggest on and off this forum that the protests are the embodiment of liberal virtue-signalling, "psyops", and "media hysteria". It may be true that some Redditcucks are motivated by karma whoring as opposed to a genuine commitment to liberal and democratic values. But I think it would be misguided to dismiss the myriad social and political challenges facing the United States as well as other multiracial, multicultural societies.

The civil unrest in the United States over the past two weeks has offered cause for concern on multiple fronts. We see law enforcement responding to protests against police brutality with police brutality. There are over one hundred incidents of documented violence against journalists covering these events; as if police groups seek to deter freedom of expression and assembly under the guise of public safety. At the same time, the Trump administration and its allies have assumed a dangerously expansive interpretation of executive authority. The White House wants to declare "Antifa" a domestic terrorist organization, despite the facts that "Antifa" is little more than a loosely organized subculture, and the President has no such authority. Meanwhile, the DOJ under AG Barr wants to try petty crime in federal courts - vandalism and looting that is ordinarily left to state and local prosecutors. The logic of Tom Cotton's odious op-ed in the New York Times is in line with the depravity of tear-gassing a park of protestors for a political photo-op.

I now believe more than ever that I was right when I opined here two months ago that the 2020s will be a difficult decade for liberal democracies and civil society. The coronavirus pandemic will accelerate digitalization and the subsequent expansion of online surveillance as well as the erosion of privacy. Authoritarian populism threatens, more than ever, judicial independence and a free press. Economic inequality and ideological polarization threaten to exacerbate social tensions. At this point, democratic backsliding in Eastern Europe and Latin America appears to be an inevitability. Political institutions in Western Europe and North America appear to be more resilient, but will nonetheless face a significant stress test. All of this comes as Chinese and Russian authorities adopt increasingly assertive postures on the international stage.

Some of you are under the impression that we should say "fuck it", that politics is a "cope", simply because society treats subhumans like you and me like pond scum. This attitude is misguided.

Incels are a uniquely demonized community. We are despised by the right because we as manlet framecels fail to uphold their standards of traditional masculinity, and by the left because we are supposedly "misogynists". From the standpoint of what political sciencecels would describe as "agenda dynamics" or "agenda-setting theory", we are a politically convenient excuse for the state to gradually chip away at our civil liberties. In any event that our political rights begin to erode, that respect for those rights begin to erode, we will be amongst the very first to face the consequences. The poor, the ugly, the ethnics -- some of you check all three boxes -- are the least culturally represented and respected groups in society. By that I mean we are the least able to participate effectively in a pluralist political framework.

Just look at what CuckTears has to say about us -- a community of ostensibly liberal individuals who want us monitored, muzzled, or even violently arrested for nothing more than "edginess". Some of their users want us to be held to account under counter-terrorism legislation, to be abused in prison, and for the FBI to become moderators on our forum. Evidently, they have failed to consider the dangerous and absurd precedents that some of their policy prescriptions would set. Governments have enough powers as is to detain violent individuals without the use of "special" counter-terrorism powers -- which pose the risk of running roughshod over due process. Physical and sexual abuse are not normatively desirable elements of the correctional system, and only increase the risk of further recidivism. Limiting the range of protected speech poses the risk of exposing the press and advocacy groups to undue interference.

Likewise, police brutality is an issue we should be concerned with. The unfortunate truth, as human psychology suggests, is that individuals make first impressions of one another based purely on appearances. When a uniformed pig (or a juror) looks at a person, he makes a snapshot judgment of that person's propensity to criminal behaviour -- based on race, age, gender, face, and perceived social class. Do you think a corrupt cop is going to place his wretched knee on the neck of a Boomer or a Stacy? Probably not. If it was the neck of a deformed framelet, though, the public would consider that more palatable.

All I wanted to say is that our permavirginity is not the one and only issue that we face in our lives. There is legitimate discussion to be had, inside and outside the context of inceldom, about civil liberties and political culture -- freedom of expression, online privacy, et cetera. Or about law enforcement and criminal justice -- from use of force procedures, to due process, to sentencing and rehabilitation. Or perhaps regarding the overarching relationship between the state and the individual. I know some of you will disagree with me, of course -- but I seriously think these issues merit at least some discussion if not concern, and we shouldn't have bashed normies too quickly for choosing to put these topics on the forefront of the agenda. After all, we're not immune to social and political paradigm shifts. If anything, given that race, gender, class, and looks remain a factor -- we as subhuman men are even more vulnerable than normies when the state lurches toward its oppressive tendencies.
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tempus edax rerum
fukuyama was wrong about liberal democracies "winning"
tempus edax rerum
fukuyama was wrong about liberal democracies "winning"

He was, unfortunately.

I think it was clear throughout the 2010s that Fukuyama was gravely wrong -- democracies do deteriorate -- as they did in Turkey, Thailand, Poland, and Hungary, et cetera. The Arab Spring, with the exception of Tunisia, was also a staggering disappointment. He did acknowledge in 2016, after Brexit and Trump, that he had failed to take into account the resurgence of nationalist populism.
Incels are a uniquely demonized community. We are despised by the right because we as manlet framecels fail to uphold their standards of traditional masculinity, and by the left because we are supposedly "misogynists".
See it's funny, alot of incels still don't understand this fact. I guess they just can't comprehend that they can only really rely on themself?
I will try to keep this post as short and simple as I can.

I'd like to address what I see as troubling reactions from this community to the George Floyd protests. I've seen our members suggest on and off this forum that the protests are the embodiment of liberal virtue-signalling, "psyops", and "media hysteria". It may be true that some Redditcucks are motivated by karma whoring as opposed to a genuine commitment to liberal and democratic values. But I think it would be misguided to dismiss the myriad social and political challenges facing the United States as well as other multiracial, multicultural societies.

The civil unrest in the United States over the past two weeks has offered cause for concern on multiple fronts. We see law enforcement responding to protests against police brutality with police brutality. There are over one hundred incidents of documented violence against journalists covering these events; as if police groups seek to deter freedom of expression and assembly under the guise of public safety. At the same time, the Trump administration and its allies have assumed a dangerously expansive interpretation of executive authority. The White House wants to declare "Antifa" a domestic terrorist organization, despite the facts that "Antifa" is little more than a loosely organized subculture, and the President has no such authority. Meanwhile, the DOJ under AG Barr wants to try petty crime in federal courts - vandalism and looting that is ordinarily left to state and local prosecutors. The logic of Tom Cotton's odious op-ed in the New York Times is in line with the depravity of tear-gassing a park of protestors for a political photo-op.

I now believe more than ever that I was right when I opined here two months ago that the 2020s will be a difficult decade for liberal democracies and civil society. The coronavirus pandemic will accelerate digitalization and the subsequent expansion of online surveillance as well as the erosion of privacy. Authoritarian populism threatens, more than ever, judicial independence and a free press. Economic inequality and ideological polarization threaten to exacerbate social tensions. At this point, democratic backsliding in Eastern Europe and Latin America appears to be an inevitability. Political institutions in Western Europe and North America appear to be more resilient, but will nonetheless face a significant stress test. All of this comes as Chinese and Russian authorities adopt increasingly assertive postures on the international stage.

Some of you are under the impression that we should say "fuck it", that politics is a "cope", simply because society treats subhumans like you and me like pond scum. This attitude is misguided.

Incels are a uniquely demonized community. We are despised by the right because we as manlet framecels fail to uphold their standards of traditional masculinity, and by the left because we are supposedly "misogynists". From the standpoint of what political sciencecels would describe as "agenda dynamics" or "agenda-setting theory", we are a politically convenient excuse for the state to gradually chip away at our civil liberties. In any event that our political rights begin to erode, that respect for those rights begin to erode, we will be amongst the very first to face the consequences. The poor, the ugly, the ethnics -- some of you check all three boxes -- are the least culturally represented and respected groups in society. By that I mean we are the least able to participate effectively in a pluralist political framework.

Just look at what CuckTears has to say about us -- a community of ostensibly liberal individuals who want us monitored, muzzled, or even violently arrested for nothing more than "edginess". Some of their users want us to be held to account under counter-terrorism legislation, to be abused in prison, and for the FBI to become moderators on our forum. Evidently, they have failed to consider the dangerous and absurd precedents that some of their policy prescriptions would set. Governments have enough powers as is to detain violent individuals without the use of "special" counter-terrorism powers -- which pose the risk of running roughshod over due process. Physical and sexual abuse are not normatively desirable elements of the correctional system, and only increase the risk of further recidivism. Limiting the range of protected speech poses the risk of exposing the press and advocacy groups to undue interference.

Likewise, police brutality is an issue we should be concerned with. The unfortunate truth, as human psychology suggests, is that individuals make first impressions of one another based purely on appearances. When a uniformed pig (or a juror) looks at a person, he makes a snapshot judgment of that person's propensity to criminal behaviour -- based on race, age, gender, face, and perceived social class. Do you think a corrupt cop is going to place his wretched knee on the neck of a Boomer or a Stacy? Probably not. If it was the neck of a deformed framelet, though, the public would consider that more palatable.

All I wanted to say is that our permavirginity is not the one and only issue that we face in our lives. There is legitimate discussion to be had, inside and outside the context of inceldom, about civil liberties and political culture -- freedom of expression, online privacy, et cetera. Or about law enforcement and criminal justice -- from use of force procedures, to due process, to sentencing and rehabilitation. Or perhaps regarding the overarching relationship between the state and the individual. I know some of you will disagree with me, of course -- but I seriously think these issues merit at least some discussion if not concern, and we shouldn't have bashed normies too quickly for choosing to put these topics on the forefront of the agenda. After all, we're not immune to social and political paradigm shifts. If anything, given that race, gender, class, and looks remain a factor -- we as subhuman men are even more vulnerable than normies when the state lurches toward its oppressive tendencies.
So much for short and simple
He was, unfortunately.

I think it was clear throughout the 2010s that Fukuyama was gravely wrong -- democracies do deteriorate -- as they did in Turkey, Thailand, Poland, and Hungary, et cetera. The Arab Spring, with the exception of Tunisia, was also a staggering disappointment. He did acknowledge in 2016, after Brexit and Trump, that he had failed to take into account the resurgence of nationalist populism.
Maybe he was right, but maybe they were not as principally liberal as they pretended/ seemed. Maybe liberalism was already a flawed ideology in its foundation wrongfully perpetuated by a group of profiteers and needed and updated version. :feelsEhh: No classic liberal prediction or theory held up the test of modern times.

What are you studying again?
He was, unfortunately.

I think it was clear throughout the 2010s that Fukuyama was gravely wrong -- democracies do deteriorate -- as they did in Turkey, Thailand, Poland, and Hungary, et cetera. The Arab Spring, with the exception of Tunisia, was also a staggering disappointment. He did acknowledge in 2016, after Brexit and Trump, that he had failed to take into account the resurgence of nationalist populism.

The rest of the world recognized in 2002 post 9/11 that history had not ended as the West geared up to bomb them. The plebs in the West saw it in 2008 when the banking crisis passed and no elites were ever held responsible. And elites themselves noticed in 2016 with Brexit and Trump that history certainly wasn't 'over'.

And what do you mean by liberal democracy though? The thing Mill and Rawls envisioned? Or the technocratic, oligarchic woke neoliberalism we have now? You could argue that Eastern European democracies have seen what wokeness and the 'doctrine of human rights' does to your society and they want no part of it. Should they be allowed to preserve their civilizations as they like to see them? The colour revolutions in the Middle East were obvious CIA Western NGO psy-ops that horribly failed because Western technocrats keep underestimating the resilience of Islam against globohomo neoliberalism. All the neolibs and neocons like Fukuyama underestimated Islam.

James Burnham, Georges Sorel and Carl Schmitt all predicted the internal rot, contradictions and hypocrisies inherent in liberalism, its rottenness now becomes obvious to more and more people. It's why our elites are now adopting wokeness as an elite religion to police society and keep the subjects in line. Any type of complaint by a working class or middle class person can now be dismissed with religious condemnation, 'you have no right to complain because you have [xyz] priviledge and have not repented sufficiently and thus deserve your suffering'.
Likewise, police brutality is an issue we should be concerned with. The unfortunate truth, as human psychology suggests, is that individuals make first impressions of one another based purely on appearances. When a uniformed pig (or a juror) looks at a person, he makes a snapshot judgment of that person's propensity to criminal behaviour -- based on race, age, gender, face, and perceived social class. Do you think a corrupt cop is going to place his wretched knee on the neck of a Boomer or a Stacy? Probably not. If it was the neck of a deformed framelet, though, the public would consider that more palatable.
The problem is that nobody is approaching it from that angle and it's irrevelant.

There are many egregious examples of police violence against ugly, white homeless people that is just swept under the rug after extremely momentary coverage.

If you are black and/or live in a black area perhaps there is something to gain (or rather not given the statistics after incidents such as these).

They don't even recognize that police violence is far more of a male issue in general particularly of low-status males. Well, they do recognize that really they just don't care. Same with lookism.

Personally, I am tired of all the "social justice" advocacy and movements while ignoring the most pervasive form of discrimination throughout society. It's nothing more than a joke really and makes me rage. I don't see how people stomach it honestly. As soon as I became blackpilled I stop following politics.

Just look at what CuckTears has to say about us -- a community of ostensibly liberal individuals who want us monitored, muzzled, or even violently arrested for nothing more than "edginess". Some of their users want us to be held to account under counter-terrorism legislation, to be abused in prison, and for the FBI to become moderators on our forum. Evidently, they have failed to consider the dangerous and absurd precedents that some of their policy prescriptions would set.
No doubt, that's why it's pointless and even dangerous I might add to make political bedfellows with people who so thoroughly despise you.

Ideology doesn't matter and you get no brownie points for sharing similar viewpoints on other issues.

Incels are a uniquely demonized community. We are despised by the right because we as manlet framecels fail to uphold their standards of traditional masculinity, and by the left because we are supposedly "misogynists".
Naw, both sides hate us because of our physical appearance it's a biological thing. It's only that one side hates you more on top of that. Perceives us as dangerous, terrorists, and things of the sort.

You can clearly see it's skewed in one way from the people that interact with us on a daily basis. Or even just politically in general in regards to obsession over incels.
Naw, both sides hate us because of our physical appearance it's a biological thing. It's only that one side hates you more on top of that. Perceives us as dangerous, terrorists, and things of the sort.

You can clearly see it's skewed in one way from the people that interact with us on a daily basis. Or even just politically in general in regards to obsession over incels.

Incels are politically homeless, and will continue to be in the near future. No politician has anything to gain by advocating the case of low status sexless men. I wrote about it here.
Incels are politically homeless, and will continue to be in the near future. No politician has anything to gain by advocating the case of low status sexless men. I wrote about it here.
Which is why I dissassociated from politics and really don't care anymore, but there is still a side which is far more obsessed with incels.

And because they go out of their way so much to despise me I too despise them.
Which is why I dissassociated from politics and really don't care anymore, but there is still a side which is far more obsessed with incels.

And because they go out of their way so much to despise me I too despise them.

You may not be interested in power, but power is definitely interested in you.
You may not be interested in power, but power is definitely interested in you.
I mean there are no wins really for incels in politics. You just spend energy getting wins for other people.

That's why I don't see the point in being politically involved.
Federal cops(FBI) will be a threat as hypergamy will inevitably lead to more mass shootings which will probably add public pressure to shut down incel communities and arrest their members. Theres no way to stop this, we cant control what a random member does.

I dont see local cops becoming a threat to us because we ldar most of the time anyway.
I will try to keep this post as short and simple as I can.

I'd like to address what I see as troubling reactions from this community to the George Floyd protests. I've seen our members suggest on and off this forum that the protests are the embodiment of liberal virtue-signalling, "psyops", and "media hysteria". It may be true that some Redditcucks are motivated by karma whoring as opposed to a genuine commitment to liberal and democratic values. But I think it would be misguided to dismiss the myriad social and political challenges facing the United States as well as other multiracial, multicultural societies.

The civil unrest in the United States over the past two weeks has offered cause for concern on multiple fronts. We see law enforcement responding to protests against police brutality with police brutality. There are over one hundred incidents of documented violence against journalists covering these events; as if police groups seek to deter freedom of expression and assembly under the guise of public safety. At the same time, the Trump administration and its allies have assumed a dangerously expansive interpretation of executive authority. The White House wants to declare "Antifa" a domestic terrorist organization, despite the facts that "Antifa" is little more than a loosely organized subculture, and the President has no such authority. Meanwhile, the DOJ under AG Barr wants to try petty crime in federal courts - vandalism and looting that is ordinarily left to state and local prosecutors. The logic of Tom Cotton's odious op-ed in the New York Times is in line with the depravity of tear-gassing a park of protestors for a political photo-op.

I now believe more than ever that I was right when I opined here two months ago that the 2020s will be a difficult decade for liberal democracies and civil society. The coronavirus pandemic will accelerate digitalization and the subsequent expansion of online surveillance as well as the erosion of privacy. Authoritarian populism threatens, more than ever, judicial independence and a free press. Economic inequality and ideological polarization threaten to exacerbate social tensions. At this point, democratic backsliding in Eastern Europe and Latin America appears to be an inevitability. Political institutions in Western Europe and North America appear to be more resilient, but will nonetheless face a significant stress test. All of this comes as Chinese and Russian authorities adopt increasingly assertive postures on the international stage.

Some of you are under the impression that we should say "fuck it", that politics is a "cope", simply because society treats subhumans like you and me like pond scum. This attitude is misguided.

Incels are a uniquely demonized community. We are despised by the right because we as manlet framecels fail to uphold their standards of traditional masculinity, and by the left because we are supposedly "misogynists". From the standpoint of what political sciencecels would describe as "agenda dynamics" or "agenda-setting theory", we are a politically convenient excuse for the state to gradually chip away at our civil liberties. In any event that our political rights begin to erode, that respect for those rights begin to erode, we will be amongst the very first to face the consequences. The poor, the ugly, the ethnics -- some of you check all three boxes -- are the least culturally represented and respected groups in society. By that I mean we are the least able to participate effectively in a pluralist political framework.

Just look at what CuckTears has to say about us -- a community of ostensibly liberal individuals who want us monitored, muzzled, or even violently arrested for nothing more than "edginess". Some of their users want us to be held to account under counter-terrorism legislation, to be abused in prison, and for the FBI to become moderators on our forum. Evidently, they have failed to consider the dangerous and absurd precedents that some of their policy prescriptions would set. Governments have enough powers as is to detain violent individuals without the use of "special" counter-terrorism powers -- which pose the risk of running roughshod over due process. Physical and sexual abuse are not normatively desirable elements of the correctional system, and only increase the risk of further recidivism. Limiting the range of protected speech poses the risk of exposing the press and advocacy groups to undue interference.

Likewise, police brutality is an issue we should be concerned with. The unfortunate truth, as human psychology suggests, is that individuals make first impressions of one another based purely on appearances. When a uniformed pig (or a juror) looks at a person, he makes a snapshot judgment of that person's propensity to criminal behaviour -- based on race, age, gender, face, and perceived social class. Do you think a corrupt cop is going to place his wretched knee on the neck of a Boomer or a Stacy? Probably not. If it was the neck of a deformed framelet, though, the public would consider that more palatable.

All I wanted to say is that our permavirginity is not the one and only issue that we face in our lives. There is legitimate discussion to be had, inside and outside the context of inceldom, about civil liberties and political culture -- freedom of expression, online privacy, et cetera. Or about law enforcement and criminal justice -- from use of force procedures, to due process, to sentencing and rehabilitation. Or perhaps regarding the overarching relationship between the state and the individual. I know some of you will disagree with me, of course -- but I seriously think these issues merit at least some discussion if not concern, and we shouldn't have bashed normies too quickly for choosing to put these topics on the forefront of the agenda. After all, we're not immune to social and political paradigm shifts. If anything, given that race, gender, class, and looks remain a factor -- we as subhuman men are even more vulnerable than normies when the state lurches toward its oppressive tendencies.

I for one wish to return to the crime rates and crack fueled violence of the 80s. (dead serious, btw)

I say pull the police from violent areas and stop wasting money on them. Let them become lawless zones. Shrink the government, defund the police.
With all respect your geopolitical views are so dogmatic to status quo in West that nothing you said is really provoking. The fetishists of liberal democracy who view it as greatest human invention will never accept that it is an unstable joke of a system which focuses too much on individuality and social progress which eventually divides nations and morally degrades people to the point where perfect breeding ground is made for authoritarian regime to take over from either side of the spectrum (huge examples are USSR and Nazi Germany). Whites won't pour in money forever for others when you expect them to die out. The current liberal democracies survived and exist only because of the same excessive law enforcement to upkeep the order and excessive military to project power all around world and create satellite states like UK once and USA now does. Russia and China are limited and at this point can only play on defense or through subversion while USA with it's stooges which is an undisputed power continues to destabilize regions, sow deaths and stage coups against countries which aren't aligned with American geopolitical interests no matter of which ideology they are (that's why we see America being allied with Saudi dictatorship, overthrowing social democracies and imposing those same authoritarian populists while preaching at home how democracy shall be preserved for it is the greatest invention).

There was never a real democracy in Eastern Europe after fall of Iron Curtain because we in EE are all divided puppets of D.C and Brussels who serve as cheap labor, big military bases and brain drain nests while the only thing we get in return is more Western NGO's, progressive laws forced upon the traditional societies and more unpayable debts from IMF and banks. You have to understand that not everyone has cultivated a liberal individualistic thoughts nor mindset like USA which was protected by 2 oceans since beginning or UK which was protected by a channel for centuries. Continental Europe and unstable areas like EE saw occupations, wars and destruction too many times for a thing like liberal democracy to naturally form. Eastern European countries will need to fight for their sole existence this century so of course that reactionaries or populists as you say will inevitably take over because under your current imposed values we only got extremely low birth rates, poverty and corruption.

You also cannot seriously say that just judicial system, independent academia and free press exist today in West. Good portion of judicial system, academia and media was subverted during Cold War. Not only are there now judges allowed to operate on subjectivity but it is incredibly easy now to push outcry trough biased media and judicial system will change it's decisions under peer pressure like we saw with Ahmaud Arbery or many other cases before it. All of media in USA is monopoly owned by 5 big corporations who spin the same neoliberal progressive crap or in case of Fox (which was bought by Disney who pushes the different narrative with other owned companies) the neoconservative (neoliberal) crap for old boomers. There is also a cultural monopoly where anything right of neoconservatism is shut down at start, even with holding a single status quo neoconservative view you can now be censored, lose job, be ostracized or charged with hate speech. Free press or speech do not exist for them.

And while i agree that Antifa is a loosely organized subculture, there are also many decentralized right-wing organizations which did not prevent the law enforcement from immediately cracking down on them. In today's case we still see military and police openly siding and kneeling with radical leftists who are looting, burning monuments and lynching people on streets no matter which race while giving them slap on the wrist every single time. Now there are talks of disbanding the police in Minneapolis which is just a dream come true for the bulk of those protesters who want a stateless anarchy from which ashes the communistic syndicalism will rise. As i am writing this Antifa just took over area of blocks in Seattle, barricaded it and proclaimed it as their anarcho-communist zone, you really think police would let things like they did past 2 weeks go if it was perpetrated by right wing dissidents? No, they would be rooted out at beginning, the protesters would be proclaimed as terrorists and jailed for decades if not for life.
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