Holy fucking shit. Women are retarded.
”I dont like gay characters.” Men: ”ok, your choice”.
Women: (I guess this whore is an ethnic race traitor that settled with a mid white male) makes a whole argument about it, remembers every phrase and then goes to Reddit to make a long fucking complain post about it.
Women have it so easy that these things make them upset, while we ugly men have to take shit every day from normies and women and be quiet about it.
If I had the power:
Every R3ddit mod would be forced into slave labour and every w0men should have all rights taken except br33d.
Would make Lazyandtalentless a God Emperor with Intellautistic as his honorable advisor (Voice of God).
Edit: WARNING THIS MIGHT MAKE YOU RAGE! Another post by her:
”I'm in my mid 30s and a mom as well and gravity has not been my friend, nor has post partum hormones. I'm overweight (190lbs!), have an absolute zebra crossing of stretch marks across my butt, belly, thighs and boobs, a chronic skin condition (Keratin pilaris... so I have red chicken skin bumps over 80% of my body), from my ankles to my cheeks. The only places that don't have it are my upper chest, palms, the underside of my forearms, my chin and forehead. I have grey hairs and my hair's been reduced to 1/6th of the thickness it was before I had my kids. My skin is as dry as the sahara desert and if I'm not on top of my exfoliating regime,
I get flakes of skin or the prominent KP bumps all over. I've got crows feet and forehead wrinkles. My lips are thin and colourless, I'm hairy AF, with a visible dark mustache, dark hair all over my arms and legs and over a dozen unruly black chin hairs that I have to industriously pluck lest I give someone the impression I've got a hormone disorder. My boobs sit around my belly button when I'm not wearing a bra and my belly is jiggly and sticks out no matter what I do. One of my teeth doesn't sit right, it's behind the others. Also, my boobs and feet are a full size different from each other. Also have pitted scarring on my face from teenage acne and it's SO HARD to find clothes that fit.”
Friendly reminder. women can look like this, still gets laid, becomes a parent and can blame white men and forcefully not have sex.
Meanwhile men with mid face and gymmaxxing are lonely. F*ck this world man.