everything is a cope. No one cares about this stuff only copers do. A 6'3 aryan God that slays does not mind attracting ethnic foids in his harem.
Coping is a way of dealing with things. In the psychological way but also in the practical one. Medication is nothing but a way to cope with some serious illness. Sometimes by curing the underlying issue, sometimes by making the symptoms managable. Cope doesn't mean bad or stupid or wrong.
Yeah, on some level politics is just a shit game for amoral vermins who aim to climb the social ladder, for idiots to throw away their lifes for someone else's benefit, for animalistic insincts and motivated reasoning to express themselves in the actions of billions. But, it's also the most meaningful game being played. True power lies in being part of the winning collective, the dominant meta-structure of your time. Whatever you want in life, whatever you can never hope to accomplish on your own, humanity as a whole or just any nation could easily grant it to you if it so wished. Any reasonably-sized company, any state, any city, any powerful collective could easily organize you a woman and happy life, not through money but just through social incentives.
Giving up on politics is cope for those unable to even find a team to join. And they can't find a team because their personal interests are not represented in the political arena by any collective because not enough people give a shit about their kind. Cope for those too cowardly and complacent to even try and remake the world around them in their own image.
If I can't win the game, I should just call the game stupid and laugh about anyone openly admitting to playing it is a textbook coping mechanism. But of the cheap and psychological kind. It might make you feel less powerless and even give you a sense of superiority, but it won't fix the underlying core issues. It's what you do after you have given up on winning, ever.