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Blackpill My (only) fakecel trait: I'm a very good dancer



Pancake-faced viking-cel
Oct 5, 2022
Now at 30 I'm a shut in NEET but when I was in my bluepilled it early twenties I had chances to go to University clubs, not because I was invited per se, but because all of the new students were encouraged to go. So I got a bit tipsy and took to the dancefloor and after a while I started getting attention and validation from the people around me. I don't dance "the robot" or breakdance or something cringe, just kind of a disco, John Travolta thing. Afterwards people were telling me "you've got moves man" and things like that. Probably the most validated I've ever felt. I've been good at dancing since pre-school, my mother's dance instructor friend always telling me I was a natural, but I hadn't done it as an adult until then.

But of course there's no moves for my 2.5/10 FACE and it didn't get me anywhere but compliments. It was basically jestermaxxing in a way. Chads who just stood there, leaned on the wall, drinks in hand, wasted, went home with the foids. Unless you're at least LTN, dancing won't move the needle for you.

Before fakecel accusations jfl: All of us aren't going to have all our stats at the very bottom across the board, most of us have some "interesting" quality or talent.
dancing is for normie faggots.
Gay trait, to be honest.
That's great
I too want to learn tektonik dance
Not really, probably one of the most important social mating rituals between men and women in history.
Little by little you reveal yourself. One moment you say you have a high IQ (indicating an acceptable social life), another moment you say you dance, indicating a normie characteristic)

And a high IQ is actually measured by having a social life that is appropriate to the standards, no joke. In fact, most people here are average or below average, like Gecko himself, who has a genetic IQ score of 80 to 90.And generally, those who have a high IQ have a social life that is pretty good within those standards. If you want to imitate a 'personality' to fit into a framework that is not a stereotype, that is stretching it.

And now you come and say that you have social behavior (which is a bit doubtful, this behavior), anyway... YOU LOOK LIKE AN APPARENTLY AVERAGE NORMIE OR EVEN A 7.

You don't sound like a truecel at all the way you always tell your life and your stories.
I disagree.
If you consider how many heterosexual couples have met at everything from Ballroom dances in the 1600s to raves in the 00's, I think you'd reconsider. I don't think Elvis would have been as popular among foids if he had stood there like a statue. Being a good dancer is obviously a good trait for any straight man. But ofc I'm ugly enough to the point where it doesn't matter.
If you consider how many heterosexual couples have met at everything from Ballroom dances in the 1600s to raves in the 00's, I think you'd reconsider. I don't think Elvis would have been as popular among foids if he had stood there like a statue. Being a good dancer is obviously a good trait for any straight man. But ofc I'm ugly enough to the point where it doesn't matter.
How many?
Little by little you reveal yourself. One moment you say you have a high IQ (indicating an acceptable social life), another moment you say you dance, indicating a normie characteristic)

And a high IQ is actually measured by having a social life that is appropriate to the standards, no joke. In fact, most people here are average or below average, like Gecko himself, who has a genetic IQ score of 80 to 90.And generally, those who have a high IQ have a social life that is pretty good within those standards. If you want to imitate a 'personality' to fit into a framework that is not a stereotype, that is stretching it.

And now you come and say that you have social behavior (which is a bit doubtful, this behavior), anyway... YOU LOOK LIKE AN APPARENTLY AVERAGE NORMIE OR EVEN A 7.

You don't sound like a truecel at all the way you always tell your life and your stories.
I'm a mentally ill 2.5/10 30yo NEET. My plastic surgeon said I was a potential candidate for Lefort III, I barely leave the house because of social anxiety. Just because I had a few social experiences when I was bluepilled 10 years ago doesn't mean I'm a 7 lol. Being a good dancer has nothing to do with IQ. Not every incel is going to have 100% negative experiences everyday since childhood. That is black and white thinking.
It's basically been the most common form of meeting the opposite sex in a relaxed environment for centuries so countless.
You're just rambling and not giving any information. How many people used dancing as a method of mating? Very few, really.
If you consider how many heterosexual couples have met at everything from Ballroom dances in the 1600s to raves in the 00's, I think you'd reconsider. I don't think Elvis would have been as popular among foids if he had stood there like a statue. Being a good dancer is obviously a good trait for any straight man. But ofc I'm ugly enough to the point where it doesn't matter.
This is half true, considering that according to dance tiktokcels (I don't use this platform, but it's popularly known as that), you can indeed see men dancing with girls to the sound of phonk (I think that's what it is), but it's prevalent that most of them tend to be gay. Even shows organized by companies with male dancers in the audience to liven up the scene, usually tend to have a gay vibe.

And most of the time, a chad can even dance, but the fact is that he's already beautiful, so technically fuck him.

And in ancient times, women were controlled, dancing could only be accepted on occasions like kings' festivals, and even then it wasn't women who were in charge. Dancing is not a popular thing to do to mate with a woman. It only gives that impression because of 80s culture (Where things started to get a little more "liberal")
You're just rambling and not giving any information. How many people used dancing as a method of mating? Very few, really.
Every social event where young men and women come together usually involves music and dancing. Is it hard to fathom that this leads to relationships?
I'm a mentally ill 2.5/10 30yo NEET. My plastic surgeon said I was a potential candidate for Lefort III, I barely leave the house because of social anxiety. Just because I had a few social experiences when I was bluepilled 10 years ago doesn't mean I'm a 7 lol. Being a good dancer has nothing to do with IQ. Not every incel is going to have 100% negative experiences everyday since childhood. That is black and white thinking.
Having socially acceptable characteristics according to standards means getting used to it and camouflaging yourself with it. IQ helps with this like no other. So yes, there is something intrinsic.And yes, the thinking here is BLACK AND WHITE, there is no relativity and nothing is opinionated, it is just reasoning without attribution.There is no such thing as half incel, you either are one or you are not, and forcing a stereotype because of personality, as I said, IS FORCING!

And truecel does not have social phobia (the cause of shyness is arrogance, thinking that you are the center, but you will only be ridiculed if you try to put yourself on a podium or if it is not yours, or a communication with a normie trying to be a normie, when clearly you are not).I AM A TRUECEL OF 1.63, WITH A DISPROPORTIONATE FACE, I AM ALSO NEET (and I intend to be for the rest of my life)... I DON'T HAVE SOCIAL PHOBIA, I HATE TALKING TO PEOPLE BECAUSE I HATE THEM, I AM NOT AFRAID, I JUST DON'T LIKE IT.
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Every social event where young men and women come together usually involves music and dancing. Is it hard to fathom that this leads to relationships?
It is not difficult, however, apart from how relevant the looks are, until women have been fully free until a few decades in the West, The matches were based on monetary and lineage interests, foids didn't really choose for most of history.
Having socially acceptable characteristics according to standards means getting used to it and camouflaging yourself with it. IQ helps with this like no other. So yes, there is something intrinsic.And yes, the thinking here is BLACK AND WHITE, there is no relativity and nothing is opinionated, it is just reasoning without attribution.There is no such thing as an incel, you either are one or you are not, and forcing a stereotype because of personality, as I said, IS FORCING!
Don't come with reductionism.
You're purity spiraling. I'm an ugly bipolar 30 year old kissless virgin ergo an incel. I can barely go to the grocery store without having a panic attack so even if my IQ would help me be more socially adaptive, I'm too nervous to even get into social situations.
I'm an ugly bipolar 30 year old kissless virgin ergo an incel. I can barely go to the grocery store without having a panic attack so even if my IQ would help me be more socially adaptive, I'm too nervous to even get into social situations.
And truecel does not have social phobia (the cause of shyness is arrogance, thinking that you are the center, but you will only be ridiculed if you try to put yourself on a podium or if it is not yours, or a communication with a normie trying to be a normie, when clearly you are not).I AM A TRUECEL OF 1.63, WITH A DISPROPORTIONATE FACE, I AM ALSO NEET (and I intend to be for the rest of my life)... I DON'T HAVE SOCIAL PHOBIA, I HATE TALKING TO PEOPLE BECAUSE I HATE THEM, I AM NOT AFRAID, I JUST DON'T LIKE IT.
It is not difficult, however, apart from how relevant the looks are, until women have been fully free until a few decades in the West, The matches were based on monetary and lineage interests, foids didn't really choose for most of history.
In the upper classes, men and women would gather at ball room events. Being a good dancer was a must for any eligible bachelor as it showed refinement and talent. Even if they're parents chose in the end, the parents would consider a good dancer as someone of good stock.

In the lower classes they had looser sexual morality and at the barnyard dances being good at dancing would have been an advantage.

It's basically peacocking, drawing attention to yourself, standing out from the rest, which is a good thing in social situations if you do something that impresses people.

Are you seriously trying to argue that being a good dancer is a negative thing as a straight man? Should guys who have moves not dance for fear of being seen as gay? There's a very large difference between how gays and straights dance.
Stop trying to outcompete me on who's the most incel Japbro. In the end we're the same age and have never felt the touch of a woman. That's what matters. That's why we're here.
@Kina Hikikomori
In the upper classes, men and women would gather at ball room events. Being a good dancer was a must for any eligible bachelor as it showed refinement and talent.
An extreme statistical minority.
Even if they're parents chose in the end, the parents would consider a good dancer as someone of good stock.
On what evidence was dancing relevant in selecting the best candidate for daughters?
In the lower classes they had looser sexual morality and at the barnyard dances being good at dancing would have been an advantage.
On what evidence? Apparently, what all this makes you understand is that the wealthiest or highest class were the ones who had more sexual degeneration because they were fully more free to choose and decide.

It's basically peacocking, drawing attention to yourself, standing out from the rest, which is a good thing in social situations if you do something that impresses people.
No peacocking for your face. Everything followed a protocol of lineage, money and possibilities. The rest is irrelevant because the foid had no criteria and it was the family that benefited from whom their daughters married.

Are you seriously trying to argue that being a good dancer is a negative thing as a straight man?
Contrary to what you may believe, Many cultures consider male dance as effeminate, not just mine, which is the Amazigh-Arabic, but many cultures have taken male dance for what it is: a homosexual degeneration.

All societies have male and female dancers. The difference here is to consider the relevance of being a good dancer as a general rule:

1. If the foid can choose, it may be relevant, but if the foid can choose then, it will choose the one with the best looks, the dance is just a childish complement.
2. If the woman has no decision-making capacity, she will not choose anyone and it will be her parents who choose. The young Chad of low nobility was nothing compared to the ugly and short Ogre of high nobility and was extremely wealthy.
I'm too autistic to be any good at dancing
An extreme statistical minority.

On what evidence was dancing relevant in selecting the best candidate for daughters?

On what evidence? Apparently, what all this makes you understand is that the wealthiest or highest class were the ones who had more sexual degeneration because they were fully more free to choose and decide.

No peacocking for your face. Everything followed a protocol of lineage, money and possibilities. The rest is irrelevant because the foid had no criteria and it was the family that benefited from whom their daughters married.

Contrary to what you may believe, Many cultures consider male dance as effeminate, not just mine, which is the Amazigh-Arabic, but many cultures have taken male dance for what it is: a homosexual degeneration.

All societies have male and female dancers. The difference here is to consider the relevance of being a good dancer as a general rule:

1. If the foid can choose, it may be relevant, but if the foid can choose then, it will choose the one with the best looks, the dance is just a childish complement.
2. If the woman has no decision-making capacity, she will not choose anyone and it will be her parents who choose. The young Chad of low nobility was nothing compared to the ugly and short Ogre of high nobility and was extremely wealthy.
Let's put this into modern, simple, modern terms.

Two men are at a party. They're both 6/10 and the same height with similar looks. One of the is leaning against the wall looking down on his drink. The other is on the dancefloor, actively moving to the music. Who do you think gets the most attention and is more likely to score that night?

There's a lot of scientific research on this:
Let's put this into modern, simple, modern terms.

Two men are at a party. They're both 6/10 and the same height with similar looks. One of the is leaning against the wall looking down on his drink. The other is on the dancefloor, actively moving to the music. Who do you think gets the most attention and is more likely to score that night?

There's a lot of scientific research on this:
You spoke throughout history, and so I have based my answers and analysis on the entire history of humanity.

In contexts where foids are free to choose, these types of situations, Dancing is always contextual and where the looks represent and will represent everything, everything else being complementary.
You spoke throughout history, and so I have based my answers and analysis on the entire history of humanity.

In contexts where foids are free to choose, these types of situations, Dancing is always contextual and where the looks represent and will represent everything, everything else being complementary.
So the reason why Arabs don't dance and stand in the corner waiting to spike foids drinks in Scandinavia is because they don't want to be seen as gay?

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