My parents werent even interested in my relationships to ANYONE at all.
They just continously screamed at me, how shit I am, what a Bastard kid I am, that I am supposedly stupid (because there were phases were I got ultra bullied by teachers and had not just As and Bs anymore).
Then they just had huge expectations on me: become a millionaire at 20, become a musician, become a renowed artist, become a Star Actor (Celebrity) study STEM (which I did and hated).
They never cared about me getting a girlfriend ever. At 16 my mother asked whether I was asexual a couple times tho. Which I denied and told her I was hetero.
My parents have 0 friends and besides my dad who had some friends in Highschool, the Army and at his first job, he never ever again had friends.
My parents were basically friendless for the past 20 years and neither of them ever had social media either.
The only ones who cared were my grandparents. They started questioning me about a girlfriend at 14 - the time I was mercilessly bullied by my classmates and betrayed by my former childhood friends and the time I became Video Game and Youtube addicted.
At 15 to 18 they got even more annoyed by not having a girlfriend and I told them "I tried and I am still trying" but closer to my 18 birthday I told them "I have no money for a girlfriend" which argubly was and tbh is still true.
I live in Germany. My grandparents barely ever worked in their years and wasted the best times to get rich in human history dancing, clubbing, eating in expensive Restaurants and then ultimately LDARing since their late 50s because they ran out of money and have never had internet access and have remained to live in the DDR in their heads and life styles.
Until recently my 76 yo grandma didnt even know what "Sale" means...
My grandparents are 50 IQ. Not joking. No education, no hobbies, no interest and yet demand from their failed Grandson to get a girlfriend.
I did not have money to even go out myself because I was simply too fucking poor. So at 18 to 20 I did several shit jobs. Extremly frustrating jobs - were I was mostly ignored or cucked by the employees.
Then Corona came and I was laid off and gone to college....but I really didnt go because of Corona. I was self isolated from the few former friends that live in different parts of Germany now and have no contact too anymore.
At 22 I was harassed by multiple family members how I had no girlfriend yet (or ever had one). I started spamming all kinds of Dating Apps and even paid 6 months for Tinder, doing professional pics and filling out my Profile. Even deleting anf repeating thst process many times and never went on a date.
I also spammed Snapchat and randomly spoke to girls for days that ghosted me or I ghosted them because they seemed to be very stupid or tbh I got bored of them wasting my time.
Around 2023 I was deep Redpilled and eventually found DBDR and told my mom - look this guy got the same problems I have.
My mom at the time was very confused that I am - in fact - NOT the only 20+ yo Gen Z man in the world who never had a girlfriend.
I translated some of what DBDR said to her (because she cant speak english) and she agreed that what he said was quite similar to my life experiences.
At the end of 2023 and due to DBDRs weird terminus usage I first discovered the term "Incel" - never heard of it before despite that I had watched tons of "pick up lines" "Dating Advice" "Doomer" content etc.
Incel basically just means a Virgin man - which I was and knew I was - but also virgin who tried or still tries to get a relationship and still fails.
Which until even know, I still am.
My family has no clue what a "Incel" is, but they know "Something is wrong with this kid".
Ever since the Blackpill I made my parents very depressed because of my Doomer talk and how "Its Over" and I mean it is! Furthermore, it is their fault.
They pretend I look good but I am just LTN at best. Not good enough to stand out.
I am not tall enough to have a halo (6'4+)
I am not genetically superior (Chad)
I am not gymmaxxed (too demotivated)
I am not rich (No big car, no house, Land, BTC, previous metals, nothing).
I am not connected (Social Media Influencer)
All these things I am not and neither were they ever - yet they pretend I should be.