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My mother found my suicide and murder notes



Nov 29, 2017
My mother went through my drawer and opened my journal and read my multiple suicide letters and murder letters that I was going to murder my former best friend. At least shes not sending me to an instirtution or reporting me.
I wouldn't be so sure, she might call them when you least expect it.

That said, I hide anything suicide related and I generally don't keep physical records at all. I just write all my shit on my computer and password everything down.
That would suck.
VLÖ said:
I wouldn't be so sure, she might call them when you least expect it.

That said, I hide anything suicide related and I generally don't keep physical records at all. I just write all my shit on my computer and password everything down.

I wrote the stuff as an explanation so they would know why did what i did

I'm probably just going to shit in his mailbox once I get my licence instead or something, or just get a group of people together sneak up on his and break his bones and flee before police arrive
>former best friend

What happened that he is no longer your BF?
New-Cel said:
>former best friend

What happened that he is no longer your BF?

He had a second puberty and ascended into chad and was worshipped as a god by everyone, it didn't help that he didn't deserve it and was a horrible horrible person
Oh shit that's terrible How did she react?
Facade said:
Oh shit that's terrible How did she react?

She was upset, she just picked me up from class. She told me that she read it and she was having a bit of a breakdown and I told her she shouldn't have done that and it was none of her business and then she said that I am her business. A while after things pretty much went back to normal.
Bri8564 said:
She was upset, she just picked me up from class. She told me that she read it and she was having a bit of a breakdown and I told her she shouldn't have done that and it was none of her business and then she said that I am her business. A while after things pretty much went back to normal.

Ah I guess thsn it's not that bad. My family is just complaining that I'm in my room all day without doing anything
Bri8564 said:
He had a second puberty and ascended into chad and was worshipped as a god by everyone, it didn't help that he didn't deserve it and was a horrible horrible person

I’m sorry that happened to you. Hopefully he will get hit by a truck someday
Facade said:
Ah I guess thsn it's not that bad. My family is just complaining that I'm in my room all day without doing anything


New-Cel said:
Bri8564 said:
He had a second puberty and ascended into chad and was worshipped as a god by everyone, it didn't help that he didn't deserve it and was a horrible horrible person
I’m sorry that happened to you. Hopefully he will get hit by a truck someday
Thank you
What were the murder notes for?
towncel said:
What were the murder notes for?

In the summer i was planning on killing my former best friend and then killing myself afterwards.
Bri8564 said:
In the summer i was planning on killing my former best friend and then killing myself afterwards.

Why would you need a note for that?
towncel said:
Why would you need a note for that?

So after i did it my family would know why i did it
That sucks... maybe write new ones when you are sure you are going to do something and leave them in the middle of the house right before you do it

I wouldn't write down anything since I'm never planning on getting caught
LeagueEuW said:
Why didn't you murder him?

Why murder a best friend instead of a femoid or chad?
towncel said:
Why murder a best friend instead of a femoid or chad?

Why murder anyone? I'm just curious what prevented him from going through with it.
LeagueEuW said:
Why didn't you murder him?

Idk. I guess I got a "little" past the rage but occasionaly fantasize about doing it. Also for my families sake, if i killed myself my mother would lose it and kill herself knowing how she is and my sister also said if i died she would kill herself.

towncel said:
Why murder a best friend instead of a femoid or chad?

There is more emotion towards a former best friend then just any femoid or chad. Also my former best friend was treated like a literal god when he ascended and was worshipped by everyone, I have not seen that before with other chads.
Post the notes buddy. Your mom already saw them so it doesnt matter.
Bri8564 said:
 Also for my families sake, if i killed myself my mother would lose it and kill herself knowing how she is and my sister also said if i died she would kill herself.
Damn, i can really relate to this. My mother was the sole reason i didn't kill myself this summer. She told me she wouldn't be able to go on if i died - she would kill herself. I can't put her through that, she has done so much for me and is a genuinely good person.
My relationship with my mother is probably the reason why i can't justify hating women in general.
shukin said:
Post the notes buddy. Your mom already saw them so it doesnt matter.

Should I? What about incel tears or fbi? Not like I plan on doing it anyways but...
Bri8564 said:
Should I? What about incel tears?

Dont mind them man, do it for your incel brothers. It would be a fun read.
Ninjacel is a great cope.
Is this the same friend that tried to do gay shit with you?
Framecel222 said:
Is this the same friend that tried to do gay shit with you?

Yeah, when he did that it fucked me up very hard for a couple of weeks afterwards like ptsd.
You fucking mentalcrl shitstain. Just go get that BMW your dad promised you and $300 giorgi Armani sunglasses and slay.
Lol he's litteraly is sitting across from me at a psychiatry clinic, are we in a simulation or something? My rage is building up what should I do my whole body feels hot
Bri8564 said:
My mother went through my drawer and opened my journal and read my multiple suicide letters and murder letters that I was going to murder my former best friend. At least shes not sending me to an instirtution or reporting me.

How old are you?
New-Cel said:
>former best friend

What happened that he is no longer your BF?

Things happen: https://incels.is/Thread-Serious-An-update-on-the-friend-situation
Kointo said:
Things happen: https://incels.is/Thread-Serious-An-update-on-the-friend-situation

Do you think life is a simulation? I saw this guy today after i posted this thread with his mother at a psychiatry clinic sitting across from me. Or maybe im being gang stalked
Bri8564 said:
Do you think life is a simulation? I saw this guy today after i posted this thread with his mother at a psychiatry clinic sitting across from me. Or maybe im being gang stalked

It's a coincidence.

A simulation? Probably not.
so does she know about your inceldom now too? Or just the suicide stuff.
Virginp0wers said:
so does she know about your inceldom now too? Or just the suicide stuff.

I think she has been aware of my inceldom for a year or so
Bri8564 said:
I think she has been aware of my inceldom for a year or so

well your only 19 atm so i doubt she would care too much atm. My mother was still concerned then though too. She has given up on me at 21 now tho.
Virginp0wers said:
well your only 19 atm so i doubt she would care too much atm. My mother was still concerned then though too. She has given up on me at 21 now tho.

Where did you get im 19 from? I'm 18
Bri8564 said:
Virginp0wers said:
well your only 19 atm so i doubt she would care too much atm. My mother was still concerned then though too. She has given up on me at 21 now tho.
Bri8564 said:
Where did you get im 19 from? I'm 18

i know ldaring puts 99% of your braincells to sleep but cmon
don't kill chads,they did nothing wrong,kill femoids.
Bri8564 said:
Where did you get im 19 from? I'm 18

hard to remember age of you youngcels
DarkTyrant said:
don't kill chads,they did nothing wrong,kill femoids.

They did everything wrong because they support the degeneracy

Indari said:
i know ldaring puts 99% of your braincells to sleep but cmon

I hope this time at college someone frames you big time and you get thrown into prison.
You sure do get yourself into some crazy outrageous situations.
Bri8564 said:
I hope this time at college someone frames you big time and you get thrown into prison.

Keep the hostility in check. He was pointing out your contradictions. So how old are you really?
Kointo said:
Keep the hostility in check. He was pointing out your contradictions. So how old are you really?

17 almost 18, he started being hostile.
Bri8564 said:
Kointo said:
Keep the hostility in check. He was pointing out your contradictions. So how old are you really?
17 almost 18, he started being hostile.
keep in mind @Kointo doesn't understand emotions
nausea said:
keep in mind @Kointo doesn't understand emotions

It's especially difficult through a computer screen.

I though @indari was making a satirical comment.
Facade said:
I hope you escape soon

Ty brother <3. Love the new avi btw, taiga right?

Kointo said:
It's especially difficult through a computer screen.

I though @indari was making a satirical comment.

No he's been harassing me for quite some time saying the same shit.

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