Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

My message to all incels



The Knight Of The Swords
Oct 1, 2018
According to herr Shopenhauer the strongest suffering of all is the sense of your worthlessnes. When one loves himself one can endure all calamities and ordeals without plunging into despair.
But when one finds hymself worthless despaire is inevitable and one seeks nothing but death or oblivion in drugs or alchohol or in all the rest of means of forgetfullness.
Some would say that self worth is subjective. Endeed, we can take a look at such good for nothing people like cucks who deem themself worthy people we can
see a lot of worthless holes with high opinion of themselves. They are delusional; 1Cucks think of themselfves as potentialy attractive men ( they think their personalities count - lol they are 1 in a line who have no any trace of personality) 2 Almost all women think that they are all desirable and attractive.
But an Incel has no delusions.
He knows that " personality" is the stupidiest dusty illusion ever concieved by deranged or just mean minds. He knows that despite his talents wit and all the rest of qualities his existens equales nught.
He can not be embraced as human worthy being wich only loving arms can do.

But love - in its deepest sense
- is a carnal thing. Love comes through the body and there is nothing that can be more spiritual than body. The body is your Temple -says bible. The greatest mystery is visible not invisible , once wrote O. Wilde about human look ; the beautifull face reveals more mysteries than piles of dusty wisdom and rolls of poetries, all this dowage of unhappy souls.

Women know the truth. They know that the truth is shalow and that they do their best in order to enjoy fast passing days of spring of youth.

So we have nothing. Our existence is struggle against sense of unbearble void of our existence...
Almost nothing.
The heavenly vision of paradise lost tantalizes our souls. We are like fallen angels. But falen angels are prone to chalenge the tyrany of heavens.
You are rebelious variors of the most satanic cast. Children of eternal void enraged by unjustice, tormented by all and everthing. You should completely cast away sadness and despaire and all remains of hopes. Join to the Dark Side and rise the black flag of eternal defiance.

My dear bretheren you even have no weak sides anymore. Society has no any moral power over you, it has revealed its canibalistic cowardly ugly nature before our eyes. You are impervious to alienation of the society that tormented you
and casted you into the pit of contemt you already percieve critics towards you from them as it is , - as an asault of arrogant
thughs , that society definitely are. It will never bring you down. You have passed the test of endurance and now you stay proudly among your lines , victorious in your total moral victory.
Be faithfull to the truth to the black pill
Dont cross the balefull paths of so called normal people, go father into unknown when unseen glory will crown your lifes in triumphant extasy of the final victory.
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My dear bretheren you even have no weak sides anymore. Society has no any moral power over you, it has revealed its canibalistic cowardly ugly nature before our eyes. You are impervious to alienation of the society that tormented you
and casted you into the pit of contemt you already percieve critics towards you from them as it is , - as an asault of arrogant
thughs , that society definitely are. It will never bring you down. You have passed the test of endurance and now you stay proudly among your lines , victorious in your total moral victory.
Be faithfull to the truth to the black pill
Dont cross the balefull paths of so called normal people, go father into unknown when unseen glory will crown your lifes in triumphant extasy of the final victory.
Yet, there aren't many people who'd be willing to see this victory for what it is, but I suppose it doesn't' really matter.
This brightened my day.
Based Schopenhauer pill.
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Many incels here look at the blackpill in a negative light(I admitedly have before).

However there is a special blessing that comes to the blackpilled, however, it is thrown away in favor of going back to evil society

That gift:freedom from society

Many have taken that gift for granted by going back to society, however, they miss out on the benefits of it

For example, while an incel's uglyness might have prevented him from getting a foid, he was shown the true nature of foids. While an incel got rejected from his job due to ugliness, an incel can be creative and create his own job and also create new underground societies(many underground societies have been built by the blood, sweat and tears of incels in the past and present). While you were rejected a relationship from a foid, you now have a lot more free time to cope, and escortcel to the max.

There are many blessings to be found in the blackpill, if you look correctly

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