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SuicideFuel My Life Would Be The Greatest Tragedy Movie Ever Made

  • Thread starter universallyabhorred
  • Start date


Nov 8, 2017
Imagine being born to an upper caste indian family with normie tier looking parents with decent IQ and SES.

Imagine being an extremely cute baby and being loved by all your relatives.

Imagine having your parents immigrate abroad from a third world shithole very early in life, first to Malaysia and then to the US,

Imagine being cute enough that your parents even entered you in a cute baby competition, didn't win but it's insane to even imagine.

Imagine entering early childhood and your parents discovering you were different and had behavioral and social issues.

Imagine having teachers complain about you almost every-day starting from preschool because you wouldn't sit still and disrupted the class.

Imagine being yelled at and being beaten for it while also having them be worried and taking me to astrologers, shrinks and forcing me to take jew-pills

Imagine having girls in your complex ostracize you because you are weird even though you were decent looking.

Imagine entering kindergarten and being unable to make friends with normal kids and only having an outcast asian foid that barely speaks english as your first school friend, who later moves away and you never see again.

Imagine being bullied in your complex and school and being ostracized and avoided by most of your peers because you can't interact with them and you keep getting in trouble with the teachers for behaving inappropriately.

Imagine people treating you normally, even nicely. when they first meet you, only to start bullying or avoiding you after discovering you are a sperg.

Imagine even your relatives recognizing you have mental issues and commenting about it.

Imagine your parents being ashamed of you and avoiding socializing with friends as a result of your condition and on top of that being in denial about the severity of your condition and assuming you will get better after you grow up or you are just a naughty kid misbehaving for no reason

Imagine ending up an outcast or a punching bag in normie groups and only being able to be-friend other outcasts or weirdos.

Imagine entering middle and high school desperately hoping to be accepted only to progressively become more and more unpopular

Imagine leading a group of fellow outcasts and being somewhat popular among them, only for them to all raise in social status above you and ditch you

Imagine trying to IQmaxx even though you suffer from executive function and learning disabilities and people assuming you are smart just because you know useless facts but you can't problem-solve, interact with people or draw, do sports or visualize and mentally rotate objects for shit, which leads to serious problems.

Imagine having girls actually show genuine interest in you but being too autistic to do anything about it, which leads to them eventually losing interest. Puberty fucks up your face so you become incel-tier and these same girls are repulsed by you and treat you like trash.

Imagine never experiencing successful friendships or relationships with anyone because of your condition and eventually your looks

Imagine getting into a prestigious college major because you study maxxed like crazy, only to find it too difficult and getting severely depressed and being unable to change majors and being forced to drop out.

Imagine going through the pain, money and risk of getting cosmetic surgery for your face only to find it didn't improve you at all significantly and might have made things worse

Imagine undergoing multiple treatments for your autism PTSD and learning difficulties to gain substantial improvement in social skills, intelligence and mental state only to find it didn't improve your life prospects at all

Imagine successfully increasing your intelligence only to feel more depressed and trying to OD on pharamceutical drugs only to end up in the hospital and with worser cognition than before

Imagine careermaxxing and finding multiple jobs easily only to quit them all because of difficult working conditions or being fired them due to conflict with co-workers caused by my looks

Imagine working so hard and still not having saved enough money to fund all the surgeries my parents paid for

Imagine everyone disliking and looking down on you now the moment they see you because of your looks and your autism fucking you over even more

Imagine trying to educationmaxx with online coursera courses and landing an interview for an accounting job only to be rejected because you failed to analyze a question which required you to problem solve and think out of the box

Imagine trying online dating and getting fake matches and always being ghosted

Imagine fucking an escort only to find it doesn't satisfy you at all

Imagine wanting to kill yourself but being banned from doing so effeciently

Imagine incels on here looking down on you and disliking you after you muster up the courage to post your pictures and a video for sympathy and statusmaxxing, only to find the nobody cares because you look like an ugly foid

Imagine having foids ghost you or spend hours mocking you and lying about you after you show them your face in the hopes they will overlook your unattractiveness and respect your personality

Imagine foids not even wanting to be friends with or even feign politeness with you just because your face is ugly even online

Imagine bluepilled incels claiming looksmaxxing would work for me when my facial features and bone structure are deformed and even surgery can't make enough of a difference for me to be attractive or even average

Imagine failing at everything you do and having no hope for the future and living with the pain every second of every day

It's beyond over for me boyos and I can't even kill myself. I assume nobody would read this because they don't care, I am a loser among losers, but unlike all the failed normie fags who complain and pity themselves and ascend, I am actually a deformed monster uglier than everyone else here and there's no way out for me. No way for me to lead the regular life you all take for granted.
And yet nobody cares, this is the new world we live in
And yet nobody cares, this is the new world we live in
What's disturbing is even other incels don't care. They are all normie tier so they never experience true pain and suffering.
What's disturbing is even other incels don't care. They are all normie tier so they never experience true pain and suffering.
As far as I see, your parents treated you well and you didn’t experience any form of abuse during childhood. YOU are normie tier and you don’t know true pain and suffering.
As far as I see, your parents treated you well and you didn’t experience any form of abuse during childhood. YOU are normie tier and you don’t know true pain and suffering.
My parents physically, verbally and emotionally abused me. I have fucking PTSD which was severe until I got treatment for it and I still have trauma responses. You have no idea what you are talking about.
And yet nobody cares, this is the new world we live in
A world that will clownishly destroy itself. Because the species became mentally lazy
My parents physically, verbally and emotionally abused me. I have fucking PTSD which was severe until I got treatment for it and I still have trauma responses. You have no idea what you are talking about.
You are a 2017cel I believe it
Might be true, I don’t know you personally nor did I read your whole post, but the first paragraphs were going into another direction than what you mentioned now.
You need to read the whole post, before making conclusions. I don't get why people are too lazy to read short sentences for like 5 minutes.
You need to read the whole post, before making conclusions. I don't get why people are too lazy to read short sentences for like 5 minutes.
I didn’t because you started off with how your parents treated you. Having non-abusive parents is a huge fakecel trait imo.
What's disturbing is even other incels don't care. They are all normie tier so they never experience true pain and suffering.
That's not true there are still other cels that know what you are talking about. I remember when I was living in dorms in university I would be terrified of going out of my room not to meet any of those fucking normies there, I would literally stand next to the door for 10 minuets listening to sounds to make sure there is nobody there JFL

Normies are very cruel indeed.
I didn’t because you started off with how your parents treated you. Having non-abusive parents is a huge fakecel trait imo.
The whole point of it is how I started with potential but got fucked by life so utterly and thoroughly I will never recover.
The actors in the movie would be chad and stacy since nobody would symphatize with an incel.
What's disturbing is even other incels don't care. They are all normie tier so they never experience true pain and suffering.
I am faf uglier than you and I've seen your face. Houre just bitchmade and can't take reality for what it is: brutal and unfair. Start taking up space in the world and take what you want unapologetically. No one owes you anything as much you don't owe anyone anything. If anything, darktriadmaxx and quit being a bitch. This is a thing I notice a lot of Indians suffer from. It's such a pathological vice to be so nice and doormaty
Start taking up space in the world and take what you want unapologetically. No one owes you anything as much you don't owe anyone anything. If anything, darktriadmaxx and quit being a bitch. This is a thing I notice a lot of Indians suffer from. It's such a pathological vice to be so nice and doormaty
Teach me the way boyo. I have tried dark-triad maxxing and was hated for it, same thing with playing nice, I wasn't successful with either way. Quite frankly, I don't how to behave.
Mine is the same pretty much but i didnt have rich parents and lived a poor shit life and had no friends. All those people hitting on you made you see yourself as more attractive then you are. Also just sounds like you’re lazy or have no purpose in life to do anything.
i didnt have rich parents and lived a poor shit life and had no friends.
We live in an extremely expensive area and are on the lower rung of upper middle class at best. All my friends ditched me anyway, they were all traitors who left me as soon as my status went down and my looks got ruined.
All those people hitting on you made you see yourself as more attractive then you are.
It wasn't particularly common but it did happen a couple of times. Also, I must have been significantly more attractive than I am now, if girls showed interest in me back then. Realistically, I would say I was an MTN-HTN, borderline HTN at best. Right now I am a 3 and could potentially reach LTN at best.

Also just sounds like you’re lazy or have no purpose in life to do anything.
How am I lazy? I tried everything I could IRL, I tried studymaxxing, surgerymaxxing, jobmaxxing, online education maxxing, even IQmaxxing and social skills maxxing. I doubt there's any purpose to life in general, but having purpose in life, when you have no opportunities as an incel is an oxymoron. What's the point in dreaming when everything is unachievable due to my looks?
Also same, had a friend but he left
We live in an extremely expensive area and are on the lower rung of upper middle class at best. All my friends ditched me anyway, they were all traitors who left me as soon as my status went down and my looks got ruined.

It wasn't particularly common but it did happen a couple of times. Also, I must have been significantly more attractive than I am now, if girls showed interest in me back then. Realistically, I would say I was an MTN-HTN, borderline HTN at best. Right now I am a 3 and could potentially reach LTN at best.

How am I lazy? I tried everything I could IRL, I tried studymaxxing, surgerymaxxing, jobmaxxing, online education maxxing, even IQmaxxing and social skills maxxing. I doubt there's any purpose to life in general, but having purpose in life, when you have no opportunities as an incel is an oxymoron. What's the point in dreaming when everything is unachievable due to my looks?
They only used you for your status
They only used you for your status
My friends, honestly I am not sure about that since I was always unpopular and I was mean to them at times. They got better opportunities to monkeybranch with more normies which they used, while I remained a loser.
My friends, honestly I am not sure about that since I was always unpopular and I was mean to them at times. They got better opportunities to monkeybranch with more normies which they used, while I remained a loser.
Popular kids or class clowns are usually mean
Teach me the way boyo. I have tried dark-triad maxxing and was hated for it, same thing with playing nice, I wasn't successful with either way. Quite frankly, I don't how to behave.
Read Nietzche. And always realize being a good person is the worst thing you can do for your own well-being being. That the only people who deserve any kind of kindness are your own family. Hopefully you come to that realisation
if youre considered cute its over
gigabrutal. Reincarnation Maxxing only option
Imagine being born to an upper caste indian family with normie tier looking parents with decent IQ and SES.

Imagine being an extremely cute baby and being loved by all your relatives.

Imagine having your parents immigrate abroad from a third world shithole very early in life, first to Malaysia and then to the US,

Imagine being cute enough that your parents even entered you in a cute baby competition, didn't win but it's insane to even imagine.

Imagine entering early childhood and your parents discovering you were different and had behavioral and social issues.

Imagine having teachers complain about you almost every-day starting from preschool because you wouldn't sit still and disrupted the class.

Imagine being yelled at and being beaten for it while also having them be worried and taking me to astrologers, shrinks and forcing me to take jew-pills

Imagine having girls in your complex ostracize you because you are weird even though you were decent looking.

Imagine entering kindergarten and being unable to make friends with normal kids and only having an outcast asian foid that barely speaks english as your first school friend, who later moves away and you never see again.

Imagine being bullied in your complex and school and being ostracized and avoided by most of your peers because you can't interact with them and you keep getting in trouble with the teachers for behaving inappropriately.

Imagine people treating you normally, even nicely. when they first meet you, only to start bullying or avoiding you after discovering you are a sperg.

Imagine even your relatives recognizing you have mental issues and commenting about it.

Imagine your parents being ashamed of you and avoiding socializing with friends as a result of your condition and on top of that being in denial about the severity of your condition and assuming you will get better after you grow up or you are just a naughty kid misbehaving for no reason

Imagine ending up an outcast or a punching bag in normie groups and only being able to be-friend other outcasts or weirdos.

Imagine entering middle and high school desperately hoping to be accepted only to progressively become more and more unpopular

Imagine leading a group of fellow outcasts and being somewhat popular among them, only for them to all raise in social status above you and ditch you

Imagine trying to IQmaxx even though you suffer from executive function and learning disabilities and people assuming you are smart just because you know useless facts but you can't problem-solve, interact with people or draw, do sports or visualize and mentally rotate objects for shit, which leads to serious problems.

Imagine having girls actually show genuine interest in you but being too autistic to do anything about it, which leads to them eventually losing interest. Puberty fucks up your face so you become incel-tier and these same girls are repulsed by you and treat you like trash.

Imagine never experiencing successful friendships or relationships with anyone because of your condition and eventually your looks

Imagine getting into a prestigious college major because you study maxxed like crazy, only to find it too difficult and getting severely depressed and being unable to change majors and being forced to drop out.

Imagine going through the pain, money and risk of getting cosmetic surgery for your face only to find it didn't improve you at all significantly and might have made things worse

Imagine undergoing multiple treatments for your autism PTSD and learning difficulties to gain substantial improvement in social skills, intelligence and mental state only to find it didn't improve your life prospects at all

Imagine successfully increasing your intelligence only to feel more depressed and trying to OD on pharamceutical drugs only to end up in the hospital and with worser cognition than before

Imagine careermaxxing and finding multiple jobs easily only to quit them all because of difficult working conditions or being fired them due to conflict with co-workers caused by my looks

Imagine working so hard and still not having saved enough money to fund all the surgeries my parents paid for

Imagine everyone disliking and looking down on you now the moment they see you because of your looks and your autism fucking you over even more

Imagine trying to educationmaxx with online coursera courses and landing an interview for an accounting job only to be rejected because you failed to analyze a question which required you to problem solve and think out of the box

Imagine trying online dating and getting fake matches and always being ghosted

Imagine fucking an escort only to find it doesn't satisfy you at all

Imagine wanting to kill yourself but being banned from doing so effeciently

Imagine incels on here looking down on you and disliking you after you muster up the courage to post your pictures and a video for sympathy and statusmaxxing, only to find the nobody cares because you look like an ugly foid

Imagine having foids ghost you or spend hours mocking you and lying about you after you show them your face in the hopes they will overlook your unattractiveness and respect your personality

Imagine foids not even wanting to be friends with or even feign politeness with you just because your face is ugly even online

Imagine bluepilled incels claiming looksmaxxing would work for me when my facial features and bone structure are deformed and even surgery can't make enough of a difference for me to be attractive or even average

Imagine failing at everything you do and having no hope for the future and living with the pain every second of every day

It's beyond over for me boyos and I can't even kill myself. I assume nobody would read this because they don't care, I am a loser among losers, but unlike all the failed normie fags who complain and pity themselves and ascend, I am actually a deformed monster uglier than everyone else here and there's no way out for me. No way for me to lead the regular life you all take for granted.
Damn bro
Imagine that it’s over
and lastely:
imagine asking for a self ban because the forum u cope with has been taken over by failed normies and fakecels

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