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Venting My Least Favorite Responses Bluepillers Give



Nov 20, 2022
1. "I Know A Guy"

Interesting how they always happen to know a guy, but even if they do it tends to be someone who might just have one failo -ie short- but in reality has an above average face, is NT & nicehmaxxed, as well as also comes from a well-off family. Simply, these prove the general rule.

2. "You Can Be Happy Single"

For some of us whom are able to take the whitepill, this could possibly be true, but other than that it generally is proven that being single correlates to a worse overall QOL. Furthermore, the insane emphasis placed upon relationships by normies, foids, and society as a whole merely proves this argument illogical.

3. "Women Can Be Lonely Too!"

Well yeah no shit, literally every human can feel lonely at some point. However, it ultimately doesn't matter since even a legit gross, unkempt landhwale could get some normie or NTmaxxed LTN to give her attention. In fact, foids seemingly utilize loneliness as a way to pander for attention from males.
4. "You will find the right one eventually"
even a legit gross, unkempt landhwale could get some normie or NTmaxxed LTN to give her attention. In fact, foids seemingly utilize loneliness as a way to pander for attention from males.
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2. "You Can Be Happy Single"
They love telling us this while they go home to their partners, spend their weekends with their friends, and flood social media with their happy couple pics. Meanwhile, they wouldn’t last a single day in our shoes.
"Go to therapy"
"Get help"
I also hate it when they tell me bullshit such as 'You’re Not Alone'. Everyone loves to throw this out, but it’s not true. It’s easy for them to say when they’re surrounded by friends, validation, and love. But for some of us, loneliness is the only constant.
I also hate it when they tell me bullshit such as 'You’re Not Alone'. Everyone loves to throw this out, but it’s not true. It’s easy for them to say when they’re surrounded by friends, validation, and love. But for some of us, loneliness is the only constant.
Another one that pisses me off is "reach out to someone you trust" or "reach out to your friends". What if you don't have any? Why is this treated like it's such an abnormality? Also a normie's definition of loneliness is not receiving a text message every 5 minutes.
Another one that pisses me off is "reach out to someone you trust" or "reach out to your friends". What if you don't have any? Why is this treated like it's such an abnormality? Also a normie's definition of loneliness is not receiving a text message every 5 minutes.
Yeah, that's also really annoying, the assumption that we have the privilege of reaching out to people just shows how clueless they are about what we face. They live in their bubble where everyone’s got friends and everything is easy. These retards think it's as simple as 'reaching out', but they have no clue what it's like to have no one to reach out to. It's not just a lack of contact, it's a lack of any support. And they have the nerve to call us 'entitled' for wanting basic human connection.
They love telling us this while they go home to their partners, spend their weekends with their friends, and flood social media with their happy couple pics. Meanwhile, they wouldn’t last a single day in our shoes.
Yup, how come we never hear singles say this?
"Get help"
This annoys me especially, since it never actually tells you what to do.
I also hate it when they tell me bullshit such as 'You’re Not Alone'. Everyone loves to throw this out, but it’s not true. It’s easy for them to say when they’re surrounded by friends, validation, and love. But for some of us, loneliness is the only constant.
This. :yes: :blackpill:
Another one that pisses me off is "reach out to someone you trust" or "reach out to your friends". What if you don't have any? Why is this treated like it's such an abnormality? Also a normie's definition of loneliness is not receiving a text message every 5 minutes.
What if you're worried to even tell the few people you have because they won't be able to understand?
I also hate it when they tell me bullshit such as 'You’re Not Alone'. Everyone loves to throw this out, but it’s not true. It’s easy for them to say when they’re surrounded by friends, validation, and love. But for some of us, loneliness is the only constant.
Exactly. I’ve saved a good comment from a video about this. I’ll send
Also when they say just go to therapy and take more showers
I also hate it when they tell me bullshit such as 'You’re Not Alone'. Everyone loves to throw this out, but it’s not true. It’s easy for them to say when they’re surrounded by friends, validation, and love. But for some of us, loneliness is the only constant.
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I hate when they make fun of suicides.
You just don't try.

This one makes me fucking seethe.
I hate when they make fun of suicides.
They actually envy people who roped because the people who roped don’t have to deal with the daily bullshit of life. Deep down it’s all a cope when people mock suicides. Roping is contagious so they just want to do damage control and so they downplay it and make roping be seen as bad. Once one is dead, who gives af what people think? You can’t anyway. That scares people :feelskek: suicide is inherently scary and destructive to the social matrix so theyve invented all sort of copes

Psychiatry, therapy, mocking suicide, making it taboo, hiding it, bullshit psych meds, religious laws, government laws etc. pro life cucks even intentionally try to make suicide seem difficult. If people figured out that it’s easier than they think, more people would actually do it. Suicides are even brushed under the carpet and aren’t reported on media as much because suicide is contagious. They even hide methods and stuff.

The entire social matrix is built upon the observer effect. If you don’t fit the observed pattern you are mocked. Fitting in with the observed pattern != truth. It’s actually the people who explore and venture outside the observed pattern who bring the most advancements, change and innovation to society. The current observed pattern is gay and wrong about many things that blackpill has already elaborated on.

Death is secretly desired by everyone in one form or another and death is the final conclusion of the will to life. Everybody just copes about death.
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They actually envy people who roped because the people who roped don’t have to deal with the daily bullshit of life. Deep down it’s all a cope. Roping is contagious so they just want to do damage control and so they downplay it. Once one is dead, who gives af what people think? You can’t anyway. That scares people :feelskek:

"You're selfish if you kill yourself".

This one also makes me seethe.
"You're selfish if you kill yourself".

This one also makes me seethe.
Like everything people do isn’t selfish :feelskek:Niggas really love acting as if they have some moral high ground but they are blind to their own flaws because everyone sucks their dick. The social matrix is one entire gay circlejerk. Living is also selfish. Manipulating niggas to live is selfish. Death is more selfless imo. Selflessness with a capital S is scary. Death is ultimate selflessness. Literally. Nothing of you would be left. Not your mind, your body, your soul etc. nothing left of your SELF.
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Like everything people do isn’t selfish :feelskek:Niggas really love acting as if they have some moral high ground but they are blind to their own flaws because everyone sucks their dick. Living is also selfish. Manipulating niggas to live is selfish. Death is more selfless imo. Selflessness with a capital S is scary. Death is ultimate selflessness. Literally. Nothing of you would be left. Not your mind, your body, your soul etc. nothing left of your SELF.
Truth fucking nuke
You Can Be Happy Single
This one is so retarded and pisses me off the most. Normies can't handle being alone, we saw this during the plandemic lockdowns, these fucking retards lost their minds.
As an oldcel at 38 I can tell you that it won't get better.

It will only get worse and you may learn to push this nagging desire in some corner of your mind, but it will still cross your mind sometimes.
You won't be able to erase it.

You will grow bitter and, and least in my case, I did grow to hate women.

Even if a bitch were to show interrest in me, I would be extremely vigilant and suspicious of her.
I would never be able to trust her and believe that her interrest is for me and not what she can get out of me.

Maybe it is self sabotage, but I nowadays even stay away from prople on my own because why should I tease myself like that?

I used to love cruising with a pedal boat, but the places where I can do that are crawling with couples.

I used to love going to restaurants to eat out on nice day, but thise places are also crawling with couples.

I used to cruise in the evening with my bicycle for hours, but many couples hang out outside at that time.

I see these couples everywhere I used to go to do something that I like.

I wish nothing but misery, suffering and death upon them.

So I stay at home after work most of the time nowadays.

There is nothing left for me but to rot away.

It won't get better with age. You will just grow bitter, angry, depressed. The sadness will go aaway because you understand why.

You will just be angry, depressed and bitter and you will hate most of the world.

I understand everyone that decides to rope. I still can't do it.
The second one pisses me off the most. Maybe its possible if you have already tasted all the fruits and have had plenty of foids and love. But for someone who never has had anything being happy alone just isnt possible
They actually envy people who roped because the people who roped don’t have to deal with the daily bullshit of life. Deep down it’s all a cope when people mock suicides. Roping is contagious so they just want to do damage control and so they downplay it and make roping be seen as bad. Once one is dead, who gives af what people think? You can’t anyway. That scares people :feelskek: suicide is inherently scary and destructive to the social matrix so theyve invented all sort of copes

Psychiatry, therapy, mocking suicide, making it taboo, hiding it, bullshit psych meds, religious laws, government laws etc. pro life cucks even intentionally try to make suicide seem difficult. If people figured out that it’s easier than they think, more people would actually do it. Suicides are even brushed under the carpet and aren’t reported on media as much because suicide is contagious. They even hide methods and stuff.

The entire social matrix is built upon the observer effect. If you don’t fit the observed pattern you are mocked. Fitting in with the observed pattern != truth. It’s actually the people who explore and venture outside the observed pattern who bring the most advancements, change and innovation to society. The current observed pattern is gay and wrong about many things that blackpill has already elaborated on.

Death is secretly desired by everyone in one form or another and death is the final conclusion of the will to life. Everybody just copes about death.
When you feel pain and experience pain unobserved and unseen by the social matrix, don’t expect them to understand your pain. Anything outside their observed pattern they WILL be unaware of. It’s like speaking to a medieval christian about quantum mechanics. Would be completely foreign to them. Inceldom isn’t felt and observed by other people only ourselves. Loneliness too. Sexlessness too. Bullying too. This is why nobody cares. This is where gaslighting comes from.

EVEN if you express your pain, struggles and sorrows, normies have NO frame of reference to understand your pain. So it’s ultimately futile. Don’t expect niggas to understand. Everyone has their own fucked up distorted lens from which they see THEIR little world. This is where denial and gaslighting come from.

People assume you fit the observed pattern and give advice based on that. So gaslighting may either be intentional or unintentional. This is why most advice can be utter bullshit and based on misunderstanding. This is why you should take most advice with a grain of salt. Nobody knows you like you.

Mocking suicide is also cope because it takes normies one painful life event to even consider it. Everyone suffers one way or another. Imagine living day to day in an invisible pain. Who’s gonna help you? Your retard shrink? Your retard therapist? Your retard family? Your chemical lobotomy chemical castration psych med pills? Nah. Only you can help yourself by either coping or roping. Nearly everything is a farce and truth is buried under several layers of bullshit.

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