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I realized this site is sucking the life and time out of me. I planned to make threads, go do productive things, and check occasionally check my inbox but I have spent the last 4 hours hitting refresh. This site truly is absorbing my life and for that I must spend less time here. I am taking a break to read and work-out and learn to code, so don't worry I am not leaving, I've come to see many of you as my brothers. Before my break I feel it is my duty to educate the incel community on the international monetary system and how YOU exist to serve the global financial elite and how the reason we even exist as incels in the first place is because of this global technocracy. I will condense this the best I can, but it must still be long enough to fairly educate.
Every-time you borrow money from the bank, money is created. Bankers use money they get from deposits to loan out to you. After you take the money, it's now in two places at once. You have money you just borrowed from the bank, and the depositor has money in his bank account. Now lets say you put that money in your bank account, then borrow the same amount from the bank. The money is now in THREE places at once. In your hand (m0 money)*1, in your bank account (m1 money)*2, and in the depositors bank account (also m1 money). Debt = Money and Money = Debt. Money does not get created without debt. Money is created when it is cycled through the banking system, and each time it cycles through the interest on these debts builds. As in the scenario above, every-time money is created through the debt, it comes with pledged interest that must be reimbursed. This of course is how the banks make profits. While it may seem obvious banks make their profits from interest, most are blissfully unaware that banks profit on interest from money they have created into existence in the first place.
If you follow any dollar back long enough, through the countless times it has been multiplied through the banking system, you'll see it eventually came from the central bank. The central bank is the only entity allowed to create M0 money. The bank loans out this money to the commercial banks, thus setting the cycle in motion. The high IQ are already starting to ask "if all money is created out of debt, how is it ever possible that all debt gets repaid? If everyone paid off their debts to their commercial banks, and the commercial banks paid off their debts to the central banks, there would be no money in the system at all!". And that's exactly correct. It's essentially impossible for all debts to be simultaneously repaid because the amount of debt will always equal the amount of money in existence. In fact the amount of debt will for all practical purposes surpass the money supply because sometimes the central bank pockets the interest commercial banks pay to them. Central banks are suppose to send all profits their nations treasury, but they don't always. In this case there is more outstanding debt than there is money. Any attempt to create more money for debt financing will only create more debt.
1. m0 money is money that exists in the form of currency. You can hold it in your hand, directly spend it, and have unbridled possession of, unlike m1 money
2.. m1 money is money held in your bank account. It's not currency and you can not hold it because it is not really there. Most of the money you deposit into the bank is then loaned out, so while the money exists on your bank balance, it's not really there. This money can be withdrawn(turned into m0 money) or spent through "checks". In this sense, checks are a form of money creation because it allows m1 money to act as m0 money. There is about 10x more m1 money than m0 money.
This system wasn't implemented overnight. It was slowly pushed and crafted over hundreds of years by high-level European bankers. The Rothschilds are often most associated with this system but they really were not the masterminds behind it. The Rothschild's simply forced the English government into a crippling debt crisis by crashing their stock market after the Napoleonic wars, but the Rothschilds were not soley behind the Bank of England, the entity of which England's massive debt was primarily owed to. This banking system was largely put in place by Charles Montagu, and English statesmen in kahoots with Swedish and German financiers. Swedish academics in the 1600s were the first to truly theorize how a central credit system would exist and play out. They theorized a global banking system of interlocking debt networks long before such a thing was considered even theoretically possible. Today that's commonly accepted as the modern economic capital structure.
These high-level bankers created and normalized the "gold standard" as the global economic order in the early 1700s. Many see the gold standard as a rebellious money system, a way to free a society of the banker ruling class. This couldn't be further from the truth. The gold standard was a banker created system allows for the exact same credit-creation phenomenon as explained in paragraph 2 (albeit to a slightly lesser flexibility than the fiat money system). Central banks hold all the gold, loan out gold notes, and allow private banks to create money through gold-based derivatives. The gold standard merely acted to create the illusion of sound money because most people never understood that for every dollar of gold, there was over a thousand gold notes that represented ownership in gold. Thus were there to be a bank run the entire system would collapse, this is eventually why they ended the Bretten Woods Agreement in 1971 and switched to the Petrodollar as the global reserve currency, under both systems the secret powers of the banker elite reign supreme.
The Banking ruling class have funded both parties in the United States since the days of Andrew Jackson (who contrary to libertarian propaganda was a shill for big bankers as long as it was done through a purely gold backed system). There has been many internal conflicts in the United States government between banking adversaries and forces of banker interest, but banking interests have predominate won. Both parties, the Democrats and Republicans, are designed by and for banker interest. They were designed to be nearly identical in all matters relating to monetary and to an extend fiscal policy so as to create an illusion of freedom amongst the population but to deprive them of any real opportunity for change. When people complain about how democracy doesn't work about politicians never really do anything, they aren't really criticizing democracy, albeit democracy takes the blame; they are criticizing the international banker establishment that controls the government. If you'd like to read more on this subject, Tragedy and Hope by Carroll Quigley is a great place to start. Quigley was the mentor of Bill Clinton, he was a Yale Professor who mentored many of the elites and published "Tragedy and Hope" as propaganda for the ruling class. It outlines the cultural elite's plan for world government and talks a lot more about what I am saying.
When one realizes that all money is debt, all debt must be sufficed, the only way to meet interest payments on a perpetual basis is more money, and more money only comes from more debt, it becomes clear to any logically consistent thinker that such a system will create perpetually more debt. Under such a system, the total debt will grow exponentially and thus the money will grow exponentially. In any economic system, as the quantity of money increases, there will either be two results, real economic growth with stable prices or stable prices with no economic growth (or a mix between the two). If the money supply doubles, the quantity of goods and services must double or the general prices of goods must double, or there can be a mixture between the two. This a simple way of describing the history of our society since the founding of the international credit creation banking policy. Rapidly increasing money supply plus rapidly increasing growth albeit the growth slightly lags behind the money supply, hence the inflation we've experienced. As the marginal benefits from the industrial revolution began to reach an end in the 1920s (growth began to slope down on a logarithmic scale), the elites realized rapid population growth was the ONLY WAY to keep up the rapid growth, thus all EUGENICS programs were disbanded, UNIVERSAL MEDICINE became established (inb4 "muricans dont have free healthcare" yes they practically do stfu), and the promotion of mass reproduction regardless of quality became the norm. The elites didn't care if you were 60IQ, had disabilities, were ugly, etc. They just wanted you to pump out babies to keep the GDP growing. Even retards who wouldn't produce anything were useful for this purpose since merely collecting welfare and buying products contributes to real GDP, and justifies the corporate techno-structure and federal governments to borrow more. This is why from the year 1922 - 2008 mostly everyone could find a wife and reproduce if they wanted. The ELITES wanted a perpetual population boom to sustain the global debt system that they themselves created. How they did this is by SUPPRESSING HYPERGAMY with any cultural tool they had at their disposal (social shaming, mass media, abortion bans). The downside to this was since couples were primarily looks-matched, an entire class of subhumans were created that would not exist in any previous time due to eugenics and natural selection (besides the occasional village freak). The only reason we were born is because the elites wanted a mass slave army to keep up with the debt. In 1931 Aldous Huxley (who was a member of the elite) wrote Brave New World to describe the society the elites were creating, and he was deadly accurate. He writes of a class of "deltas, gammas, and omegas" who exist merely as human fodder in a massive governmental-corporate global technostructure.
By 1986 the elites realized their ideas were unworkable. They realized the population could never keep up with this exponential global debt. The entire world would look like a complete dumpster fire wasteland if they continued that any longer. From 1989 to 2008 the elites restructured the their global plans and for global civilization in such a way that could maintain the global debt structure while holding a relatively stable population. They used Quantitative Easing (a tool invented by Milton Friedman to do this). Central banks would create money and buy debt bonds from existing investment banks and money pools. This allowed the perpetual increase in debt to continue indefinitely because existing debts could always be sold to the central bank at profit with money instantly created at whim*. Bankers could create debt, sell the debt to the central bank, and use that money for more loaning projects. Inflation was controlled by channeling the money into top wealth brackets and foreign money pits like Switzerland and the Cayman Island so its out of circulation. This allows infinite money and debt creation without the need for it to be backed up with perpetual growth of GDP and population.
*"Trickle Down Economics" as it's infamously called was the first stage of this process. As the global debt begun to overtake population and real GDP growth the elites instituted trickle down economics to curb inflation. In the 1970s (and 1980s in Canada, Australia, and much of Western Europe) inflation began to become rampant. It became apparent real GDP and population growth rate could no longer grow at the rate needed to thwart inflation)
AND THIS is why you are USELESS. The elites no longer need you to merely exist for them to continue their global debt ponzi scheme. Now you're actually a hindrance, a waste of space, part of the lumpenproletariet. The only reason you existed before was to exist as a statistic on a census forum, or a data-point on a corporate sheet so they could justify creating 900K of debt money under the assumption you would consume that much in your lifetime. The elites now have a new strategy to deal with people they don't need anymore, and that's slowly easing them out of existence with mass consumption of soy products and inceldom. All the barriers to hyper-gamy have been removed since 2008 and technologies like social media have allowed it to reemerge more potent than ever before. Only high-IQ, beautiful, talented, and a somewhat reasonable size mass of mid to high level technocratic workers are needed in this global world order, unfortunately incels don't make the cut. We happen to exist as freaks in a transitory period between a world where our mere existence gave us value and a world where we would not exist. We are the carrier pigeons bred just before the telegraph became widespread, we are the typewriters manufactured just before the tech boom, the lost souls orphaned by a purpose of which no longer exists. Whenever you scream at your pillow and ask why you exist, why you're incel, this is why. You exist to serve a technocratic banking elite of whom no longer need you.*"Trickle Down Economics" as it's infamously called was the first stage of this process. As the global debt begun to overtake population and real GDP growth the elites instituted trickle down economics to curb inflation. In the 1970s (and 1980s in Canada, Australia, and much of Western Europe) inflation began to become rampant. It became apparent real GDP and population growth rate could no longer grow at the rate)
Every-time you borrow money from the bank, money is created. Bankers use money they get from deposits to loan out to you. After you take the money, it's now in two places at once. You have money you just borrowed from the bank, and the depositor has money in his bank account. Now lets say you put that money in your bank account, then borrow the same amount from the bank. The money is now in THREE places at once. In your hand (m0 money)*1, in your bank account (m1 money)*2, and in the depositors bank account (also m1 money). Debt = Money and Money = Debt. Money does not get created without debt. Money is created when it is cycled through the banking system, and each time it cycles through the interest on these debts builds. As in the scenario above, every-time money is created through the debt, it comes with pledged interest that must be reimbursed. This of course is how the banks make profits. While it may seem obvious banks make their profits from interest, most are blissfully unaware that banks profit on interest from money they have created into existence in the first place.
If you follow any dollar back long enough, through the countless times it has been multiplied through the banking system, you'll see it eventually came from the central bank. The central bank is the only entity allowed to create M0 money. The bank loans out this money to the commercial banks, thus setting the cycle in motion. The high IQ are already starting to ask "if all money is created out of debt, how is it ever possible that all debt gets repaid? If everyone paid off their debts to their commercial banks, and the commercial banks paid off their debts to the central banks, there would be no money in the system at all!". And that's exactly correct. It's essentially impossible for all debts to be simultaneously repaid because the amount of debt will always equal the amount of money in existence. In fact the amount of debt will for all practical purposes surpass the money supply because sometimes the central bank pockets the interest commercial banks pay to them. Central banks are suppose to send all profits their nations treasury, but they don't always. In this case there is more outstanding debt than there is money. Any attempt to create more money for debt financing will only create more debt.
1. m0 money is money that exists in the form of currency. You can hold it in your hand, directly spend it, and have unbridled possession of, unlike m1 money
2.. m1 money is money held in your bank account. It's not currency and you can not hold it because it is not really there. Most of the money you deposit into the bank is then loaned out, so while the money exists on your bank balance, it's not really there. This money can be withdrawn(turned into m0 money) or spent through "checks". In this sense, checks are a form of money creation because it allows m1 money to act as m0 money. There is about 10x more m1 money than m0 money.
This system wasn't implemented overnight. It was slowly pushed and crafted over hundreds of years by high-level European bankers. The Rothschilds are often most associated with this system but they really were not the masterminds behind it. The Rothschild's simply forced the English government into a crippling debt crisis by crashing their stock market after the Napoleonic wars, but the Rothschilds were not soley behind the Bank of England, the entity of which England's massive debt was primarily owed to. This banking system was largely put in place by Charles Montagu, and English statesmen in kahoots with Swedish and German financiers. Swedish academics in the 1600s were the first to truly theorize how a central credit system would exist and play out. They theorized a global banking system of interlocking debt networks long before such a thing was considered even theoretically possible. Today that's commonly accepted as the modern economic capital structure.
These high-level bankers created and normalized the "gold standard" as the global economic order in the early 1700s. Many see the gold standard as a rebellious money system, a way to free a society of the banker ruling class. This couldn't be further from the truth. The gold standard was a banker created system allows for the exact same credit-creation phenomenon as explained in paragraph 2 (albeit to a slightly lesser flexibility than the fiat money system). Central banks hold all the gold, loan out gold notes, and allow private banks to create money through gold-based derivatives. The gold standard merely acted to create the illusion of sound money because most people never understood that for every dollar of gold, there was over a thousand gold notes that represented ownership in gold. Thus were there to be a bank run the entire system would collapse, this is eventually why they ended the Bretten Woods Agreement in 1971 and switched to the Petrodollar as the global reserve currency, under both systems the secret powers of the banker elite reign supreme.
The Banking ruling class have funded both parties in the United States since the days of Andrew Jackson (who contrary to libertarian propaganda was a shill for big bankers as long as it was done through a purely gold backed system). There has been many internal conflicts in the United States government between banking adversaries and forces of banker interest, but banking interests have predominate won. Both parties, the Democrats and Republicans, are designed by and for banker interest. They were designed to be nearly identical in all matters relating to monetary and to an extend fiscal policy so as to create an illusion of freedom amongst the population but to deprive them of any real opportunity for change. When people complain about how democracy doesn't work about politicians never really do anything, they aren't really criticizing democracy, albeit democracy takes the blame; they are criticizing the international banker establishment that controls the government. If you'd like to read more on this subject, Tragedy and Hope by Carroll Quigley is a great place to start. Quigley was the mentor of Bill Clinton, he was a Yale Professor who mentored many of the elites and published "Tragedy and Hope" as propaganda for the ruling class. It outlines the cultural elite's plan for world government and talks a lot more about what I am saying.
When one realizes that all money is debt, all debt must be sufficed, the only way to meet interest payments on a perpetual basis is more money, and more money only comes from more debt, it becomes clear to any logically consistent thinker that such a system will create perpetually more debt. Under such a system, the total debt will grow exponentially and thus the money will grow exponentially. In any economic system, as the quantity of money increases, there will either be two results, real economic growth with stable prices or stable prices with no economic growth (or a mix between the two). If the money supply doubles, the quantity of goods and services must double or the general prices of goods must double, or there can be a mixture between the two. This a simple way of describing the history of our society since the founding of the international credit creation banking policy. Rapidly increasing money supply plus rapidly increasing growth albeit the growth slightly lags behind the money supply, hence the inflation we've experienced. As the marginal benefits from the industrial revolution began to reach an end in the 1920s (growth began to slope down on a logarithmic scale), the elites realized rapid population growth was the ONLY WAY to keep up the rapid growth, thus all EUGENICS programs were disbanded, UNIVERSAL MEDICINE became established (inb4 "muricans dont have free healthcare" yes they practically do stfu), and the promotion of mass reproduction regardless of quality became the norm. The elites didn't care if you were 60IQ, had disabilities, were ugly, etc. They just wanted you to pump out babies to keep the GDP growing. Even retards who wouldn't produce anything were useful for this purpose since merely collecting welfare and buying products contributes to real GDP, and justifies the corporate techno-structure and federal governments to borrow more. This is why from the year 1922 - 2008 mostly everyone could find a wife and reproduce if they wanted. The ELITES wanted a perpetual population boom to sustain the global debt system that they themselves created. How they did this is by SUPPRESSING HYPERGAMY with any cultural tool they had at their disposal (social shaming, mass media, abortion bans). The downside to this was since couples were primarily looks-matched, an entire class of subhumans were created that would not exist in any previous time due to eugenics and natural selection (besides the occasional village freak). The only reason we were born is because the elites wanted a mass slave army to keep up with the debt. In 1931 Aldous Huxley (who was a member of the elite) wrote Brave New World to describe the society the elites were creating, and he was deadly accurate. He writes of a class of "deltas, gammas, and omegas" who exist merely as human fodder in a massive governmental-corporate global technostructure.
By 1986 the elites realized their ideas were unworkable. They realized the population could never keep up with this exponential global debt. The entire world would look like a complete dumpster fire wasteland if they continued that any longer. From 1989 to 2008 the elites restructured the their global plans and for global civilization in such a way that could maintain the global debt structure while holding a relatively stable population. They used Quantitative Easing (a tool invented by Milton Friedman to do this). Central banks would create money and buy debt bonds from existing investment banks and money pools. This allowed the perpetual increase in debt to continue indefinitely because existing debts could always be sold to the central bank at profit with money instantly created at whim*. Bankers could create debt, sell the debt to the central bank, and use that money for more loaning projects. Inflation was controlled by channeling the money into top wealth brackets and foreign money pits like Switzerland and the Cayman Island so its out of circulation. This allows infinite money and debt creation without the need for it to be backed up with perpetual growth of GDP and population.
*"Trickle Down Economics" as it's infamously called was the first stage of this process. As the global debt begun to overtake population and real GDP growth the elites instituted trickle down economics to curb inflation. In the 1970s (and 1980s in Canada, Australia, and much of Western Europe) inflation began to become rampant. It became apparent real GDP and population growth rate could no longer grow at the rate needed to thwart inflation)
AND THIS is why you are USELESS. The elites no longer need you to merely exist for them to continue their global debt ponzi scheme. Now you're actually a hindrance, a waste of space, part of the lumpenproletariet. The only reason you existed before was to exist as a statistic on a census forum, or a data-point on a corporate sheet so they could justify creating 900K of debt money under the assumption you would consume that much in your lifetime. The elites now have a new strategy to deal with people they don't need anymore, and that's slowly easing them out of existence with mass consumption of soy products and inceldom. All the barriers to hyper-gamy have been removed since 2008 and technologies like social media have allowed it to reemerge more potent than ever before. Only high-IQ, beautiful, talented, and a somewhat reasonable size mass of mid to high level technocratic workers are needed in this global world order, unfortunately incels don't make the cut. We happen to exist as freaks in a transitory period between a world where our mere existence gave us value and a world where we would not exist. We are the carrier pigeons bred just before the telegraph became widespread, we are the typewriters manufactured just before the tech boom, the lost souls orphaned by a purpose of which no longer exists. Whenever you scream at your pillow and ask why you exist, why you're incel, this is why. You exist to serve a technocratic banking elite of whom no longer need you.*"Trickle Down Economics" as it's infamously called was the first stage of this process. As the global debt begun to overtake population and real GDP growth the elites instituted trickle down economics to curb inflation. In the 1970s (and 1980s in Canada, Australia, and much of Western Europe) inflation began to become rampant. It became apparent real GDP and population growth rate could no longer grow at the rate)
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