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LifeFuel My inhibition is decreasing



Extremely jaded blackcel
Jun 20, 2018
Today I was approached by a foid who asked for directions. This means I no longer look threatening, rapist-like or creepy.
I felt comfortable and had zero anxiety.

I will ascend one day.
INB4 mods ban you for "bragging."
mogs me

Once some Asian foid approached me to ask for directions when I was 14 tbhtbh ngl
mogs me

Once some Asian foid approached me to ask for directions when I was 14 tbhtbh ngl
It was an older foid but a foid at least.
INB4 mods ban you for "bragging."
This is the most I have spoken to a foid in a long time. Hardly bragging.
No woman approaches me to ask for anything. Not that I could capitalize on it either way so no great loss.
So you're telling us you're less ugly now or what?
According to this forum, you're now CHAD
Same happened to me a few days ago. Inb4 fakecel out

JK nice job nagger
I can only be asked for math homeworks(which I don't send).
Congrats and I hope u don't get banned for bragging tbh
I can only be asked for math homeworks(which I don't send).
Congrats and I hope u don't get banned for bragging tbh
She was 50+ and asked for directions. Not a brag but my inhibition is decreasing. No more panic attacks.
I don't get approached often, and not because of my general appearance. I'm white and can dress well enough and I look 0% threatening. However my face says an entire different story. Yes it's ugly, but that's not always enough to stop older people from asking me something. What I do is walk around with a pissed off look on my face. That does it.
Did u at least give the foid wrong directions ?
No. Not low inhib enough to do that.
I've done it before, this foid looked lost and I slowed up knowing she might ask for directions as there was no one else around, sure enough she did, she asked where was the nearest shop that sold sun cream,I led her to a totally different part of town from where she was staying , I told her that there's a shop that sells all cosmetic items near that location (it was a 25 minute walk) I hope she never found her way back
Today I was approached by a foid who asked for directions. This means I no longer look threatening, rapist-like or creepy.
I felt comfortable and had zero anxiety.

I will ascend one day.
No, you won't. Let me tell you something. I have women ask me stupid questions a lot but I'm still a virgin loser. It means NOTHING.

If this kid gets banned for bragging I'm going to kill myself.
No, you won't. Let me tell you something. I have women ask me stupid questions a lot but I'm still a virgin loser. It means NOTHING.

If this kid gets banned for bragging I'm going to kill myself.
It isn't over.

It just never began.
I've done it before, this foid looked lost and I slowed up knowing she might ask for directions as there was no one else around, sure enough she did, she asked where was the nearest shop that sold sun cream,I led her to a totally different part of town from where she was staying , I told her that there's a shop that sells all cosmetic items near that location (it was a 25 minute walk) I hope she never found her way back
St BlackopsIIcel would be proud
That simple interaction with a old foid has given me courage.
mogs me

Once some Asian foid approached me to ask for directions when I was 14 tbhtbh ngl
foid approached me for drugs once
It isn't over.

It just never began.
Yeah true. But we can still uninstallmaxx man. That is what I'm looking at now for plans of my own (especially if I land a Stacey when I'm LARPing as a Chad).
Yeah true. But we can still uninstallmaxx man. That is what I'm looking at now for plans of my own (especially if I land a Stacey when I'm LARPing as a Chad).
That is exactly what I am doing. I have reached the point where I give much less of shit than I did when I was younger. I do not have the time to spare ebfore I become an oldcel and it truely becomes over.
That is exactly what I am doing. I have reached the point where I give much less of shit than I did when I was younger. I do not have the time to spare ebfore I become an oldcel and it truely becomes over.
Well I'm there as an oldcel but I don't look my age so there's that.
I would imagune that being fullofhate makes you low inhib? Am I right.
Not really. I stew in my hatred when I see the normies in public. They don't even realize how fucking angry I really am.

But when I'm being fueled right then and there I explode. No inhib problems when it comes to me losing my shit.
Not really. I stew in my hatred when I see the normies in public. They don't even realize how fucking angry I really am.

But when I'm being fueled right then and there I explode. No inhib problems when it comes to me losing my shit.
Have you ever hurt normies with rage?
I've king hit a Chad man.
Why though? I find most chads to be great people who have 0 negative energy because they grew up loved by all. It is a brutalpill.
Why though? I find most chads to be great people who have 0 negative energy because they grew up loved by all. It is a brutalpill.
False. Chad was bagging me out because I have long hair. I had a shit day so I hit him. But since then I've been fucked over by police and the court system. I now have to attend a weekly parole board.

So yeah, I "learned my lesson" (I didn't really, I just know next time I lose it it's to the point of no return if you know what I mean).
Did you fuck him up? Or was it 1 punch only.
One punch but I put all my anger into it. Knocked him down. I'm not some little guy either, I'm 6'1" and 180.
One punch but I put all my anger into it. Knocked him down. I'm not some little guy either, I'm 6'1" and 180.
Did you get female attention then? Is violencemaxxing theory legit?
Did you get female attention then? Is violencemaxxing theory legit?

I got the worst fucking attention of my life, a night in a jail cell and a court appearance that fucked me up. Now on top of it I have to go to a parole board every week with REAL fucking criminals who want to fuck me up.

I got the worst fucking attention of my life, a night in a jail cell and a court appearance that fucked me up. Now on top of it I have to go to a parole board every week with REAL fucking criminals who want to fuck me up.
Sorry friend.

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