An incel who is still an incel and can't find a date.
The problem is no longer self describing as an incel, doesn't cure your inceldom.
This one changed his hair cut and it made a woman laugh. He proclaims this is a victory.
I left this community for a few years back in 2018. I spent about 3 years out of the community.
All I saw was pro-chad society, continuous no's despite self improvement, and i gained a new
perspective. Essentially there IS some form of discrimination going on. Unattractive men are
being discriminated. Its shown in social psychology texts ''impression formations'' and such.
In schools they are alerted to anyone using terms such as ''Stacey, Chad, black pill, cuckoldmaxx
etc''. They are force feeding them the blue pill. Meanwhile those same people are being bullied
(BBC noted 80% of bullying in schools is due to appearance)
Instead of HELPING INCELS (they think helping them is just putting the wool over their eyes)
They keep them happy in their discrimination. If I can't find a connection with a female for
years, despite engaging with people, there is something wrong with the society.
Im working out how to scale back the value I give to society. If you don't get any value,
you must scale it back. Cutting out tax money that is given to women to fuck chad, is
probably a good idea. Reclaim lost tax through other means.