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SuicideFuel My hair is thinging

  • Thread starter Deleted member 24272
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Deleted member 24272

Deleted member 24272

Jan 28, 2020
Front side of my hair is getting thinner and thinner,ım not even 25 fuck fuck fuck fuck
I should enjoy the long hair while ı can.
Hair transplant in Turkey is the only way. That's why I don't buy into all the neet bullshit. Get yourself some money behind you and you can fix these little things that you really don't like, within reason of course.
most of my temples are already gone and im not 20 yet
Front side of my hair is getting thinner and thinner,ım not even 25 fuck fuck fuck fuck
I should enjoy the long hair while ı can.
Serious question, if you lost all of your hair this instant, what fucking difference would it make?

I feel like a lot of incels create these cope "if only I had X" scenarios so they don't have to focus on their real life problems which they can actually work on changing

You have hair now and it hasn't gotten you laid

You had better hair 10 years ago and it never got you a date

So losing your hair now makes no difference in your life at all
Serious question, if you lost all of your hair this instant, what fucking difference would it make?

I feel like a lot of incels create these cope "if only I had X" scenarios so they don't have to focus on their real life problems which they can actually work on changing

You have hair now and it hasn't gotten you laid

You had better hair 10 years ago and it never got you a date

So losing your hair now makes no difference in your life at all
Yeah but with hair at least ı kind of like my hairstyle bcs its unique
Wİth no hair ım fucked,no way ı can look at a mirror:dab:
Serious question, if you lost all of your hair this instant, what fucking difference would it make?

I feel like a lot of incels create these cope "if only I had X" scenarios so they don't have to focus on their real life problems which they can actually work on changing

You have hair now and it hasn't gotten you laid

You had better hair 10 years ago and it never got you a date

So losing your hair now makes no difference in your life at all
Balding is just like adding salt to the wound everyday :feelsrope:even if u already ugly
Yeah but with hair at least ı kind of like my hairstyle bcs its unique
That literally has nothing to do with nothing, a "unique hairstyle" makes no difference in your life at all

Wİth no hair ım fucked,no way ı can look at a mirror:dab:
With hair you are still fucked so I don't get your point here, who cares about looking in a mirror when you know you are too unattractive to get a date

By your logic you shouldn't be able to look in the mirror now regardless of hair, because whatever is in the mirror keeps you from getting laid even when you have hair lol, like come on

You guys overhype the value of hair, hair is inconsequential, especially when compared against things like height

You know how people say "there's no exercise for your face", well there is a hairstyle for your bad hair", its called shaved, its a really common hairstyle that a lot of men have, being bald doesn't matter, its "balding" that looks bad, if a lot of men just accepted that they were losing their hair and shaved it all off they'd look way better

Balding is just like adding salt to the wound everyday :feelsrope:even if u already ugly
No it isn't, its inconsequential, and if you are balding, you can literally just shave it all off and accept that you are bald, its literally a hairstyle, unlike an ugly face which isn't an "style" for your face lol

Also it can't add salt to complete failure, you were failing with hair, so losing hair doesn't make it any worse
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You guys overhype the value of hair, hair is inconsequential, especially when compared against things like height
Have to disagree sorry Pill. Swipe left and right on some of these. Some of them are brutal and even some of these Chads get knocked down by serious points and a lot of them wouldn't suit bald at all :-

Plus there is the fact that even if you aren't getting laid it is a very shit feeling to look in the mirror and see something which essentially makes up 25% of your head disappearing. Some things go beyond just getting pussy and this is one of them.
Damn bro, brutal
Yeah but with hair at least ı kind of like my hairstyle bcs its unique
Wİth no hair ım fucked,no way ı can look at a mirror:dab:
Why do you type your "I" like that? Are you of Jewish origin?
Start Dermarolling!
Dermaroling with 10% minox will do wonders for him without any side effects.
Have to disagree sorry Pill. Swipe left and right on some of these. Some of them are brutal and even some of these Chads get knocked down by serious points and a lot of them wouldn't suit bald at all :-

Plus there is the fact that even if you aren't getting laid it is a very shit feeling to look in the mirror and see something which essentially makes up 25% of your head disappearing. Some things go beyond just getting pussy and this is one of them.
I agree. It's psychological.
Get a hair transplant

Hair = life
Well. I've got DPA. It's genetics. You can do nothing with that in general.
you were failing with hair, so losing hair doesn't make it any worse
I tend to think like that too. But in my opinion, losing hair is just the icing on the cake.
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Have to disagree sorry Pill. Swipe left and right on some of these. Some of them are brutal and even some of these Chads get knocked down by serious points and a lot of them wouldn't suit bald at all :-

1. Those examples don't show BALD they show BALDING, you know full well there's a huge difference, bald just looks like a hair style, balding looks like you have some kind off condition and you may be dying, if you personified "dying" as a hair style that's what "balding" is

The images in the site above, show the difference between a full head of hair and balding, not the difference between being clean shaven and balding, if you can't see the difference I don't know what to tell you, you are deluded, hair is pretty much inconsequential (and that goes double for incels)




2. You seem to be missing my main point, when it comes to incels hair doesn't matter, because you still didn't get laid when you had better hair, so your hair "getting worse" makes no difference at all

Its just incels creating this cope problem in their minds so they don't have to focus on the actual problems in their lives that they could work on changing, its a distraction

We have broke wagecuck virgins complaining about their hair loss, that is retarded, don't you have some more immediate problems you could probably address?

1. Being broke
2. Being a wagecuck
3. Being a virgin

But nah, focus on this thing that even when you had better quality of it you still got rejected, makes complete sense

Plus there is the fact that even if you aren't getting laid it is a very shit feeling to look in the mirror and see something which essentially makes up 25% of your head disappearing
No that's a cope, my point exactly is that you are coping, you are pretending that this thing had value ON YOU, when you know full well when you had the highest quality you could get of this thing, YOU STILL GOT REJECTED

Hair has no value on an incel, it only matters for men who could get laid without it, and even then it doesn't even matter much

Some things go beyond just getting pussy and this is one of them.
Nah, its just stupidity, and its even more stupid when guys who couldn't get laid WITH HAIR obsess about it. Its like some weird thing were you are trying to delude yourself into thinking you are "part of the game", like you are a normal man or something lol, its pure delusion

"I'm just "one of the guys", balding is a killer am I right guys" (looks around and hears crickets, unaware he's a loser in a class separate from regular men)
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1. Those examples don't show BALD they show BALDING, you know full well there's a huge difference, bald just looks like a hair style, balding looks like you have some kind off condition and you may be dying, if you personified "dying" as a hair style that's what "balding" is

The images in the site above, show the difference between a full head of hair and balding, not the difference between being clean shaven and balding, if you can't see the difference I don't know what to tell you, you are deluded, hair is pretty much inconsequential (and that goes double for incels)




2. You seem to be missing my main point, when it comes to incels hair doesn't matter, because you still didn't get laid when you had better hair, so your hair "getting worse" makes no difference at all

Its just incels creating this cope problem in their minds so they don't have to focus on the actual problems in their lives that they could work on changing, its a distraction

We have broke wagecuck virgins complaining about their hair loss, that is retarded, don't you have some more immediate problems you could probably address?

1. Being broke
2. Being a wagecuck
3. Being a virgin

But nah, focus on this thing that even when you had better quality of it you still got rejected, makes complete sense

No that's a cope, my point exactly is that you are coping, you are pretending that this thing had value ON YOU, when you know full well when you had the highest quality you could get of this thing, YOU STILL GOT REJECTED

Hair has no value on an incel, it only matters for me who could get laid without it, and even then it doesn't even matter much

Nah, its just stupidity, and its even more stupid when guys who couldn't get laid WITH HAIR obsess about it. Its like some weird thing were you are trying to delude yourself into thinking you are "part of the game", like you are a normal man or something lol, its pure delusion

"I'm just "one of the guys", balding is a killer am I right guys" (looks around and hears crickets, unaware he's a loser in a class separate from regular men)
  1. Nope. The last 3 examples you shown would 100% look better if they got a hair transplant/wig and/or had as close to a full head of hair as possible, especially to foids (John Travolta with his wig looks way better) except in the very few cases where the guy suits being bald (e.g. Meeks, Statham) hair loss is unforgivable to foids including being fully bald. Most of them class hair as part of your looks. To deny that is beyond bluepilled and is to deny the Blackpill itself sonny Jim :bluepill:
  2. Nope, you've missed my point and gone off on your own strange coping, self-convincing tangent for some reason. I said that hair thinning while you look in the mirror can be devastating regardless of your sex having situation whether females even exist or not. You can still have pride in the way you look, incel or not and hair is part of the way you look same as how fat you are for example. You already basically confirmed this above - "balding looks like you have some kind of condition and you may be dying". So if it looks like you might be dying when balding and you simply don't suit being bald altogether then you are going to look worse than your starting point no matter what even to yourself.
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I said that hair thinning while you look in the mirror can be devastating regardless of your sex having situation whether females even exist or not.
Again for a man who has dated and wants to continue dating that makes sense, as an incel that's completely illogical, you never had a chance anyways whether you have hair or not

Since when did "feelings" become a legitimate point, you feeling bad isn't an argument, you losing your hair had no impact on your dating potential because it was in the negatives to begin with

If I cut off the toes of a wheel chair bound man (spinal injury), not only does he not feel pain, but he can't walk anyways, so it had zero impact how his ability to use his wheel chair and zero impact on his walking ability (since he can't walk anyways). That's what hair loss is to an incel, it makes no difference

Heck I even plan on going full shaven out of convenience, always hated getting haircuts, its such a pointless and tedious thing too, because AGAIN, THE HAIR NEVER MADE A DIFFERENCE ANYWAYS.

You already basically confirmed this above - "balding looks like you have some kind of condition and you may be dying". So if it looks like you might be dying when balding and you simply don't suit being bald altogether then you are going to look worse than your starting point no matter what even to yourself.
Doesn't matter how you look if at the end of the day you can't use your looks for the very purpose they were designed for, you are aren't looking at this abstractly, you are looking at this from the "human perspective" of "I feel bad", I don't give a fuck about that, that's subjective emotional garbage

How can I put this

Imagine you had a hammer with a broken handle, and then the head of the hammer starts rusting (this analogy is perfect lol). Imagine how fucking stupid it would sound to complain about the rusting head, WHEN YOU CAN'T USE THE HAMMER TO "HAMMER SHIT" ANYWAYS :feelskek:

Its you who is missing the point, your looks DON'T MATTER if you can't use your looks (the tool in question) to accomplish THE INTENDED GOAL OF "LOOKS"

The entire point of "your looks" is to attract women, so the depreciation in APPEARANCE for that tool when it can't complete the task anyways IS INCONSEQUENTIAL


If something doesn't work, it doesn't matter how it looks

Worry about the hammer's broken handle first THEN worry about the rusting, the hammer is worthless if you can't hammer anything with it

Imagine someone "taking pride" in a broken hammer, trying to get all the rust off and get it all shiny so they can just keep it locked away in a tool box,............. oh yeah that makes a lot of sense :feelskek:

You can still have pride in the way you look, incel or not and hair is part of the way you look same as how fat you are for example.
I personally believe that pride is for fools, something either benefits your existence or not, if it doesn't there's no objective reason to even care about it at all

Also I wouldn't compare being fat to balding, if you get too fat it impacts your health, makes you weaker, more prone to diseases and less likely to survive physical altercations (or escape them). If you go bald YOU JUST GO BALD lol, you guys are over hyping this thing because you are ego obsessed (and for no reason too, its like you guys forget you are losers). Its oh so ironic for an incel to be so prideful and obsessed with their ego

Its like:
Incel: "Maaaaaan I'm losing my hair maaaaan, its killing my self esteem, balding is hell"
Common Sense Person: "Your penis has literally never been in a vagina and you are in your 20's" :feelskek:

Your current plight is way worse than what you are obsessing over right now, its a non-issue

You guys have no self awareness, you are in no position to be focusing on something like hair loss when you can't even get into the "minor leagues" much more the "major leagues", in fact you aren't even a part of the game

Its like someone in crowd watching a basketball game panicking over the fact that their dribbling skills are subpar and they "need to get their game up", its really just self delusion, its you trying to cope as if you are "like the other guys", like you are part of the same "reality" as everyone else who is ACTUALLY "in the game"
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Only 25? Lmao negro I’ve been nw2 since 14
Only 1-5% pull off the shaved head look.
-Cut fapping.
-Save up for Hair Transplant, or wear a toupee.
Again for a man who has dated and wants to continue dating that makes sense, as an incel that's completely illogical, you never had a chance anyways whether you have hair or not
Besides the point but your looks majorly define whether you are incel or not. Hair is part of your looks. Denying that is on par with "looks don't matter bro". Hair loss can take a normie or low tier normie down to incel level with ease whether it's thinning or bald. That's hypergamy for you. Foids are literally creating reddit threads about them thinking about leaving their boyfriends because the guy has started balding. Are you new to the game?

Since when did "feelings" become a legitimate point, you feeling bad isn't an argument, you losing your hair had no impact on your dating potential because it was in the negatives to begin with
Who mentioned dating? I said that if you look in the mirror and feel bad about the hair loss you can get it fixed to make yourself feel better. You've gone off on another tangent completely irrelevant to my point which you quoted.

I personally believe that pride is for fools, something either benefits your existence or not, if it doesn't there's no objective reason to even care about it at all
Almost everything involves pride. You replying to these points I made involves pride. If you were entirely removed from pride you simply wouldn't care but clearly do.

Yep, hair benefits your existence as I illustrated above. Looks wise you could be a normie go bald and then end up posting here easily. "Hair doesn't matter bro" applies to outright Chads only in the vast majority of cases and even they can lose points because of it so I'm pretty confused as to why you think it wouldn't affect a non chad and regarding your own personal feelings yes it can make you dislike your own personal appearance when you look in the mirror.

Also I wouldn't compare being fat to balding, if you get too fat it impacts your health, makes you weaker, more prone to diseases and less likely to survive physical altercations (or escape them). If you go bald YOU JUST GO BALD lol, you guys are over hyping this thing because you are ego obsessed (and for no reason too, its like you guys forget you are losers). Its oh so ironic for an incel to be so prideful and obsessed with their ego
Another tangent. I'm talking purely about how you look to yourself physically when you look in the mirror. Fat = bad, thinning hair = bad, bald = bad. Thin = good, full head of hair = good.

Your current plight is way worse than what you are obsessing over right now, its a non-issue
Looks are a non issue? :giga:
I’m sorry man
Almost everything involves pride
Not really, you are projecting
You replying to these points I made involves pride. If you were entirely removed from pride you simply wouldn't care but clearly do.
Again, projecting and false dichotomy, if I didn't find this entertaining I wouldn't reply, for me this is about "passing the time" really

Saying that someone can't respond to you else they are prideful is pure retardation, and it really just comes off like you are trying to do some kind of weird reverse psychology thing utilizing a false dichotomy lol

It doesn't even make sense

I'm talking purely about how you look to yourself physically when you look in the mirror.
Yes and I'm talking about how that objectively does not matter if you are not using your physical looks FOR THE PURPOSE PHYSICAL LOOKS EXIST FOR

Are you dense, how can you not understand something that simple

Your entire argument is "well I feel X way when I see X factor of my looks depreciating", that's not an argument, that's just your feelings

You aren't using "your looks" anyways, that's the point

Its like a rusting hammer with a broken handle, you are pointlessly complaining about the rust (depreciation in appearance) when you can't even hammer anything with it (it has no functionality)

Looks are a non issue? :giga:
If you are literally going to ignore all the analogies explaining my points, why even pretend like you debating my points, I can't get any more specific than my example with the guy in the wheel chair, your looks (as an incel) is like a the feet of a wheel chair bound man, you can't walk period, so if someone cuts your toes off, it doesn't make a difference, not only will you not feel any pain but you don't need your toes for balance when you walk
Only 1-5% pull off the shaved head look.
-Cut fapping.
-Save up for Hair Transplant, or wear a toupee.
>Cut fapping.

Source for that ?
Front side of my hair is getting thinner and thinner,ım not even 25 fuck fuck fuck fuck
I should enjoy the long hair while ı can.
Normies made fun of my thin-low density hair since 10yo
Serious question, if you lost all of your hair this instant, what fucking difference would it make?

I feel like a lot of incels create these cope "if only I had X" scenarios so they don't have to focus on their real life problems which they can actually work on changing

You have hair now and it hasn't gotten you laid

You had better hair 10 years ago and it never got you a date

So losing your hair now makes no difference in your life at all
tbh this on point. only thing being uglier can hurt is in job interviews but that's about it.
Serious question, if you lost all of your hair this instant, what fucking difference would it make?

I feel like a lot of incels create these cope "if only I had X" scenarios so they don't have to focus on their real life problems which they can actually work on changing

You have hair now and it hasn't gotten you laid

You had better hair 10 years ago and it never got you a date

So losing your hair now makes no difference in your life at all
Hair covered my large macrocephaly skull, making everyday interaction and life in general more feasible.
Hair covered my large macrocephaly skull, making everyday interaction and life in general more feasible.
1. That's an exception to the rule case

2. If you actually have this condition in a significant way then everyone could see your head is big as fuck regardless of hair lol, its not like when a woman has big ears and hides them with long hair, your hair lies on your head, everyone can clearly see if someone has a big head regardless of hair (unless you have an afro lol)
Just shave your head bald, bro.
Not really, you are projecting

Again, projecting and false dichotomy, if I didn't find this entertaining I wouldn't reply, for me this is about "passing the time" really

Saying that someone can't respond to you else they are prideful is pure retardation, and it really just comes off like you are trying to do some kind of weird reverse psychology thing utilizing a false dichotomy lol

It doesn't even make sense

Yes and I'm talking about how that objectively does not matter if you are not using your physical looks FOR THE PURPOSE PHYSICAL LOOKS EXIST FOR

Are you dense, how can you not understand something that simple

Your entire argument is "well I feel X way when I see X factor of my looks depreciating", that's not an argument, that's just your feelings

You aren't using "your looks" anyways, that's the point

Its like a rusting hammer with a broken handle, you are pointlessly complaining about the rust (depreciation in appearance) when you can't even hammer anything with it (it has no functionality)

If you are literally going to ignore all the analogies explaining my points, why even pretend like you debating my points, I can't get any more specific than my example with the guy in the wheel chair, your looks (as an incel) is like a the feet of a wheel chair bound man, you can't walk period, so if someone cuts your toes off, it doesn't make a difference, not only will you not feel any pain but you don't need your toes for balance when you walk
You're literally arguing with yourself and kicking your own arse though :lul: It's bizarre. There are literal posts on here talking about you doing this very thing haha. Someone says "I think hair matters to someone's attractiveness towards women and their own self esteem" and you are like..."yes but maybe the economy in southern China has an affect on the US GDP and here's an irrelevant analogy to go along with it". You realise you got proved wrong in the original point so try to turn it into something else to save your own pride and if someone points that out you say "but but no you're projecting bro" to cover your tracks.

I'm not interested in your feelings on whether improving looks being functional as an incel matters. That's your problem that you have been debating with yourself...strangely. I'm saying:-
  1. Hair is important to your attractiveness towards women and losing it partly or fully can effect attractiveness for incels, normies and chads alike and can be the cause of someone dropping from chad to normie and normie to incel respectively. OR Incel to even bigger incel. To deny that is to deny hypergamy and the Blackpill itself. Are you Black Pill Presentations or Blue Pill Presentations?
  2. Even with pussy aside hair loss CAN still cause someone to be unsatisfied/upset with their appearance and want to do something about it

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