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Serious My gripe with "just go outside"



Former Wagecuck turned Neetbuxmaxxer. Gymcel
Aug 24, 2023
What are you meant to do outside if you have no friends and are completely alone?

I think a major reason why I do not like going outside is I do not own a car and do not drive, so if I want to go anywhere, its either a walk in my local area, or public transit to get around, both these options sucks

Option 1: Walk in my local area

This is alright but I run the risk of seeing people I used to go to high school with, the anxiety of potential running in to a former acquaintence, and either having to avoid them or make fake small talk really just ruins the enjoyment of getting outside, I have also been in my local area thousands of times at this point, there is nothing to do except walk around, sit at the beach for a bit maybe go to shops waste some money on food all by myself.

And by walking around outside, I feel like you eventually get tired even if you are in decent shape, you get tired and sweaty, I have a big issue with getting sweaty and it can give me bad painful back acne, admittedly in part this is caused by the fact that sometimes I overdress a little, because if I just walk outside in a T shirt and shorts, my subhuman body will be visible, with really skinny arms and extremely hairy legs

Option 2: Catch public transport somewhere

Public transport is honestly time consuming, by the time you walk to the bus stop, take the bus to the train, train somewhere and wait for it all, then there is a return journey, it feels like half of your time is just spent on the journey, being around random strangers in public that can often be crazy homeless people due to nature of public transit is just not very exciting.

Also I can still get tired or sweaty, except now I will be far from home, so I have to wait a long time until I can get back home to shower and rest

It feels like its not worth it, by the time you commute there, you know that the return commute will exhaust you, so you do not feel like doing much, what do you do alone anyway? Just going outside does not work for me

Also the mog doesnt end outside, every single male is taller than me, and sometimes you see couples

Last time I went outside, I got stuck at traffic lights next to a teen couple, both the guy and girl were taller than me and you could tell they were really enjoying their time while I was just alone, bored and mogged

@BlackCel_from_ZA @NeverEvenBegan @prajeet88 @GeckoBus @Robb97 @ilieknothing @Mecoja @kay'
Temps are now insane, only at nightfall are bearable. But then streets are filled with half naked teen girls and their bfs who mog us into oblivion, jfl getting mogged in every way by boys.

Even when we go out, there's nothing for us. We can only be the lone weirdos who sit alone and stare at people.

Best to stay at home.
I would never use public transportation if I didn't absolutely have to.
I honestly like walking around outside and looking at things, it’s one of my copes.
Temps are now insane, only at nightfall are bearable. But then streets are filled with half naked teen girls and their bfs who mog us into oblivion, jfl getting mogged in every way by boys.
Yeah unbearable without t shirt and shorts, and even then I still sweat anyway, girls wear shorts so short that it only covers their ass but the whole thigh is visible and its just not fair to see
Even when we go out, there's nothing for us. We can only be the lone weirdos who sit alone and stare at people.
Yeah exactly, honestly I feel out of place being alone, not many people are alone when you go outside and look, people are at least in pairs or in groups, so you feel like a retard being alone just sitting on a bench or something
Best to stay at home.
Ultimately I think it is, but parents dont see it that way
I would never use public transportation if I didn't absolutely have to.
Fair enough honestly, honestly if I was a woman it would be even worse than it already is, public transport can be kind of relaxing though if you just sit on there, and listen to a youtuber or music, but at that point, I may as well just do it in the comfort of my own home
I honestly like walking around outside and looking at things, it’s one of my copes.
Yeah I cant knock it, its really good but the juice just aint worth the squeeze for me I find
indeed, if you go outside just to go outside as a loner with no friends you will find nothing but pain, The people who walk by you have no interest in interacting with you and neither do the people on the bus. You will pass by couples and it will depress you with what you don't have. You have to actually be going somewhere have a goal in mind but there is no where to go with us especially when your poor. and even if you have money to do things, you'll be doing it alone.
indeed, if you go outside just to go outside as a loner with no friends you will find nothing but pain, The people who walk by you have no interest in interacting with you and neither do the people on the bus. You will pass by couples and it will depress you with what you don't have. You have to actually be going somewhere have a goal in mind but there is no where to go with us especially when your poor. and even if you have money to do things, you'll be doing it alone.
Yeah exactly, i mean its not ALL pain, theres like 3 minutes or so where its good, maybe the first couple bites of food, or you catch a nice view or something and those few minutes do mog being inside on my PC but its ultimately not worth it at all and the rest of it just fucking sucks, going outside mogs HARD if you have friends or a GF and I would not use my PC as much if I had one or both but I have none so when you are a loner the PC hard mogs
Being a shut in mogs
I wouldn't hate humanity so much if I didn't go outside. Normie are incapable of empathy and can't comprehend that we could be treated differently based on our looks or height.
I don't go outside because I don't want to run into people I knew in the past, my life is too horrible to talk about. People sometimes stare at my ugly face also.
Yeah you need friends and family in order to go outside else its better to cope with video games and series.

Nothing is enjoyable outside if you are alone
I wouldn't hate humanity so much if I didn't go outside. Normie are incapable of empathy and can't comprehend that we could be treated differently based on our looks or height.
They know it deep down, they just wont admit because of the social stigma and the modern, retarded mindset that everyone can become anything he wants
They know it deep down, they just wont admit because of the social stigma and the modern, retarded mindset that everyone can become anything he wants
I don't think they actually know or understand anything. You overestimate the normies ability to think. They really don't think that much about anything outside themselves.
When I had car I often tried "going outside", but now I don't even bother to see other people. Btw no one knows I breathe, those ones who see my subhuman shell are probably wishing me death or disappearing from their vision.

I no longer try to meet any people, trying doing that via internet is also very stressful.
I don't think they actually know or understand anything. You overestimate the normies ability to think. They really don't think that much about anything outside themselves.
They are extremely judgemental about short and ugly guys, for example just look in the comments of videos where pedophiles get caught. They almost always roast the pedo for being either fat or facially ugly
I don't go outside because I don't want to run into people I knew in the past, my life is too horrible to talk about.
In my local area, it seems really likely, everyone goes to the same areas of shops and the same nice spots like the beaches, so unless you just walk around in random streets you will probably see someone you used to know, some you will be forced ot make small talk with and LARP/Lie about your life
Yeah you need friends and family in order to go outside else its better to cope with video games and series.

Nothing is enjoyable outside if you are alone
Even vidya is better with friends or something but yeah definitely enjoyable alone and the investment for vidya is way lower than going outside, I also have to make sure I am wearing decent clothes and my hair does not look like a mess before going out
I don't think they actually know or understand anything. You overestimate the normies ability to think. They really don't think that much about anything outside themselves.

Whats interesting is how brutal normies will be to indians

I think normies can be fake nice to ugly and autists sometimes but the mask completely drops with indians, I honestly find it shocking how badly some people talk about indians just for existing, yet if you told them lookism is a thing they would not put 2 and 2 together in how they discrimiante against indians just for their race
When I had car I often tried "going outside", but now I don't even bother to see other people.
Did you go outside just to see people, or go outside how incels do? Just go out by yourself? I am curious to know so I can sort of get a view into my future with a license
Did you go outside just to see people, or go outside how incels do? Just go out by yourself? I am curious to know so I can sort of get a view into my future with a license
Usually I was doing my stuff (like buying food and other copes) and some "social" actions like walking in the park, but now I have nothing to do. I don't want even see other people and going alone while being all the time mogged by others, most walking alone people are elders
They are extremely judgemental about short and ugly guys, for example just look in the comments of videos where pedophiles get caught. They almost always roast the pedo for being either fat or facially ugly
And then when an attractive guy gets caught they say they can't believe it and he must've had a traumatic past.
Usually I was doing my stuff (like buying food and other copes) and some "social" actions like walking in the park, but now I have nothing to do. I don't want even see other people and going alone while being all the time mogged by others, most walking alone people are elders
Yeah sounds about right, having a car and license would help me get out a bit more but ultimately I would probably just buy food to cope and maybe drive myself somewhere to a park alone
Why go outside? Physical and mental health mostly. Walking is proven to reduce physical and mental stress.
Never touching grass is how you end up fearing normies or losing your shit upon seeing a couple.
Why go outside? Physical and mental health mostly. Walking is proven to reduce physical and mental stress.
Never touching grass is how you end up fearing normies or losing your shit upon seeing a couple.
I honestly dont even fear normies or lose my shit over a couple, I think the juice aint worth the squeeze, I end up really sweaty, tired and bored at the end of it
I honestly dont even fear normies or lose my shit over a couple, I think the juice aint worth the squeeze, I end up really sweaty, tired and bored at the end of it
Usually after going on a several hour hike I feel better. I think some of what people think is loneliness is just cabin fever.
Sweating a lot might be because you don't move a lot. I walk in the evenings nowadays to avoid heat.
cabin fever
What is this? Like a shut in syndrome?
Sweating a lot might be because you don't move a lot. I walk in the evenings nowadays to avoid heat.
I think my issue is I have a faster than normal walking speed maybe, even when I walked a lot I would sweat and get bad back acne
There seems to be a large subset of retarded normies and foids who think incels are just incels ''in their own head''.

I've seen countless posts from IT-adjacent foids in the vein of ''oh, I saw some of the selfies incels posted, they were all normie and even somewhat attractive, I would even toootally date them''.

Now of course, that is just a gaslighting lie. If that was the case, there would be no incels :feelsseriously: But foids love to virtuesignal and keep the bluepill illusion that ''everyone is beautiful'' and it's all just your personalimeme that matters.

Not to mention, that line of thinking invalidates our entire life experiences. We've all been treated like inhuman garbage because of our looks.

So whenever you see a brainless retarded normie who tells you to ''just go outside bro'', keep in mind he imagines you as some sort of 6/10 normie who is just too shy and that's it. And that you need to ''just talk to girls bro'', because that is how it is for him. He can't imagine it being in any other way :fuk:

They have no idea what it is actually like to be an ugly or autistic man. Chads, women and normies might make new friends just by putting themselves out there, but that just doesn't happen for us. Going outside won't change shit. If we join clubs or participate in events, people will just ignore us or bully us until we leave.
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They have no idea what it is actually like to be an ugly or autistic man. Chads, women and normies might make new friends if they just put themselves out there, but that just doesn't happen for us. Going outside won't change shit. If we join clubs or participate in events, people will just ignore us or bully us until we leave.
Exactly. I never once made a friend by “putting myself out there” despite trying a lot. The very few friendships I have made happened naturally and didn’t require effort. Most of the time I am an absolute social outcast and rot alone
Human relationships are too complex things to "leave home" to support itself alone
every human being in this world whether or not they are PC and not NPC

Thinking that just leaving home will guarantee you something is like thinking that reality is a quest system, you could very well be rejected your whole life, whether you try or not

It is very complicated for an incel to get involved in the community, they are very incompatible, people are not that simple
I agree with the main points of this post. Only reason I go outside much is to go to our cabin. It’s in a Rural area without many people nearby. I just enjoy the scenery and like doing stuff with tractors and riding mowers there. Getting on a powerful riding mower and cutting the thick grass on a hot summer day with the sun on you feels good. The smell of fresh cut grass is so refreshing. I hate going outside in the suburbs where I live though. It’s always normies and foids around everywhere. I hate seeing women parade around in their sexy clothes basically taunting me

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