The thing is he actually did buy an assembled pc back in home with rtx 3060. Not considering the price of monitor because I'd have to buy a tv for ps5 anyway, the thing still cost him double than that of a ps5.
Now I did pirate a lot of games back in 2010s on my 740M laptop. But my friend believes that pirated games have viruses that would run your GPU at full speed all the time for remote bit coin mining.
Elab on this
I am not going to move whichever gaming device I get. Don't care for portable gaming. But I do want to be able to take my pc back home, for work and other regular pc usage reasons. The options are this.
1. Build a gaming pc which doubles up as both a pc and a gaming machine. Upside is its the best gaming option. Downside is that I cannot take it with me back home for pc shit. (I can buy a laptop, but already going for the most expensive option and buying a laptop on top of that, ending up owning two pcs is not appealing to me)
2. Buy a simple laptop and a ps5. Upside is I can take the laptop anywhere I want. And a ps5 should still give decent experience. Also it's less expensive than a pc. Downside is the performance and lack of modding/piracy of course.
3. Buy a gaming laptop. Upside being that it's all in one. Downside being that it's performance is not as good as pc, smaller screen and heating issues.