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My friend ascended



Everything hurts and I'm dying
Aug 13, 2018
He is blackpilled, knows about ER and we talked about blackpill countless times. Yesterday I learned that he ascended with a russian foid, he was in the summer holiday and met this russian foid on a tour bus, they met and foid let him fuck her tonight,he send me pic with this foid. I dont know if I should feel happy for him I feel sad because Im not at his place and Im jealous. I feel like the only loser on the earth. Should I feel happy for him?
I would feel happy for him if i fucked pussy too. But not now. Its over

to note, he is not incel tier looking
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he managed to fuck a russian foid as a turk, right after meeting her? looks like he was never incel in the first place u should go er on him
Yesterday I learned that he ascended with a russian foid, he was in the summer holiday and met this russian foid on a tour bus, they met and foid let him fuck her tonight,he send me pic with this foid.

How is this even possible?
how much did he pay the whore?
he managed to fuck a russian foid as a turk, right after meeting her?
Russian females hate Russian males, thats why.
How was he able to pull this off?
Pull off what man I didn’t understand
He wasnt bad looking,average looking. But thats not the point. I dont know if i should feel glad for him since im jealous. Its Almost like everyone except me is getting laid. I want to blow my brain out
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Just go on a bus theory
That should not be possible in the first place.
what do you mean again? they met on tour bus but not that she let him fuck her right after it, they dated. what do you mean?
what do you mean again? they met on tour bus but not that she let him fuck her right after it, they dated. what do you mean?

This is impossible man.
Where are you from? This thread is proof in itself.
Russia is so massive and a lot of russian girls exclusively date russian guys cause the rest are pussies

Im an shit anglo
You should feel boundless rage.
Put it to use.
he excepted me to feel happy for him, i told him "good job bro" but I wanted to cry
Russia is so massive and a lot of russian girls exclusively date russian guys cause the rest are pussies
russian foids are biggest whores on the earth. followed by ukranian foids
Russia is so massive and a lot of russian girls exclusively date russian guys cause the rest are pussies
Yes, but where do you live? Most western people have only a slight picture of how things work in the east.
when a country has a lot of women that emigrate, become prostitutes, or emigrate to become prostitutes, it's safe to say they hate the native men
that's the situation a lot of european post-communist countries are in, including my own country, our women are notorious for being "easygoing" JFL end me
Im an shit anglo
Aha, so you do not have the fullest idea of how these women hate their males? They go for turkish, tatars even mongols. Thats if they have the option to and if they equally get matched in looks with them, but they are a small minority.

No shit that they still date slavic males because they are in the majority.
russian foids are biggest whores on the earth. followed by ukranian foids
They hate me because I am slavic. They all want to be "liberated" like the west and join American Chad in his jewish conquest of fucking the world.
you still need looks and low inhib
Like this guy?

Like this guy?
View attachment 136078
my friend mogs this guy
by one or two points i think
Russian females hate Russian males, thats why.
A far relative of mine married to a russian foid, he is not incel tier looking btw. just to note. anyway, I remember she barely speaking our language and saying men in her country alcoholics, dirty and not jealous of their women. Back then I was around 13-14yo, didn't even know about blackpill and it didn't affect me at all. but now I remember it and its brutal black pill. If it was now I would probably discuss with her
when a country has a lot of women that emigrate, become prostitutes, or emigrate to become prostitutes, it's safe to say they hate the native men
that's the situation a lot of european post-communist countries are in, including my own country, our women are notorious for being "easygoing" JFL end me
its brutal tbh. an American or western European wouldn't understand it. I'd say slavic men are the most oppressed men, along with ricecels. majority of EE foids are literal whores, it was like that since the collapse of the soviet union. I remember reading that after the collapse, slavic foids used to fuck foreign men in exchange of chocolate
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A far relative of mine married to a russian foid, he is not incel tier looking btw. just to note. anyway, I remember she barely speaking our language and saying men in her country alcoholics, dirty and not jealous of their women. Back then I was around 13-14yo, didn't even know about blackpill and it didn't affect me at all. but now I remember it and its brutal black pill. If it was now I would probably discuss with her
This is what I knew from birth. All Slavic females want a man that is not Slavic, its just that they dont come to those countries and go to the west. So of course they are stuck with slavic males because nobody else is there.

Its really bad, as a male I am truly defeated.
> he is not incel tier looking

theres your answer, its not over for him, but its over for u
Russian girls seem like a legit way of ascension. But your friend was never incel tbh
Russian girls seem like a legit way of ascension.
I'm also thinking this is a legit way. But sadly not for me. I'll just continue trying to ascend with racematched rice foid
meh its a known normie trait to lie about fucking all the time. in normies mind, taking picture with a foid is the same thing as fucking her, so if he took a picture with her, that means he fucked her and he can tell all his friends he got laid. also the reason why that study says only 1/3 of males are incels, because normies think that if they shook hands with a foid, made eye contact with one, smelled the perfume off of one, that means they got laid, and thus report that they had sex.
meh its a known normie trait to lie about fucking all the time. in normies mind, taking picture with a foid is the same thing as fucking her, so if he took a picture with her, that means he fucked her and he can tell all his friends he got laid. also the reason why that study says only 1/3 of males are incels, because normies think that if they shook hands with a foid, made eye contact with one, smelled the perfume off of one, that means they got laid, and thus report that they had sex.
I know what are you talking about, but this one is not that. it was legit one.
I know what are you talking about, but this one is not that. it was legit one.
well idk dude, maybe she thought if she fucked him he would cuck out and marry her and be her provider. they always have an agenda. I highly doubt this chick mistook your normie tier looks friend as a chad. they always have an angle. she prob thought that he looked desperate and if she fucked him and did a good act she could get him to pay for her to have a higher standard of living etc while she fucked chads.
well idk dude, maybe she thought if she fucked him he would cuck out and marry her and be her provider. they always have an agenda. I highly doubt this chick mistook your normie tier looks friend as a chad. they always have an angle. she prob thought that he looked desperate and if she fucked him and did a good act she could get him to pay for her to have a higher standard of living etc while she fucked chads.
no bro,it wasnt that. i know for a fact. and jfl, i have another friend who goes to escorts and tries to make me jealous by saying "you dont even get laid ahaha just go to escort like me" fucking normie cuck thinks going to escort is achievement
no bro,it wasnt that. i know for a fact. and jfl, i have another friend who goes to escorts and tries to make me jealous by saying "you dont even get laid ahaha just go to escort like me" fucking normie cuck thinks going to escort is achievement
meh just hit those odds then. I mean, winning millions of dollar in lottery is only like 1/100million odds or whatever but people still win the shit. just right place right time luck sort of thing imo. now, if he starts regularly doing it, then I would consider something is up
what do you mean again? they met on tour bus but not that she let him fuck her right after it, they dated. what do you mean?

JFL dude don't bother with that troll, the dude is one of the most obvious trolls on this site, he's just fucking with you, he's just going to keep saying how impossible it is

I have many friends that have ascended, all normie tier, and I don't hate them for it, but after they ascend, were pretty much not going to be friends anymore, because they things they will want to talk about I won't want to, if they go out more likely than not they will want to bring their GF's as dates, so I will either have to be a third wheel and suffer, or them knowing this will refuse to be around me with their GF's and now they have to hold themselves back for my sake, its just not good for either party, were on different paths in life, you'll have to move on and so will your friend, and its better you move on before you start resenting eachother, I'd much prefer to hold on to the memory of the friendships I had and to "end on good terms" than to poison that memory with feelings of resentment, disdain, etc, or them looking down on me and thinking less of me

I have a friend right now who I think is going to ascend pretty soon, was fat for most of the time I knew him, lost a lot of weight and got buff, looks pretty decent now, I fear I am nearing the point where were going to diverge on our paths, were going to have to go our separate ways, I'll keep in contact but we won't really speak much and likely won't meet in person again, our personalities and paths in life are too drastically different now

As they say, birds of a feather, flock together

Penguins can't fly, and migratory birds can't stand the cold

He was alawys too soft of the world I exist in, and I'm too hard for the world he's trying to become a part of
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not incel tier looking theres your answer.

sounds like he was a fakecel tbh
They go in your country to get a butchered nosejob and getting fucked by Tarik.
So nothing new.
wow another mentalcel finally got laid bring me a cloud to fall
Why the fuck do they say that when they knowing full well that's a lie. When a man's ugly and jealous he's insecure. Pathetic.. Even fuckin racist.... But when he's good looking its always a good thing?. Foid genocide!!!. Fuckin attention whores.
If your friend isn't Chad then feel happy for him. But if she's just a whore then be happy for him. If he's a virgin...

If she really liked him for real then great. But if he's being used for citizenship then at least he got sex.

Either way he wins. For a while. Let him have some fun while he can.

Not knowing the full situation it's hard to say tbh. But you may have lost a friend.
i will never ascend i guess

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