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Venting My family shits on me

  • Thread starter Deleted member 2119
  • Start date

Deleted member 2119

Dec 12, 2017
Inceldom on its own sucks but it gets even worse when your own family starts critizing you for every little fucking thing. It is painful and it makes me to hate my life even more. They are "worried" about me but they constantly remind me of my failures,lack of social interactions and laziness. I have tons of school stress and I have to deal with this shit as well. They expect me to change things that I do not even want to change in the first place, because there is no fix for most of these things. I guess they finally notice that I have depression. I never constantly criticize them, and yet they do it. Is that a human thing or are German people really that judgemental?

What are your experiences with your families? (I need some relatable stories & I think it's a symptom of the Incel lifestyle)
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My mom only cares how I do in school and criticized me all of middle school and high school, my dad was understanding since he knew I had 0 friends and got bullied but he didn’t want to do anything.

My relatives shit on me at gatherings because I go to a shit school for engineering and I have bad grades now too, they also make fun of my height a lot since I’m the shortest.

I got into an argument with my older sister and she started saying how since I have no friends I’m going to end up a loner in university (which is true)

My little sister is the only one I like she’s not a slut yet and likes anime, and still talks to me while I’m in uni
Stop being a whiny faggot. This place constantly reminds you of your failures,lack of social interactions and laziness too. Get a job and stop wasting your time here and your problems are solved.
Did you even read the post he’s studying
Stop being a whiny faggot. This place constantly reminds you of your failures,lack of social interactions and laziness too. Get a job and stop wasting your time here and your problems are solved.
Fuck off you cucktear piece of shit. This is an incel forum not TRP. Reported
Wake in a sweat again,
Another day's been laid to waste,
In my disgrace.
Stuck in my head again,
Feels like I'll never leave this place,
There's no escape.
I'm my own worst enemy

I've given up!
I'm sick of feeling!
Is there nothing you can say?
Take this all away
I'm suffocating!
Tell me what the fuck is wrong with me! :feelsree::feelsree::feelsree:
Stop being a whiny faggot. This place constantly reminds you of your failures,lack of social interactions and laziness too. Get a job and stop wasting your time here and your problems are solved.
I am already in school so why should I go and get a job? That is utterly pointless

A few challenges in life are good but it gets too hard when they constantly punch you in the stomach
My family is shitting on me for not landing a job yet
Wake in a sweat again,
Another day's been laid to waste,
In my disgrace.
Stuck in my head again,
Feels like I'll never leave this place,
There's no escape.
I'm my own worst enemy

I've given up!
I'm sick of feeling!
Is there nothing you can say?
Take this all away
I'm suffocating!
Tell me what the fuck is wrong with me! :feelsree::feelsree::feelsree:
i recognized the lyrics immediately
Run Jbw game on them to gain respect
Wait until you can get one.
That will solve nothing. The only jobs I could do without a degree / apprenticeship are repetitive wageslave jobs. And it would break me because I attend school 8 hours a day (And 1 day has 10hrs)
Inceldom on its own sucks but it gets even worse when your own family starts critizing you for every little fucking thing. It is painful and it makes me to hate my life even more. They are "worried" about me but they constantly remind me of my failures,lack of social interactions and laziness. I have tons of school stress and I have to deal with this shit as well. They expect me to change things that I do not even want to change in the first place, because there is no fix for most of these things. I guess they finally notice that I have depression. I never constantly criticize them, and yet they do it. Is that a human thing or are German people really that judgemental?

What are your experiences with your families? (I need some relatable stories & I think it's a symptom of the Incel lifestyle)

Mine don't understand me at all either
They think I use the computer too much even though they spend all day on facebook
I wouldn't even try to argue with them. I see their criticism/bitching as my punishment for still living with them/motivation to graduate and move out
As long as they're in charge of taking care of you they'll never respect you as an equal
You have to earn their respect by proving you can take care of yourself
How is your frame? Start gymcelling if it's decent
Lol I would just look comical like betadestiny. The only thing that'll somehow work is getting a lean body but nobody notices that If I wear clothes. I have no idea how my frame is but it's certainly not exceptional.
Mine don't understand me at all either
They think I use the computer too much even though they spend all day on facebook
I wouldn't even try to argue with them. I see their criticism/bitching as my punishment for still living with them/motivation to graduate and move out
As long as they're in charge of taking care of you they'll never respect you as an equal
You have to earn their respect by proving you can take care of yourself
I guess that's true. Moving out will be the only thing thay will somehow work. However I can only do that in 1,5 years though.

I guess it's not okay for your parents because what you're doing isn't using social media.
They think I use the computer too much even though they spend all day on facebook
Yup, and when other people are over and on their phones, I'm the only one who's outed for it.
I guess that's true. Moving out will be the only thing thay will somehow work. However I can only do that in 1,5 years though.

I guess it's not okay for your parents because what you're doing isn't using social media.

They basically see bitching and hounding you until you move out as their job
Whether they even consciously realize that's why they're doing it or not
It's like the mama bird poking her children with her beak to go fly
Stop being a whiny faggot. This place constantly reminds you of your failures,lack of social interactions and laziness too. Get a job and stop wasting your time here and your problems are solved.

Read the fucking post first you mentally retarded inbred piece of shit
You basicaly described my miserable life in your thread :feelscry:.Also as far as im concerned German people have a tendancy to be pretty straight-forward in expressing their opinion/criticising someone without even caring how it may affect him.
Inceldom on its own sucks but it gets even worse when your own family starts critizing you for every little fucking thing. It is painful and it makes me to hate my life even more. They are "worried" about me but they constantly remind me of my failures,lack of social interactions and laziness. I have tons of school stress and I have to deal with this shit as well. They expect me to change things that I do not even want to change in the first place, because there is no fix for most of these things. I guess they finally notice that I have depression. I never constantly criticize them, and yet they do it. Is that a human thing or are German people really that judgemental?

What are your experiences with your families? (I need some relatable stories & I think it's a symptom of the Incel lifestyle)
I bet @FeminismsCancer envies you. You know, because of his scat fetish…
My family is bluepilled and says I should model, there's probably a pscyhological explanation for this massive 180 degrees cope. My grades are meh but I live in a western country where it doesn't matter much
I bet @FeminismsCancer envies you. You know, because of his scat fetish…
Lol wtf, only from cute curry stacies, not random people or family members.
My familly don't fuck with me anymore after i threw tantrums and reeeeeeed my lungs out, punched shit, broke my finger and ran away from time to time leaving them wondering were the fuck i've been, i'm in a good relationship with them right now.
yeah, my family was like this. They turned me into a miserable perfectionist. I bet they regret it because I criticize the fuck out of them now. One of my goals is to become better than them at everything they're good at. My older brother is a challenge so I might just kill him eventually.
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Stop wearing underwear. Wear loose shorts or just nothing at all. Next time someone disrepects you, whip your horsecock out slap them in the mouth with it. Thats what i would do.
I guess that's the one benefit of having ugly as fuck genetic trash parents. They're losers that didn't do anything so they never expected anything of me.
If you have an ugly face and you're short your life was and is 30x as hard as theirs and they were on tutorial mode.
Stop wearing underwear. Wear loose shorts or just nothing at all. Next time someone disrepects you, whip your horsecock out slap them in the mouth with it. Thats what i would do.
haha youre funny
Stop wearing underwear. Wear loose shorts or just nothing at all. Next time someone disrepects you, whip your horsecock out slap them in the mouth with it. Thats what i would do.
Mine don't understand me at all either
They think I use the computer too much even though they spend all day on facebook
I wouldn't even try to argue with them. I see their criticism/bitching as my punishment for still living with them/motivation to graduate and move out

Very similarly, my family thinks this of me too, and nags me as such. One of my problems I am faced with is because I spend the vast majority of my time staring at a screen, people tend to assume "I must be a genius with computers and technology". I hate it, and it happens to me sometimes at family gatherings, because I'm really not that advanced with working with computers as they claim I am. Part of me wonders, do they deliberately exaggerate my skills because they know I have nothing going for me?
Very similarly, my family thinks this of me too, and nags me as such. One of my problems I am faced with is because I spend the vast majority of my time staring at a screen, people tend to assume "I must be a genius with computers and technology". I hate it, and it happens to me sometimes at family gatherings, because I'm really not that advanced with working with computers as they claim I am. Part of me wonders, do they deliberately exaggerate my skills because they know I have nothing going for me?
Normie aunties are ridiculously retarded and mine tend to exaggerate my skills too.
Mind you I've worked a few years in IT doing dumb system admin shit but I'm nowhere near a Bill Gates or Linus Torvalds.

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