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SuicideFuel My chad little brother lost his virginity to my classmate



Feb 25, 2025
Hello, I am new to this forum and this is my first post, and I recently told an online friend of mine this story and he suggested I post it here.

Anyway, my brother is 2 years younger than me and he got all the good genes, he got my 6ft father's height genes, and all around good genetics from both my father's and mother's side, while I got the worst of the mix and ended up with my very short mother's genes at 5'7. :blackpill: Ngl I honestly wonder if I was adopted sometimes but that's besides the point.

So a few years back when we were both in hs, I had a foid classmate whom I was on somewhat good terms with, wouldn't say we were friends but she was my mom's friends daughter so that's probably why she was nice to me. We were often paired together for schoolwork and whatnot and she sat beside me in some classes.

Nearing the end of the school year, when I was 16 and my brother was 14, they started dating it was only for about a month or 2 but that was enough time to completely destroy me. Many brutal events happened to me during this time.

For example, me and my brother shared a room at that time and they kicked me out of there to fuck one time. That was probably the most brutal event that's ever happened to me honestly.

At another point they made me come drink with them at her house and guess what? After like 1 glass of wine they again kicked me out and told me they wanted alone time, so I went home and my mom smelled it on me and she was so fucking mad man, was angry at me for days and threatened to unenroll me from school (private school) and force me to get a menial job, etc etc.

One time we were all at school, it was break time and I overheard her telling him something among the lines of "I ate your kids last night." That's all I can remember for now, but holy shit I was never the same after this happened. Most brutal month of my life.:feelsrope::feelsrope:
My brothers experience mogged me to hell and back, thank God they didn't fuck my crush or I would go ER most likely.
my younger brother mogs me to hell and back too. Hes always been taller, better looking more social and higher IQ.
My brothers experience mogged me to hell and back, thank God they didn't fuck my crush or I would go ER most likely.
Thankfully I didn't really have a crush on her, she was just friendly to me. But yeah still brutal don't know how I went through that
my younger brother mogs me to hell and back too. Hes always been taller, better looking more social and higher IQ.
My brother is better looking as well, both of them actually but my older one is nearly a decade older so I never cared as much, they're also both NT while I'm ND



JoinedFeb 26, 2025Posts2
my brother is 2 years younger than me and he got all the good genes,
IMG 0879
Fucked up world we live in. We have things so backwards nowadays. Things have been downhill ever since the good guys lost in WW2.
Brutal first post award.
my younger brother mogs me to hell and back too. Hes always been taller, better looking more social and higher IQ.
I can relate. Having a Chad brother is so brutal. I would argue that it's worse than having a sister. It's like gazing into another reality where you had been born with the correct genes. You get to witness the kind of life you would have had. :feelsbadman:
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That was one of the most brutal first posts I ever remember reading here

Gentle reminder to lurkers that 16 yo girls aren't sexless cute little children but sexually active monsters
Damn. Definitely kick your brother out of your life ASAP.
Hello, I am new to this forum and this is my first post, and I recently told an online friend of mine this story and he suggested I post it here.

Anyway, my brother is 2 years younger than me and he got all the good genes, he got my 6ft father's height genes, and all around good genetics from both my father's and mother's side, while I got the worst of the mix and ended up with my very short mother's genes at 5'7. :blackpill: Ngl I honestly wonder if I was adopted sometimes but that's besides the point.

So a few years back when we were both in hs, I had a foid classmate whom I was on somewhat good terms with, wouldn't say we were friends but she was my mom's friends daughter so that's probably why she was nice to me. We were often paired together for schoolwork and whatnot and she sat beside me in some classes.

Nearing the end of the school year, when I was 16 and my brother was 14, they started dating it was only for about a month or 2 but that was enough time to completely destroy me. Many brutal events happened to me during this time.

For example, me and my brother shared a room at that time and they kicked me out of there to fuck one time. That was probably the most brutal event that's ever happened to me honestly.

At another point they made me come drink with them at her house and guess what? After like 1 glass of wine they again kicked me out and told me they wanted alone time, so I went home and my mom smelled it on me and she was so fucking mad man, was angry at me for days and threatened to unenroll me from school (private school) and force me to get a menial job, etc etc.

One time we were all at school, it was break time and I overheard her telling him something among the lines of "I ate your kids last night." That's all I can remember for now, but holy shit I was never the same after this happened. Most brutal month of my life.:feelsrope::feelsrope:
Brutal first post
Damn. Definitely kick your brother out of your life ASAP.
It was mostly the foid who initiated all the brutal stuff, my brother was rather sympathetic to me. We have a pretty good relationship honestly despite this. But I still can't look at him the same ever since
That was one of the most brutal first posts I ever remember reading here

Gentle reminder to lurkers that 16 yo girls aren't sexless cute little children but sexually active monsters
She wasn't even 16 she was 15, and had a bf she fucked before him. I remember in that same school nearly everyone lost their virginity at 14-15
One time in that school I was paired w a chad for physics class and he randomly telling me about how he lost his virginity to a 17 yo foid when he was 14
Fucking brutal
People in my middle school already talked about sexual stuff at 13/14 yo and in HS 15 yo ppl were sexually active too :feelsUnreal:
We missed on teenage love boyo :feelsohgod:
Fucking brutal
People in my middle school already talked about sexual stuff at 13/14 yo and in HS 15 yo ppl were sexually active too :feelsUnreal:
We missed on teenage love boyo :feelsohgod:
To me teenage love is in itself too big of a deal, as most of them break up anyway. What makes it important is that most foids lose their virginity then so when you're older it's near impossible to find a virgin foid, but tbh even ran thru ones don't like me so no point in complaining
11-13 pussy becomes more desirable than sweets for boys. When the candy is at arms length it's more tempting.
This hurts because my brother is chad, Dad is chad, My mother was stacy in her youth ive seen her ID card

And me? Genetic Recombination, Im an incel!

I have so many deformities in my face i should fucking swallow SN

Bad vision, Jew nose, ADHD, Brain damage, Etc
I love when GrAYs join and post the most brutal story. Crazy if not LARP.
That was one of the most brutal first posts I ever remember reading here

Gentle reminder to lurkers that 16 yo girls aren't sexless cute little children but sexually active monsters
And we aren't allowed to even allowed to try to go after them thanks to cucked AOC laws and we get called pedophiles just for bringing up reality. To make things even worse most girls end up moving away from their family around 18 so I can't even social networkmaxx to meet a girl of legal age using my mom's social connections as by the time they're legal they've already moved away.
And we aren't allowed to even allowed to try to go after them thanks to cucked AOC laws and we get called pedophiles just for bringing up reality. To make things even worse most girls end up moving away from their family around 18 so I can't even social networkmaxx to meet a girl of legal age using my mom's social connections as by the time they're legal they've already moved away.
Inb4 woke lurkers scream "SHE WAS 17 YEARS 364 DAYS OLD with a bodycount of 20 already but she's a strong wuhmen teehee YOU SICK FUCK"
Fucking brutal bro. Story sounds straight out of some adult Chinese cartoon
I feel you man, my brother height mogs me cause he got my father's height and I got my mom's he isn't interested in girls thankfully so maybe I can ascend before he does. Fucking brutal i hope he doesn't lose his virginity before i do.
My brother is a certified truecel
This is brutal asfuck. I can relate my big bro is a chad
Having a brother that mogs you is pretty annoying. My little brother does and it especially pissed me off when he got a girlfriend when he was fourteen.
It has been a very long time since I've read a post on here that enraged me to this extent.

To call this "brutal" would be an understatement. This is something BEYOND brutal. If I were in your situation, I doubt I could resist the urge to choke the life of him.
Thats some brutal shit op i also have a lil bro but im 8 years older than him, he ascended already had like 2-3 gfs, we both ugly he is just like a point less ugly but i am taller seriously luck plays a role in this shitty situation
it especially pissed me off when he got a girlfriend when he was fourteen.
No wonder ER reacted the way he did when he was told that his younger brother would "Grow up to be handsome."

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