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JFL My brother is an incel



Nov 19, 2017

View: https://old.reddit.com/r/IncelTear/comments/in4otw/for_all_intents_and_purposes_my_brother_is_an/

So her brother is an "incel" (more like low tier normie since he's had a gf and kissed before), does not hate women, has a "good personality", and yet by her own admission he's unlikely to ever have sex (not by his own choice). What happened to personality and attitude? I thought there are millions of 5'2 balding Indian janitors out there who slay pussy because of their good personality(tm). Is she saying her brother will never ascend solely because of his subhuman genes? :blackpill: :feelsthink:
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That "brother" lifemogs me to interstellar space.
Worthless whore and her stupid ass "virgin but not inkel" brother
but aren't incels,incels because they have bad personalities?

Anyway,i hope everything goes well with his brother.Life as an incel is brutal
Chads never know what it’s like to be born an incel and live in a completely different world. Op is obviously implying his brother just get a better personality and glancing over his physical deformities.

Jesus it was over for his brother the day he was born in the words of our lord and saviour saint hamudi
She could never understand her brother and his struggles anyways. She and the rest of her inceltear friends make fun of people like her brother. So at the end of the day, it doesnt matter if he has a toxic personality or not, his life will be brutal. All she is saying is "just accept that you are a failure because of your genes and dont try to be mad about it". The hypocrisy of that subreddit never seizes to amaze me.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/IncelTear/comments/in4otw/for_all_intents_and_purposes_my_brother_is_an/g45p1v4?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

This comment was so dumb I decided to share it

"He has the mental capacity of a 14/15 year old boy despite being in his early/mid twenties." And this is why I call larp. A 14 to 15 yo brain is perfectly capable of doing blue collar work and a lot of men especially thugs dont even have the capacity of an I guess average 14 to 15 years old.

I call larp. The whole story smells fabricated. goes hand in hand with the made up incel stereotype made up by IT: The inkel who never matured beyond 15, is overweight and has an unattractive face, of course also was bullied. Funny how they try to gaslight us into self acceptance and accepting the cards weve been dealt with by using an extreme example.
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They don't know what an Incel really means.
She could never understand her brother and his struggles anyways. She and the rest of her inceltear friends make fun of people like her brother. So at the end of the day, it doesnt matter if he has a toxic personality or not, his life will be brutal. All she is saying is "just accept that you are a failure because of your genes and dont try to be mad about it". The hypocrisy of that subreddit never seizes to amaze me.
Imagine having this whore as a sister telling you you're not entitled to sex and will die alone while she sucks Chad cock every night.
Imagine having this whore as a sister telling you you're not entitled to sex and will die alone while she sucks Chad cock every night.
I really cant imagine. Who can even call that a sister.
Notice how he says his brother looks "abnormal". That's pretty much why he thinks he's an incel.
But what about his amazing personality that should get him women over abusing chads
That fact he has chicks holding his hands meanwhile I'm rotting shows how over it is cause I'm probably still uglier than him. It's over.
But what about his amazing personality that should get him women over abusing chads
Incels: :chad:
Inceltears: :incel:
Just accept that you will never have sex and will die alone bro! Just be a beta sissy low T neutered sissy about it bro!

No, if I cant have it nobody else should, burn it all down
Ngl I would be more sad that I have that disgusting creature as a sister than about my inceldom
If this wasnt posted on IT maybe i would believe. 15 yo have mental capacity of an adult, also if he had girlfriends they wouldnt need to babysit them 24/7, you dont need to babysit a 6yo kids 24/7, he would fucked them for sure.
Having the brain of a 15 year old means you can be fully functioning. When I was in school you could properly finish when you are 15
The bitch wrote a followup jfl:
View: https://old.reddit.com/r/IncelTear/comments/ip69tb/followup_post_my_brother_the_virgin_but_not_incel/

My disabled brother drew the genetic "short straw".
it was literally just shitty genetic luck
He just doesn't have false expectations. He knows his limitations. He is happy just being friends with women because he knows that his disability would be a massive hindrance to any other form of relationship

Straight from the whore's mouth: your genes are everything. If you have inferior genes you should just be happy to never experience love and die alone. Daily reminder that plenty of women date rapists, pedophiles, murderers and drug dealers but can't be expected to love someone with a minor mental handicap :feelsclown:
He isn't a woman-hating asshole about it, however. He definitely isn't blackpilled. That is why I don't count him in the incel ranks.
In other words: sit down, be quit and deal with being incel. Just dont be toxic and go ER, inkwell.
Foids claim that being a passive nice useless lawful incel piece of crap is inherently good, but how is that beneficial for any of us? Incels who dont go ER are scum, much like her worthless brother. Id advice him to kill his sister and kill some other people and have some fun for once in his life.

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